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All the World's a Stage is a quest in Kaeya's Hangout Event: Act I - Shenanigans and Sweet Wine.


  1. Watch the performance with Kaeya
  2. Order food from Nesmil
  3. Chat with Kaeya
  4. Watch Kaeya's performance
  5. Talk to Kaeya
  6. Leave quietly with Kaeya

Gameplay Notes[]

  • The names of the characters change between when they are acting and out of character. The cast list is as follows:
    • Zabi plays Gundafar;
    • Darbil plays Qabus;
    • Kaeya plays Qubad;
    • The name of Frasiyav's actor is unknown.
  • Dialogue and thoughts that were previously attributed to "Gundafar" and "Qabus" are changed after their real names are shown to use their real names.
  • Completing this quest for the first time will award the quest item Prince Qubad's Intaglio.


UI Quest Quest Description

Drama is both the generalized form and essence of reality. Just what kind of light does the story onstage reflect in his eyes?

The Stage[]

(Talk to Nesmil, optional)
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 nesmil 02.ogg Nesmil: If you want to order any food, just holler.
(Approach the stage)
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 gundafar 01.ogg Gundafar: ...Your Majesty, not only has God bestowed the throne upon you, but your beloved son, Prince Qubad, has led our brave warriors to victory against Frasiyav's army. His men have laid down their arms and fled.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 gundafar 02.ogg Gundafar: Frasiyav's brazen ambition is no more. He has bowed his head and now presents to Your Majesty an offering of treasures and hostages, as well as a plea for peace.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 gundafar 03.ogg Gundafar: My king, this battle has finally restored the dignity of our people. Moreover, with Frasiyav's offer of land comes the opportunity to expand our borders, as Your Majesty so greatly wishes.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 gundafar 04.ogg Gundafar: His Highness the Prince and I believe this peace settlement will be a great boon to our nation. It is for this reason alone that I have removed my armor and made haste back to our halls from the front lines. My king, what say you to this proposal?
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: Ah, it's the tale of Prince Qubad. Ever heard this one?
Icon Dialogue Talk Nope, never.
Icon Dialogue Talk Feels like we've missed a lot of the backstory.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: Don't worry, I still remember the general plot. Let me fill you in on the background while the king deliberates.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 kaeya 03.ogg Kaeya: The main characters are the brilliant prince Qubad and his war-hungry father, King Qabus. The one talking to the king right now is Gundafar, the prince's tutor.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 kaeya 04.ogg Kaeya: When the prince was young, the king was deceived by a malicious rumor that the prince had mistreated his stepmother. He demanded that the prince walk through a blazing fire to prove his innocence.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 kaeya 05.ogg Kaeya: Miraculously, the prince emerged unscathed, thus proving his innocence. But the seeds of doubt had already been sown in the king's mind.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 kaeya 06.ogg Kaeya: Now uneasy in the presence of his mistrustful father, the prince requested to be sent away to the battlefield, where he would fight against Frasiyav's army — that's the enemy general we heard them mention just now.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 kaeya 07.ogg Kaeya: This is the part where the prince has won the war and decided to forge a peace with the rival nation. He wrote a letter recommending peace to his father... Oh, it looks like the king's made up his mind. Let's keep watching.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 01.ogg Qabus: Frasiyav lost because he did not have the blessing of God. Our God will always watch over us, and punish our enemies.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 02.ogg Qabus: Once the bells of war have begun to toll, they shall not cease until the blood of our enemies fills the land. There can be no victory until the last enemy soldier has fallen.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 03.ogg Qabus: If Qubad still wishes to be my son, and hold the intaglio I bestowed upon him as proof of his royal blood, then he must obey my command.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 gundafar 05.ogg Gundafar: Your Majesty, I must caution that a nation destroyed is not a fallen city writ large. Now, the loss of one city strikes fear into the hearts of our enemies, compelling them to accept defeat and cede land in exchange for peace.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 gundafar 06.ogg Gundafar: If, however, we insist on bringing a whole nation to its knees... Then so long as a single person is left standing, they will see us as their sworn enemy, and one day return to us tenfold the pain that we have inflicted on their nation and family.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 gundafar 07.ogg Gundafar: My king, a people is to their nation as wild grass to the open prairie. Though we burn down the whole field and spare not one blade of grass, roots continue to grow unseen beneath the surface. Come the spring, it is all but inevitable that fresh green shoots will rise up from the ashes.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 04.ogg Qabus: Cease, Gundafar. Your mind grows dull in your old age, filled with naive delusions. We shall have no more need of you on the battlefield.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 05.ogg Qabus: As for my son Qubad... I will summon him back to the capital, so he may be tried by a court-martial.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 gundafar 08.ogg Gundafar: What are you saying, my noble king? Why must you mistrust your own flesh and blood, and sink ever deeper into the blight of hatred?
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 gundafar 09.ogg Gundafar: When he was falsely accused, you once doubted his honor, and made him walk through a raging fire. Did he not prove himself worthy by emerging unharmed from the flames?
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 gundafar 10.ogg Gundafar: Now you would turn me away, when I seek only to provide the wisdom of counsel. What is the justification for this?
