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Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams is an Event Quest during the Duel! The Summoners' Summit! event.


  1. Wait until the following day (08:00 – 10:00)
  2. Go to Caravan Ribat and find out the truth of the Card Snatcher
  3. Go to the delivery address with Kirara
  4. Find a hiding place
  5. Defeat all opponents
  6. Go to Vimara Village to deliver the package
  7. Ask Zadith about the whereabouts of the scholar
  8. Ask Arezo about the whereabouts of the scholar
  9. Ask the village head about the whereabouts of the scholar
  10. Go to the house and talk to Garvipidam

Gameplay Notes[]

  • During Step 5, Kirara joins the party as a trial character.

Trial Character[]

WLWL Character
& Weapon
Talents & Artifacts Attributes


KiraraDendro Lv. 90 C3 Ki­ra­ra
  • Normal Attack Lv. 8
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 11
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 8
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 28,720
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,516
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 659
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 95
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 196.2%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece


UI Quest Quest Description

The truth is revealed! What an unpredictable turn of events!
(Pass time)
Media:vo dpeq004 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: It's about time for us to head to Sumeru and investigate that group of thieves. Paimon's got a feeling that it won't be long before we have a breakthrough on the case.
Media:vo dpeq004 1 kirara 01.ogg Kirara: Let's head to Caravan Ribat first. That's near the designated pickup location.
(Approach the marked area in Caravan Ribat)
Media:vo dpeq004 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Are we getting close? Which way should we go now?
Media:vo dpeq004 2 kirara 01.ogg Kirara: We just need to head a short way towards the desert. It's not far.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 charlotte 01.ogg Charlotte: I would recommend taking a bodyguard to protect you. If the customer does turn out to be rotten, you can let the bodyguard deal with them.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Good point! Hmm, a bodyguard...
Media:vo dpeq004 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh, look! Isn't that Cyno!?
Media:vo dpeq004 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Cyno!
Media:vo dpeq004 2 cyno 01.ogg Cyno: Good to see you. Headed to Caravan Ribat?
(If the player has not met Cyno yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Cyno IconCyno — Judicator of Secrets
Known across Sumeru for his ruthlessness, the General Mahamatra Cyno strikes fear into the hearts of countless researchers.
But those who know Cyno well would understand that such an image is only meant to deter ones with malicious intent. Researchers, with their propensity to exaggerate, are more or less biased against Cyno.
In his private life, Cyno is neither rigid nor cold. Instead, he is a passionate TCG player who enjoys sharing joy using his unique sense of humor.
Therefore, it's best not to think too much of the occasional and incomprehensible sharpness in his words that might send shivers down the spine.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 kirara 02.ogg Kirara: Remember Paimon, we can't just disclose a customer's information...
Media:vo dpeq004 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Huh? Oh, don't worry. This is Sumeru's General Mahamatra, Cyno. He's the leader of the Matra, and always takes criminal activity very seriously.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 kirara 03.ogg Kirara: Wow, how do you know so many powerful people?
Media:vo dpeq004 2 charlotte 02.ogg Charlotte: Heh, you'd better get used to it Kirara. You wouldn't believe the people I've met since I started traveling with them.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Do you have some time now, Cyno? Or do you need to go participate in the Genius Invokation tournament?
Media:vo dpeq004 2 cyno 02.ogg Cyno: Tournament? Heh, the tournament has already finished.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Really? Then how did you do, Cyno?
Media:vo dpeq004 2 cyno 03.ogg Cyno: I am now the official King of Invokations.
Icon Dialogue Talk Congratulations.
Icon Dialogue Talk Did you crush the competition?
Media:vo dpeq004 2 cyno 04.ogg Cyno: I used Forbidden Hand at the opportune moment and drew...
Media:vo dpeq004 2 cyno 05.ogg Cyno: Ahem. I... I can explain it later. Anyway, I have time.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Great! Let Paimon catch you up on what's happening...
After Paimon explains for some time...
Media:vo dpeq004 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Ah, Paimon's parched now... How many times is Paimon gonna have to explain everything?
Media:vo dpeq004 2 cyno 06.ogg Cyno: I can accompany you. As Paimon said, it's my duty to uphold the rules and punish evil.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 charlotte 03.ogg Charlotte: What do you think, Kirara?
Media:vo dpeq004 2 kirara 04.ogg Kirara: Alright, but remember, you all should hide while I'm delivering the parcel.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 kirara 05.ogg Kirara: I know that this customer is suspicious, but they're still my customer until we have any concrete proof otherwise.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Okay, we'll go hide.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 charlotte 04.ogg Charlotte: But if we're too far away, we won't be able to hear anything you're saying. How will we know if you're in trouble?
Media:vo dpeq004 2 kirara 06.ogg Kirara: Not a problem, you can just watch my tails.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Your tails? You mean both of them?
Media:vo dpeq004 2 kirara 07.ogg Kirara: Of course, both of them! I'll come up with a way to have the customer confirm the contents of the package.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 kirara 08.ogg Kirara: If they turn out to be just an ordinary customer and the package doesn't contain the card backs, then I'll lower both of my tails. That'll mean you can just stay hidden.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 kirara 09.ogg Kirara: But if they turn out to be the thieves we're after, then I'll...
