Released in Japan during the period starting from the fourth week of February 2020 to the third week of October 2020.
Main Story[]
- And so the Adventure Begins!
- この冒険の始まりにファンファーレを!
Going through a quick flashback of how he first met Aqua as well as brought her along when reincarnating to this world, Kazuma out on the grasslands tells Megumin and Darkness of him finally understanding her value now that she is dead. Aqua though frantically denies her demise from the mouth of the Giant Toad slowly swallowing her, and pleads for rescue by the others. Her party members however only make snide comments on her getting what she asked for when attracting monsters to them, before eventually advancing to save Aqua, who teaches them a tutorial on fighting battles.
Chapter 1[]
- An Adventure with This New Party!
- この新たなる仲間と冒険を!
Kazuma and Aqua have returned to their labor job, trying to pay off a recent debt. Aqua being an exemplary employee as usual, gains them a raise and the two have a celebratory feast. They talk about how well their jobs have been going and what tomorrow's work will bring, when Kazuma has a feeling that they are making a huge mistake, coming to his senses. Its not until he reminds Aqua of their mission to defeat the Devil King that she comes to her senses as well. Kazuma thinks back a few days, to the event that brought the gang's peaceful, lazy lives to an abrupt end.
Currently in a safe and stable situation Kazuma and Aqua lay about the mansion, refusing to take on any quests. Megumin and Darkness try to convince them otherwise but the two won't budge. Suddenly, the city emergency alarm sounds and Megumin forces Kazuma off the couch to help. At Axel's front gate, Kazuma is surprised to find a horde of Cabbages during the Spring time. Aqua informs him they are Spring Cabbages, planted in Autumn and harvested in Spring. Hearing that the performers carriage hasn't arrived yet, the gang head out into the Spring Cabbage horde to search for them. Finding the carriage, the driver informs them that the passengers, a dancing trio, have already left, but he is worried about their luggage. Kazuma has Darkness lure the Spring Cabbages away while he helps the driver out of the carriage. Now that the Cabbages are grouped up, Kazuma gives Megumin the order to fire off her explosion, avoiding the carriage. She successfully blows the Cabbages to bits but, despite Kazuma's warning, the carriage is also caught in the blast. Confronting Megumin, she simply states to Kazuma that "Crimson Demons don't know the meaning of the word restraint." Apologizing to the driver, Kazuma looks on the bright side that at least nobody got hurt. Come to find out, the carriage wasn't only carrying the luggage of a dancing group but also a noble's gift, of which the dancers were acting as its courier. Putting Kazuma 450 million Eris in debt. Aqua suggests taking on a high-difficulty quest, to which Kazuma agrees but they'll need more party members before taking on such a quest.
Having overheard the conversation, a trio of girls come running over wishing to join Kazuma's party. They introduce themselves as dancers by the names of Cielo, Lia, and Erika. Something about them reminds Kazuma of Japan. Just as Aqua begins to compliment the girls on how cute they are, Erika explodes with excitement at the praise, wishing to be called even cuter. Kazuma notes how crazy she goes over the word "cute", deciding to keep his distance. In no need of three dancers, Kazuma rejects their offer to join the party, wishing for advanced job classes instead. Lia informs Kazuma that dancing is only their profession. All three dancers have experience as adventurers too: Lia is a lancer, Erika is a ranger, and Cielo is an arch-priest. Still not convinced, and Aqua not wanting to be replaced by another arch-priest, they reject the dancers offer once again and leave. Erika becomes annoyed that a lowly adventurer would reject them, Cielo is worried that no other parties are recruiting, and Lia refuses to give up, thinking of an idea. Walking through the streets of Axel, Kazuma feels bad for the girls but believes they would be better off in someone like Dust's party, when a voice cries out nearby. It's Erika, crying on the side of the street about being too cute for a high-difficulty quest. Lia approaches her, saying that she will accompany Erika and that she won first place in a tournament with her spear. Next is Cielo, who agrees to go too, making a point that despite being an arch-priest she also knows martial arts. Erika, tears gone from her face, states how with such skilled fighters they could take on a dragon and that if you act now, the cute Erika will accompany you too. Kazuma and Aqua quickly walk past the theatrics as the girls stare directly at them. Having failed again, Erika decides to take the lead. The next day Kazuma receives a package, inside is a pair of women's stockings, along with a letter! It reads: "Consider this an advance. I'll give you something even better once we join your party. From, the ever adorable Erika." Catching Kazuma staring at women's stockings, Darkness accuses him of stealing them and Megumin believes him to be an even greater pervert then she thought. Kazuma promptly leaves to find the dancers, smacking Erika in the head once he does. Cielo apologizes for any trouble Erika caused, saying that they were desperate. However, Kazuma won't excuse their behavior, refusing to let anyone so senseless join the party. The dancers proceed to tell Kazuma about how the carriage with all their belongings was destroyed by someone's magic during the Cabbage attack. They need the money from a high-difficulty quest to pay for new costumes and rent a stage. Shutting Aqua up before she reveals their involvement in the event, Kazuma accepts the dancers offer, agreeing to a trial-quest before the dancers officially join the party.
