Still Processing 2020
Thinking about how the Danish word for photographic processing "fremkaldelse" feels more akin to "fremmane", meaning "conjuration".
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Solomon and Sheba 1959
the ending was pretty crazy. the mirrors making the egyptians fall into the pit was cool
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The Suitcase of Dreams 1953
Una de las más extraordinarias e insólitas películas que he visto en mucho tiempo. La historia de un amante del cine que se dedica a ir religiosamente a los "mataderos" de películas (donde queman vieja película para recuperar la materia prima) y rescatar de su destrucción las películas silentes que ya nadie quiere ver. Con ellas, crea espectáculos performativos llamados "La valigia dei sogni", donde empalma diferentes fragmentos de películas para crear inmensas historias que él mismo narra.
La grandeza…
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Talking to Strangers 1988
Até o plano final (mesmo esquema do Once More: um plano, uma cena, mas aqui o desafio é muito mais dependente da materialidade do acaso e das circunstâncias de cada momento, a começar pela decisão de filmar tudo com som direto) o Rob Tregenza descobre o elo perdido entre James Gray e Béla Tarr, entre Alexandre Astruc e Michelangelo Antonioni, entre o Dreyer final e Michael Snow, o Rossellini da Pancinor e Sharon Lockhart.
No plano final ele excede tudo…
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Den of Thieves 2: Pantera 2025
Sign of the times: Everyone complaining about exactly this kind of unassuming mid budget genre filmmaking no longer hitting theaters and then (at least in Germany) not showing up for it when it miraculously does for once.
Butler has so much fun with his role and Ice Cube's son projects just the right kind of quiet cool for Butler to play off of. For long stretches, this is a quirky hangout joint more than anything else, with the at first rather routine and weightless euro-glamour heist routines only moving front and center during the expertly staged heist itself.
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These Thousand Hills 1959
It is not really my favorite western, but it is certainly one of the ten I prefer; it is also the best film ever made by a persistently underrated director that I value more highly each day, without denying that his long career is somewhat uneven.
I will not say that it is a masterpiece, but I’m quite sure of thinking that for me it can be no other thing: since the first time I saw it, a very long…
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Blood and Black Lace 1964
Bestialske mord (av! hvor ser det godt ud), mystik og poesi til morgenkaffen. At jeg ikke tidligere har ratet den til fuld plade, er et tegn på uvidenhed. Jeg fristes til at bringe Scorseses herligt provokerende, polemiske citat om Samuel Fuller på bane: “If you dont like the films of Mario Bava, then you just don’t like cinema”.
The Antiquities of Rome 1989
I'm not sure if I created the ideal conditions for watching this film—or perhaps I did. I watched it over the course of a week on my phone during public transportation on my way to work, using AirPods with noise cancellation. The images and sounds of a decaying Rome seamlessly blended with the sights and sounds of my own city, completely immersing me. I also felt like I was experiencing the film in real time. It was as though I…
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The Iron Swordsman 1949
Lively, skillfully mapped out Freda film based on the life of a historical count who makes an appearance in the Divine Comedy; although the clever Steno/Monicelli-script seems to be channeling Shakespeare more than Dante, at least until the acerbic doomsday third act. Might also be the first Freda film that hints towards his later interest in horror. A self-contained morale universe that just happens to be tilted towards violent, senseless death.
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