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The Shadows Deepen is the second quest of the Shadows Amidst Snowstorms Event.


  1. Head for Albedo's campsite
  2. Follow the source of the voice
  3. Return to Albedo's camp
  4. Wait until nighttime (18:00 – 06:00 the next day)
  5. Speak to Albedo
  6. Light the bonfire
  7. Talk to everyone
    • This step occurs automatically.
  8. Go to the painting spot
    • Steps 4 to 8 need to be repeated if the Traveler performs other tasks and the time exceeds 18:00 – 06:00.
    • The time cannot be manually adjusted during this step.
  9. Start painting
  10. Talk to everyone
  11. Head beneath the cliff to look for your companions
  12. Look for Albedo (0/2)
    • The fallen rocks have formed a haphazard pile. Try looking for Albedo amongst them.
  13. Talk to everyone
  14. Descend the mountain with Albedo
  15. Talk to everyone
  16. Talk to Eula
  17. Defeat all opponents
    • Defeat the Fellflower
  18. Speak with Albedo
  19. Return to the adventurer camp


UI Quest Quest Description

Having been invited to serve as instructors at the Adventurers' Guild winter camp, you reach an agreement with Albedo, who is also conducting research in the mountains, to find out what happened here. The path towards the truth is winding and long, and you keep encountering new things...
(Upon login)
Media:vo eqxs103 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: The time has come! Let's go meet Albedo at the camp!
(Approach the campsite)
Media:vo eqxs103 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Albedo, we're here!
Media:vo eqxs103 1 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: Traveler, Paimon.
Icon Dialogue Talk How is your investigation going?
Media:vo eqxs103 1 albedo 02.ogg Albedo: ...Your faces say that, perhaps, you haven't turned up anything?
Media:vo eqxs103 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: We investigated all over the mountain, actually. But we didn't see anyone that looked like you, or hear of anyone else meeting you...
Media:vo eqxs103 1 albedo 03.ogg Albedo: This is not unexpected. I haven't made much progress, either. He appears to know that we are looking for him, and has opted to lie low for the time being.
(TravelerTraveler): (Or maybe he has always operated discreetly.)
Media:vo eqxs103 1 albedo 04.ogg Albedo: Still, there is one thing I found. I discovered footprints on some parts of the mountain, and although they were a little covered by the snow, I could tell they had been left by someone of a similar size to myself.
Media:vo eqxs103 1 albedo 05.ogg Albedo: The footprints were quite numerous, so I believe my next step will be to rule out each of the adventurers active on Dragonspine one by one...
Media:vo eqxs103 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: We can help with that. We have plenty of contact with the adventurers.
Media:vo eqxs103 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: So now we...
(Some noise occurs in the background)
Media:vo eqxs103 1 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Aaaah! What was that!?
Media:vo eqxs103 1 albedo 06.ogg Albedo: It came from that direction.
Media:vo eqxs103 1 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Could it be the impostor?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's go check it out.
Media:vo eqxs103 1 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Yes, let's hurry!

(Approach the source of the voice)
Media:vo eqxs103 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Rocks? Ah! And what are these boars also doing here!?
(Approach the rock pile)
Media:vo eqxs103 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hey, did you see that? Did those rocks shake just now?
Media:vo eqxs103 2 eula 01.ogg Eula: Phew. That was most unfortunate.
Media:vo eqxs103 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: What are you guys doing here!?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'd assume it was some sort of bad luck.
Media:vo eqxs103 2 ambor 01.ogg Amber: I have to agree. We've been wandering this area for days...
Media:vo eqxs103 2 bennett 01.ogg Bennett: We ran into Pallad earlier. You know, the, uh... kind of a reckless sort of guy? You know the one? Anyway, he said he was unlucky, so I gave him some adventuring survival tips...
Media:vo eqxs103 2 eula 02.ogg Eula: After that, he disappeared to rejoin the training camp.
Media:vo eqxs103 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Wait, wait, wait... are you saying that after all this time, you still haven't made it back to the base camp?
Media:vo eqxs103 2 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Haha... Well, as you can see...
Media:vo eqxs103 2 bennett 02.ogg Bennett: It was nothing, really. We just hit a few landslides and snowdrifts, and took a few downhill tumbles, you know the deal.
Media:vo eqxs103 2 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: They sound like unforgettable life events to me.
Media:vo eqxs103 2 eula 03.ogg Eula: Anyway... You're correct, we haven't made it to the base camp yet. We have had extraordinarily poor luck over the last few days, almost as if a sinister force has been trying to thwart our every move.
Media:vo eqxs103 2 eula 07.ogg Eula: Fortunately, I made advance arrangements for Gerald to remain in a safe location and conduct some basic physical training exercises.
Media:vo eqxs103 2 bennett 03.ogg Bennett: I'm sorry... I'm the one to blame for all this. I've always had bad luck and it always rubs off on everyone around me...
Media:vo eqxs103 2 bennett 04.ogg Bennett: Sorry to create so much extra trouble for everyone... *sigh*.
Media:vo eqxs103 2 bennett 05.ogg Bennett: I don't know what to say... Maybe this is the awesome power of fate — the scary kind, I mean.
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't say that.
Icon Dialogue Talk It has nothing to do with fate.
Media:vo eqxs103 2 albedo 02.ogg Albedo: I agree.
Icon Dialogue Talk I am not scared to be around you.
Media:vo eqxs103 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Yep, we're just used to it now! Besides, it's not like we have the most amazing luck ourselves...
Media:vo eqxs103 2 bennett 06.ogg Bennett: Really? I think you guys have way better luck than I do!
Media:vo eqxs103 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Well... what can we do about that? Oh, Paimon knows, how about Paimon shares some of her luck with you!
Media:vo eqxs103 2 ambor 03.ogg Amber: You're welcome to a bit of mine, too! Although, if the last few days are anything to go by, it seems in pretty short supply at the moment...
Icon Dialogue Talk Take some of mine, too.
Media:vo eqxs103 2 bennett 07.ogg Bennett: ...You guys...
Media:vo eqxs103 2 bennett 08.ogg Bennett: Aww... Thanks. With a little luck from everyone combined, we'll make it down this mountain for sure!
Media:vo eqxs103 2 ambor 04.ogg Amber: Yeah, you bet!
Media:vo eqxs103 2 bennett 09.ogg Bennett: Let me flip a Treasure Hoarder Insignia to test it out... Alright! It's tails, the opposite of what I guessed!
Media:vo eqxs103 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: So you can predict your fortune this way? But why are you so happy that you got it wrong?
Media:vo eqxs103 2 bennett 10.ogg Bennett: It has two sides, so there is a 50-50 chance of me getting it correct.
Media:vo eqxs103 2 bennett 11.ogg Bennett: Luck all comes down to probability, too. So as long as I use up all the bad luck, everything else will go smoothly!
Media:vo eqxs103 2 bennett 12.ogg Bennett: Guessing wrong when I flip an insignia is one way to use up some of the bad luck. So the probability of having some good luck in the near future just got a little higher.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo eqxs103 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Hey, he's making no sense at all... why aren't you calling him out!?
Icon Dialogue Talk Come on, he isn't you.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm actually polite to most people.
Media:vo eqxs103 2 bennett 13.ogg Bennett: Guys, I guessed wrong in my insignia flip, which means we should be able to make it back to camp!
Media:vo eqxs103 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Paimon's not sure that's how it works.
Media:vo eqxs103 2 bennett 14.ogg Bennett: Lemme try. It's this way, right?
Media:vo eqxs103 2 bennett 15.ogg Bennett: Whoa!!! Ouch... Ow, my butt!... What is this shard of ice doing here!
Media:vo eqxs103 2 albedo 03.ogg Albedo: How truly miraculous... This is a miracle of misfortune.
Media:vo eqxs103 2 eula 04.ogg Eula: I don't usually believe in luck, but Bennett makes the best case for it I've ever seen.
Media:vo eqxs103 2 eula 05.ogg Eula: Amber, if you are ever required to partner with Bennett in your future work and you encounter anything like this again, do not take any rash action. Wait for me and I will come to support you.
Media:vo eqxs103 2 ambor 05.ogg Amber: Huh? Y—Yes, of course...
Icon Dialogue Talk Everyone must be exhausted...
Media:vo eqxs103 2 ambor 06.ogg Amber: Now that you mention it, I do feel a little tired... Trekking in the mountains has a way of wearing you out.
Media:vo eqxs103 2 albedo 04.ogg Albedo: Since everyone is tired, why not take a rest in my camp?
Media:vo eqxs103 2 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Paimon's so sleepy... A nice bowl of hot soup and a good sleep would sure be welcome right now...
Media:vo eqxs103 2 ambor 07.ogg Amber: Yawn... Suddenly I'm kinda sleepy, too...
Media:vo eqxs103 2 eula 06.ogg Eula: Amber will fall asleep in the snow if we keep going much longer... Come on, let's move! We shall head to Albedo's camp and get some rest, take stock of our supplies, and decide how to get off this mountain.

