Grand Strategy 16

Grand Strategy always tries to get at the big picture, whether discussing politics, economics, warfare, religion, or philosophy. For this reason, Grand Strategy has evolved into a focus on civilization, which is the largest social construct yet contrived by human beings. The consideration of civilization, both from a theoretical and empirical point of view, leads to the consideration of the future, space exploration, and occasionally, yes, even grand strategy as it relates to the most notable social structures and movements of our time. Below is an overview of content. This table of contents is highly selective as I have made almost 2,500 posts across several different blog platforms. I will continue to add to this, and comments are most welcome for the structure of the outline or any other information that might be helpful.


Theory of Civilization

The Study of Civilization as Rigorous Science

Addendum on the Study of Civilization as Rigorous Science

Thinking about Civilization

Suboptimal Civilizations

Addendum on Suboptimal Civilizations

A Metric for the Science of Civilization


Science, Knowledge, and Civilization

The Incommensurability of Civilizations

Addendum on Incommensurable Civilizations

Teleological and Deontological Conceptions of Civilization

Narrow and Broad Conceptions of Civilization

Comparative Concepts in the Study of Civilization

Civilization States and their Attempted Extirpation

Savagery, Barbarism, and Civilization

A Copernican Conception of Civilization

The Future Science of Civilizations

The Terrestrial Eocivilization Hypothesis

Infinitistic Historiography and Terrestrial Eocivilization

The Principle of Civilization-Intelligence Covariance

The Last Civilization

The Very Idea of Higher Civilization

Miserable and Unhappy Civilizations

A Civilized Countryside

Civilization in the Wilderness (from Argentina)

The Heroic Conception of Civilization

A Nietzschean Conception of Civilization

The Clausewitzean Conception of Civilization

Failed States and Failed Civilizations

Addendum on Failed Civilizations

David Hume and Scientific Civilization

The Relevance of Philosophy of Science to Scientific Civilization

Types of Scientific Civilization

Folk Concepts of Scientific Civilization

Invariant Properties of Civilization

Invariant Social Structures

Temporal Structures of Civilization

Species of Civilizations

The Next Axial Age

Axialization and Institutionalization

What comes after civilization?

Case Studies in Civilization

Riparian Civilization

The Seriation of Western Civilization

The Nation-State: a Sketch of its Origins

A Definition of Genocide

Genocide and the Nation-State

A Political Theory of Genocide

Genocide: Proof of Concept

Revolution, Genocide, Terror

The Emergence of the Universal Surveillance State

The Metaphysics of the Bureaucratic Nation-State

Comte de Maistre’s Finitistic Political Theory

The Principle of Autocracy and Spheres of Influence

Viking Civilization

American Civilization

Appalachia and American Civilization

Industrial-Technological Civilization

The Industrial-Technological Thesis

Industrial-Technological Disruption

The Open Loop of Industrial-Technological Civilization

Chronometry and the STEM Cycle

The Institutionalization of the STEM Cycle

Secrecy and the STEM Cycle

A Note on the STEM cycle

Philosophy for Industrial-Technological Civilization (related: A Fly in the Ointment)


Addendum on the Iterative Aspects of Industrial-Technological Civilization

The Technological Frontier

The Technocratic Elite

The Technophilia Hypothesis

Technophilia and Evolutionary Psychology

Crony Capitalism: Macro-Parasitism under Industrialization

Technical Civilization and its Discontents

Industrialized Civilization and its Accidents

How industrial accidents shape industrial-technological civilization

Counterfactual Conditionals of the Industrial Revolution

Modernism without Industrialism: Europe 1500-1800

Innovation, Stagnation, and Optimization

The Oldest Lesson of New Technology

The Role of Science Fiction in Industrialized Civilization

Civilization and the Technium

The Genealogy of the Technium

Automation and the Human Future

Addendum on Automation and the Human Future

Technological Employment and the Future of Humanity

“…a temporary phase of maladjustment…”

