Week four

Jul. 22nd, 2018 08:49 pm
karlht: Mu the giggling dragon, as drawn by Max Toth in 1992-ish (Default)
[personal profile] karlht
Another 10k/day week. Weekly summary says I passed 60km this week. Not quite 75k steps for the whole week.

Blood sugars continue to be well-controlled -- I went both over and under targets this week, but in each case was able to get back to the target range by the next measurement. I'm measuring when I get up in the morning and just before dinner, every day.

I do much better on days when I can get a couple of thousand steps in before noon. I have to be careful not to overdo it, though, because doing 6k steps before noon makes me want to nap all afternoon.

Therapy on Tuesday went all right: this fellow is very much focused on getting my meds and my eating and exercise habits in place. At my follow-up in a month, I will see if he can put me in touch with a grief counsellor to deal with some of the underlying issues, which I've basically been swallowing for the past six years.

Moving still feels good. I'm still in a position where many of my support crew have at least as much going on as I do, so we all do what we can, and try to hold on together. I wish the world would let up on us for a while, but that looks pretty unlikely.

Folks at work continue to be pretty wonderful. I'm cleared for travel this autumn, but again, I need to not overdo it. But it looks like there will be one trans-Atlantic round-trip this year. Whether it will be in September or October is still up in the air.

Working remotely from a very hot part of California early this week; we'll see if I can keep up the walking without my beloved fog dragons. Seriously, it's positively luxurious walking in the fog during the day. Perfect temperature, and I don't even mind sweating.

Wish me luck, and good numbers. I'm very fond of all of you.

(no subject)

Date: 2018-07-23 04:14 am (UTC)
waya: Cirque des Cercles (Cirque)
From: [personal profile] waya
Sweet dragon, you need to be around for several more decades yet.

(no subject)

Date: 2018-07-23 08:53 pm (UTC)
fufaraw: umbrella dance (Rain)
From: [personal profile] fufaraw
Fondness returned, manyfold.

Dragons? How come *I* don't get dragons!?!
Edited Date: 2018-07-23 08:55 pm (UTC)

(no subject)

Date: 2018-07-24 03:59 am (UTC)
cofax7: climbing on an abbey wall  (Default)
From: [personal profile] cofax7
Fog dragons would be lovely. Me, I make up for it by walking/running early in the morning, or (on the weekends) in the redwoods. We manage.

Good on you for all the mileage!

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