(Return to Albedo's camp)
Media:vo eqxs103 3 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: Here we are. Make yourselves comfortable.
Media:vo eqxs103 3 albedo 02.ogg Albedo: Oh... I forgot, I don't have that many chairs. Please wait a moment.
Media:vo eqxs103 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: What's he doing? Painting?
Media:vo eqxs103 3 ambor 01.ogg Amber: He is!
Media:vo eqxs103 3 eula 01.ogg Eula: He is painting a chair... Wait, alchemy can turn paintings into objects!? How is this possible?
Media:vo eqxs103 3 albedo 03.ogg Albedo: My paintings are like blueprints — alchemy simply enables me to omit the manufacturing part of the process. It's an elementary-level technique.
Media:vo eqxs103 3 albedo 04.ogg Albedo: With enough research and experimentation, this same technique can even be used to create living beings.
Media:vo eqxs103 3 bennett 01.ogg Bennett: Whoa... Well, since you can magically produce chairs, can I have one with a backrest?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll have a stool.
Media:vo eqxs103 3 albedo 05.ogg Albedo: No problem. How many of you want backrests?
Media:vo eqxs103 3 bennett 02.ogg Bennett: Me!
Media:vo eqxs103 3 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Me! Me!
Media:vo eqxs103 3 eula 02.ogg Eula: ...I'll also take one with a backrest, if you please.
Media:vo eqxs103 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Can Paimon have a chair that comes with a juicer?
Icon Dialogue Talk A whole chair is way too big for you, surely?
Media:vo eqxs103 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Still beats squeezing onto a stool with you! Hmph!
In a moment, Albedo quickly creates five chairs for everyone to use...
Media:vo eqxs103 3 bennett 03.ogg Bennett: Cool, we have chairs now! Haha, this is so comfortable! Makes me want to stay the night here!
Media:vo eqxs103 3 albedo 06.ogg Albedo: You're very welcome to stay overnight, if you wish.
Media:vo eqxs103 3 albedo 07.ogg Albedo: There's still some time before dinner. Get some rest, everyone. I'll tend the stove.
Media:vo eqxs103 3 ambor 03.ogg Amber: Hey now, we can't be letting you do all the work! I can help, please, put me to work!
(Talk to Albedo)
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: Pace yourself, dinner could be a while... I still have a few things to prepare.
(Talk to Albedo between 18:00 and 06:00 the next day)
Icon Dialogue Quest When will dinner be?
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 02e.ogg Albedo: It's almost ready now. Traveler, please light the campfire and gather everyone for dinner.
(Continue to next section)
Icon Dialogue Talk About the paint...
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 02a 1.ogg Albedo: I hadn't expected you to be so interested in paint.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 02a 2.ogg Albedo: I once tried grinding Mist Flowers into powder and mixing it with white paint to replicate the sparkle of snowflakes.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 02a 3.ogg Albedo: The end result was quite satisfactory. But works that use this kind of paint need to be stored carefully.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 02a 4.ogg Albedo: If you want to try it for yourself, I can help you.
(Dialogue returns to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk About Dragonspine...
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 02b 1.ogg Albedo: Even now, I don't believe I have fully grasped the nature of the threat that Dragonspine poses.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 02b 2.ogg Albedo: But I will endeavor to keep you safe. That much you can trust in.
(Dialogue returns to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk How are you holding up?
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 02c 1.ogg Albedo: Hah. I wish I could simply respond with, "I'm fine."
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 02c 2.ogg Albedo: But you are a true friend to me, so I should be honest with you.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 02c 3.ogg Albedo: Recently, certain questions have been occupying my mind... questions about the nature of life, and creation.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 02c 4.ogg Albedo: However, I feel that rushing into a discussion with you on these topics before my ideas on them are fully formulated will bring you far more confusion than clarity.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 02c 5.ogg Albedo: So I will wait till my thoughts are clear in my own head before I share them with you. Until then, please forgive me.
(Dialogue returns to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk About what happened today...
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 02d 1.ogg Albedo: Don't worry about it. A chance like this to gather around the fire and chat into the night is a rare and precious one for me.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 02d 2.ogg Albedo: I won't participate in the conversation much. It's just a habit of mine.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 02d 3.ogg Albedo: But please know that I am enjoying the atmosphere all the same.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 02d 4.ogg Albedo: Of course, I'm happy to continue chatting with you if you'd like.
(Dialogue returns to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll leave you in peace.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 03.ogg Albedo: This is my camp, but let's not get bogged down in technicalities. I want you to be able to relax and make yourself at home here.
(Talk to Bennett)
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 bennett 01.ogg Bennett: I wonder if there's anything I can do to help out... ?
Icon Dialogue Talk About the rookie...
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 bennett 02a 1.ogg Bennett: Oh, you mean Gerald? I heard that Eula developed a whole training program for him.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 bennett 02a 2.ogg Bennett: He might be new, but I bet he'll improve pretty quickly with a mentor like that.
(Dialogue returns to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk About Dragonspine...
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 bennett 02b 1.ogg Bennett: *sigh* I feel bad, it's hard knowing that I've been causing so much trouble for everyone.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 bennett 02b 2.ogg Bennett: Being a little unlucky is usually no big deal for me. But in a place like this, it makes me worry that something really bad might come of it...
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 bennett 02b 3.ogg Bennett: No, wait, I shouldn't have said that. I might have actually jinxed it now.
(Dialogue returns to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk How are you holding up?
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 bennett 02c 1.ogg Bennett: Haha, you know me, same old Bennett... unlucky as ever.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 bennett 02c 2.ogg Bennett: But as long as bad luck doesn't break me, I'll always get back up again.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 bennett 02c 3.ogg Bennett: Especially on a cool adventure like this one. I gotta make the most of it!
(Dialogue returns to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk About what happened today...
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 bennett 02d 1.ogg Bennett: Hehe, sorry for dragging you guys into another situation.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 bennett 02d 2.ogg Bennett: I didn't use to know any of these knights very well, but after spending some time with them on this trip, it's really opened my eyes to my own shortcomings.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 bennett 02d 3.ogg Bennett: They're all so talented and kind. I have a lot to learn from them.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 bennett 02d 4.ogg Bennett: Oh yeah — you gotta tell me sometime how you managed to make friends with so many talented people!
(Dialogue returns to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll leave you in peace.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 bennett 03.ogg Bennett: Okay, cool. Make sure you eat plenty when dinner's ready.
(Talk to Amber)
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 ambor 01.ogg Amber: It's so nice and warm here...
Icon Dialogue Talk About Joel...
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 ambor 02a 1.ogg Amber: Joel's been doing pretty good. Having people to play with has put him in a good mood.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 ambor 02a 2.ogg Amber: I'll tell you what though, he seems to have even more stamina than me!
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 ambor 02a 3.ogg Amber: So long as they're playing, kids always seem to have endless amounts of energy.
(Dialogue returns to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk About Dragonspine...
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 ambor 02b 1.ogg Amber: It's more dangerous up here than I thought.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 ambor 02b 2.ogg Amber: In a hostile environment like this, even a knight of Favonius has to keep their eyes open and keep their wits about them at all times.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 ambor 02b 3.ogg Amber: Still, this has been a pretty unique adventure for me. It's definitely been worth it.
(Dialogue returns to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk How are you holding up?
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 ambor 02c 1.ogg Amber: You know, when I was keeping Joel company, I started missing my grandfather really bad...
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 ambor 02c 2.ogg Amber: After he disappeared, I never saw him again. I have no idea how he's doing.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 ambor 02c 3.ogg Amber: But at least what I can do is focus on being a great Outrider! If I can do that well, I know he'd be proud.
(Dialogue returns to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk About what happened today...
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 ambor 02d 1.ogg Amber: Oh, all that? Ah, don't worry about it.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 ambor 02d 2.ogg Amber: Eula is a good person. She might not show it, but she'd never let that kind of stuff get to her.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 ambor 02d 3.ogg Amber: As for Bennett, he seems like the kind of guy who can keep his spirits up when things aren't going well.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 ambor 02d 4.ogg Amber: I feel bad for having to ask so much of Albedo, though...
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 ambor 02d 5.ogg Amber: Still, it's kinda nice to have everyone together like this, so... yay for silver linings.
(Dialogue returns to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll leave you in peace.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 ambor 03.ogg Amber: Sure thing. Bet you're tired as well? You should get some rest, too.
(Talk to Eula)
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 eula 01.ogg Eula: This is quite cozy... for Dragonspine, I'm pleasantly surprised.
Icon Dialogue Talk About the snowman...
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 eula 02a 1.ogg Eula: I gave it a try, and I actually quite enjoyed it.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 eula 02a 2.ogg Eula: ...
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 eula 02a 3.ogg Eula: But Amber said the snowman I made was too artistic... apparently, the conventional style is more rotund in appearance.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 eula 02a 4.ogg Eula: I couldn't tell if she was complimenting me or mocking me. Either way, I'm not about to let it go.
(Dialogue returns to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk About Dragonspine...
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 eula 02b 1.ogg Eula: I'm quite familiar with Dragonspine by now.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 eula 02b 2.ogg Eula: But this time, I have a newcomer to worry about, and I am traveling in a group with Amber and the others. Not things I'm terribly well accustomed to.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 eula 02b 3.ogg Eula: Still, I've taken the job, so of course I'll do what's asked of me to the fullest of my ability. I'll settle this score once this is all over.
(Dialogue returns to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk How are you holding up?
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 eula 02c 1.ogg Eula: Me? I'm coping perfectly well. I don't need looking after.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 eula 02c 2.ogg Eula: You should talk to Amber and Bennett. They're not as well acquainted with Dragonspine as I am.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 eula 02c 3.ogg Eula: Seeing how much you can find to talk about even with Albedo, you must be quite the conversationalist. So put that skill to good use — teach them all how to survive on Dragonspine. I'm sure this is well within your capability, no?
(Dialogue returns to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk About what happened today...
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 eula 02d 1.ogg Eula: If you're talking about Bennett's situation, I think I'm used to it now. It's hardly the end of the world.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 eula 02d 2.ogg Eula: Don't ruminate on it. Take this chance to get some proper rest. The nights are long on Dragonspine.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 eula 02d 3.ogg Eula: ...
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 eula 02d 4.ogg Eula: *sigh* A glass of ice-cold wine would not go amiss right now.
(Dialogue returns to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll leave you in peace.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 eula 03.ogg Eula: Don't mind me. Just do whatever you like.