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 06.ogg Qabus: The justification is that my word, not yours, is the law of the land. Cease and begone, Gundafar, so you may spend the rest of your days with your wife.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 gundafar 11.ogg Gundafar: What has become of the king that I served with my life? Fanaticism has robbed him of all reason and wisdom... Peace is surely the most favorable path for our nation, yet he refuses to accept it.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 07.ogg Qabus: I must think of a way to seize control of the army back from the hands of my wayward son, that they might continue this fight to the end. Perhaps the first task should be this... I shall send a loyal contingent of warriors to eliminate Frasiyav and the hostages he has sent to our palace.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 kaeya 08.ogg Kaeya: Brilliant acting, Darbil.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 08.ogg Darbil: Hahaha, I saw you approaching us in the middle of the scene. I was worried that my performance would be subpar, and you'd think I was just making a fool of myself.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 kaeya 09.ogg Kaeya: Not at all, far from it. Actually, let me introduce you — this is Darbil, the actor for King Qabus.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 kaeya 10.ogg Kaeya: When we first got to know each other, he was still a guard for one of the merchant caravans. Seems like he's now made the switch to full-time acting.
Icon Dialogue Talk Hello.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 09.ogg Darbil: Nice to meet you. Any friend of Kaeya's is a friend of mine.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 10.ogg Darbil: To be perfectly honest, I wasn't making all that much as a mercenary. It felt right to me to get away from the danger and live a more stable life.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 11.ogg Darbil: I was already pretty good at telling stories, so I just recruited a few friends, and started performing shows all over the country.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 12.ogg Darbil: Full disclosure, we had to put this little stage together using whatever wood and cloth we could borrow... It's really low-budget.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 13.ogg Darbil: Anyway, we're all good enough at acting to get through the motions, but none of us are any good at coming up with a script. Everything we tried to write just sounded off somehow.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 14.ogg Darbil: So I got a student from the Akademiya to adapt an old story I knew to make it more appealing to our audience. What do you think? Passable?
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 kaeya 11.ogg Kaeya: I could tell that you've had someone tighten up the lines. They turned out very nicely.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 15.ogg Darbil: Ah, that's good... Well, as you can see, even now, we still don't have much of an audience... Don't suppose you'd be interested to see the rest of the show?
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 kaeya 12.ogg Kaeya: Sure, why not. I don't have anything pressing lined up, and I don't think (TravelerTraveler) does either.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 kaeya 13.ogg Kaeya: Tickets for two, please. How much would that be?
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 16.ogg Darbil: Hah, there's no need for tickets. You can just get some food from Djafar Tavern — we've worked out an arrangement with them.
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 17.ogg Darbil: We actually found a sponsor for this performance, too. He's not too happy about the poor turnout, though...
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 18.ogg Darbil: I doubt we'll be able to keep him for the next performance. A real pity... but what can ya do, huh?
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 gundafar 12.ogg Zabi: Darbil, Asgar still hasn't shown up for the next scene. We should get his costume and sword out, so they'll be ready to go the moment he gets here...
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 19.ogg Darbil: My apologies, I have to go get ready for the upcoming scene. I'll see you from the stage.
(Talk to Darbil again, optional)
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 qabus 21.ogg Darbil: Where in the seven nations is that little twerp? The next scene is about to begin...
(Talk to Zabi again, optional)
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 gundafar 14.ogg Zabi: God only knows. It's not the first time he's done this, either... *sigh*
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Nesmil, optional)
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 nesmil 01.ogg Nesmil: (That outlander sure is easy on the eyes...)
(Talk to Nesmil)
Media:vo kycop001 1909802 nesmil 01.ogg Nesmil: Would you two like to order some food? What can I get you? If you're looking for recommendations, today's special is the Tandoori Roast Chicken.
Media:vo kycop001 1909802 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: Bear with us a moment... We're just going to take a look at the menu.
Icon Dialogue Talk How did you become friends with Darbil?
Media:vo kycop001 1909802 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: I was at Port Ormos discussing some business opportunities, and some crook was trying to pull a fast one on me. Darbil took pity on me, and politely asked him to make himself scarce.
Media:vo kycop001 1909802 kaeya 03.ogg Kaeya: He's a good guy. A decent storyteller, too. Quite an interesting character.
Media:vo kycop001 1909802 kaeya 04.ogg Kaeya: There's a lot of fun to be had if you hang around interesting people doing interesting things, especially if you're in the company of an interesting friend.
Media:vo kycop001 1909802 kaeya 05.ogg Kaeya: That's my secret formula for staying in a good mood. Try it out sometime, you'll see what I mean.
Media:vo kycop001 1909802 kaeya 06.ogg Kaeya: Thanks for waiting. We're ready to order now.
Media:vo kycop001 1909802 kaeya 07.ogg Kaeya: We'll take you up on that Tandoori Roast Chicken... And let's throw in some desserts, too — one each of the Rose Custard, that Tulumba, and the Padisarah Pudding, please. That should see us through the show.
(Talk to Nesmil again, optional)
Media:vo kycop001 1909802 nesmil 02.ogg Nesmil: Your food's on the way. It'll just be a few more minutes.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Kaeya, optional)