Media:vo dpeq004 2 cyno 07.ogg Cyno: Lay down.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 charlotte 05.ogg Charlotte: Huh? Why would she do that?
Media:vo dpeq004 2 cyno 08.ogg Cyno: It'd be a signal, that we need to "lay down" the law...
Media:vo dpeq004 2 charlotte 06.ogg Charlotte: ...
Media:vo dpeq004 2 kirara 10.ogg Kirara: No way, I'm not getting on the ground, that would be way too embarrassing! Besides, don't you think that would look suspicious?
Media:vo dpeq004 2 cyno 09.ogg Cyno: You think so? Then maybe you can use your tails to pound your back.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 charlotte 07.ogg Charlotte: Uh, and why should she do that?
Media:vo dpeq004 2 cyno 10.ogg Cyno: Simple. It'd be signal that she had "found the backs" we're looking for.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 charlotte 08.ogg Charlotte: ...
Media:vo dpeq004 2 charlotte 09.ogg Charlotte: This is the first time I've met someone as creative with their words as I am.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 charlotte 10.ogg Charlotte: Have you ever considered a career in writing news headlines, Cyno?
Media:vo dpeq004 2 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Oh no, don't enable him...
Media:vo dpeq004 2 kirara 11.ogg Kirara: Okay, if we keep standing around talking like this, the package is going to be late.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 kirara 12.ogg Kirara: Listen to me. If they're the thieves, I'll lift one tail up and keep the other one down. If you see that, then you can come round them up.
Media:vo dpeq004 2 cyno 11.ogg Cyno: You're not going to lay down?
Media:vo dpeq004 2 kirara 13.ogg Kirara: NO! I'm not laying down!
(On the way to the delivery address)
Media:vo dpeq004 2 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: We're in the middle of nowhere, though. Are you sure this is the right place, Kirara?
Media:vo dpeq004 2 kirara 14.ogg Kirara: Let's see, the address is, "Approximately 100 paces down the road from Caravan Ribat towards the desert, near the first Flaming Flower."
Media:vo dpeq004 2 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: That's the most suspicious address Paimon's ever heard!

(Approach the marked area)
Media:vo dpeq004 3 kirara 01.ogg Kirara: Near the first Flaming Flower... Ah, we're here.
Media:vo dpeq004 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Huh, there aren't any houses around here.
Media:vo dpeq004 3 kirara 02.ogg Kirara: Maybe the recipient planned on coming here to personally receive the package. I've had customers do that in the past.
Media:vo dpeq004 3 kirara 03.ogg Kirara: We're still a little early. In the meantime, why don't the rest of you go find a place to hide?
Media:vo dpeq004 3 kirara 04.ogg Kirara: And remember, watch my tails for the signal!
(Talk to Kirara, optional)
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 kirara 01.ogg Kirara: The customer will be here soon, so be sure to stay out of sight.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Kirara, optional)
Media:vo dpeq004 3 kirara 05.ogg Kirara: (Meow...)
(Go to the hiding place)
Media:vo dpeq004 4 cyno 01.ogg Cyno: We'll hide here. This spot is hidden, but with a clear view.
Media:vo dpeq004 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Paimon's sure this recipient's up to no good! Who'd pick up a package in a place like this!?
Media:vo dpeq004 4 cyno 02.ogg Cyno: I agree.
Media:vo dpeq004 4 cyno 03.ogg Cyno: But for the sake of her company's reputation, we'll let her "tail" us what to do.
Media:vo dpeq004 4 charlotte 01.ogg Charlotte: ...
Media:vo dpeq004 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: ...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo dpeq004 4 cyno 04.ogg Cyno: What? As in her "tails"...
Media:vo dpeq004 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Yeah yeah, we get it...
After waiting behind the rocks for a while...
Media:vo dpeq004 4 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Hey, look! Someone's coming!
Media:vo dpeq004 4 dedebaba 01.ogg Recipient: You from Komaniya Express?
Media:vo dpeq004 4 kirara 01.ogg Kirara: That's right. You must be Mr. Dedebaba?
Media:vo dpeq004 4 dedebaba 02.ogg Dedebaba: Where's the package?
Media:vo dpeq004 4 kirara 02.ogg Kirara: Ah yes, this is your package. Here you go.
Media:vo dpeq004 4 dedebaba 03.ogg Dedebaba: ...
Media:vo dpeq004 4 kirara 03.ogg Kirara: I recommend that you open it and confirm the contents. I've been running to many places the past few days through all sorts of weather. The contents may have shifted, so it's best to check that everything's intact.
Media:vo dpeq004 4 dedebaba 04.ogg Dedebaba: No need. You haven't opened it to see what's inside, have you?
Media:vo dpeq004 4 kirara 04.ogg Kirara: Of course not. That would be against our company policy.
Media:vo dpeq004 4 kirara 05.ogg Kirara: But if the contents are valuable, I would still recommend checking them first. If anything turns out to be damaged, I could compensate you now.
