
Showing posts from February, 2017

Lexi in Soft Focus

February 26, 2017. I pulled out the old FX 'tourist lens' to capture this low light image of Lexi playing with string. Watched a ball game, worked out on the bike, got rid of Postlayer, worked with virtualization, frittered the day away.

Transparent Coin

February 25, 2017. I saw this effect on Imgur and wanted to try it for myself. I thought it worked quite well. Today was mostly spent doing errands and listening to the first ball game of the year.

Carriage and Embassy

February 24, 2017. Presentatin day, which occupied my whole day. This is the trip back. I'm at a light on St. Patrick Street; that's the Chinese Embassy in the background.


February 23, 2017. This is the Nation River just upstream from Casselman during a February thaw. Surprisingly (and stupidly) a number of people were still ice fishing and snowmobiling on the surface. Busy day today; big presentation tomorrow. Accomplishments: - Finished CSPS slides - Finished CSPS paper

Polly Gone

February 22, 2017. Evening watching Jeopardy and looking at Imgur. Yes, I think Polly fell asleep like that. Got a lot done today; tomorrow I'll be making slides.

A Sky Full of Crows

February 21, 2017. A slightly more productive day today than yesterday (which isn't saying much). Went to Costco and on leaving was treated to this - Ottawa's wintering flock of crows, which decided to fly over at exactly that moment.

Mystery Plant

February 19, 2017. Last year I bough begonias for my office. They died during a long road trip, and when I tred to revive them through watering, ths plant grew instead. It looks like some sort of ivy, but it's very pale and really finicky. Anyhow, watered it again, removed the dead leaves, and got a little work done.

Richmond Road

February 19, 2017. We went to Mountain Equipment Co-op to get Andrea new ice-spikes. I also got some pedals for my bicycle. Afternoon was spent mounting my image on AWS - testing did not go well, however.

Jeff Banister

February 18, 2017. I finally unboxed the bobblehead today, obtained last year while attending a ball game in Arlington. Quiet day today spent working in the home office.


February 17, 2017. Arriving home today after a productive week. Worked on interview data in the morning, continued my AWS project in the afternoon, and took a couple CSPS courses (and explored the website) in the evening. Accomplishments: - Completed 'Becoming a Supervisor: The Basics (G312)' - Completed 'Fundamentals of Information Management (I301)'

Pretty Winter Picture

February 16, 2017. I know, it's just an office building - the back of one no less - but when I looked at it in this light and the snw from my office window, my thouht was, "what a pretty winter picture." So I thought I'd share. NRC Administration building, from the back.

Ganesh and Globes

Fenruary 15, 2016. I took a break from interviews today. In the morning I wrote an artile and in the afternoon I worked on my AWS cloud app. Accomplishments: - wrote 'We Are Not Agreed'

Sun Pillar

February 14, 2016. First thing in the morning, from the kitchen window. It's a bit unusual to see this sun pillar - there needs to be just the right concentration of ice crystals in the air. As the saying goes, "red sky in morning, sailor take warning". So I got away from the office a bit early after a day with a few meetings and mor time spent with interview data.

Cloud and Smokestacks

February 13, 2016. Monday. Cold. These are chimneys on the far side of thr NRC building where I work, in the evening. I spent all day working with interview data. That is all.

Taskmaster Buddha

February 12, 2017. On a snowy blustery day I spent the day indoors working on AWS. Thanks to Taskmaster Buddha, who kept me at it, I succeeded in getting a version of my site running on the cloud. Once I'm happy with it I'll see how cloning it goes, and then I can spawn a whole bunch of mini-cMOOC sites people can use. Among other things. Taskmaster Buddha is another acquisition from the auction a few weeks back.

Cat in a Box

February 11, 2017. Costco in the morning and then I spent the afternoon configuring a Linux image on AWS. I dd it wrng and have to start over, but I'm learning tons.

Cat in a Box

February 11, 2017. Costco in the morning and then I spent the afternoon configuring a Linux image on AWS. I dd it wrng and have to start over, but I'm learning tons.

The Banality of Science

February 10, 2017. Put in a full day at the office working with nterview data (I have several more days like this ahead). As I went to get a coffee I noticed th pale picture and clock on the break room and reflected on the cintrast between the high tech in the other rooms and the bnal simplicity of the facilities we use. Let the executives have the wood-panel office and fancy desks. This is where the people who do the real work live.


February 9, 2017. Into the doctor's office today for a check-up, even though I was sick. It turns out I'm going to live after all. Didn't get much done in the afternoon. These are light switches on the kitchen wall. Yeah, thata kind of day for a photo.


February 8, 2017. I really like the composition of this photo of Alex though the depth-of-field is a bit off. Spent all day indoors today, doing interviews in the morning and some work with Virtual Box in the afternnon. Miserable cold all day. I have a long-scheduled doctor's appointment tomorrow but am wondering whether i should go see the doctor while I'm sick. Heh.


February 7, 2017. I spent another day at CSPS doing interviews. This is their cafeteria in the morning, before I started. Home before the snow and ice and freezing rain this evening.


February 6, 2017. Spent the day doing interviews at the School of Public Service as part of ongoing research. Also snuck in a few minutes working on a custom Vagrant box. This is a close-up of some cedars outside the front door entrance.

Snow Squall

February 5, 2017. Did a Costco run and ran into a snow squall at exit 88 on the highway while filling up. The rest of the day I messed around with bagrant and VirtualBox some more.


February 4, 2017. The home office is progressing, slowly yes, but progressing. My $12 art is on the walls, a new wood backboard on the desk, plant is being coaxed back to life, and my network drives are nicely arranged and working. Still a big mess to clean up, though. Bt by bit, though. The green walls, wood tones, and great view outside already make it a really comfortable place to work.

Secretary Desk

February 3, 2017. This is the centrepiece of our auction purchases last week, and we only brought it home ast night. I spent the day catching up on three days of missed work while Andrea took care of the new piece of furniture.

Skating on the Canal

February 3, 2017. Another day downtown evaluating bids. I wasn't skating on the canal at lunchtime but I did walk along it (very carefully) to have a beavertail and take some photos. Accomplishments: - with my partner, completed evaluations of six proposals over the three days


February 1, 2017. Still working downtown so I walked down to the canal at lunch time, but the skating wasn't open (and so, alas, no Beaver Tails). Walked under the Welington Avenue bridge and took this photo of the canal descending through the locks to the Ottawa river.


January 31, 2017. I'm working downtown today evaluating funding proposals, so I took the opportunity over lunch to walk to Parliament Hill to see any aftermath of the vigil for those murdered in Quebec City, but there was nothing but one lone anti-abortion protester oblivious to his role in fostering the sort of tragedy we witnessed yesterday. At least the flag was flying at half-mast.