International Association

for Educational and

Vocational Guidance

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IAEVG Awards

The International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) is delighted to honor excellence in the field of career, educational and vocational guidance and counselling  through its annual awards.

Awards Categories:

  1. The IAEVG Annual Award, for outstanding contribution to the field of guidance, associations, institutions or the IAEVG itself.

  2. The IAEVG International Conference Best Paper Award
    Presented at each international conference, this award is presented to the most outstanding paper presentation or presentations, specifically aligned with the thematic axis of the Conference.

Call for Nominations: The IAEVG Annual Award 2024 

We invite our members to nominate outstanding candidates for the prestigious IAEVG Annual Award 2024.
Deadline for submissions: September 27th, 2024.

For full details, please visit:

Previous award winners:

2023 Awards

  • IAEVG Annual Award: Dr. Raimo Vuorinen, Finland
  • The IAEVG 2023 International Conference Best Paper Award: Jonas Masdonati, Caroline E. Brazier & Michaël Parmentier

2022 Awards

  • IAEVG Annual Award: Professor Elvira Repetto, Spain
  • The IAEVG 2022 International Conference Best Paper Award: Caterina Luzia Carvalho Maria Céu Taveira and Daniela Silva, Portugal
  • The IAECG/APCDA International Conferene Best Paper Awards: Dr. Jaana Kettunen, Finland; 
    -Peyman Abkhezr, Marilyn Campbell and Mary McMahon, Australia;
    -Tirza Willner, Itamar Gati and Yuliya Lipshits-Braziler, Israel;
    -Sabrina Xuebing SU and Victor Wong, Hong Kong.

2023 IAEVG Annual Award - Dr. Raimo Vuorinen

2022 IAEVG Annual Award - Prof. Elvira Repetto


The IAEVG is a  non-profit-making association governed by the provisions of the law of Luxembourg

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