Media:vo dpeq004 4 dedebaba 05.ogg Dedebaba: I said no need, didn't I? Why are you so persistent?
Media:vo dpeq004 4 pabag 01.ogg Pabag: You know, Boss... This little lady's out here all on her own.
Media:vo dpeq004 4 papak 01.ogg Papak: We could use that to our advantage, you know...
Media:vo dpeq004 4 dedebaba 06.ogg Dedebaba: Hey, you. Are you the only one delivering out here?
Media:vo dpeq004 4 kirara 06.ogg Kirara: Huh? Uh, y—yes, that's right... I wouldn't bring a bunch of people with me to deliver a package.
Media:vo dpeq004 4 kirara 07.ogg Kirara: (Uh oh! I'm no good at lying! And I can't keep my tails from moving everywhere!)
Media:vo dpeq004 4 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Look, she's giving a signal!
Media:vo dpeq004 4 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: But wait... Uh, Paimon doesn't recognize that signal at all.
Media:vo dpeq004 4 cyno 05.ogg Cyno: ...
Media:vo dpeq004 4 kirara 08.ogg Kirara: Ah, I nearly forgot... Th—This just happens to be my 100th delivery. It's a really special moment for me!
Media:vo dpeq004 4 kirara 09.ogg Kirara: If you could let me know what I delivered, it would mean a lot to me!
Media:vo dpeq004 4 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Her tails are moving all over the place!
Media:vo dpeq004 4 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Does she need us to step in or not?
Media:vo dpeq004 4 cyno 06.ogg Cyno: Her tails keep moving and intertwining... They keep pointing in different directions...
Media:vo dpeq004 4 cyno 07.ogg Cyno: Ah! Maybe she's trying to say that she mixed up her directions! These people aren't the intended recipients!
Media:vo dpeq004 4 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Seriously!? There's no way anyone could get all that from just her tails!
Media:vo dpeq004 4 dedebaba 07.ogg Dedebaba: Something's not right... I can feel it. And you seem real concerned about this package, missy.
Media:vo dpeq004 4 kirara 10.ogg Kirara: Oh, hehe, no... That's just part of my job, we always care about the customer! Are you really not going to open it?
Media:vo dpeq004 4 pabag 02.ogg Pabag: C'mon Boss, enough talk!
Media:vo dpeq004 4 papak 02.ogg Papak: Yeah, nobody will ever know anything happened way out here!
Media:vo dpeq004 4 kirara 11.ogg Kirara: Uh, th—then do you have a moment to leave a five-star review?
Media:vo dpeq004 4 dedebaba 08.ogg Dedebaba: Hmph, sure. I'll leave a five-star review... after you're dead!
Media:vo dpeq004 4 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Ah! They've got a knife! Forget the signals!
(Everyone except Paimon runs to Kirara)
Media:vo dpeq004 4 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: We've gotta save Kirara!
(Paimon turns around to see no one is with her)
Media:vo dpeq004 4 pabag 03.ogg Pabag: Boss! She's got backup!
Media:vo dpeq004 4 dedebaba 09.ogg Dedebaba: What are ya afraid of!? Get 'em!
Media:vo dpeq004 4 papak 03.ogg Papak: Huh? Wait, th—that's Cyno! The General Mahamatra!
Media:vo dpeq004 4 dedebaba 10.ogg Dedebaba: C—Cyno!?
(After defeating the Treasure Hoarders)
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Kirara, are you alright?
Media:vo dpeq004 5 kirara 01.ogg Kirara: Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 dedebaba 01.ogg Dedebaba: Had I known you were here, we wouldn't have...
Media:vo dpeq004 5 cyno 01.ogg Cyno: Too late for that. And I don't want to hear any whining from you two, either. Clear?
Media:vo dpeq004 5 pabag 01.ogg Pabag: Y—Yes... C—Crystal clear!
Media:vo dpeq004 5 papak 01.ogg Papak: General Mahamatra, I—I don't want to go to prison... Can't you just let us off this one time?
Media:vo dpeq004 5 cyno 02.ogg Cyno: That depends on how honest you are.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 papak 02.ogg Papak: We'll tell you everything!
Media:vo dpeq004 5 cyno 03.ogg Cyno: What's inside the package?
Media:vo dpeq004 5 papak 03.ogg Papak: Card backs... Genius Invokation TCG card backs that we collected from different nations.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Are they the kind with a treasure chest design on them?
Media:vo dpeq004 5 pabag 02.ogg Pabag: Y—Yeah, that's right! Wait, how'd you know that?
Icon Dialogue Talk Who are you?
Icon Dialogue Talk And why are you stealing card backs?
Media:vo dpeq004 5 pabag 03.ogg Pabag: W—We're just a group of Treasure Hoarders, that's all...
Media:vo dpeq004 5 papak 04.ogg Papak: Some hoarders were getting fed up recently with just stealing small stuff. They wanted to, uh...
Media:vo dpeq004 5 cyno 04.ogg Cyno: Go on.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 papak 05.ogg Papak: They wanted to pull off something big... You know, not just in one nation, all across Teyvat!
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: All across Teyvat?