Autonomous Vehicles and Technological Unemployment in the Transportation Sector

Everyday Life in Industrial-Technological Civilization

Ratepayers: Everyday Life in Late Industrialized Capitalism

Addendum on Ratepayers

Folded, Spindled, Mutilated

Our Less Than Optimal Labor Market

The Genealogy of Labor

The Division of Labor

The Extinction of the External Proletariat

The Re-Proletarianization of the Workforce

Compensating Losers in a Winner-Take-All Economy

Agrarian-Ecclesiastical Civilization

The Agrarian-Ecclesiastical Thesis

Addendum on the Agrarian-Ecclesiastical Thesis

Agriculture and the Macabre

The Agricultural Apocalypse

The Agricultural Paradigm

Some Rough Notes on Agricultural Civilization

Pure Agriculturalism

The Telos of Agriculturalism

Cognitive Dissonance in Agrarian-Ecclesiastical Civilization

The Pastoralist Challenge to Agriculturalism


The Argument for Pastoralization

Satisfactions of Life in a Subsistence Economy

Planetary Constraints upon Civilization

Terrestrial Conflation

Planetary Constraints 1 (Introduction to Constraints)

Planetary Constraints 2 (Planetary Boundaries)

Planetary Constraints 3 (Constraint Summary)

Planetary Constraints 4 (The Spatial Constraint)

Planetary Constraints 5 (The Temporal Constraint)

Planetary Constraints 6 (The Gravitational Constraint)

Planetary Constraints 7 (The Agrarian Constraint)

Planetary Constraints 8 (The Population Constraint)

Planetary Constraints 9 (The Energy Constraint)

Planetary Constraints 10 (The Material Constraint)

Planetary Constraints 11 (The Ontic Constraint)

Planetary Constraints 12 (The Endemic Constraint)

Planetary Constraints 13 (Tangential Ideas)

Planetary Constraints 14 (Variations of Constraints)

Planetary Constraints 15 (Constraints Beyond the Planetary)

Spacefaring Civilization and Exocivilization

The Moral Imperative of Human Spaceflight (2011 100YSS)

Existential Risk and Far Future Civilization (Centauri Dreams)

Deep Time, Big History, and Existential Risk (Centauri Dreams)

SETI, METI, and Existential Risk (Centauri Dreams)

Cosmic Loneliness and Interstellar Travel (Centauri Dreams)

Stepping Stones Across the Cosmos (Centauri Dreams)

Extraterrestrial Dispersal Vectors (Centauri Dreams)

What Kardeshev Really Said (Centauri Dreams)

What Kardashev Really Said (Tumblr comment)

Hero’s Steam Engine and the Apollo Space Program

The Infrastructure Problem (Centauri Dreams)

How We Get There Matters (Centuari Dreams)

How We Get There Matters (Tumblr Comment)

SETI Under Conditions of Constraint for Spacefaring Civilization

A Needle in the Cosmic Haystack (Centauri Dreams)

The Interstellar Imperative (Centauri Dreams)

Who will read the Encyclopedia Galactica? (Centauri Dreams)

Who will read the Encyclopedia Galactica? (Tumblr comment)

Five Ages of the Universe Graphic

Addendum on Degenerate Era Civilization

The Finite Record of Classical Antiquity

Transhumanism and Adaptive Radiation (Centauri Dreams)

Transhumanism and Adaptive Radiation (Tumblr comment)

The Wilderness Hypothesis

Hybridization: The Take-Away Lesson

A Half Century of Human Spaceflight

Cosmic Hubris or Cosmic Humility?

Spacetime Constraints and Possibilities

Addendum on Extraterrestrialization

The Fundamental Theorem of Astropolitics

From Moonshot to Milk Run

Addendum on Spacesteading

Eo-, Eso-, Exo-, Astro-

The Law of Trichotomy for Exocivilizations

SETI as a Process of Elimination

Why the Fermi paradox must be taken seriously

Addendum on the Fermi Paradox

The Preemption Hypothesis

Formulating an Anthropic Principle Worthy of the Name

Searching the Sky

The Halos of Vanished Civilizations

Methodological Naturalism and the Eerie Silence

The Visibility Presumption

Silent Worlds, Empty Worlds

Civilization and Warfare

Civilization and War as Social Technologies

Toward a Dialectical Conception of War

Epistemological Warfare

Civilization, War, and Industrial Technology

The Clausewitzian Continuum

The Open Texture of Warfare

Hybrid Warfare

A Century of Industrialized Warfare (A Series on the First World War)

o Assassination in Sarajevo

o Assassination in Sarajevo

o Headlines around the World

o The July Crisis

o A Blank Check for Austria-Hungary

o Serbia and Austria-Hungary Mobilize

o Austria-Hungary Declares War on Serbia

o Ernst Jünger is Mobilized

o The August Madness

o The Battle of Coronel

o The Christmas Truce

o Armistice Day

o The Second Hundred Years’ War

The Shadow of War

Holding the High Ground

Axioms and Postulates in Strategy

Maintaining the Distinction between Strategy and Tactics

Existential Lessons of the Cold War

Existential Threats and Wars of Extermination

Formal Strategy and Philosophical Logic: Work in Progress

What is strategic trust?

