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A member registered Mar 30, 2019 · View creator page →

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Very nice, i think you can save a few seconds towards the end by clipping out trough the small window before triggering the cutscene?

Thank you 👍

hello, thanks for the offer but i don't have any intention for music and i have no idea how to use them in my game, always used ambiances and no idea how music would work, sorry

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Hello there, sorry for being late again, gonna blame it on Itchio being down like a true gamedev i am and not on being lazy 👍

First of, i made a shadow dude, it's glitchy/noisy looking, doesn't really fit the story BUT still better than just having a fresnel effect, that seems too simple for me.

And i've been continuing the story, i skipped a big chunk of ingame work because that's what i got stuck on initially so instead of being stuck forever i just skipped it (the code is written in a way that i can just add to it easily, so not huge loss), added a lots of spoop events, still a few left, easily at 10-25% in gameplay... i hope.

So yeah, skipping the in game work was a great decision, yes i will have to go back but oh well, a lot better than just being full stuck, thanks for reading, surely more to come...


Thank you, a lot will be happening in the future, already got ideas for pre made maps (same maker as this), and two fully custom ones are in the work (those will be more realistic looking), hope to see you in the future, thanks again 👍

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Made a main menu and a pause menu, the pause menu is just a test so i can change settings in game that's why it looks so bad visually and also that i don't really have an idea what to make it look like but will come up with something for sure.
The main menu i think it looks really good, maybe will move the camera closer but visually im liking it.

Aight, it is time to continue the gameplay part...

Also how does one change the %?

Thank you, tried to put as much style as possible in the 14 days that i had, glad you like it 👍

Smol update on where ive been.
So i made a game in 14 days and now after that i've been testing a lot, at first played around with this Quake movement and then i played around with audio 👀, found a cool script that muffles the audio when it's behind walls and made a fake audio reflection system, so the audio follows you when you walk behind corner.

AND the biggest in terms of audio that i found out about Steam Audio which does all this automatically but it's without flaws, the audio cpu usage goes up by a lot and the fall off sounds weird, that's why i wrote my own so i have better control over it.

Here's a small example of Steam Audio, this really shows off the good side, loud music but Steam Audio so far falls apart at quiet stuff, still need to test it.

I really hop i will get to use it for this project... (not really steam audio, bit worried about performance and license, but my own codes)
Soon i'll be back to normal gamedevving, still playing around, a small time off/break. Take care 👍.

For this small 5 minute game i haven't thought of anything, but i do have an overarching story that id like to connect with multiple games, maybe i could make a follow up to this but it will be vastly different.

Thanks for playing and for your interest, would like to hear your interpretation of the story.

both red :) (i think), anyway, thanks for playing 👍

Thanks for playing 👍

AI is hard, for you it was easy, for testers it was pretty good, and i seen people struggle.
So yeah, as many people as many different outcomes and playstyles.

Well, it's better then being out of bounds, so that's the fix i went with

Surprisingly the teleportation is intended (because you got pushed out of bounds), and i presume the cheese is the classic crouching under the axe swing xdd, Thanks for playing!

Aye, nice sneaking around, clean, thanks for playing

Thanks for playing, glad the AI was nice for you and still managed to jump you a couple of times, glad you liked it 👍

For small games i dont do pause menu, but for 20+ mins ones i will add pause menus, thanks for playing glad you liked it 👍.
And yeah, i have no idea how Mac works, i just trust Unity xdd.

Thanks for playing, you still managed to deal with the AI, idk if you cut out any parts but didn't seem to bad, thanks for playing and nicely done

Thank you, glad you liked it 👍

You got a fren :) xdd, yeah that might be an exploit, now, i don't know if i should leave it in or fix it... seemed fun. Thanks for playing.

Thanks for playing 👍

Okay so clipping trough the front door is not intended surprisingly but yeah thankfully there is a save, as for the enemy the issue is both playtesters just booked it so i made the player ever so slightly slower and also you ran past the front door key, oops, so i have to point that out somehow. And yeah, AI balancing is hard so i will try to make the AI get easier the more you restart, i had that planned but time crunch xdd.

Thanks for playing even this helps a lot and sorry again for the AI, im gonna go away from Killers stuff and back to Ghosts.