Media:vo dpeq004 5 pabag 04.ogg Pabag: Yeah, we were planning to steal prized treasures from different nations all at the same time.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 pabag 05.ogg Pabag: After pulling off a job like that, everyone would recognize us Treasure Hoarders as the most powerful organization across the world!
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo dpeq004 5 pabag 06.ogg Pabag: But, uh... seems like that's not gonna happen now.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: So what does any of that have to do with these card backs?
Media:vo dpeq004 5 papak 06.ogg Papak: Well, the problem was we didn't know how to communicate our master plan to all the other Treasure Hoarders.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 papak 07.ogg Papak: But with how popular Genius Invokation TCG has become recently, somebody suddenly came up with the idea to use cards as a way to communicate our plans without being detected.
Duel! The Summoners' Summit! Card Back
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: So you were the ones who printed these card backs.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 papak 08.ogg Papak: Yeah... Because every Treasure Hoarder knows what to do once they see a treasure chest.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 papak 09.ogg Papak: First you bury it, so no one else can take it. Then just add a little bit of...
Media:vo dpeq004 5 pabag 07.ogg Pabag: Hey, shut it! You're givin' away all our plans...
Media:vo dpeq004 5 cyno 05.ogg Cyno: ...
Media:vo dpeq004 5 cyno 06.ogg Cyno: It appears you consider this ridiculous plan of yours more valuable than your own life.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 papak 10.ogg Papak: Ahh! N—No, no, no! I'll talk, I'll talk...
Media:vo dpeq004 5 papak 11.ogg Papak: All you need to do is cover it with some wet dirt or sand, then wipe it off after a while...
Media:vo dpeq004 5 papak 12.ogg Papak: And it'll look like this.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: "My fellow hoarders, this is the big job we've all been waiting for. Take up your daggers, put on your masks, and round up your Sumpter Beasts..."
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: "Oh, and for those of you without Sumpter Beasts..."
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Seriously, that's all it says? What a waste!
Media:vo dpeq004 5 pabag 08.ogg Pabag: Hey, whaddya mean "waste"!? That message will mobilize the Treasure Hoarders!
Media:vo dpeq004 5 papak 13.ogg Papak: H—He's right, the time and other details are printed below that.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Let Paimon see... Oh, there it is!
Media:vo dpeq004 5 charlotte 01.ogg Charlotte: Hmm, objectively speaking, it's definitely a creative method of communicating information.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 charlotte 02.ogg Charlotte: But then why were you trying to retrieve these card backs?
Media:vo dpeq004 5 pabag 09.ogg Pabag: It's all because some fellow hoarders got addicted to Genius Invokation!
Media:vo dpeq004 5 pabag 10.ogg Pabag: All they needed to do was stick to the plan, but they couldn't help themselves and started playing the game! Not only that, they were even using our card backs and showing 'em off!
Media:vo dpeq004 5 pabag 11.ogg Pabag: But that wasn't the worst of it, some of them ended up losing our card backs to other players.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 charlotte 03.ogg Charlotte: Ah, you were afraid that your plans would be exposed, so you dispatched members to quickly retrieve the card backs that had been scattered into the markets.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 papak 14.ogg Papak: Not just the ones on the markets, we collected ALL our treasure chest card backs and we had them shipped back.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 papak 15.ogg Papak: We feared that our plans had already been discovered, so we were preparing to print another set of card backs. They would indicate a different time to initiate the operation, and we'd redistribute them...
Media:vo dpeq004 5 papak 16.ogg Papak: But to take every precaution, we raised funding for everyone to send us the backs via Komaniya Express. That way, we could guarantee the card backs would arrive safely and on time.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 kirara 02.ogg Kirara: Huh? Oh, uh thanks for the compliments...
Media:vo dpeq004 5 charlotte 04.ogg Charlotte: So the senders would stay at their original location to ensure that the operation could continue moving forward.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 charlotte 05.ogg Charlotte: Now that I think about it, that must be why the Treasure Hoarders came after the person who sold the card back in Mondstadt.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Oh, right! It's no wonder we were running into the Treasure Hoarders left and right. They wanted to be sure that anyone involved stayed quiet.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 papak 17.ogg Papak: There, I told you everything I know. Hopefully that will help us make up for our mistakes... Please, Mahamatra Cyno, show us mercy!
Media:vo dpeq004 5 cyno 07.ogg Cyno: You'll each receive your due punishment. Enough talk, come with me.
You follow Cyno back to Caravan Ribat...
Media:vo dpeq004 5 cyno 08.ogg Cyno: I've taken care of the criminals for now. I'll be escorting them back to Sumeru City shortly.
Icon Dialogue Talk Thanks for all your help.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 cyno 09.ogg Cyno: I was only fulfilling my duty. You all did well.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 charlotte 06.ogg Charlotte: (Cyno seems like a completely different person when he's working.)
Media:vo dpeq004 5 cyno 10.ogg Cyno: Alright, goodbye for now.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 charlotte 07.ogg Charlotte: Oh, wait wait wait! I still wanna interview the champion of the Sumeru regional tournament.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 cyno 11.ogg Cyno: Alright, go ahead.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 charlotte 08.ogg Charlotte: Tell me, Mr. Cyno, what were your thoughts about the tournament? And did you have anything to say about the Treasure Hoarder incident?
