
現在のところ、opmlをサポートしていないyahoo! pipesでgoogle spreadsheetのはき出すrssを利用して擬似的にopmlとして取り込むハック。spreadsheetの一列にフィードurlを書き連ねていき、rssをpipesのfetchモジュールに読み込ませればいい。

The RSS generated by the Google Spreadsheet will contain a single item per row, with the content of the cell as the item title. My pipe extracts that title using the For/Replace operator, plugs it into a Fetch URL, and then replaces the spreadsheet item with all the items in the corresponding feed. I added a sort by publication date (which really only matters in an HTML viewer), and voila! You now have a master feed from several different sites without OPML. If you auto-publish changes to your spreadsheet, the resulting master feed will be updated accordingly.
