Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Hydro is one of the seven Elements.

Its associated Archon was Focalors, whose domain was Fontaine.

Elemental Resonance[]

Having at least two Hydro characters in a party of four results in the Elemental Resonance:

  • Soothing Water: Affected by Pyro for 40% less time. Increases Max HP by 25%.

Elemental Reactions[]

Hydro has the following Elemental Reactions:

  • Electro Electro-Charged: Deals Electro DMG and high Poise Damage over time to all nearby targets with the Wet status.
  • Cryo Frozen: Immobilizes the target and applies a Freeze Aura.
    • GeoPhysical Shatter: If the Frozen target is hit by a Blunt or Geo attack, deals Physical DMG and unfreezes the target.
  • Pyro Vaporize: Deals ×2 Hydro DMG when a Hydro attack triggers the reaction.
  • Anemo Swirl: Deals single-target Hydro DMG while spreading the Wet status to nearby enemies.
  • Geo Crystallize: Creates a Hydro shard. Picking it up creates a Hydro Shield around the character.
  • Dendro Bloom: Creates a Dendro Core that explodes after 6 seconds, dealing Dendro DMG.
    • Electro Hyperbloom: Triggered when applying Electro to a Dendro Core. Transforms the Dendro Core into a homing Sprawling Shot that deals increased Dendro DMG in a much smaller AoE.
    • Pyro Burgeon: Triggered when applying Pyro to a Dendro Core. Detonates the Dendro Core immediately, dealing increased Dendro DMG.

Wet Status[]

Wet itself does not have any special effects; it is simply considered the application of Hydro. However, being affected by Wet allows Hydro Elemental Reactions to occur.

Any source of Hydro DMG will apply Wet. It will also be applied during rain and upon coming in contact with bodies of water.

Wet Status to Self[]

The following Talents apply the Wet status to its user and/or the active character.

There are 4 Talents that match the category selection:

Guhua Sword: Fatal Rainscreen Guhua Sword: Fatal Rainscreen
Xingqiu Xingqiu
Xingqiu performs twin strikes with his sword, dealing Hydro DMG. At the same time, this ability creates the maximum number of Rain Swords, which will orbit your active character.
The Rain Swords have the following properties:
20% of Xingqiu's Hydro DMG Bonus will be converted to additional DMG Reduction for the Rain Swords.

The maximum amount of additional DMG Reduction that can be gained this way is 24%.
The initial maximum number of Rain Swords is 3.
Using this ability applies the Wet status onto the character.
Elemental Skill
Guhua Sword: Raincutter Guhua Sword: Raincutter
Xingqiu Xingqiu
Initiate Rainbow Bladework and fight using an illusory sword rain, while creating the maximum number of Rain Swords.

Rainbow Bladework
  • Your active character's Normal Attacks will trigger consecutive sword rain attacks, dealing Hydro DMG.
  • Rain Swords will remain at the maximum number throughout the ability's duration.
Elemental Burst
Kurage's Oath Kurage's Oath
Sangonomiya Kokomi Sangonomiya Kokomi
Summons a "Bake-Kurage" created from water that can heal her allies.
Using this skill will apply the Wet status to Sangonomiya Kokomi.

Deals Hydro DMG to surrounding opponents and heal nearby active characters at fixed intervals. This healing is based on Kokomi's Max HP.
Elemental Skill
Let the Show Begin♪ Let the Show Begin♪
Barbara Barbara
Summons water droplets resembling musical notes that form a Melody Loop, dealing Hydro DMG to surrounding opponents and applying the Wet status to them.

Melody Loop
  • On hit, Barbara's Normal Attacks heal your own party members and nearby teammates for a certain amount of HP, which scales with Barbara's Max HP.
  • On hit, Barbara's Charged Attack generates 4 times the amount of healing.
  • Periodically regenerates your own active character's HP.
  • Applies the Wet status to the character and to opponents who come in contact with them.
Elemental Skill

Hydro Characters[]

Playable Characters[]

14 Characters match the category selection:

Icon Name Quality Weapon Region Model Type
Barbara Icon Barbara 4 Stars Weapon-class-catalyst-icon Catalyst Mondstadt Emblem Night Mondstadt Medium Female
Candace Icon Candace 4 Stars Weapon-class-polearm-icon Polearm Sumeru Emblem Night Sumeru Tall Female
Furina Icon Furina 5 Stars Weapon-class-sword-icon Sword Fontaine Emblem Night Fontaine Medium Female
Kamisato Ayato Icon Kamisato Ayato 5 Stars Weapon-class-sword-icon Sword Inazuma Emblem Night Inazuma Tall Male
Mona Icon Mona 5 Stars Weapon-class-catalyst-icon Catalyst Mondstadt Emblem Night Mondstadt Medium Female
Mualani Icon Mualani 5 Stars Weapon-class-catalyst-icon Catalyst Natlan Emblem Night Natlan Medium Female
Neuvillette Icon Neuvillette 5 Stars Weapon-class-catalyst-icon Catalyst Fontaine Emblem Night Fontaine Tall Male
Nilou Icon Nilou 5 Stars Weapon-class-sword-icon Sword Sumeru Emblem Night Sumeru Medium Female
Sangonomiya Kokomi Icon Sangonomiya Kokomi 5 Stars Weapon-class-catalyst-icon Catalyst Inazuma Emblem Night Inazuma Medium Female
Sigewinne Icon Sigewinne 5 Stars Weapon-class-bow-icon Bow Fontaine Emblem Night Fontaine Short Female
Tartaglia Icon Tartaglia 5 Stars Weapon-class-bow-icon Bow Emblem Nation Unknown Snezhnaya Tall Male
Traveler Icon Traveler 5 Stars Weapon-class-sword-icon Sword None Aether: Medium Male
Lumine: Medium Female
Xingqiu Icon Xingqiu 4 Stars Weapon-class-sword-icon Sword Liyue Emblem Night Liyue Medium Male
Yelan Icon Yelan 5 Stars Weapon-class-bow-icon Bow Liyue Emblem Night Liyue Tall Female

Upcoming Characters[]

No Characters match the category selection.


Common Enemies

Elite Enemies

Normal Bosses

Event Bosses

Weekly Bosses

Other Enemies


Some environmental objects or obstacles are considered Hydro objects, and are capable of inflicting the Wet status:




  • The name Hydro comes from the prefix for words related to water, "hydro-," which derives from the Ancient Greek prefix for words related to water (Ancient Greek: υδρο- ydro-) which in turn derives from the Ancient Greek word for water (Ancient Greek: ὕδωρ húdōr).


  1. The Hydro Archon's divine throne was destroyed along with Focalors during Chapter IV. As a result, there will be no further Hydro Archons. Neuvillette has taken up the affairs related with the title.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning



Change History[]

Version 3.0

Version 1.0

  • Hydro was released.