Media:vo dpeq004 5 cyno 12.ogg Cyno: Hmm...
Media:vo dpeq004 5 cyno 13.ogg Cyno: Genius Invokation TCG is a very good game. But to me, it's not just a game, it's an art form. It allows people to meet others, make friends, and experience the joy of dueling together.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 cyno 14.ogg Cyno: I hope everyone can have the chance to experience the fun of playing this game.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 charlotte 09.ogg Charlotte: Great answer. That'll be a perfect ending for my news piece.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 cyno 15.ogg Cyno: Therefore, I assure you that I will personally bring judgment to any criminals out there with delusions of desecrating this game with their evil plans. No matter where you run, or where you hide, you will not escape the punishment of lightning.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 charlotte 10.ogg Charlotte: Oh! Ahem, I see... Let's stay calm, no need to get worked up.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 charlotte 11.ogg Charlotte: Now let me think...
Media:vo dpeq004 5 charlotte 12.ogg Charlotte: Hmm... "Not-So-Genius Thieves Behind Mysterious Treasure-Chest Card Back Plot Finally"... umm...
Media:vo dpeq004 5 cyno 16.ogg Cyno: "Got decked..." You get it, like cards and punching?
Media:vo dpeq004 5 charlotte 13.ogg Charlotte: Yes, that'll work nicely!
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: These two make quite the team when it comes to words.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 cyno 17.ogg Cyno: If that's all, then I should get going.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 cyno 18.ogg Cyno: I'll inform the other areas not to get gamed by these thieving Treasure Hoarders.
Icon Dialogue Talk Take care, Cyno.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's play a game of Genius Invokation next time.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 cyno 19.ogg Cyno: We will.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: So in the end, it turned out that the group of card snatchers we were tracking was the Treasure Hoarders all along.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Still feels a little disappointing though... Paimon thought for sure those card backs would lead us to some valuable treasure.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 charlotte 14.ogg Charlotte: Don't say that. Think of the bright side, we uncovered a major international crime scheme!
Media:vo dpeq004 5 charlotte 15.ogg Charlotte: I definitely have everything I need for my exclusive news piece.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: If anything, Paimon regrets that we didn't get to see the mysterious inventors of Genius Invokation TCG.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 kirara 03.ogg Kirara: Hehe, it seems everyone can't stop talking about that game.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's just fun to play cards.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's fun to meet new friends.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 kirara 04.ogg Kirara: In that case, how would everyone like to join me for a very special delivery?
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Huh? You mean it's related to Genius Invokation TCG?
Media:vo dpeq004 5 kirara 05.ogg Kirara: Mm-hmm, that's right. You'll understand when we get there.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 kirara 06.ogg Kirara: I would have invited Cyno along too if he wasn't busy with work.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 charlotte 16.ogg Charlotte: Oh really? But didn't you say before that you can't disclose customer information?
Media:vo dpeq004 5 kirara 07.ogg Kirara: Yeah, but this time the situation's different.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 kirara 08.ogg Kirara: Let's just say, this delivery wasn't assigned to me by the company.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 kirara 09.ogg Kirara: This package had been sitting at the company for some time because we couldn't ever locate the recipient. Even the neighbors didn't know where he went.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Oh, so the company eventually took ownership of the package?
Media:vo dpeq004 5 kirara 10.ogg Kirara: Yep, the holding period passed just last month.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 charlotte 17.ogg Charlotte: But can't you just return it to the original sender?
Media:vo dpeq004 5 kirara 11.ogg Kirara: Well, it turns out the sender has passed away.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: Oh, that's terrible...
Media:vo dpeq004 5 kirara 12.ogg Kirara: Yeah, and I thought both the original sender and intended recipient would be disappointed if this package is left undelivered.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 kirara 13.ogg Kirara: So I took the initiative and started asking around Sumeru in my free time. Eventually, I found out where the recipient went, and also learned a little about his past.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: Wow, amazing! So who is it?
Media:vo dpeq004 5 kirara 14.ogg Kirara: Well... Hehe, you'll have to come with me and see.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 kirara 15.ogg Kirara: I have a feeling that it'll be good to have some true Genius Invokation TCG players like you come along.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 charlotte 18.ogg Charlotte: Oh, sounds like another news story brewing. I'll tag along, as well.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: Huh, now Paimon's really curious...
Media:vo dpeq004 5 paimon 20.ogg Paimon: What do you think, (TravelerTraveler)? Shall we join her?
Icon Dialogue Talk Of course.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's our duty as TCG players.
Media:vo dpeq004 5 kirara 16.ogg Kirara: Alright, then follow me to Vimara Village.

(Approach the marked area in Vimara Village)
Media:vo dpeq004 6 kirara 01.ogg Kirara: The clues pointed to Vimara Village, but I'm not sure of which house they live in exactly.
Media:vo dpeq004 6 kirara 02.ogg Kirara: Guess we'll have to ask around.
Media:vo dpeq004 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Any idea what the recipient looks like?
