AngierCorleone’s review published on Letterboxd:
Hi guys, how’s it going. I have returned from my break and there are some things that I’ve gotta discuss briefly.
I want to thank you all so much for your support and kindness on my previous post because I’m incredibly humbled by it as usual. I also wanna say that I have settled my affairs with Letterboxd and it should be business as usual with some amendments needing doing, I’m extremely grateful to the Letterboxd Team and the main guy I spoke to for helping me with this misunderstanding and things are looking good I should hope.
Now I feel like it’s the time to announce my next review series after the public vote between two studios. So by an almost unexpected surprise landslide victory the winner is Studio Ghibli! I’m very excited about this because I never actually grew up with the studio’s work and I’ve only seen a handful before I start this, so I’m gonna go into these movies completely blind. My apologies to those who voted for Dreamworks, but you have my word that will be the next review series at some point afterwards. I don’t plan to review these in any particular order and I’ll be watching these in the Japanese Dub with English subtitles, that’s just my preference. And of course like last time there will still be other reviews in between all these.
Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for now. I’m really looking to this and I hope you all enjoy my reviews as much as I enjoy watching them. Thanks for your time as always. :)