(Light the bonfire)
Media:vo eqxs103 9 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Yay, dinner's ready!
Media:vo eqxs103 9 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Food's ready, everyone! Come on, let's eat!
Media:vo eqxs103 9 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: I made a few dishes based on some popular Mondstadt recipes. This is no Good Hunter, but there should be enough to go around.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 albedo 02.ogg Albedo: Please, help yourselves.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 bennett 01.ogg Bennett: Wow, smells great! Don't mind if I do!
Media:vo eqxs103 9 eula 01.ogg Eula: Wait, don't steal all the fried vegetables. Leave some for me! ...Hey!
Everyone enjoys dinner around an open fire...
Media:vo eqxs103 9 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Ah... Paimon's full. What a great meal!
Media:vo eqxs103 9 bennett 02.ogg Bennett: Albedo, you're too modest. These dishes are as good as anything you'd find in a top restaurant. Are all alchemists so good at cooking?
Media:vo eqxs103 9 eula 02.ogg Eula: You may be onto something there.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Right? Paimon thinks so, too! It's his lab manner that gives it away — the kind of guy who holds a potion bottle as steady as a rock isn't the kind of guy who's gonna be slapdash with his salt and pepper.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 ambor 01.ogg Amber: Actually, that makes a lot of sense!
Media:vo eqxs103 9 bennett 03.ogg Bennett: I'm so sleepy after all that food... zzz...
Media:vo eqxs103 9 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Did Bennett fall asleep sitting up? He must be totally wiped out.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's been a tough few days.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 eula 03.ogg Eula: The way he's sleeping is so... alert. I'm impressed.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 bennett 04.ogg Bennett: Zzz... zzz...
Media:vo eqxs103 9 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: He seems to be in a deep sleep. Paimon wonders if he sleep talks?
Media:vo eqxs103 9 bennett 05.ogg Bennett: Ugh... Ugh, no dad, no apples for me... I want Sticky Honey Roast and Fisherman's Toast...
Media:vo eqxs103 9 eula 04.ogg Eula: Sticky Honey Roast... That's your favorite, isn't it, Amber?
Media:vo eqxs103 9 ambor 03.ogg Amber: Hmm, sure is! Give me a Sticky Honey Roast from Good Hunter any day!
Media:vo eqxs103 9 ambor 04.ogg Amber: I used to take Eula to Good Hunter a lot back when we first met. Before long, Sara would start cooking our usual orders as soon as she saw us coming.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 ambor 05.ogg Amber: She said we ordered the same things so often that it was practically muscle memory by that point! Haha.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 ambor 06.ogg Amber: She also said that if everyone in Mondstadt ordered like we do, her job would be so much easier. All she'd have to do is to memorize everyone's favorites...
Media:vo eqxs103 9 eula 05.ogg Eula: Ahem!
Media:vo eqxs103 9 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Always eating together... Aw, it's nice that you two are so close.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon always eat together, too. It's a sure sign of true friendship!
Media:vo eqxs103 9 eula 06.ogg Eula: Two people simply sharing a meal says nothing either way about the relationship between them.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 albedo 03.ogg Albedo: That depends if it's a one-off meal or a regular occurrence.
Icon Dialogue Talk He's not wrong.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Aha! Paimon just noticed something! Whenever Eula doesn't want to admit to something, she raises her chin or puts her hands on her hips.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 eula 07.ogg Eula: ...Hmph.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 ambor 07.ogg Amber: Ah, you've all picked up on that. Didn't know Eula's tells were so easy to spot.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 eula 08.ogg Eula: We are done here, yes? I am free to go, am I not?
Media:vo eqxs103 9 eula 09.ogg Eula: Please excuse me. I have a frozen lake I need to be at.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 ambor 08.ogg Amber: You're going for an ice bath at this time of the night? W—Wait up, don't go without me!
Media:vo eqxs103 9 eula 10.ogg Eula: I thought you wanted to get some sleep? So maybe you should stay here and rest.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 ambor 09.ogg Amber: No, I should come with you. It's late, and it's dark, and you're not good with directions like I am. Come on, let's go together.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: An ice bath...? Whew, rather them than Paimon.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 bennett 06.ogg Bennett: Zzz... so much... roast meat... zzz...
Media:vo eqxs103 9 bennett 07.ogg Bennett: Oh... hey dad... I'm doing alright... I'm the leader of my own adventure team now... Zzz...
Media:vo eqxs103 9 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Wow, Bennett really is a sleep talker.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Okay, looks like we got some downtime now!
Media:vo eqxs103 9 albedo 04.ogg Albedo: Alright you two, time to paint.
Icon Dialogue Talk Prepare to be amazed.
Icon Dialogue Talk Time for me to show what I can do.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 albedo 05.ogg Albedo: Have you decided what to paint?
Media:vo eqxs103 9 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Heh, like you even need to ask! It's obviously going to be Paimon.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Okay. Paimon it is.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 albedo 06.ogg Albedo: Sure. But we should move elsewhere. We're likely to disturb Bennett's sleep if we stay here, so let's go outside.
Media:vo eqxs103 9 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Okie-dokie! Alright, grab your easel, paper, brushes, and paints, don't leave anything behind!
(Talk to sleeping Bennett)
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 bennett 04.ogg Bennett: Zzz... zzz...
Icon Dialogue Talk Observe Bennett.
Observe Bennett.: Bennett is sleeping soundly with his eyes tightly shut...
Icon Dialogue Talk Listen to Bennett's sleep talking.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 bennett 05b 1.ogg Bennett: Huh... Hey! Paimon, no, don't touch that!
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 paimon 01b 1.ogg Paimon: ...What the heck?
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 bennett 05b 2.ogg Bennett: Don't touch that mechanism! Or you'll... fall down... ugh, oh well, never mind...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 paimon 01b 2.ogg Paimon: Ahhhh! What the heck is this guy dreaming about!