Media:vo dpeq004 6 kirara 03.ogg Kirara: I only know his name is Garvipidam, and that he's a scholar from the Akademiya.
Media:vo dpeq004 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Garvipidam... got it.
(Talk to Zadith)
Media:vo dpeq004 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hi there, do you know where Garvipidam lives?
Media:vo dpeq004 7 zadith 01.ogg Zadith: Hmm, I'm afraid I've never heard that name before.
Media:vo dpeq004 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: He's a scholar from the Akademiya.
Media:vo dpeq004 7 zadith 02.ogg Zadith: Oh, yes, there is a scholar around here, but I've never heard anyone go by the name you mentioned.
Media:vo dpeq004 7 zadith 03.ogg Zadith: Are you sure you've got the right name? Actually, I'd like to ask him a few questions myself regarding which of the Six Darshans to join!
Media:vo dpeq004 7 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Hmm, sounds like he doesn't know. Let's go ask someone else.
(Talk to Arezo)
Media:vo dpeq004 7 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Hey there, we're looking for a scholar named Garvipidam.
Media:vo dpeq004 7 arezo 01.ogg Arezo: Garvipidam? Never heard of 'em.
Media:vo dpeq004 7 arezo 02.ogg Arezo: Ah, wait. Do you mean that newcomer that arrived a few days ago?
Media:vo dpeq004 7 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Oh, someone just moved here?
Media:vo dpeq004 7 arezo 03.ogg Arezo: Yes, that's right. He looked pretty anxious though, almost like he's struggling to complete a thesis.
Media:vo dpeq004 7 arezo 04.ogg Arezo: I've seen him speaking with the village head, probably looking for a place to stay.
Media:vo dpeq004 7 arezo 05.ogg Arezo: Vimara Village is the perfect place to take a vacation and relax, which is why I chose to come back here.
Media:vo dpeq004 7 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Got it, thank you. We'll go talk to the head of the village.
Media:vo dpeq004 7 arezo 06.ogg Arezo: Don't mention it. If life is ever treatin' ya hard, you can always come and live here for a while.
(Talk to Amadhiah)
Media:vo dpeq004 7 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Hello, are you the head of the village? There's something we'd like to ask you about.
Media:vo dpeq004 7 amadhiah 01.ogg Amadhiah: Yes, that's me. Go ahead.
Media:vo dpeq004 7 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Do you know where a scholar by the name of Garvipidam lives? We'd like to talk to him.
Media:vo dpeq004 7 amadhiah 02.ogg Amadhiah: Garvipidam? Ah, that must be him...
Media:vo dpeq004 7 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: You know him?
Media:vo dpeq004 7 amadhiah 03.ogg Amadhiah: Yes, I do. He came here to rent a place to stay. He said he needed to unwind a little.
Media:vo dpeq004 7 amadhiah 04.ogg Amadhiah: But hardly anyone's ever seen him come out since he moved in, he doesn't seem to be very outgoing.
Media:vo dpeq004 7 amadhiah 05.ogg Amadhiah: I don't know if that's his way of "unwinding," but I'd say he's just keeping himself cooped up.
Media:vo dpeq004 7 amadhiah 06.ogg Amadhiah: Are you friends of his?
Media:vo dpeq004 7 kirara 01.ogg Kirara: Yeah, you could say that.
Media:vo dpeq004 7 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: (Hmm? Her tails are moving again. Is that what happens whenever she tells a lie?)
Media:vo dpeq004 7 amadhiah 07.ogg Amadhiah: Ah, I see. I was thinking that it'd be good for some friends to check up on him.
Media:vo dpeq004 7 amadhiah 08.ogg Amadhiah: He's staying up above, look for the house in the corner. You should be able to find him there.
Media:vo dpeq004 7 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Great, thank you very much!
Media:vo dpeq004 7 amadhiah 09.ogg Amadhiah: Don't mention it. I just want to see people who come here be happy.
(Approach the house)
Media:vo dpeq004 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: This is the place. Let's try knocking and see if he answers.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hello? Anybody home? We're looking for Garvipidam.
Garvipidam: ...
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 01.ogg Garvipidam: Yes, that's me. Can I help you?
Media:vo dpeq004 8 kirara 01.ogg Kirara: Hello Mr. Garvipidam, I'm Kirara. I have a delivery from Komaniya Express... I'm afraid the package is quite late.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 02.ogg Garvipidam: A package? For me?
Media:vo dpeq004 8 kirara 02.ogg Kirara: Yes, it's from a Mr. Gulab.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 03.ogg Garvipidam: Wh—What? Gulab? But how is that possible...
Media:vo dpeq004 8 kirara 03.ogg Kirara: Yes, it seems your friend submitted the package to our company before he passed.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 04.ogg Garvipidam: Friend? Hah, some friend I am... There was nothing I could do about his illness, and I wasn't by his side during the last moments of his life.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 kirara 04.ogg Kirara: Don't say that. After all, you and Gulab are the creators of Genius Invokation TCG. I'm sure Gulab would have been happy to know how popular the game has become.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Say what!? He's one of the creators of Genius Invokation TCG!?