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: (There are worse ways to pass the time than watching a little outdoor theater... Too bad I already know the story.)
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: (Having (TravelerTraveler) here will help to keep things interesting, though. And being close to where the action's happening is always exciting.)
(Talk to Kaeya)
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 03.ogg Kaeya: We've got good seats. Close to the stage, but also not too crowded.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 04.ogg Kaeya: We can watch the show as we eat. If I remember correctly, the next scene should focus on the prince.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 05.ogg Kaeya: But I won't spoil it for you. You have to experience it for yourself.
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you like this story?
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 06.ogg Kaeya: I don't tend to judge a story's worth by my personal affinity for it. But if you want to know my opinion, I'd say it's a fine tale, with a classical flavor that makes it a story for the ages.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 07.ogg Kaeya: History always repeats itself. When you keep this in mind and watch out for the echoes of past events in the present, things that appear unfathomable at first glance become much easier to comprehend.
Icon Dialogue Talk Sounds like this story has made quite an impression on you.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 08.ogg Kaeya: You could say that. It's always stayed with me, because it's hammered home a cruel but realistic truth.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 09.ogg Kaeya: "People do not choose where and when to be born, yet the circumstances of their birth define the choices that they will have for the rest of their life."
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 nesmil 01.ogg Nesmil: Here you are! The check's on the table too — just call me over when you're ready to settle up.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 10.ogg Kaeya: No need — I'll pay upfront. Here. Keep the change.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 nesmil 02.ogg Nesmil: Thank you, Sir... Oh, but this is too generous...
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 11.ogg Kaeya: Call it a token of my gratitude for the excellent service. The food all smells wonderful too, so please pass my compliments to the chef.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 nesmil 03.ogg Nesmil: Thank you so much, Sir.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 12.ogg Kaeya: Let's dig in, (TravelerTraveler).
You enjoy the feast with Kaeya.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 qabus 01.ogg Darbil: Hey, Kaeya... Ugh, I'm so sorry, but the actor who plays the prince has run into some difficulties, and won't be able to make it.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 qabus 02.ogg Darbil: We can't do the rest of the show without him so... I'm really, really sorry, but we'll have to call the show right here.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's too bad that we won't see the end of the story.
Icon Dialogue Talk Can Kaeya fill in for him?
Icon Dialogue Talk Can you use an understudy?
Icon Dialogue Talk Can Kaeya fill in for him?
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 13.ogg Kaeya: Ooh, that would be fun... I wouldn't say no.
Icon Dialogue Talk I was just kidding.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 14.ogg Kaeya: Darbil, would you lose any income if I were to mess this up?
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 qabus 03.ogg Darbil: Not really, I mean... there's not much of an audience here anyway. I wouldn't want to take too much of your time, though...
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 15.ogg Kaeya: Eh, don't worry about that. I like to be spontaneous now and then, spice things up a little.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 qabus 04.ogg Darbil: Let me think... Well, you already know the story, so you'd just need to memorize a few lines... Huh, you know what? This might actually work.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 qabus 05.ogg Darbil: Ah wait, but Qubad has a specific costume he's supposed to wear, and there's no way you'd fit into it...
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 qabus 06.ogg Darbil: Switching actors is one thing, but wearing street clothes on stage would really ruin the immersion... Yeah, I don't think this is gonna work.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 16.ogg Kaeya: Well, good thing that I've actually got a costume with me. It goes pretty well with your stage, too.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 qabus 07.ogg Darbil: You're kidding? Can you show it to me?
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 17.ogg Kaeya: Sure, if you can show me the way to your changing room?
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 qabus 08.ogg Darbil: It's in the restaurant. Follow me.
One moment later...
(Kaeya emerges wearing Sailwind Shadow)
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 18.ogg Kaeya: Gotta say, I think I actually look pretty dapper in this. It's a pity I don't have many opportunities to wear it in public.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're such a show-off! ...But you do look pretty good.
Icon Dialogue Talk I never knew you were so vain.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 19.ogg Kaeya: Uh-oh, not a fan of me as a prince? I'll have to act my heart out, so you'll be too dazzled to make any digs.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 qabus 09.ogg Darbil: Kaeya, here's your script for the next scene. It's not too long, but you also don't have very long to prepare... Do you think you can memorize your lines in time?
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 20.ogg Kaeya: Only one way to find out.
Kaeya and the actors briefly rehearse the scene.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 gundafar 01.ogg Zabi: Okay, I think we've covered all your lines and movements on stage. You haven't had long to prepare, so don't worry about forgetting your lines — we'll remind you.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 kaeya 21.ogg Kaeya: Alright. I'm good to go.
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 gundafar 02.ogg Zabi: Great! Then let's get this show on the road.