On their way to the trial-quest, Erika complains about being too good for a trial run. Cielo scolds Erika, but Megumin and Darkness don't mind and are just excited to finally be going on a quest. Dust spots Kazuma speaking with three cute girls, thinking he is trying to seduce some new ladies without him. After Kazuma denies Dust's scumbag accusations, Dust begins to bring up the accident that happened the other day. Kazuma screams and quickly rushes everyone on to the trial-quest. Though Lia was a little curious about what Dust meant. Venturing through a dungeon in search of adamantite ore, Erika cutely asks if they can take yet another break. Kazuma refuses, saying acting cute won't help her. Upon hearing herself called cute, Erika's attitude immediately changes, asking Kazuma if he will say it again if she tries her best. Megumin proceeds to get in an argument with Erika over whether being cute or being cool is better. Engrossed in their fight, Erika steps on a trap, catching all three dancers and Megumin in a net. As the ropes dig into their skin, Darkness imagines how amazing it must feel, Aqua gives a pep talk to try and show off for Cielo, and Kazuma ogles the up-skirt view, learning that good things can come from having dancers in your party.
Continuing through the dungeon, Cielo spots another piece of adamantite ore, completeing the trial-quest. Kazuma notes how easily the dancers handled the monsters and apologizes for making the dancers go through a test run. Shaking Lia's hand Kazuma hopes the dancers will continue to go on quests with them. Darkness asks Lia about where she learned to wield a spear and was excited to learn she was self-taught as she had no answer. Realizing these dancers are actually useful, unlike certain other party members, Kazuma approaches Cielo and Erika to shake their hands and seal the deal, starting with Cielo. Lia tries to stop Kazuma but is too late as Cielo screams and punches Kazuma into the dungeon wall. Lia apologizes and explains that Cielo is afraid of men, so she'll reflexively attack if you try to touch her. Dusting himself off, Kazuma finds a pretty uncut alexandrite in the wall. It is a stone loved by nobles for jewelry and one of the size Kazuma found can easily go for 4 million Eris. Kazuma, self-centered as always, refuses to share the gems reward, since he found it after the quest was finished. Megumin wonders if they could find more alexandrite but Lia turns it down as if it was that easy other adventurers would have already found it. With that Kazuma decides to call it a day and claim the quest reward, but Lia notices Erika is missing. Nearby they hear a monster rawr and Erika scream for help.
Running to Erika's rescue, the party takes out the Beginner's Bane. As Kazuma asks if Erika is okay, Lia slaps her, calling her an idiot and asking why she would run off on her own. Erika explains how she wanted more alexandrite, as 4 million Eris would be enough for them to put on a show for all their fans. Lia agrees but is more concerned about Erika's life and how she would never see her parents again if she died. Aqua notices something deeper about Erika situation and pry's further. Cielo explains how Erika was raised in an orphanage and has never met her parents. She thinks that if she is cute enough then her parents will come for her, so she became a dancer. Erika apologized while sobbing into Lia's chest. Now that everyone had made up, Kazuma goes to shake their hands, forgetting about Cielo's fear and getting punched yet again. Back in Axel, Kazuma decided to split the uncut alexandrite along with the quest reward. Lia, Erika, and Cielo used their reward to make new costumes and rent a small theater. On the day of the show, the gang is surprised to see a large crowd form for the dancers, and Kazuma feels this is similar to something he's seen on TV. Coming out on stage the dancers introduce themselves as Axel Hearts and perform their first song Bright Show! Darkness enjoys how much more lively the music is than traditional court music. Meanwhile, Kazuma finally figures out the three girls have been reminding him of idols. Realizing the money making potential at his finger tips, Kazuma makes up his mind to become their producer and finally pay off his debts. Nearby the Tough Guy seeing Kazuma set out on a new path, believes he has just witnessed the birth of a new legend.
