About the Board and Secretariat

The Global Biodata Coalition’s strategy is set by our Board of Funders. Our Executive Director, Guy Cochrane, leads our small Secretariat in implementing our scientific programme and strategy.

Board of Funders

Warwick Anderson
Warwick Anderson (Chair)
Warwick Anderson has been the transitional Chair of the GBC Board of Funders since 2021. He was Secretary General of the Human Frontier Science Program Organization from 2015 to 2021.He was Chief Executive Officer of Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council from 2008-2015. Prior to that he was Head of School of Biomedical Sciences at Monash University and Deputy Director of the Baker Medical Research Institute, following research fellowships at the University of Sydney and Harvard Medical School.

Prof Anderson obtained his PhD from the University of Adelaide, South Australia. His research has focussed on renal mechanisms in the pathogenesis of hypertension, including the roles of renal vascular remodelling and the renin-angiotensin system. He has published over 170 peer review articles.


Guy Cochrane (Executive Director)
Guy Cochrane has been Executive Director of the GBC since March 2022. He is concurrently Team Leader for Data Coordination and Archiving and Head of the European Nucleotide Archive at EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI). Dr Cochrane has over two decades of experience working with and leading biodata resources and is an authority on large-scale international sequence data sharing. He has driven numerous developments within the sequencing informatics world, notably leading the development of global next generation sequence data infrastructure and comprehensive submission, archiving and presentation services in the late 2000s, sequence data compression software, and most recently a portfolio of tools and services around data coordination including the “data hubs”.

Chuck Cook (Program Manager)
David Carr (Global Core Biodata Resource Selection Process Manager)
Lindsey Crosswell (Communications Lead)
Carla Cummins (Data Analyst)
Dana Černošková (Administration)

Consultants working with Secretariat

Heidi Imker, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Global Biodata Inventory Project Manager
Ken Schackart, University of Arizona, Global Biodata Inventory Project Software Engineer