All the World's a Stage[]

(Talk to Nesmil again, optional)
Media:vo kycop001 1909803 nesmil 04.ogg Nesmil: Just give me a shout if you need anything else.
(Approach the stage)
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 frasiyav 01.ogg Frasiyav: General Qubad, son of Qabus, the fate of this battle is clear.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 frasiyav 02.ogg Frasiyav: I beg you, please spare my few remaining men. They no longer have the strength to fight back.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 01.ogg Qubad: Frasiyav, though you now lead only the husk of a once-mighty army, I have no desire to crush your dignity.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 02.ogg Qubad: Even your most savage warriors have no desire to see further bloodshed, and none among your ranks have opposed these peace talks. Nevertheless, I must hear it from you one final time:
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 03.ogg Qubad: General Frasiyav, do you agree to sign a treaty in good faith, and commit from this day forth to peace between our nations?
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 frasiyav 03.ogg Frasiyav: With my army in ruins, I am in no position to do otherwise. But on this, I give you my word:
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 frasiyav 04.ogg Frasiyav: Yes, let us end our hostilities, and send our surviving men home to their families.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 04.ogg Qubad: We share the desire to lay down our arms for good, and liberate our hearts from the dirge of hatred.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 05.ogg Qubad: Then as God above is our witness, by the authority vested in me by this intaglio of King Qabus:
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 06.ogg Qubad: I hereby declare that I will spare your hostages, and what remains of your army. May peace be restored to this land, and may these fields of war become a place where crops grow aplenty.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 07.ogg Qubad: My tutor, Gundafar, has already made haste to my father, the King, with the recommendation of a truce. It is my sincere hope that he will see that peace is a path to prosperity, and grant me his blessing.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 frasiyav 05.ogg Frasiyav: Prince Qubad, your name is renowned throughout your land and ours. I will place my hope in your words.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 08.ogg Qubad: One will find on a battlefield no master of ceremonies, nor the paper on which a treaty may be signed. In their absence, let us raise our weapons, and swear an oath:
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 09.ogg Qubad: I, Qubad, son of Qabus, hereby pledge protection to you and all of your kin. May the oceans be stained red with my blood if I am ever to renounce this oath.
All the World's a Stage Quest Still 1
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 nesmil 01.ogg Nesmil: Wow, your friend is so dreamy! He's not a real prince by any chance, is he!?
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 nesmil 02.ogg Nesmil: Hey, Roshana, you don't want to miss this! The good-looking guy who left that huge tip is acting on stage with Darbil's troupe.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 roshana 01.ogg Roshana: Darbil's one lucky man.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 gundafar 01.ogg Gundafar: I return, Your Highness. I hope I'm not too late... Have you already promised peace to Frasiyav?
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 10.ogg Qubad: Nay, I am not so rash as to preempt my father's blessing. I promised only what I could so far — the safety of his kin.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 gundafar 02.ogg Gundafar: My child, I must share with you the gravest news. Qabus has become blinded by fanaticism and hatred, and will stop at nothing to vanquish every last man under Frasiyav's lead.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 11.ogg Qubad: How can this be? You mean to say that my father has rejected our proposal for peace?