Chapter 2[]
- A New Deal for These Dancers!
- この癖のある踊り子達で商売を!
Chapter 3[]
- A Break-in at This Impregnable Vault!
- この厳戒な金庫に侵入を!
Chapter 4[]
- Selling Vegetables for These Two Beastmen!
- この獣人達と野菜売りを!
Chapter 5[]
- Join This Prestigious Dance Contest!
- この踊り子コンテストに出場を!
Chapter 6[]
- Attack the Troll Lord's Castle!
- このトロールロードの城に侵入を!
Chapter 7[]
- Exploration in This Land of Snow!
- この一面の銀世界で探索を!
Chapter 8[]
- A Swift Escape from This Predicament!
- この窮地に救いの一手を!
Chapter 9[]
- A Final Battle for This Newbie Town!
- この駆け出し冒険者の街で決戦を!
Chapter 10[]
- A Grand Finale for This Contest!
- このコンテストに大団円を!
- Gratitude for This Wonderful Person!
- この素晴らしい功労者に労いを!
- A Goddess for This Corrupt Hot Spring Town!
An abridged retelling of Episode 7 to Episode 10 from the main television anime's second season. - Lovely Hot Springs Part 1
Kazuma goes taking a dip in the mixed-bathing hot springs, when he hears Aqua and Darkness entering the neighbouring women baths. As the girls gossip about topics from Aqua's purifying properties to the big breasts of Darkness, they grow wary of Kazuma possibly eavesdropping on them through the wall. Kazuma though defies their expectations by getting out to peak through the gaps in the wall, only to play right into the girls' ploy when Aqua Creates Water to douse him, resulting in Kazuma getting a cold the next day. - Troll Attack! Snowy Mountain Panic
Kazuma and party travel to the snow-capped mountains to check on his latest money making scheme. Working with the mountaintop resort manager, Kazuma has created skis and snowboards for the customers, and has been making bank off his cut of the rental fees. As Megumin, Darkness, and Aqua marvel over skiers riding down the mountain, Erika, who came along, is practicing falling over cutely in skis. Megumin throws a snowball to knock the cute off Erika's face and Erika, in retaliation, throws a snowball at Darkness, who loves the chill of the snowball, and a snowball fight ensues. Suddenly a pack of Trolls riding sleds appear charging at the skiers, so Kazuma and party jump to action.
Once all the skiers have escaped to the bottom of the slope, Kazuma orders Megumin to blast the Trolls away. However, the Explosion melts all of the snow on the mountaintop, ruining Erika's plans to fall cutely, Darkness's snowball foreplay, and Kazuma's money making scheme, landing him in more debt. - Last Snow Day of Winter
Dust speeds down the skiing slopes on a sled despite Rin telling him to slow down, since he wanted to show off his skills in order to hit on girls. He ends up somewhere in a restricted area far from the mountain resort in the middle of a blizzard, and gets smacked by Rin who had gone after him. To her surprise, Dust begins to apologise for the troubles he caused her, though she smacks him again when it turns out he is simply asking to borrow money. With Dust still harassing her as the snow stops falling, Rin knocks him out before dumping the worthless man onto the sled and dragging him back. - God's Blessing on Arue's Birthday! (2020)
Yunyun is shocked to hear Arue shouting out how she is actually the extradimensional being Stargnoc, who was sealed by the eyepatch inside Arue's body but has now taken over it. Megumin proceeds to elucidate how that God of Destruction can burn the world in seven days, while Arue declares a sacrifice of blood for celebrating her manifestation. Aqua though wonders about that god she had never heard of, followed by Kazuma pointing out how "Stargnoc" is the reverse of "congrats", so Megumin and Yunyun confess of them reciting the dialogue at Arue's request for celebrating her birthday. As Darkness comments on the setting's design, the Crimson Demons continue their birthday present charade with Megumin being torn between saving her friend or the world, which makes Kazuma and Aqua quite amused. - God's Blessing on the Order of Axis!
