Kenshi Wiki

Sho-Battai is a Major Town located in the middle of The Great Desert region. This town is presided over by the noble Lord Nagata. Its economy relies solely on the supplies from Port North. It can be discovered by travelling near or by acquiring and reading the Map of the United Cities (Central Territories) or Map of the United Cities (Extended Territories).

At the 'backyard' of this town, a unique Sho-Battai-variant Headgear Shop can be found, alongside 2 power stations and several camp beds. The latter are most likely slums for the homeless to sleep constructed by the government or peasants themselves. This town is noteworthy for both the only Headgear shop in the entire UC, and a Thieves Guild where the player could buy some sneaky equipments.

Some unique companions who spawn in this town are Riddly, Jewel and Izumi which can be often found in one of the bars or the bakery. Checking by the outhouses might yield another unique recruit - Ells.

There is always at least one squad of United Heroes League members set to spawn here, and may harass your non-human squad if seen by them.

You can start the game in Sho-Battai with the "Empire Citizen" game start. The "Rock Bottom" game start has you spawning in the desert east of the city.

Buildings and Shops[]

Buildings for Sale[]

Town overrides[]

Sho-Battai can be affected by a few World States.


  • Sho-Battai is the only town that can be found in both extended and central territory maps of UC.
  • Like with most other "Prosperous" town overrides in FCS, the name seems to be misleading. The town appears to have an even lower quality of life than before the override. The title "Prosperous" may simply be relative to other Town Overrides that can happen to this town.