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 gundafar 03.ogg Gundafar: He has indeed. I urged him to reconsider, and for this I was rebuked and dismissed from his service.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 gundafar 04.ogg Gundafar: But far stricter punishment than this awaits you, should you return home with your troops.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 gundafar 05.ogg Gundafar: Please heed my warnings, dear child. I dare not imagine what unspeakable atrocities your father intends to commit.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 12.ogg Qubad: Nay... The truce must stand. I cannot renounce my oath. How can man claim to stand above beast without remaining true to his word?
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 13.ogg Qubad: The masses have grown weary of death and conflict, in both our nation and theirs... Are we all to now bend to his will, and massacre countless more to satisfy a desire that is his alone?
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 14.ogg Qubad: When I departed my beloved home to fight in a foreign land, I did so to honor his wishes and for my duty to our people.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 15.ogg Qubad: Alas, is this fate's grand design... Is this fate's grand design...
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 qabus 01.ogg Darbil: Kaeya, the next line is: "Alas, is this fate's grand design, that I should spend the rest of my days in a foreign land, till I am laid to rest in a grave far from home?"
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 16.ogg Qubad: Must it be so...?
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 qabus 02.ogg Darbil: Huh? Wait, that's not a part of the script! Kaeya, did you not hear me?
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 17.ogg Qubad: My dear audience, I ask you this: Do you believe in fate? If fate decreed that your life was to end in tragedy, what would you do?
Item Prince Qubad's Intaglio
(TravelerTraveler): (Why did he just throw the prop to me...)
(TravelerTraveler): (Seems like improv with the audience... Guess I should play along.)
Icon Dialogue Talk I would bravely face my fate.
Icon Dialogue Talk I would challenge my fate, and rise above it.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 18.ogg Qubad: Oh...? Haha, then so must it be! Yes, so must it be!
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 19.ogg Qubad: I shall discard this intaglio, and rid myself of the shackles of fate.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 gundafar 06.ogg Gundafar: Wait, but that's not— My dear prince, do you intend to betray your father, and abandon your heritage?
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 20.ogg Qubad: Fate means to send the machinations of war to every corner of the land, to fan the flames of conflict till they engulf the entire world...
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 21.ogg Qubad: Fate would see my sword tainted with the blood of innocents, that the bright banner of my homeland might fly in every nation known to mankind.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 22.ogg Qubad: But I shall not bow to the will of fate. I am no pawn in heaven's plan.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 eymen 01.ogg Eymen: Bravo! Where did this guy come from? Is he one of the new hires?
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 oguz 01.ogg Oguz: Shut up, stop interrupting.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 23.ogg Qubad: I, Qubad, will spend the rest of my days in a foreign land, till I breathe my last in a place far from home.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 qabus 03.ogg Darbil: Whew, at least he brought it back in the end...
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 gundafar 07.ogg Gundafar: Prince Qubad, my child, there is no need to be rash. Please bring at least your fortune, and the retainers who will always be loyal to you.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 24.ogg Qubad: Gundafar, my dear mentor... You have always been like a father to me. It brings me only anguish to bid you farewell.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 kaeya 25.ogg Qubad: But I must walk this path, or freedom dies by my hand. Goodbye, my tribe and kin. Farewell, sweet land of my birth.
Media:vo kycop001 1909805 gundafar 08.ogg Gundafar: Goodbye, my child.
The now-sizable audience bursts into applause.