(Approach the painting spot)
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 04.ogg Albedo: Let's paint here.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Allow Paimon to adopt an elegant pose for your artistic reference!
Icon Dialogue Talk Huh?
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Hey! What's that look for? Cut the attitude and start putting your perfect Paimon down on the page! You'd better take this seriously, 'cause this is going on Paimon's wall!
Icon Dialogue Talk Alright then.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll humor Paimon.
Media:vo dialog eqxs103 albedo 05.ogg Albedo: Confidence is a good thing. Those to whom it is endowed do well to flaunt it. I'm looking forward to the finished piece.
(Start painting)
Media:vo eqxs103 11 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Alright. Let's start with the head! Now, (TravelerTraveler), in your mind's eye, what is written on Paimon's face?
Icon Dialogue Talk "Paimon's all out of brain juice"...
Icon Dialogue Talk "Paimon's peeved"...
Icon Dialogue Talk Dopey but adorable...
Media:vo eqxs103 11 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Huh? Is that how Paimon really looks to you? Huh...
Media:vo eqxs103 11 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Okay forget it, we can come back to that. Let's move onto the body! C'mon! Paint what you see when you look at Paimon!
Icon Dialogue Talk Top-quality emergency food...
Icon Dialogue Talk A top-tier flying pet...
Media:vo eqxs103 11 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Ugh... Paimon's starting to feel like this is not going to turn out so great... Now Paimon's getting nervous...
Icon Dialogue Talk Done.
Media:vo eqxs103 11 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Lemme see, let Paimon see...
Media:vo eqxs103 11 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Aah! What is this!?
Icon Dialogue Talk Not bad, right? I'm pretty happy with it.
Media:vo eqxs103 11 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Why, you... how could... Huh. Paimon is lost for words! The brushwork is smooth and the composition seems professional-quality — you had no problems there, so what the heck happened with the face, huh!? Explain that stupid expression! Explain it!
Media:vo eqxs103 11 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: ...Smooth... Professional-quality...?
Media:vo eqxs103 11 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: And those eyes! Those boring, lifeless eyes! Where is the soul!!!
Media:vo eqxs103 11 albedo 02.ogg Albedo: Traveler, have you previously received any education in the fine arts?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Very, very little...
Media:vo eqxs103 11 paimon 09a.ogg Paimon: Oh, really? So it's just a hobby then? Well that sure explains a lot! There's no way you would have made Paimon look like this if you'd had any amount of formal training.
Icon Dialogue Talk I was just trying to convey how special you are.
Icon Dialogue Talk No, but... art comes from the heart, so...
Media:vo eqxs103 11 paimon 09b 1.ogg Paimon: What? You pour your heart on the page, and THIS is what comes out!?
Icon Dialogue Talk I just wanted to convey how special you are.
Media:vo eqxs103 11 paimon 09b 2.ogg Paimon: "Special"? Huh... You seriously think "special" is supposed to look this ugly? Paimon's not convinced... but Paimon is struggling to come up with a come back [sic].
Media:vo eqxs103 11 albedo 03.ogg Albedo: Fascinating.
Media:vo eqxs103 11 albedo 04.ogg Albedo: Paimon, if this is not to your liking, I can make a few amendments. Traveler, what do you think?
Icon Dialogue Talk Please. And thank you.
Albedo makes some improvements to the artwork...
Albedo: ...
Media:vo eqxs103 11 albedo 05.ogg Albedo: Alright then.
Media:vo eqxs103 11 albedo 06.ogg Albedo: Paimon, is this better?
Media:vo eqxs103 11 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: It's... It's...
Media:vo eqxs103 11 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: It's a total ground-up overhaul, that's what it is! It's soooo pretty... is that really what Paimon looks like...?
Media:vo eqxs103 11 albedo 07.ogg Albedo: Adding flourish to the finished piece is an essential component of what makes art, art.
Media:vo eqxs103 11 albedo 08.ogg Albedo: This is not to say that you differ from the painting on a fundamental level. Rather, that the real you and the you in the painting present two different styles of beauty.
Media:vo eqxs103 11 albedo 09.ogg Albedo: You remain the core reference point for the painting. So, Paimon, you can put your misgivings aside and hang this painting wherever you like.
Icon Dialogue Talk Now I see the gap in our painting talents.
Icon Dialogue Talk This was my trial by fire as an artist.
Media:vo eqxs103 11 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Wow... Thanks, Albedo!
Media:vo eqxs103 11 albedo 10.ogg Albedo: I merely added a flourish here and there. You should be thanking the Traveler.
Media:vo eqxs103 11 albedo 11.ogg Albedo: (In truth, "ground-up overhaul" is more or less an accurate description.)
Media:vo eqxs103 11 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: The more Paimon looks at it, the more she likes it... Hehe, great! Paimon has a portrait painting!
Media:vo eqxs103 11 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Paimon's gonna show this off to everyone!
Icon Dialogue Talk Paimon looks so happy. Thank you.
Media:vo eqxs103 11 albedo 12.ogg Albedo: It's nothing. I can paint you next time, if you'd like. You can hang it in your home as a souvenir.
Media:vo eqxs103 11 albedo 13.ogg Albedo: I rarely entertain so many guests at my camp. It's lively — a little noisy, even. But I don't dislike it.
Media:vo eqxs103 11 albedo 14.ogg Albedo: Liveliness is a rare thing here on Dragonspine.
Everyone rests at the camp until morning...