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 05.ogg Garvipidam: *sigh* Why... Why does it seem that misfortune always befalls geniuses like him?
Media:vo dpeq004 8 charlotte 01.ogg Charlotte: If you don't mind, perhaps you could talk to us about it? It would probably help you feel better.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 06.ogg Garvipidam: ...
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 07.ogg Garvipidam: Hah, you're right. Maybe I should tell you...
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 08.ogg Garvipidam: You really wouldn't mind listening?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sure, you can talk to us.
Icon Dialogue Talk You'll feel better.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 09.ogg Garvipidam: Alright then... It's not much of a story, really.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 10.ogg Garvipidam: I knew Gulab ever since we were kids. We were classmates and grew up together.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 11.ogg Garvipidam: Other than the bandages on his arms, you could hardly tell he had Eleazar. He was always positive, peaceful, and kind...
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 12.ogg Garvipidam: Later, we both entered the Akademiya, and he became a Rtawahist Dastur.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 charlotte 02.ogg Charlotte: If I remember correctly, that's a pretty high position.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 13.ogg Garvipidam: Haha. Yes, he really was that smart.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 14.ogg Garvipidam: But before long, the Eleazar got worse and led to some serious complications.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 15.ogg Garvipidam: After that, he became bedridden. He received treatment in the hospital, but had to abandon his research.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 16.ogg Garvipidam: I would go see him in the hospital every day, even though he said there was no need for me to visit so often.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 charlotte 03.ogg Charlotte: He must have been worried that he was taking time from your own research.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 17.ogg Garvipidam: I know, but I couldn't bear to just leave him like that. He was clearly the smarter of the two of us.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 18.ogg Garvipidam: We would have some free time whenever I visited him, so we took some cards and started painting them.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 19.ogg Garvipidam: Over time, those cards became the basis for Genius Invokation TCG.
Icon Dialogue Talk A game that was born from friendship.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 20.ogg Garvipidam: It's not only a game. When we were designing it, I deliberately incorporated some theoretical knowledge of the elements.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 21.ogg Garvipidam: I was originally waiting for him to recover, so we could study the subject together. But in the end...
Media:vo dpeq004 8 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Aw, don't be sad. Genius Invokation TCG is the result of your research together.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Not to mention, a lot of people are enjoying it now.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 22.ogg Garvipidam: *sigh* After he passed away, I tried to play the game with someone else...
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 23.ogg Garvipidam: But every time I looked up, all I could see was his silhouette. It was as if he was still sitting there at the table...
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 24.ogg Garvipidam: I know it was all in my head, though...
Media:vo dpeq004 8 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Aw, Paimon understands. Paimon wouldn't ever be able to get used to being away from (TravelerTraveler). Paimon would probably find herself talking to the wind as if the Traveler could hear...
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 25.ogg Garvipidam: Yes. Everyone else has told me that I have to move on and embrace the fun of Genius Invokation, saying that I'm one of its creators...
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 26.ogg Garvipidam: But to be honest, without Gulab, what meaning does the game have anymore...?
Media:vo dpeq004 8 kirara 05.ogg Kirara: Garvipidam, perhaps you should see what your friend sent you in the package.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 27.ogg Garvipidam: Ah, right.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 28.ogg Garvipidam: Hmm!? What's this? ...A letter?
(A cinematic plays)
Gulab: My dear friend, you must be wondering
Gulab: Why I'm leaving you a letter like this
Gulab: It's because...
Garvipidam: Hey, Gulab! I'm here. How are you feeling today?
Garvipidam: I gotta tell you, I had an idea for another card last night
Garvipidam: Huh? What's that you're writing?
Gulab: Haha, it's nothing
Garvipidam: Okay... Anyway, up for a game?
Gulab: You don't have to visit every day, you know. You should be focusing on your work at the Akademiya...
Garvipidam: Hey, enough of that, I'll keep visiting until you've fully recovered
Garvipidam: Besides, I can't stand most of the folks at the Akademiya anyway!
Garvipidam: Hey, it's your turn
Gulab: *coughing*
Garvipidam: Gulab!? Are you okay?
Gulab: *cough* Garvipidam, you must understand...
Gulab: My Eleazar...
Garvipidam: Hey! Don't talk like that!
Garvipidam: You just need some more rest...
Gulab: *sigh*...
Gulab: It's because... you won't come to terms with the fact that I don't have long left
Gulab: Guess what? This game we invented
Gulab: Is getting pretty popular here in the hospital
Garvipidam: Really? That's great news!
Gulab: Yeah. I've even made a device
Gulab: To help people find other players nearby
Gulab: Here, this one's for you
Gulab: This way, you'll be able to keep playing even after I'm—
Garvipidam: Just stop!
Garvipidam: You're gonna get better, you hear me? I don't need this thing... I don't want it!
Gulab: I imagine the Casket of Tomes I gave you
Gulab: Is probably gathering dust in a corner somewhere...
Gulab: So, this is my last gift to you. I'm sorry that I could only give it to you now
Gulab: Do you remember when we first met?
Gulab: You were the only one willing to be friends with the kid with Eleazar
Gulab: Now it's my turn to help you make some new friends
Gulab: This way, I'll always be by your side, my friend
(Cinematic ends)
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 29.ogg Garvipidam: ...