Must It Be So?[]

(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Oguz, optional)
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 oguz 01.ogg Oguz: (Can't tell if this counts as me slacking off during work... It's a gray area, for sure.)
(Talk to Oguz, optional)
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 oguz 02.ogg Oguz: The show is pretty good. Are you guys professional?
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Eymen, optional)
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 eymen 01.ogg Eymen: (It's too bad that Darbil's troupe is always on the move. I wish they could stay here for longer.)
(Talk to Eymen, optional)
Media:vo kycop001 1909801 eymen 02.ogg Eymen: Hmm... I wonder if I should go strike up a conversation with him?
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Kaeya, optional)
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: (So must it be... Hahaha, yes, so must it be!)
(Approach Kaeya and Nesmil)
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 nesmil 01.ogg Nesmil: Ahhhh, it's Prince Qubad... Could I please get your autograph?
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: Why certainly, Ma'am.
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 nesmil 02.ogg Nesmil: Ooh, thank you! I'll just go find a pen!
Icon Dialogue Talk Good show, Kaeya.
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 kaeya 03.ogg Kaeya: Hehe, feeling more like a fan now?
Icon Dialogue Talk I want an autograph, too.
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 kaeya 04.ogg Kaeya: Just an autograph? Well, you could get one of those at any time.
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 kaeya 05.ogg Kaeya: Acting is quite fun. If there ever came a day when I left the Knights of Favonius, I think I might go into acting full-time.
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 tus 01.ogg Tus: Darbil, could you introduce me to this young man?
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 qabus 01.ogg Darbil: Ahh, my apologies, Master Tus... I somehow missed you in the crowd earlier.
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 tus 02.ogg Tus: Haha, I was some distance away. I just came over near the end after I noticed the large crowd gathered around the stage.
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 tus 03.ogg Tus: The performance was outstanding across the board. I knew that the poor turnout over the past few days was just bad luck. It was only ever a matter of time before you hit it big.
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 tus 04.ogg Tus: The improvised section was particularly good — I think you can include some improvisation as a staple in future performances. As for the prop he threw, no need to get it back, it's fairly cheap anyway.
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 qabus 02.ogg Darbil: Very well sir, Sir — and a big thanks also to our wonderful prince. Had Kaeya not agreed to fill in, we might have disbanded right on the spot...
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 tus 05.ogg Tus: Kaeya, was it? Well, young man, I must say you've made quite the impression on me. My caravan is always loaded with the finest food and wines. You are welcome to visit at any time.
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 kaeya 06.ogg Kaeya: Thank you for the invite, Sir, but I'm afraid I've reached the end of my time in Sumeru. I'm sure that my friends and family in Mondstadt must be missing me terribly.
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 tus 06.ogg Tus: Haha, well then, consider it an open invitation. Once you've been bitten by the travel bug, my friend, you'll be getting itchy feet again before too long.
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 tus 07.ogg Tus: My door is always open. If you're ever interested, please ask Darbil to reach out to me.
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 tus 08.ogg Tus: Darbil, we can continue discussions on the sponsorship once you've wrapped up today's show. I'm going back to the inn.
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 qabus 03.ogg Darbil: Thank you so much, Master Tus. I'll see you shortly.
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 qabus 04.ogg Darbil: Seriously, Kaeya, thank you for bailing me out again. You're a good guy... May the gods bless you.
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 qabus 05.ogg Darbil: You know, you should stay for a few more days. I owe you a meal, at the very least...
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 gundafar 01.ogg Zabi: Darbil! Asgar is back, he lost track of time playing Genius Invokation TCG, you've gotta sort him out...
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 qabus 06.ogg Darbil: Genius Invokation? Again!? Ugh, that does it, that kid's not getting away with it this time... Please excuse me, Kaeya, I will be right back...
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 kaeya 07.ogg Kaeya: Sure. There's no rush.
