Asociación Internacional para la Orientación Educativa y Profesional

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Cost of membership

Individual membership costs are linked to the UN Human Development Index status of the country in which you are located. You may be eligible for a discounted membership if you are retired or if you are a student within the field of career guidance. To enquire about discounts, please contact [email protected]

Cost for individual membership With H-HDI discount With M-HDI discount With L-HDI discount Votes
85 €
69,55 €
57,96 €
50,23 €

The costs of membership for organisations not providing guidance is the same as for associations having up to 20 members. The priniple of discounts based on UN Human Development Index status applies also to thes organisations. The costs are as listed in the table below:

Cost for organisations not providing guidance With H-HDI discount With M-HDI discount With L-HDI discount Votes
110 € 90,00 € 75,00 € 65,00 €      2

Cost of membership for associations and organisations providing guidance is linked to the number of association members or organisation staff,  and to the UN Human Development Index status of the country in which you are located. The number of members/staff determines the number of votes the association/organisation has at the IAEVG General Assembly and at General Elections of the IAEVG board. The table below reflects amounts rounded to the nearest euro. 

Number of members Cost according to number of members

Total with H-HDI discount

Total with M-HDI discount

Total with L-HDI discount


Up to 20 members 110 € € 90 € 75 € 65 2
21-30 129 € € 105 € 88 € 76 3
31-40 172 € € 140 € 117 € 101 4
41-50 215 € € 176 € 146 € 127 5
51-60 257 € € 211 € 176 € 152 6
61-70 300 € € 246 € 205 € 177 7
71-80 343 € € 281 € 234 € 203 8
81-90 386 € € 316 € 263 € 228 9
91-100 429 € € 351 € 293 € 254 10
101-150 472 € € 386 € 322 € 279 11
151-200 515 € € 421 € 351 € 304 12
201-250 558 € € 456 € 380 € 330 13
251-300 601 € € 491 € 410 € 355 14
301-350 644 € € 527 € 439 € 380 15
351-400 686 € € 562 € 468 € 406 16
401-450 729 € € 597 € 497 € 431 17
451-500 772 € € 632 € 527 € 456 18
501-550 815 € € 667 € 556 € 482 19
551-600 858 € € 702 € 585 € 507 20
601-650 901 € € 737 € 614 € 532 21
651-700 944 € € 772 € 644 € 558 22
701-750 987 € € 807 € 673 € 583 23
751-800 1 030 € € 842 € 702 € 608 24
801-850 1 073 € € 878 € 731 € 634 25
851-900 1 115 € € 913 € 761 € 659 26
901-950 1 158 € € 948 € 790 € 684 27
951-1000 1 201 € € 983 € 819 € 710 28
1001-2000 1 371 € € 1 123 € 936 € 811 29
2001-3000 1 544 € € 1 264 € 1 053 € 913 30
3001-4000 1 716 € € 1 404 € 1 170 € 1 014 31
4001-5000 1 888 € € 1 544 € 1 287 € 1 115 32
5001-6000 2 059 € € 1 685 € 1 404 € 1 217 33
6001-7000 2 231 € € 1 825 € 1 521 € 1 318 34
7001-8000 2 402 € € 1 966 € 1 638 € 1 420 35
8001-9000 2 574 € € 2 106 € 1 755 € 1 521 36
9001-10000 2 746 € € 2 246 € 1 872 € 1 622 37
Over 10.000 members 2 917 € € 2 387 € 1 989 € 1 724 38


 La AIOEP es una asociación sin fines de lucro regida por las disposiciones de la ley de Luxemburgo


[email protected]


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