Sep. 23rd, 2018

karlht: Mu the giggling dragon, as drawn by Max Toth in 1992-ish (Default)
This week's update post brought to you by London Bankside at a crisp 5 degrees Celsius.

Man, this whole trip may have been worth it for just this morning's walk. I got a couple of photos, but they don't do justice to the autumn in the air. The Thames is quiet and moody, and the city of London just waking up is an extraordinary thing, usual English reticence defied by the camaraderie of people out walking before anyone with any sense has gotten out of bed. And that's to say nothing of the mad English runners, who are very much like their French counterparts, but will even manage a smile and a "Morning!" if greeted with same.

This week is going to be flled with meetings I don't want to attend and listening to decisions that I really don't have a lot of choice in. So it's good to grab the human moments where I can.

The hotel is Euro-trashy in a different way from the ibis I stayed in at MozFest last year. Not without its charm, but I'm betting I'll have had enough of the cozy-cheap!-Euro-modern vibe by the time I go home again. The co-working space that Moz UK uses for an office is literally right around the corner, so I'm going to have to go to some effort to get the daily steps in.

Speaking of steps, this past week marked a slight uptick, but travel completely obliterated a day and a half's worth of walking. So I'm not back to 10k steps/day yet. But I'm going to try to make up in scenery what I'm missing in mileage.

I expected to set off the metal detector at SFO; I did not. No explanations to give there. I did not expect to feel exactly where the stents are in my chest when the plane from Toronto to London took off; that's new.

Onward, ever onward. Take care of yourselves (and each other, of course) out there.

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