Media:vo kycop001 1909806 kaeya 08.ogg Kaeya: ...Okay, I think they're all gone. Let's slip away now, while we can.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Kaeya, optional)
Media:vo kycop001 1909807 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: (I always like to extricate myself before things start getting tedious.)
(Approach Kaeya)
Media:vo kycop001 1909807 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: Alright, this should be far enough. Don't think they'll find me here.
Icon Dialogue Talk Weren't you gonna sign some autographs?
Icon Dialogue Talk Didn't want to stay for a free meal sometime?
Media:vo kycop001 1909807 kaeya 03.ogg Kaeya: People were starting to expect a lot of things that I didn't sign up for. Besides, the missing actor is back now — Darbil shouldn't be needing me to stand in again.
Media:vo kycop001 1909807 kaeya 04.ogg Kaeya: I don't mind socializing, but compared to chatting over food and drink, I much prefer just going wild on the stage.
Media:vo kycop001 1909807 kaeya 05.ogg Kaeya: What about you? Did you enjoy the show?
Icon Dialogue Talk I thought your performance was intriguing.
Icon Dialogue Talk Mostly, I was curious to know what was going through your mind on stage.
Icon Dialogue Talk I wasn't expecting that improv section.
Icon Dialogue Talk Mostly, I was curious to know what was going through your mind on stage.
Media:vo kycop001 1909807 kaeya 06.ogg Kaeya: Oh? I was expecting a lengthier critique, but you've thrown the question right back at me... Sneaky. Alright, I'll rise to your challenge.
Media:vo kycop001 1909807 kaeya 07.ogg Kaeya: Let me think... "All the world's a stage, and all the people merely players." Does that answer your question?
Media:vo kycop001 1909807 kaeya 08.ogg Kaeya: Perhaps there's an inept god out there deciding everyone's fates... much like the Akademiya student drafting Darbil's scripts.
Media:vo kycop001 1909807 kaeya 09.ogg Kaeya: Yep, "inept" is a good word for it. Honestly, it might even be a little too civil to describe a god who turns fathers against their sons and is bent on endless warmongering... don't you think?
Media:vo kycop001 1909807 kaeya 10.ogg Kaeya: Anyway, that's exactly why actors need to wake up and realize they don't have to follow the script. There's nothing to stop them from following their gut and making it up as they go along.
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you really believe that?
Icon Dialogue Talk Does this inept god really exist?
Media:vo kycop001 1909807 kaeya 11.ogg Kaeya: Oh, my dear (TravelerTraveler), please don't take me too literally. I don't want you to get the wrong idea. The "god" is just a figure of speech — the real point I'm making is about the actors.
Media:vo kycop001 1909807 kaeya 12.ogg Kaeya: Everyone, you and I included, is both an actor and a member of the audience.
Media:vo kycop001 1909807 kaeya 13.ogg Kaeya: If you don't like the script, just walk off the stage and join the audience. You always have a choice.
Icon Dialogue Talk That sounds... difficult...
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm not sure I fully understand...
Media:vo kycop001 1909807 kaeya 14.ogg Kaeya: A little too obtuse? Hahaha, well don't dwell on it — it's nothing worth losing sleep over. I was just thinking aloud.
Media:vo kycop001 1909807 kaeya 15.ogg Kaeya: Relax, be yourself, do your thing. That's all I'm really trying to say.
Media:vo kycop001 1909807 kaeya 16.ogg Kaeya: When I did my little bit of audience interaction back there, you had no time to prepare. You had to just say what you thought in the moment. I think those spontaneous thoughts are often the most authentic... And that's why I liked your answer.
Media:vo kycop001 1909807 kaeya 17.ogg Kaeya: You're still holding onto the Intaglio I threw to you from the stage, right? Keep it. Think of it as a souvenir of my improvised performance.
Media:vo kycop001 1909807 kaeya 18.ogg Kaeya: It's been the most fascinating day, hasn't it, little birdie? ♪...

Ending: Questions[]

Aether Lumine
Hangout Kaeya Act 1 Questions Aether Hangout Kaeya Act 1 Questions Lumine
Answer: So must it be... Yes, so must it be!


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
56Glowing EmbersThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3What Shape Does the Self Hold (cutscene), Treehouse Theater: Candlelit Shadows Dancing, All the World's a Stage
24Battle PreparationThe Shimmering VoyageA Herald Without Adherents, The Shadows Deepen, Pride and Prejudice, Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams, All the World's a Stage, Memories That Should Not Exist, Tracks Through the Wilderness, Time for the Showdown


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAll the World's a Stage
A Play Within a Play
A Play Within a Play
SpanishEl mundo es un escenarioThe World Is a Stage
FrenchLe théâtre du mondeThe Theater of the World
RussianВесь мир - театр
Ves' mir - teatr
The Whole World is a Theater
VietnameseKịch Trong Kịch
GermanDas versteckte StückThe Hidden Play
IndonesianDunia Ini Panggung SandiwaraThis World is a Drama Stage
PortugueseO Mundo Inteiro é um Palco
TurkishTüm Dünya Bir Sahne
ItalianTutto il mondo è un palcoscenico

Change History[]