Media:vo eqxs104 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: It's a new day. Let's go meet up with everyone.
(Examine Paimon's portrait)
You examine the picture...: (This artwork is, to the last stroke, one made with extreme aesthetic sense. Paimon looks elegant and dignified, and she wears an enigmatic but romantic smile, her upturned lips displaying a vast brilliance beyond human ken. Very pretty, of course, but this isn't the Paimon you know at all...)
(Approach the group)
Media:vo eqxs104 1 bennett 01.ogg Bennett: Hey! Good morning!
Media:vo eqxs104 1 ambor 01.ogg Amber: I slept great last night! How about you guys? All rested up?
Media:vo eqxs104 1 eula 01.ogg Eula: I'm fine, as usual.
Icon Dialogue Talk I slept pretty well, too.
Media:vo eqxs104 1 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: The path down the mountain is easier to follow in the daylight. Let's take this chance to head down to the base camp.
Media:vo eqxs104 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Let's go! If we make good time, maybe we can all get lunch together.
(A cutscene plays)
Media:vo eqxs104 cs bennett 01.ogg Bennett: I flipped another insignia just outside the camp. Wrong again!
Media:vo eqxs104 cs ambor 01.ogg Amber: So your bad luck is all used up. We'll be down the mountain in no time!
Media:vo eqxs104 cs bennett 02.ogg Bennett: Yeah! My thoughts exactly, today's the day!
(A rock lands at Albedo's feet, Albedo looks up to see a snowslide.)
Media:vo eqxs104 cs albedo 01.ogg Albedo: Oh no!
Media:vo eqxs104 cs albedo 02.ogg Albedo: Avalanche!
Media:vo eqxs104 cs bennett 03.ogg Bennett: Look out!
(Cutscene ends)
Media:vo eqxs104 2 ambor 01.ogg Amber: Traveler, Paimon! Are you alright? Are you hurt?
Media:vo eqxs104 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Uh, Paimon's fine...
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm okay. You?
Media:vo eqxs104 2 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Phew... That's good... My arm got a little scratched up, but it's nothing serious.
Icon Dialogue Talk Eula, how about you?
Media:vo eqxs104 2 eula 01.ogg Eula: I'm okay. But I don't see the other two. I'm afraid... the avalanche may have pushed them off the cliff.
Media:vo eqxs104 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: They fell down!? Th—They'll be okay, though, right...?
Media:vo eqxs104 2 eula 02.ogg Eula: I think they're both robust enough to survive the fall. But if the falling debris knocked them unconscious, and they're lying there in the freezing cold...
Media:vo eqxs104 2 eula 03.ogg Eula: We have to get down there and rescue them, immediately.
Media:vo eqxs104 2 ambor 03.ogg Amber: Okay, let's move!
Media:vo eqxs104 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Hang in there, guys...

(Approach the bottom of the cliff)
Media:vo eqxs104 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Bennett!
Media:vo eqxs104 3 ambor 01.ogg Amber: Bennett, are you okay!? Shout if you can hear me! Bennett!
Media:vo eqxs104 3 bennett 01.ogg ???: ...Ugh...
Media:vo eqxs104 3 eula 01.ogg Eula: A voice — over there!
Media:vo eqxs104 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Bennett, is that you!?
Media:vo eqxs104 3 bennett 02.ogg Bennett: Guys... I'm over here...
Media:vo eqxs104 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Are you alright? Are you hurt?
Media:vo eqxs104 3 bennett 03.ogg Bennett: I—I... lemme check...
Media:vo eqxs104 3 bennett 04.ogg Bennett: Hmm... I'm a little dizzy, but I'm not in any pain... I don't think I'm injured.
Media:vo eqxs104 3 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Thank goodness... scared the life out of me.
Media:vo eqxs104 3 eula 02.ogg Eula: If you're dizzy, sit and rest for a while.
Media:vo eqxs104 3 bennett 05.ogg Bennett: Ah, it's fine, really. This kind of thing happens all the time, I'll be fine. Thank you.
Media:vo eqxs104 3 bennett 06.ogg Bennett: Oh, wait, where's Albedo? Isn't he with you guys?
Media:vo eqxs104 3 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: We thought he fell off the cliff with you... He still hasn't shown up...
Media:vo eqxs104 3 eula 03.ogg Eula: We've found Bennett here, so Albedo can't be far away. Keep searching this area.
Media:vo eqxs104 3 ambor 03.ogg Amber: Got it!
(Break one rock pile)
Media:vo eqxs104 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Albedo!
Media:vo eqxs104 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hmm... no response. Are we definitely looking in the right place?
(Break the other rock pile)
Media:vo eqxs104 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: He's not here either. Hmm... Let's check in with the others.
(Approach the group)
Media:vo eqxs104 5 ambor 01.ogg Amber: Well? Any sign of him?
Media:vo eqxs104 5 eula 01.ogg Eula: Not a trace.
Media:vo eqxs104 5 bennett 01.ogg Bennett: Nothing from me, either.
Media:vo eqxs104 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Strange, we didn't have any luck, either... Where could he have gone...?
Media:vo eqxs104 5 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: ...Everyone.
Media:vo eqxs104 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Ah! Albedo!? Are... are you okay?
Icon Dialogue Talk You're not hurt?
Media:vo eqxs104 5 albedo 02.ogg Albedo: Nothing serious.
Media:vo eqxs104 5 eula 02.ogg Eula: Okay. Everyone accounted for.
Media:vo eqxs104 5 bennett 02.ogg Bennett: Guys, I—I think... it's gotta be because of me. The avalanche only happened because I'm here.
Media:vo eqxs104 5 bennett 03.ogg Bennett: I guess flipping a Treasure Hoarder Insignia isn't gonna change my luck after all... No wonder no one wants to go adventuring with me. *sigh*
Media:vo eqxs104 5 bennett 04.ogg Bennett: I'm so sorry!
Media:vo eqxs104 5 eula 03.ogg Eula: Don't say that. I'm hardly the lucky type myself, so I'm not about to go blaming every little thing that goes wrong on you.
Media:vo eqxs104 5 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Exactly! Besides, Dragonspine is a dangerous place. Avalanches literally come with the territory. Bad luck has nothing to do with it, okay?
Icon Dialogue Talk (...Was that really an accident?)
Media:vo eqxs104 5 ambor 03.ogg Amber: Traveler, what's wrong?
Media:vo eqxs104 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Your face looks... *gasp* Oh no! Did you get hit on the head!?
Icon Dialogue Talk No, I'm fine.
Media:vo eqxs104 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Phew...
Media:vo eqxs104 5 albedo 03.ogg Albedo: Everyone, the incident is behind us now. We should keep moving.
Media:vo eqxs104 5 eula 04.ogg Eula: Why do I feel that Dragonspine has become more dangerous than it used to be... I hope it's just my imagination...
Media:vo eqxs104 5 eula 05.ogg Eula: Our top priority now is to get off the mountain and regroup with the adventurers. Whatever further dangers this mountain has to throw at us, we must face them together.
Media:vo eqxs104 5 ambor 04.ogg Amber: Agreed. Guys, keep your eyes peeled and watch your step. Careful does it.
(Approach the base of the mountain)
Media:vo eqxs104 6 ambor 01.ogg Amber: Whew! We've been heading in the right direction for a good length of time now — we must be getting close, I can feel it!
Media:vo eqxs104 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Victory is in sight, hooray!
Media:vo eqxs104 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: As soon as we get to base camp, Paimon wants a bowl of hot soup and some barbecued meat!
Media:vo eqxs104 6 bennett 01.ogg Bennett: I hope we can all get there safely. No more incidents, please...
(TravelerTraveler): (...)
(TravelerTraveler): (Weird things have been happening this whole trip... Something feels wrong, but what is it...?)
Media:vo eqxs104 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Hey, (TravelerTraveler), what's on your mind? You seem a little distracted.
Icon Dialogue Talk Nothing, it's just...
Icon Dialogue Talk With some things, I don't know where to begin.
Media:vo eqxs104 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Something's up, isn't it? Uhh... are you hungry? Cold? Shall Paimon hug your head to warm you up?
Icon Dialogue Talk Thanks, but I'm alright, Paimon.
Media:vo eqxs104 6 ambor 02.ogg Amber: I don't think I've spent so much time on Dragonspine before. It sure is cold, but the view is amazing! Isn't it, Eula?
Media:vo eqxs104 6 eula 01.ogg Eula: ...
Media:vo eqxs104 6 ambor 03.ogg Amber: Eula?
Media:vo eqxs104 6 eula 02.ogg Eula: Sorry, I wasn't listening. What did you say?
Media:vo eqxs104 6 ambor 04.ogg Amber: I was just thinking — whenever I've met up with you at Dragonspine in the past, we always stick to the same few spots. It's much more vast and beautiful here than I realized.
Media:vo eqxs104 6 ambor 05.ogg Amber: If it were a little warmer and a little safer, I bet this place would be bustling with visitors.
(TravelerTraveler): (Something seemed to grab Eula's attention. Does she sense that something's off, too?)
Media:vo eqxs104 6 eula 03.ogg Eula: I agree... People are put off by the cold and have an aversion to danger. They don't realize that there is much to explore beneath the icy exterior, if you are willing to spend the time and energy.
Media:vo eqxs104 6 eula 04.ogg Eula: Albedo, is this the way down?
Media:vo eqxs104 6 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: Yes.
Media:vo eqxs104 6 bennett 02.ogg Bennett: I think there are several routes in this area, hmm, does the path fork off here? It looks like it does... hmm, but maybe it doesn't... my head's still a little fuzzy from the impact...
Media:vo eqxs104 6 ambor 06.ogg Amber: I'm kind of dizzy, too. I keep thinking things are swaying a little... Maybe I'm just hungry?
Media:vo eqxs104 6 albedo 02.ogg Albedo: Either path will work for us. The smaller trail is less worn and harder to see, but it's also shorter. Since everyone is weary, I suggest we take the shortcut.
Media:vo eqxs104 6 albedo 03.ogg Albedo: Follow me.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Everyone follows Albedo onward...
Media:vo eqxs104 7 eula 01.ogg Eula: Wait.
Media:vo eqxs104 7 eula 02.ogg Eula: Bennett and Amber don't look well. Can we take a break? We can continue once their conditions have improved.
Media:vo eqxs104 7 bennett 01.ogg Bennett: Ugh... Now that you mention it...
Media:vo eqxs104 7 ambor 01.ogg Amber: Huh? I...
Media:vo eqxs104 7 eula 03.ogg Eula: You hit your head earlier, didn't you?
Media:vo eqxs104 7 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Oh, y—you noticed. Hehe... Are you sure it's worth holding everyone up over a little thing like this?
Media:vo eqxs104 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: No problem at all, health and safety always come first!
Icon Dialogue Talk Take a break, both of you.
Media:vo eqxs104 7 ambor 03.ogg Amber: Okay... Sorry for this. Thank you.
Media:vo eqxs104 7 bennett 02.ogg Bennett: Yeah... thank you.
Media:vo eqxs104 7 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: ...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...