Cecily prays in the church of her order for more conversions and fulfillment of her own desires, but is then approached by a little girl Axis Follower who tells her that the Axis Order has become the state religion. On the streets where flags of the Axis Order and statues of Lady Aqua are everywhere, Yunyun, Arue, Luna, Chris, Darkness, Iris, and Mitsurugi all speak in adoration of the Axis Order, while at the Guild Dust, Rin, Melissa, Mia, and Amy indulge in their desires according to Axis teachings, whereas Wiz at her shop solicits Axis products as Axel Hearts sings in praise of Axis. Unable to believe her eyes, Cecily is joined by Kazuma and Megumin who express devotion to Aqua, so wishing to celebrate with a toast of Gelatinous Slime, she leads the three of them on a hunt for the Slime after Aqua lifted the hunting ban on it.
The Priest following the hunt enjoys various flavours of Gelatinous Slime at Aqua's mansion while being pampered by Mitsurugi and Megumin, and as the others cheer the Axis Order, the overjoyed Cecily is grateful for the blessings from Lady Aqua. She however is subsequently wakened from her sleep at the church by the little girl who informs her about Gelatinous Slime being protected from hunting, and a frantic trip to the Guild where Megumin was as usual bickering with her party makes Cecily realise that she had been dreaming about them and the world converting to the Axis faith. The depressed Priest later staggers along the streetside, but cheers up upon meeting the little girl follower, with whom Cecily steps up the conversion efforts in order to make the Axis Order really become the state religion, despite their endeavours actually worsening its image. - God's Blessing on This Wonderful Work of Art!
Soon after Kazuma's party and Wiz returned from Arcanletia in the main television anime's second season, Darkness invites the shopkeeper to the mansion for the girls to celebrate their victory over Hans, though Megumin is still precluded from drinking bubbly while Aqua soon falls asleep on the couch. Yunyun who was also invited despite Megumin's misgivings then suggests for holding a pajama party, much to the delight of Kazuma.
Later that night as the four awaken girls in their pajamas hold the party in Megumin's room, Kazuma strides in asking to join only for Megumin to refuse out of him harbouring impure intentions. The piqued Kazuma thus proclaims that fans of him who had vanquished many powerful enemies will soon show up, but is instead mocked as being delusional, prompting him to angrily run off determined to make himself look like a striking man.
Sitting afterwards in the Guild in a cool pose, Kazuma hears other adventurers talking about his party having defeated another Devil King's General, yet an attempt at ordering food and drink in the style of a veteran adventurer ends up getting himself laughed at by the waitress and those very same adventurers.