Tit for Tat

Deep Battle and the Culture of War

Cosmic War: An Eschatological Conception

The Generational Warfare Model

The Aftermath of War

Civilization and Religion

Settled and Nomadic Religious Experience

Religious Experience in Industrial-Technological Civilization

Religious Experience and the Future of Civilization

Addendum on Religious Experience and the Future of Civilization

Responding to the World We Find

Transitions in Forms of Religious Experience

What is a religious observance?

Europe Returns to its Roots (Nov. 2013)

Is Society Existentially Dependent on Religion?

The Neurotic Misery of Islamic Civilization

ISIS and Sykes-Picot

The Philosophical Basis of Islamic State

Ash Wednesday and Identity Politics

Civilization and Ecology

Braudel in Ecological Perspective

Ecological Temporality

Addendum on Ecological Temporality

Ecological Temporality and the Narrative Paradigm (related: The Totemic Paradigm)

The Origins of Time

Addendum on the Origins of Time

Developmental Temporality

Metaphysical Ecology

Metaphysical Ecology Reformulated

The Stratigraphy of Civilization

Symmetry and Ecological Succession

Hobson’s Choice, Evolution, and Civilization

Local Extinction, Existential Risk, and Human Refugia

Intellectual Niche Construction

Sagan on Extinction, and on the Extinction of Civilizations…

Ecological Succession in Cultural Geography

The Conversion of the Terrestrial Power Grid

Some Remarks on Environmentalism

A Short Note on Marxism and Environmentalism

The Ecological Conception of Nature

Addendum on the Ecological Conception of Nature

Civilization and Urbanism

The Rational Reconstruction of Cities

Modernization, Industrialization, Urbanization

Failed Cities

Why did Roman cities fail?

Addendum on Roman Cities

Planners and their Cities

Transit Disoriented Development

Futures and Destinies

Three Futures

The Idea and Destiny of Europe

Manifest Destiny: Roman and American

Akhand Bharat and Ghazwa-e-hind: Conflicting Destinies in South Asia

Another Future: The New Agriculturalism

Predicting the Human Future in Space

The Human Future in Space

A Hundred Years of Futurism

Synchronicities of Futurism

Futurism without predictions

Fear of the Future (related: The Philosophy of Fear)

Why the Future Doesn’t get Funded

Philosophical Reasoning

Studies in Formal Thought

The Ethos of Formal Thought

Epistemic Hubris

Parsimonious Formulations

Foucault’s Formalism

One Hundred Years of Intuitionism and Formalism

Cartesian Formalism

Doing Justice to Our Intuitions: A 10 Step Method (related: How to Formulate a Philosophical Argument on Gut Instinct)

The Church-Turing Thesis and the Asymmetry of Intuition

Saying, Showing, Constructing

Unpacking an Einstein Aphorism

The Overview Effect in Formal Thought

Simplicity, Mathematics, Symmetry

Benoît Mandelbrot, R.I.P.

A Question for Philosophically Inclined Mathematicians

A Visceral Feeling for Epsilon Zero

Fractals and the Banach-Tarski Paradox

A Note on Fractals and Banach-Tarski Extraction

Kierkegaard and Russell on Rigor

A Leibnizian Conception of Rigor

Aristotelian Science and Leibnizian Rigor

P or not-P

What is the relationship between constructive and non-constructive mathematics?

Constructivism without Constructivism

The Vacuous Identity Principle

Intuitively Clear Slippery Concepts

Extraordinary Sets

Adventures in Geometrical Intuition

Epistemic Space

Geometrical Intuition and Epistemic Space

Epistemic Space: Mapping Time

Precisification: Calibrating our Concepts

A Precise Idea of Precision

Valéry’s Anti-Formalism (related: To see is to forget the name of thing one sees, Of Seeing and Forgetting…, To paint is to forget the name of the thing one paints.)

Epistemic Opportunism

Methodological Differences

Permutations of Infinitistic Methods

Constructivist Watersheds

Radical Rigor

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Grand Strategy 16

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Grand Strategy Annex

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