(Talk to Bennett and Amber)
Media:vo eqxs104 8 bennett 01.ogg Bennett: Drinking some water can help with the dizziness! Oh, and uh, lying flat on your back helps too.
Media:vo eqxs104 8 ambor 01.ogg Amber: Thank you, Bennett. Seems like you really know your stuff!
Media:vo eqxs104 8 bennett 02.ogg Bennett: Haha... Well, when life gives you lemons...
Media:vo eqxs104 8 eula 01.ogg Eula: Bennett, weren't you feeling dizzy too? Stop pushing yourselves, both of you. Get some rest, we'll continue when you've gathered your energy.
Media:vo eqxs104 8 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Pfft...
Media:vo eqxs104 8 ambor 03.ogg Amber: Eula might come off as a little frosty, but she takes caring for her friends super seriously, more than anyone else I know. Every time I see that look on her face, I'm just like... Aah! Stop staring at me!
(Talk to Eula)
Media:vo eqxs104 9 eula 01.ogg Eula: Traveler, I know what that look means. What's on your mind?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...I have a bad feeling about this.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's like something bad's about to happen.
Media:vo eqxs104 9 eula 02.ogg Eula: Maybe seasoned veterans have an instinct for it.
Media:vo eqxs104 9 eula 03.ogg Eula: I sense it too. Something seems to have changed, but I can't confirm for sure... it could be difficult to verify.
(TravelerTraveler): (What could it be...)
Media:vo eqxs104 9 eula 04.ogg Eula: It might be... imprudent to speculate out loud. But I believe you know what I am referring to.
(TravelerTraveler): (...)
Media:vo eqxs104 9 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: ...
Media:vo eqxs104 9 eula 05.ogg Eula: Traveler, I think...
(TravelerTraveler): (...!?)
Media:vo eqxs104 9 eula 06.ogg Eula: You...
Icon Dialogue Talk Watch out!
(A cutscene plays)
(Albedo attempts to create a Cryo Solar Isotoma but gets stabbed through the chest by another Albedo.)
Paimon: Albedo!? What's...
Albedo: It's not over yet
(Cutscene ends)
Media:vo eqxs104 10 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: Brace yourselves. This will be a challenge.
Media:vo eqxs104 10 eula 01.ogg Eula: Stay back. I'm going to cut this weed down to size!
(Defeat the Fellflower)
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: ...Hmph.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: What in the world was that thing!? One moment it was human, the next it was a plant...
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 02.ogg Albedo: Is everyone alright?
Media:vo eqxs104 11 ambor 01.ogg Amber: We're fine. But can you please tell us what's going on? I—I don't understand...
Media:vo eqxs104 11 eula 01.ogg Eula: I take it this monster is whom I had the pleasure of meeting last time.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 03.ogg Albedo: Correct.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 04.ogg Albedo: As you might have guessed, this is a mutated whopperflower. An extremely rare kind.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: But can whopperflowers turn into humans?
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 05.ogg Albedo: Not typically. But conditions on Dragonspine are far from typical.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 06.ogg Albedo: Perhaps the dragon's blood seeped into the land, then was passed to the monsters via the ley lines, accelerating their rate of mutation.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 bennett 01.ogg Bennett: How could that happen!?
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 07.ogg Albedo: This mountain is home to the remains of Durin, the venomous dragon. If there is anywhere in the world one might expect life to do unfathomable things, it would most likely be here.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 08.ogg Albedo: Durin was an artificially created life form. Its existence is nothing short of a miracle, and proof of countless possibilities.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 09.ogg Albedo: In other words, this mountain we stand on is a cradle of life's profoundest mysteries... A vast and terrifying hotbed of possibilities.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 eula 02.ogg Eula: The avalanche... it must have been the work of this impostor.
Icon Dialogue Talk I think so, too.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 10.ogg Albedo: Agreed. All the other troubles you faced on the way down could also have been its handiwork. My guess is that it was targeting everyone that I've had contact with.
Icon Dialogue Talk Did this whopperflower steal your alchemy notes, too?
Media:vo eqxs104 11 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Right! I forgot all about that!
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 11.ogg Albedo: It's not inconceivable.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 ambor 03.ogg Amber: But... what was its purpose? Was it just trying to get rid of us?
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 12.ogg Albedo: ...
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 13.ogg Albedo: I have a preliminary hypothesis on this.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 14.ogg Albedo: Whopperflowers are masters of mimicry, and those we encounter in the wild often appear in the vicinity of the plants they impersonate.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 15.ogg Albedo: In other words, the whopperflower likely has an instinct to "replicate and replace."
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 16.ogg Albedo: As a plant, it will disguise itself as another plant and infiltrate the group, hiding among them for cover. The plant being imitated has no way to detect or fight back against this behavior.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 17.ogg Albedo: But when it disguises itself as a human...
Media:vo eqxs104 11 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: It wanted to replace you and infiltrate our group?
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 18.ogg Albedo: Yes. Maybe it created the avalanche to get rid of us. I predicted this eventuality, so I availed myself of the avalanche to hide and lure it out.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 19.ogg Albedo: It was watching us the whole time, and when it saw that I had disappeared, its instinct was to take my place. At that point, its disguise was complete and its next move was to hunt its prey.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 ambor 04.ogg Amber: Yes, that's exactly how whopperflowers operate.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 eula 03.ogg Eula: So when it approached and attacked Joel... what was that? A trial run?
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 20.ogg Albedo: Perhaps... Or maybe it enjoyed posing as a human and wanted to experience what it felt like to be human.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 eula 04.ogg Eula: We're fortunate to have discovered it in time. I think the Traveler was the first person other than Albedo to notice something was wrong.
Icon Dialogue Talk Eula, you were very perceptive too.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 21.ogg Albedo: Traveler, how could you tell the real me and my impostor apart?
Media:vo eqxs104 11 bennett 02.ogg Bennett: I wanna know, too! I had no idea the other guy was an impostor... They looked exactly the same to me.
Icon Dialogue Talk The impostor didn't have a star-shaped mark on its neck.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 22.ogg Albedo: I see...
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 23.ogg Albedo: It goes to show how difficult it is to impersonate a human. This mutant whopperflower tried its best to replicate the original exactly, but still managed to miss some details.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 ambor 05.ogg Amber: Unbelievable... to think that Dragonspine creates such terrifying possibilities...
(TravelerTraveler): (A whopperflower... it adds up, but a piece of the puzzle is still missing...)
(TravelerTraveler): (...Was this the same one we met on the day we were chasing the thief? It didn't feel quite the same... Could the whopperflower's mutation be unstable?)
Media:vo eqxs104 11 bennett 03.ogg Bennett: Anyway, at least we won in the end. It looks like my method did work after all — I used up all the bad luck, and the good luck finally came through!
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 24.ogg Albedo: About that...
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 25.ogg Albedo: If you're referring to having fallen down the mountain and avoided injury, well, that's because I was secretly protecting you.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 bennett 04.ogg Bennett: Huh? Uhh... well that still counts as good luck to me!
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 26.ogg Albedo: Haha, yes, that's not an unreasonable way of looking at it.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 27.ogg Albedo: Okay. We've been delayed long enough. Time to move on.
Media:vo eqxs104 11 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Yeah, let's go!
Media:vo eqxs104 11 albedo 28.ogg Albedo: ...

