so, what's happened in this 21 days... jesus (wasn't expecting to be hit with such a big number)
Okay so, first of all, Audio, added some sound effects, player walking, light switches and ambiances, also added reverb zones to the office rooms, utility room and the kitchen. (i hope the video embeds work, only people with the link can view it)
Next up is progress, made a 2D UI blockout of the PC (sadly my mouse did not get recorded), the main gameplay will be drawing and writing over papers, thankfully both works and it is detectable :))))) (detecting the drawing was really hard but it works now, the red dot is what detects it, it will be invisible in the final game of cousre), also at the time of recording the button R reset the drawing but since i removed that.
What took so long? mainly the drawing part, having it draw where the mouse is, having it only be on the paper, and mainly detecting it.
And also thinking of what you will have to do for "work", i could have easily made it be blurry pages and than you just have to copy the signature but no, i hate my self xdd, i must make everything readable :))), also great opportunity for backstory/foreshadowing but also means that i will have to come up with like 8 formally written papers, so the thing i suck at :).
Now that i look at it i did do some progress but ye, still not happy, lots of procrastination, mainly because of the lots of writing xdd, aight, see ya in another timeline, thanks for reading 👍.