Nick Wick’s review published on Letterboxd:
This wasn’t as bad as people said.
I mean it’s not good but I can’t deny that I had more fun than I was expecting and would willingly call this a guilty pleasure.
I think the lead three have decent chemistry and all seem like they’re having fun. Iman Vellani being the clear standout since her energy carries over from her show.
Plus her family might be the best comedic relief characters in the MCU.
I also think the dynamic of the power swap led to some fun action scenes.
However there is so much wrong with this movie that it’s hard to ignore.
First off the editing is atrocious. Like despite the ups and downs of the MCU, most of the problems lie with the scripts not the editing, which makes this standout even more.
I bet this movie was supposed to be about 2 hours and 20 minutes and got trimmed down to an hour and forty because the pacing of the film is weird. It doesn’t really have a structure, the movie just kind of starts without any introduction or set up, the villain finds the gauntlet and suddenly the conflict begins. It just feels like there was supposed to be more to this scene but was cut.
The montage of them learning to control the swapping feels to quick and there are smaller moments that just felt jarring. One that stuck out was Ms. Marvel says “O Captain, My Captain” when Captain Marvel does something cool and it pans over to Maria to give a comedic reaction. However it cuts to early so the comedy is removed and it just felt weird. Plus that whole flerken plot point definitely got cut down because it just kind of appears and suddenly becomes a key element of the plot.
Speaking of the villain, this is without a doubt the worst villain the MCU gave us. She is just so uninteresting.
Also I must mention how her scheme is literally the plot of Spaceballs. Like I couldn’t believe that a big budget MCU movie ripped off a Mel Brooks spoof of Star Wars.
I can’t tell which is worse this ripping off Spaceballs or Spectre ripping off Austin Powers.
It’s definitely more fun than the first Captain Marvel but it’s also a complete mess from beginning to end.
Also that post credit scene was kind of neat but I also don’t think it’s going to lead to anything important.
To this films credit, it wasn’t the worst superhero movie of last year.
Hears hoping Deadpool and Wolverine kick the MCU back into high gear.