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Jarrel Montes’s review published on Letterboxd:
Maximum Madness.
I've held this watch long enough after about a million people telling me how good it is, I finally understand why this was immensely hyped. The whole movie is just a spectacle to watch, I know that most of the shots were practical, but shoutouts to the GFX team too because damn, I couldn't tell the difference because of how well rendered everything was. George Miller doesn't hold back, this man knew he had to take advantage of modern tech and along with his experience from long ago, what we got was a beautiful mix of both worlds. I love how high octane it is from beginning to end, there were barely any quiet moments, and if there were, it would be filled with more tension than anything. The performances were all great, no character felt out of place, Tom Hardy barely had any lines but he really looked like he went through some hell, and the same goes for Charlize. Shoutouts to Nicholas Hoult, Nux was such an interesting character and I hope we learn more about the war boys if there is a sequel.
The main attractions are of course the road battles, sh*t just flies everywhere, explosions left and right, and all delivered with the most creative looking post apocalyptic vehicles ever. The world building aspect is top notch, all the different gangs and affiliations that gets mentioned were interesting to hear, and even just background stuff like the dudes on stilts at the swamps caught some intrigue - like wtf were those. Max's past is also very cryptic with very little explanation, we're left to just put pieces together through his nightmare flashbacks, but I'm sure that was intentional for the next installment.
Overall this was an insane watch, loved it from beginning to end, as a fan of the original movie, this one blew it right out of the park in ensuring the next generation has a dope mad max of their own. WITNESS ME!