The story that won't go away.
Follows the investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy led by New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison.
Follows the investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy led by New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison.
Kevin Costner Tommy Lee Jones Gary Oldman Kevin Bacon Michael Rooker Jack Lemmon Laurie Metcalf Sissy Spacek Joe Pesci John Candy Pruitt Taylor Vince Jay O. Sanders Walter Matthau Sally Kirkland Donald Sutherland Ed Asner Brian Doyle-Murray Ray LePere Vincent D'Onofrio Tom Howard Lolita Davidovich Jim Garrison Wayne Knight Gary Grubbs Beata Pozniak Tony Plana John William Galt Ron Jackson Sean Stone Show All…
Bill Daly Michael D. Wilhoit Wylie Stateman Scott Martin Gershin Mark A. Lanza Jay B. Richardson Sandy Berman Tod A. Maitland Joseph Holsen Joseph A. Brennan Gregg Landaker Mark 'Frito' Long Dan O'Connell Greg Orloff
JFK - Affaire non classée, JFK - avoin tapaus, JFK, i istoria pou harahtike sti mnimi mas, John F. Kennedy - Tatort Dallas, JFK: Dzonas F. Kenedis. Suviai Dalase, JFK - saken fortsetter, JFK: Kapanmayan Dosya, J.F.K.: Caso abierto, JFK:1991, JFK - Un caso ancora aperto, JFK - Tatort Dallas, JFK - A nyitott dosszié, 刺杀肯尼迪, JFK: Caso abierto, Џ.Ф.К., Джон Ф. Кеннеди: Выстрелы в Далласе, ג'יי.אף.קיי: תיק פתוח, JFK: A Pergunta Que Não Quer Calar, JFK, Η Ιστορία που Χαράχτηκε στη Μνήμη μας, Джей Еф Кей, Джон Ф. Кеннеді: Постріли в Далласі, รอยเลือดฝังปฐพี, JKF: Caso abierto, Džonas F. Kenedis: Šūviai Dalase, 誰殺了甘迺迪, 驚天大刺殺, J.F.K.
Enough of this Letterboxd bullshit I gotta figure out who killed the goddamn president
"It's a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma! The fuckin' shooters don't even know! Don't you get it?"
An addled paranoia epic crossed with a Frank Capra movie; a quest for truth and justice in a disorganized society. Witnesses, testimonials, recreations, and original footage are thrown into a blender, emerging as a historical essay told through feelings and images, bloodcurdling screams and gunshots. I'm in awe of every facet of the production, so much so that even after two viewings in close succession, I believe I still haven't fully taken in its furry of scrambled emotions. JFK has a capacity for hope which probably doesn't even exist anymore, but by the moment in the film where Jim…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Blown away that a movie that cost this much money and with this many huge stars firing on all cylinders (and with hair and accent work this hilarious) was basically "what if Atticus Finch was around to witness MK ultra or Operation Gladio/Mongoose and it caused his brain to leak from his ears." An experience that Stone and Richardson capture via a masterwork in bombastic, run-on sentence formal construction that merges frantic layers of perspective with breathless, dazzling momentum and a truly disorienting hysteria of information dumps, flashbacks, documents, archival footage, recreations (and fantasy versions of events), aural storytelling monologues from experts and unreliable witnesses in equal measure wrapped together in slo-mo, step-printing, shifting formats, zooms, fancy Steadicam tracking,…
Maybe one too many scenes of Kevin Costner and Sissy Spacek's characters arguing in front of their kids, but when the rest of this 3 hour rabbit-hole is comprised of Oliver Stone in total MKUltra rage mode, with every 90s character actor donning hilariously bad wigs, you simply must submit to its greatness. Enthralling from the first frame to the last.
Joe Pesci being not only good but outstanding as a gay southerner is proof that when it comes to casting, accuracy cannot hold a candle to vibes
The shortest 3 **and a half** hour movie I've ever seen
“The truth is on your side, bubba.”
the definitive american film, as far as i'm concerned; they tell you to fix your nation by voting, then they kill the guy you voted for. at some point you have to realize that the mechanism of the corporate-state has little use for its individual parts -- kennedy was killed because he believed he was bigger than the machine which built him, you're not allowed to do anything without the system's approval. there's millions of invisible boundaries that limit your precious 'freedoms' -- you have the right to be murdered by cops, to have your labor exploited, to be lied to. god bless this beautiful country.
This was one of the first movies where I can remember being aware of some kind of bigger stakes around watching it; my mom and dad disagreed on it pretty strongly, and as they rarely fought about movies - mostly because my dad didn’t care one way or the other - my ears perked right up. Basically, my dad’s issue, as a career broadcast journalist, was that Stone’s truth-to-power theatrics were irrelevant when so much of the information in the movie was simply made up; my mom - not exactly a formalist but someone who was always cognizant of style, and who loves watching certain actors doing their thing - simply exalted in the sheer entertainment value of all that…
"No other object as been misidentified as a flying saucer more often than the planet Venus. Even the former leader of your United States of America, James Earl Carter, Jr., thought he saw a UFO once, but it's been proven that he only saw the planet Venus." -- Jesse "The Body" Ventura, episode 3X20 of The X-Files, "Jose Chung's From Outer Space"
"You got the right ta-ta but the wrong ho-ho." -- John Candy, this movie
is there a bigger cinematic flex than oliver stone making a film this crazily ambitious at the height of his career and having it be 100% perfect?
more convinced than ever that this movie — which is absolutely terrific — is basically responsible for qanon.