Yes you have, this should be a good one, will see you then happy halloween vibes

Thank you so much, i will be able to catch the stream, can you send a link please? (im a lurker so wont chat much)

Thanks for playing, no there is no good ending, theres only demise in this house >:)

Thanks for playing, and yeah, it shows that this is old and i was unexpirienced with balancing/directing where the player should go but i still have a special place for this game, thanks for playing, glad you liked it 👍

Thanks for playtesting again, glad you liked it 👍

Thanks for playing, sorry about performance but it's hard to optimize HDRP without baking or turning off shadows... or maybe i could try to have an option for shadows? but thanks for playing

It's a short horror game about you buying a house BUT in the basement you find something you haven't seen before and not a friendly person will also appear so you might want to escape... (it's a 10 minute game)

The game can be found here:

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Hello, in the future their could be one, in 1-3 months id say, but anything can happen, see you in the future.

so, what's happened in this 21 days... jesus (wasn't expecting to be hit with such a big number)

Okay so, first of all, Audio, added some sound effects, player walking, light switches and ambiances, also added reverb zones to the office rooms, utility room and the kitchen. (i hope the video embeds work, only people with the link can view it)

(sorry for the very bad bitrate, i love recording with Unity's recorder :) )

Next up is progress, made a 2D UI blockout of the PC (sadly my mouse did not get recorded), the main gameplay will be drawing and writing over papers, thankfully both works and it is detectable :))))) (detecting the drawing was really hard but it works now, the red dot is what detects it, it will be invisible in the final game of cousre), also at the time of recording the button R reset the drawing but since i removed that.

What took so long? mainly the drawing part, having it draw where the mouse is, having it only be on the paper, and mainly detecting it.
And also thinking of what you will have to do for "work", i could have easily made it be blurry pages and than you just have to copy the signature but no, i hate my self xdd, i must make everything readable :))), also great opportunity for backstory/foreshadowing but also means that i will have to come up with like 8 formally written papers, so the thing i suck at :).

Now that i look at it i did do some progress but ye, still not happy, lots of procrastination, mainly because of the lots of writing xdd, aight, see ya in another timeline, thanks for reading 👍.

So, made some areas have turn offable lights, definitely not for spoopy-ness, and added some distant building which really gives some good vibes, i like it.

Did some bit of progress on the story/gameplay part, still no sound at all and the hardest part is coming up... making a "working" computer... gonna make it very limited and simple, it's not the main focus BUT im going on a small vacation but that wont change much because i was already taking my sweet time with it :)))

But visually im really liking this, sound gonna be hard but will add a lot and than continuing the story... (still need to finish writing it xdd)

Also, how is the fisheye? i personally like it but in some areas might be too strong?

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Took some time to work on my main game and some blender animation but i did some lighting, than removed some and some post processing

Getting pretty good fps, sometimes goes down to 80fps on my GTX1070 sadly (i can remove more shadow but that will be more noticeable and i will not bake lights)

And next im gonna do some gameplay stuff, get that going.

Finally finished most of the prop placement, still some left (shelves mainly and some story props) but i will do those as time goes on.
BUT, now, time to move on to lighting, atmosphere and put a character in, yippe.

huh, so the itchio app correctly downloads the Macos games? neat, thanks for the info and have fun 👍

Im sorry, i have no clue for Macos build, i do not own any mac device so i cannot test it, the best i can help is with this image of someone else's solution

From the Macos build i heard mixed feedback, i have no idea what's going on there because i do not own a mac device, the only help i can offer is what someone else said, i hope this can help in any way, sorry but i have no idea about mac stuff.

you supposed to look at the mirror, wait a bit and than survive 👍
Thanks for playing at least 👍

Slight bit of detailing, still a lot left and i need to find more models as well, to me the office looks really good, can't wait to see it with proper lighting, 2 more offices to go :) , and also entrance, just randomly threw that together 👍

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Hallo, started a new small project, don't really have a name and probably won't for some time.

This is yet again gonna be linear horror that is hopefully 10-20 minutes long, well, only the first half of the story is written xdd but so far the rough idea to me sounds really good so im starting development.

Also im gonna try to share my progress more often because i just dont post at all and i procrastinate a lot so hopefully this will force me to 👍.

First part of the game dev journey is finishing up the area, of course im using a pre made asset but making a whole new area with it.

I think next im gonna prop it up and than lighting/atmosphere and such.
(also im gonna count the area max 10-20% of the progress but idk)