The remainder of the story is an abridged retelling of the OVA from the main television anime's second season. - Super FUN! Pajama Party
During the pajama party, Megumin and Wiz vent their frustrations about Kazuma and Vanir, until Yunyun who has been watching them expresses her opinion of them all acting like friends. Wiz and Megumin then surprise the loner by confirming that they are really friends, before overjoying Yunyun by promising to go on a trip with her. Yet she is accordingly woken up by Megumin, and discovers how she had actually been dreaming after falling asleep in the living room after dinner last night and missing the pajama party. With her rival refusing to hold another pajama party, Yunyun tearfully runs away, making Megumin wonder if she had won some kind of contest again. - God's Blessing on Darkness's Birthday! (2020)
For celebrating her birthday, Darkness against her party members' dissuasions asked to have a hibernating Giant Toad wakened via an Explosion, so she can experience becoming all slimy just like Aqua and Megumin whom she envied had experienced. The Crusader subsequent to Kazuma calling her real name got blissfully swallowed, much to the disturbed speechlessness of the others who were tasked with rescuing her afterwards. - Troll Attack! Dancing Warrior Photo Shoot
トロール襲来!~戦う踊り子撮影会~ - Glamorous Casino Bunny Part 1
ゴージャスカジノのバニー - Bounty Hunt! Midlevel Bane
賞金首討伐!~中級者殺し編~ - Glamorous Casino Bunny Part 2
ゴージャスカジノのバニー Part 2 - God's Blessing on Mia's Birthday! (2020)
ミーアの誕生日に祝福を!(2020年) - A Play for This Crimson Demon Author
この紅魔の作家と演劇を! - Role Playing! Heroic Party
なりきり!勇者パーティー - Troll Attack! Thief Hunting
トロール襲来!~泥棒ハンティング~ - Manic Mansion! Maid Part 1
お屋敷パニック!メイド - God's Blessing on Erika's Birthday! (2020)
エーリカの誕生日に祝福を!(2020年) - Bounty Hunt! Deadly Bunny
賞金首討伐!~一撃必殺うさぎ編~ - Manic Mansion! Maid Part 2
お屋敷パニック!メイド Part 2 - God's Blessing on Mitsurugi's Birthday! (2020)
ミツルギの誕生日に祝福を!(2020年) - God's Blessing on Kazuma's Birthday! (2020)
カズマの誕生日に祝福を!(2020年) - Crimson Legend
紅伝説 - Crimson Magic Academy
紅の魔法学園 - Troll Attack! A Suspicious Request
トロール襲来!~疑惑の依頼書~ - Shining Future! Axel Hearts Part 1
輝く未来へ!アクセルハーツ - Bounty Hunt! Great Wizard
賞金首討伐!~大魔法使い編~ - Shining Future! Axel Hearts Part 2
輝く未来へ!アクセルハーツ Part 2 - God's Blessing on Lia's Birthday! (2020)
リアの誕生日に祝福を!(2020年) - A Ball at This Kingdom's Castle
この王国のお城で舞踏会を! - Shall We Dance?
豪華絢爛!シャルウィダンス - Troll Attack! The Beautiful Priestess of the Shore
トロール襲来!~渚の美人プリースト~ - Sparkling Summer! Swimsuit Part 1
輝くサマー!水着バカンス - Bounty Hunt! Flame Kraken
賞金首討伐!~フレイムクラーケン編~ - Sparkling Summer! Swimsuit Part 2
輝くサマー!水着バカンス Part 2 - God's Blessing on Aqua's Birthday! (2020)
アクアの誕生日に祝福を!(2020年) - Collecting on This Summer Beach!
この真夏のビーチで採集を! - Exciting Swimsuit Adventure
ドキドキ!水着で大冒険 - Troll Attack! The Princess's Desert Tour
トロール襲来!~王女様と砂漠ツアー~ - Starry Arabian Nights Part 1
煌めくアラビアンナイト - Bounty Hunt! Great Wyvern
賞金首討伐!~グレイトワイバーン編~ - Starry Arabian Nights Part 2
煌めくアラビアンナイト Part 2 - A Cafe for This Troubled Axis Follower!
この悩めるアクシズ教徒と喫茶店を! - Half Anniversary Beautiful Waitress
千客万来!美人ウェイトレス - God's Blessing on Iris's Birthday! (2020)
アイリスの誕生日に祝福を!(2020年) - Giant Toad Attack! My Calling
ジャイアントトード襲来!~あたしの天職~ - Ninja Transformation! Part 1
華麗に変身!忍者 - Bounty Hunt! Instakill Bear
賞金首討伐!~一撃瞬殺熊編~ - Ninja Transformation! Part 2
華麗に変身!忍者 Part 2 - God's Blessing on Dust's Birthday! (2020)
ダストの誕生日に祝福を!(2020年) - At Home with These Pumpkins!
この恐ろしいカボチャに手料理を! - Adorable Trick or Treat
可憐なトリックオアトリート - God's Blessing on Rin's Birthday! (2020)
リーンの誕生日に祝福を!(2020年) - Blood Fang Attack! A Knights Duty
ブラッドファング襲来!~女騎士の本分~ - Mighty Martial Arts Girls Part 1
燃えよ!拳法ガール - Elite Bounty Hunt! Midlevel Bane
賞金首討伐!~中級者殺し編~ - Mighty Martial Arts Girls Part 2
燃えよ!拳法ガール Part 2