(Approach the camp)
Media:vo eqxs104 12 bennett 01.ogg Bennett: Woohoo! I'm back!
Media:vo eqxs104 12 ambor 01.ogg Amber: Cyrus doesn't seem to be here... He must have headed up the mountain. Let's wait for him here.
Media:vo eqxs104 12 eula 01.ogg Eula: Amber, are you feeling better?
Media:vo eqxs104 12 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Yep! All good now. Nothing to worry about.
Media:vo eqxs104 12 bennett 02.ogg Bennett: I don't know what I'd do without you guys... if not for you, I'd probably still be locked up in that cage...
Media:vo eqxs104 12 bennett 03.ogg Bennett: I really wanna thank you all properly, but I can't think how at the moment...
Media:vo eqxs104 12 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Huh? You must be pretty used to being on the receiving end of people's kindness by now, though, surely? You probably need it often enough given your... situation, hehe.
Media:vo eqxs104 12 bennett 04.ogg Bennett: *sigh* ...Come on, don't put it like that.
Media:vo eqxs104 12 bennett 05.ogg Bennett: Sure, plenty of people have shown me kindness before. But that doesn't mean I will ever take it for granted. No matter how many times people help me out in life, I will never forget any of them.
Media:vo eqxs104 12 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: Well, instead of repaying those who helped you, perhaps you could help others yourself? Everyone meets others in need from time to time. By choosing to be there for them, you're passing the kindness you received onto others.
Media:vo eqxs104 12 bennett 06.ogg Bennett: Yep, you're right. That's what I've always tried to do and will always continue to do.
Media:vo eqxs104 12 bennett 07.ogg Bennett: Hahaha, right! And when Cyrus gets back, I'll find some way to help him out, too!
Media:vo eqxs104 12 eula 02.ogg Eula: Phew... This has been quite an eventful day.
Media:vo eqxs104 12 ambor 03.ogg Amber: Yeah, it has! It's really hit me how tired I am now that I've started to relax...
Media:vo eqxs104 12 eula 03.ogg Eula: I need to rest. Everyone, please excuse me for a while.
Media:vo eqxs104 12 ambor 04.ogg Amber: Yeah, I need to get some water and maybe a piece of fruit. Once I'm rested up, I need to get back to being an instructor again...
Media:vo eqxs104 12 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Phew, well it looks like the curse of the mountaineers who couldn't get off the mountain is finally broken.
Media:vo eqxs104 12 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Feels like an action-packed chapter has come to a close. Shall we find somewhere to rest and chat, too?
Media:vo eqxs104 12 albedo 02.ogg Albedo: Why not. Then, please come with me.
Icon Dialogue Talk (Knew he had something to say to me...)
Media:vo eqxs104 12 albedo 03.ogg Albedo: You sensed something too, didn't you? Then let's go.
Media:vo eqxs104 12 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Huh? Are you going back to your camp again? Paimon thought maybe we could talk here?
Icon Dialogue Talk Come on, Paimon.
Media:vo eqxs104 12 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Ugh, okay... might as well come with you...
Media:vo eqxs104 12 albedo 04.ogg Albedo: Good. Shall we set off right away?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sure.
You follow Albedo to a campsite in the mountains...
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 01.ogg Albedo: Sorry for bringing you back here once again. Some topics are best discussed in private.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Is this about the impostor?
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 02.ogg Albedo: That's right.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 03.ogg Albedo: I have to say, Traveler... I'm very surprised you noticed the difference between me and the impostor.
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you mean the mark on your neck...?
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 04.ogg Albedo: Yes. This mark... perhaps it's where it all began.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Ooh! Sounds like the beginning of a big story, keep going!
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 05.ogg Albedo: Well, I can't deny that what I'm about to say does sound like something from a children's storybook.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 06.ogg Albedo: So, what do you think this diamond-shaped mark means?
Media:vo eqxs104 13 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Uh... A tattoo? A crest? ...Something else?
Icon Dialogue Talk A scar?
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 07.ogg Albedo: No. Consider it... a birthmark.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 08.ogg Albedo: Have you ever seen an intricate glass ornament and wondered how it was made? Well, one method for crafting with glass is a technique known as "glassblowing."
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 09.ogg Albedo: Glassblowing is not a widely known art in Teyvat. For this reason, glassware made in this way is usually very expensive.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 10.ogg Albedo: As the name implies, glassblowing involves blowing air into a hole, much like blowing up a balloon.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 11.ogg Albedo: This type of glassware is known for having a "pontil mark" at the point where the blowpipe was inserted, where the hole was sealed at the very end. This mark is a sign that the item was crafted by a human hand.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Sounds kind of amazing.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 12.ogg Albedo: It is a wondrous and beautiful art form. Alice says that these marks are seen as proof of the maker's fine handiwork, the only flaw in an otherwise perfect work of art.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 13.ogg Albedo: My mark is something similar to this.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 14.ogg Albedo: The difference between synthetic and natural life lies in the directional flow of the life force.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 15.ogg Albedo: The energy of a natural life form flows out from within. That's why flower buds bloom and curled leaves unfold. It is the very reason we watch in wonder at blossoming flowers.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 16.ogg Albedo: Creating life artificially, on the other hand, involves — to a certain extent — the introduction of an external source of energy into the embryonic life form. When the hole where the life force was infused is sealed at the end, it leaves a mark not dissimilar to the pontil mark in blown glass wares.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 17.ogg Albedo: The alchemical substance drips and spreads out in all directions, resulting in this rather ingenious diamond shape.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Wow, so that's where it came from...
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 18.ogg Albedo: This mark is a sign of my artificial origins, and proof of my imperfection as a human.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 19.ogg Albedo: I presume that the impostor intentionally avoided replicating this mark, so as not to become less than perfect himself.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Icon Dialogue Talk Should you be telling me all this?
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 20.ogg Albedo: You are fundamentally different from other people. I have few qualms about sharing my secrets with you.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 21.ogg Albedo: Just as Paimon said, it all sounds like a story. Even if you were to tell anyone else, they would regard it as nothing more than a tall tale.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 22.ogg Albedo: The transcendent and miraculous are not the only things to which human beings aspire. They pursue the everyday, the ordinary, to a far greater extent than I would have ever imagined.
Icon Dialogue Talk Hence the notion of "otherness."
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 23.ogg Albedo: People like to believe that those who are thoroughly different from themselves could only ever exist in stories. It makes things much easier.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 24.ogg Albedo: Or in other words, all the unfathomable things we have seen recently would make good material for a novel.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 25.ogg Albedo: I have friends who write novels. If they wrote this story, it would probably be even more complex.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Making up stories is easy. Even Paimon can do that!
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 26.ogg Albedo: Oh? I didn't know you had that kind of talent.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Hehehe, Paimon's the best guide in Teyvat. Making up stories is a piece of cake.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 27.ogg Albedo: In that case, how about we have a storytelling contest?
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 28.ogg Albedo: We can base our stories on the events of the last few days.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Sounds great! But we still have to help out the Adventurers' Guild...
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 29.ogg Albedo: I understand. Creativity is something that cannot be rushed. Take your time, and come back when you have found some inspiration.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 30.ogg Albedo: We'll see whose story is more compelling.
Media:vo eqxs104 13 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Deal!
Media:vo eqxs104 13 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Okay, we'll regroup with the Adventurers' Guild for now!
Media:vo eqxs104 13 albedo 31.ogg Albedo: Sure.
(A cutscene plays)
(A snowflake lands in Albedo's hand)
Albedo: My story...
Albedo: Yes
Albedo: I should have known
(Albedo looks up into the sky)
Albedo: Master's failed specimen in the dragon's belly
Albedo: This
Albedo: Is where the story truly begins
(Albedo closes his eyes)
Albedo: If we switched places...
Albedo: If you were the survivor...
Albedo: Then, as the abandoned experiment
Albedo: The failure of the Primordial Human Project...
(Albedo looks up to see the false Albedo staring at him from a faraway cliff)
Albedo: I'd wanna replace you too
Albedo: I would replicate your appearance
Albedo: Study your alchemy
Albedo: And create miraculous lifeforms
(Albedo draws out his Cinnabar Spindle and walks forth)
Albedo: To divert your attention
Albedo: I would wait for the right moment
Albedo: Then dispose of you and the Traveler
Albedo: The sole person to have known your secret
(A Snow Weasel walks into Albedo's footsteps)
Albedo: And then...
Albedo: I could finally experience the joy
Albedo: Of being brought into the world
(Cutscene ends)

