Kenshi Wiki

Pack Bulls are animals which can be found following Trade Caravans in Kenshi. There are other types of Bulls, including Domesticated Bulls found on Holy Farms, and Wild Bulls which can be found in free roaming groups.

Pack Bulls have on average, a few extra combat skill levels when compared to Wild or Domesticated Bulls. However, Pack Bulls spawn with a Bull Backpack, which slightly nerfs their combat abilities (-4) just about back to the natural level of other bulls. The backpack enables them to carry trade goods in stacks of up to 5, making them valuable partners for trade runs or simply hauling loot back from expeditions. Unlike Garru backpacks, the bull backpack does not have a built-in lantern. This makes the Pack Bull capable of sneaking quite well even with a load of goods, if it is trained to do so.

Unlike Domesticated Bulls, Pack Bulls are allowed to keep their horns, which gives them a damage advantage in combat, with MUCH more cutting damage compared to their hornless comrades. They can perform a heavy charge attack capable of doing immense damage. The Pack Bull is thus a powerful addition to a squad for both hauling and fighting purposes. As with all animals, bandits may kill your bull if they loot its meat, so if you allow your bull to fight be sure to protect it if it is downed.


Attributes Level
Melee Attack 25
Melee Defence 25
Strength 25
Dexterity 25
Toughness 25
Martial Arts 2.5
Athletics 25
Stats randomize by 3
Teen (0.40x) 16 days
Adult (0.60x) 24 days
Elder (1.10x) 44 days

The Statistics here are taken from FCS. Players should be aware that animal characters level up as they grow, and may be stronger or weaker depending on their current age.
Death Items
Removing these items from the creature will kill it instantly.

Item Quantity Average Price
Animal Horn
Animal Horn 2 150
Animal Skin
Animal Skin 4 240
Raw Meat
Raw Meat 10 60

 Health Statistics[]

  • Hunger rate: 2
  • Vision Range mult: 1
  • Blood: 153-259
  • Bleed rate: 1
  • Heal rate: 2
  • Extra attack slots: 1
  • Self healing = True


  • Speed: 8.948 - 30.53505 mph
  • Combat Move Speed Mult: 0.6
  • Pathfind Footprint Radius : 7


Body Part Total Health Chance of Hitting
Head 90-211 100
Chest 90-211 100
Stomach 90-211 100
Right Foreleg 45-105.5 100
Left Foreleg 45-105.5 100
Right Leg 45-105.5 20
Left Leg 45-105.5 20

Damage Calculations[]

These values are for when striking a target with 0% damage resistance. Animals can have one of three qualities for their "weapon". (Moving their position in a squad, saving and then reloading can change to another quality of the weapon) The 23 in the cut calculation is from the minimum cut damage (13) combined with 10 piercing damage which Pack Bulls have.

Variant 1

Cut = 23 + 0.8774025 (Martial Arts + Dex)

Blunt = Martial Arts (0.039) + Strength (0.117)

Variant 2

Cut = 23 + 0.89232 (Martial Arts + Dex)

Blunt = Martial Arts (0.052) + Strength (0.156)

Variant 3

Cut = 23 + 0.9072375 (Martial Arts + Dex)

Blunt = Martial Arts (0.065) + Strength (0.195)



Spawn Groups[]

Other Locations[]
