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Sunnyside Asylum is a mental health hospital and lunatic asylum that appears in Grand Theft Auto 2.


The asylum is located in the neighborhood of Sunnyside in the Downtown District, Anywhere City. The asylum is controlled by the Loonies gang, a group of armed crazed lunatics.

Governor Johnny Rotten is said to reside in the asylum and had previously been in the medical profession[1]. He takes various drugs, supplied to him by the Zaibatsu Corporation, and is known for abducting people that he finds unpleasant and putting them to work in the asylum.

On September 13th, 2013, an unnamed private investigator was locked in the asylum after attempting to investigate the Zaibatsu boss Red Valdez.[2]


  • Rocket Launcher - Located in the western area of the asylum.
  • Get Outta Jail Free Card - Located in the center of the asylum.
  • Special Token - Located in the northeastern corner of the asylum garden.


  • The Sunnyside Asylum might have been the inspiration for the Darkwoods Penitentiary in Manhunt, which was also taken over by a gang of lunatics known as The Smileys, which appears to be heavily inspired by the Loonies gang from GTA 2.
  • The asylum was named after a local mental institution in Dundee, Scotland, where Grand Theft Auto was originally developed.


  1. PromotionalWebsite-GTA2-PoliceProfiles-File5-1

    Police Files (GTA2 website)

  2. PromotionalWebsite-GTA2-JournalList-Main

    Journal List (GTA2 website)


    Journal List (GTA2 website)
