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Domesticated Bulls are tamed animals that can be used for transporting goods over long distances in the large bags which they can carry on their backs. There are other types of Bulls, including Wild Bulls which can be found in roaming groups, and Pack Bulls which can be found in Trade Caravans. The primary difference of Domesticated Bulls is their stubby horns, apparently cut off at a young age.

Domesticated Bulls can be purchased from Holy Farm Leaders found at any Holy Farm. Unlike in the real world, both males and females are referred to as "bulls."

Domesticated Bulls have a 1.2 strength multiplier, but their cut horns mean they deal somewhat less damage overall, with a higher proportion of it being blunt. Additionally, they have less health on their head and heal more slowly when compared to the other bull types. They are clearly specialized by the Holy Nation as beasts of burden rather than battle, with their strength bonus and pathetic damage scaling. They still retain the signature bull charge attack so they can still hold their own against groups of weak opponents.


Attributes Level
Melee Attack 20
Melee Defence 20
Strength 24
Dexterity 20
Toughness 20
Martial Arts 2
Athletics 20
Stats randomize by 3
Teen (0.40x) 16 days
Adult (0.60x) 24 days
Elder (1.10x) 44 days

The Statistics here are taken from FCS. Players should be aware that animal characters level up as they grow, and may be stronger or weaker depending on their current age.

 Health Statistics[]

  • Hunger rate: 2
  • Vision Range mult: 1
  • Blood: 131-206
  • Bleed rate: 1
  • Heal rate: 1.5
  • Extra attack slots: 1


  • Speed: 6.711 mph - 14.0931 mph (Determined by age. At 0 age they will move at 6.711 mph, at Elder they move at 14.0931 mph)
  • Combat Move Speed Mult: 0.6
  • Pathfind Footprint Radius : 7


Body Part Total Health Chance of Hitting
Head 45-105.5 100
Chest 90-211 100
Stomach 90-211 100
Right Foreleg 45-105.5 100
Left Foreleg 45-105.5 100
Right Leg 45-105.5 20
Left Leg 45-105.5 20
Death Items
Removing these items from the creature will kill it instantly.

Item Quantity Average Price
Animal Skin
Animal Skin 4 240
Raw Meat
Raw Meat 20 60

Damage Calculations[]

These values are for when striking a target with 0% damage resistance. Animals can have one of three qualities for their "weapon". (Moving their position in a squad, saving and then reloading can change to another quality of the weapon) Their "weapon" provides them with 9.2 cut damage as well as 13 blunt damage which is unaffected by stats.

Variant 1

Cut = 9.2 + 0.35875 (Martial Arts + Dexterity)

Blunt = 13 + Martial Arts (0.0234) + Strength (0.0.0702)

Variant 2

Cut = 9.2 + 0.3659 (Martial Arts + Dexterity)

Blunt = 13 + Martial Arts (0.0312) + Strength (0.0936)

Variant 3

Cut = 9.2 + 0.37305 (Martial Arts + Dexterity)

Blunt = 13 + Martial Arts (0.039) + Strength (0.117)



Spawn Groups[]

Other Locations[]