After the Quest[]

(Talk to Amber, Eula, and Joel at the Adventurer Camp)
Media:vo eqxs104 14 ambor 01.ogg Amber: Hahaha, it's been ages since I've built a snowman — it's so fun! Still a little cold, though... Brrr... My fingers are numb...
Media:vo eqxs104 14 eula 01.ogg Eula: Amber, if the cold is getting to you, there's always hot soup back at the camp. Take a rest if you need one. Don't put too much pressure on yourself.
Media:vo eqxs104 14 joel 01.ogg Joel: So Amber really feels the cold, huh... but Aunty Eula, it doesn't seem to affect you at all.
Media:vo eqxs104 14 eula 02.ogg Eula: Maybe it's because of our different capabilities. Elemental energy is... Ahem, sorry, not something you need to know about in any great detail. Simply put, it's because we have different abilities.
Media:vo eqxs104 14 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Yeah, harnessing the cold is definitely her specialty. In fact — in summertime, just standing next to her cools me down!
Media:vo eqxs104 14 joel 02.ogg Joel: Huh... c—capability? I didn't really get it, but... never mind. I like snowmen too.
Media:vo eqxs104 14 joel 03.ogg Joel: I, uh... really wish my dad could see them...


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
14Unforeseen DisasterThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 2The Shadows Deepen (cutscene)
15Fury UnleashedThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 2The Shadows Deepen (cutscene)
16Separate WaysThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 2The Shadows Deepen (cutscene)
24Battle PreparationThe Shimmering VoyageA Herald Without Adherents, The Shadows Deepen, Pride and Prejudice, Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams, All the World's a Stage, Memories That Should Not Exist
14Happy JourneyThe Wind and The Star TravelerLittle Chef on a Hunt, Secret Ingredient, Master's Day Off (Quest), Across the Sea, The Shadows Deepen, Blazin' Trails (Part 2), Congenial Gathering (Quest)
Locations, Domains, Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot


  • The Traveler's painting of Paimon will change depending on the combination of dialogue options selected while making the painting.


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Shadows Deepen
Ànyǐng chóngchóng
Ànyǐng chóngchóng
Anzentaru Kage
Darkening Shadows
Korean겹겹의 검은 그림자
Gyeopgyeop-ui Geomeun Geurimja
Dark Shadows in Layers
SpanishLas sombras se alarganThe Shadows Get Longer
FrenchL'ombre s'épaissitThe Shadow Thickens
RussianТени сгущаются
Teni sgushchayutsya
The Shadows Thicken
Many Black Shadows
VietnameseMuôn Trùng Ảo ẢnhIllusions Everywhere
GermanSchatten der UngewissheitShadows of Uncertainty
IndonesianBayangan Gelap Bertubi-tubiContinuous Dark Shadow
PortugueseNas SombrasIn the Shadows

Change History[]