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 30.ogg Garvipidam: Gulab... that rascal... He was always this way...
Media:vo dpeq004 8 kirara 06.ogg Kirara: I haven't played much Genius Invokation myself. All I know is that it has brought joy to a lot of people.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 charlotte 04.ogg Charlotte: As a true TCG player put it: "The game allows many people to meet others, make friends, and experience the joy of dueling together."
Media:vo dpeq004 8 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: That's right! We've seen that firsthand on our journeys recently!
Media:vo dpeq004 8 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Paimon can tell you those stories if you're interested.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 31.ogg Garvipidam: Thank you all for your kind words.
Icon Dialogue Talk Good friends never truly leave.
Icon Dialogue Talk They stay with us in another form.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 32.ogg Garvipidam: You're right.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 33.ogg Garvipidam: Haha, Gulab... Is that what you were thinking when you left this letter...
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 34.ogg Garvipidam: I've always kept your Casket of Tomes with me...
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 35.ogg Garvipidam: It was so special for you to draw me a card like this, what a waste it is to never have used it...
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 36.ogg Garvipidam: If he were here now, I know he'd say.
Media:vo dpeq004 8 garvipidam 37.ogg Garvipidam: "Hey friends, how about a game of Genius Invokation TCG?" Well, what do you say?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'd be happy to.
You play an enjoyable match of Genius Invokation with Garvipidam...
Media:vo dpeq004 9 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Garvipidam seems to be feeling better. Paimon even saw him crack a smile when he was playing just now.
Media:vo dpeq004 9 charlotte 01.ogg Charlotte: It always takes time to heal from pain from the past, but I think this is a good start for his road to recovery.
Media:vo dpeq004 9 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Yeah! It was a good thing that Kirara kept track of that package, even when they were unable to deliver it.
Media:vo dpeq004 9 kirara 01.ogg Kirara: When my boss asked me to take care of it, I had a feeling that it must somehow be delivered, I couldn't just let it be abandoned.
Media:vo dpeq004 9 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Would you say that was your youkai intuition kicking in?
Media:vo dpeq004 9 kirara 02.ogg Kirara: Maybe, I'm not sure. I guess I just didn't want to let the sender's sentiment go to waste like that.
Media:vo dpeq004 9 charlotte 02.ogg Charlotte: Anyway, I think this is where we'll say goodbye.
Media:vo dpeq004 9 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Oh, are you going back to Fontaine now?
Media:vo dpeq004 9 charlotte 03.ogg Charlotte: That's right. Who would have guessed that I'd still get such a quality story after the tournament had finished. It's going to take me a few days just to draft the articles alone.
Media:vo dpeq004 9 charlotte 04.ogg Charlotte: Oh, by the way, I still haven't had the chance to interview you two all this time.
Media:vo dpeq004 9 charlotte 05.ogg Charlotte: After all that we've witnessed on this journey together, do you have anything you'd like to say?
Icon Dialogue Talk We made a lot of new friends...
Media:vo dpeq004 9 paimon 05a 1.ogg Paimon: Yeah! You could say the best thing we got out of this adventure was the new friends we made!
Icon Dialogue Talk We learned a lot about Genius Invokation TCG...
Media:vo dpeq004 9 paimon 05b 1.ogg Paimon: Yeah! We'll never see the game the same way, it means a lot more to us now!
Media:vo dpeq004 9 charlotte 06.ogg Charlotte: I understand. I'll be sure to work your comments into my exclusive news piece.
Media:vo dpeq004 9 charlotte 07.ogg Charlotte: Just be sure to buy a copy of The Steambird when you visit Fontaine!
Media:vo dpeq004 9 kirara 03.ogg Kirara: And I should get ready to head back to Inazuma. I still have to report everything to my boss.
Icon Dialogue Talk Take care, everyone.
Media:vo dpeq004 9 charlotte 08.ogg Charlotte: Will do! I'm sure we'll all see each other again soon.
Media:vo dpeq004 9 charlotte 09.ogg Charlotte: And maybe we'll play Genius Invokation TCG if we have the chance.

Post-Quest Dialogue[]

After completing Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams, Diona, Draff, Beidou, Kaedehara Kazuha, Sangonomiya Kokomi and Tighnari can be found and interacted with in different parts of the world.

Diona and Draff[]

(Talk to Diona or Draff at the Teleport Waypoint next to the bridge leading into Mondstadt City)
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 diona 01.ogg Diona: Hey Dad, want to play a game of Genius Invokation?
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 diona 02.ogg Diona: But before we play, I got one thing to say to you! If you're already tipsy from drinking today, then the game will be over in three rounds.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 draff 01.ogg Draff: In three rounds? Sounds like you're underestimating your dear father.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 draff 02.ogg Draff: I'm pretty sure I could drag the game out to at least five rounds.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 diona 03.ogg Diona: Hmph! And you'd still lose! You think that's something to be proud of?
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 diona 04.ogg Diona: Last time we played, you mistook the Hydro Elemental Dice you rolled for Cryo! Ugh, so annoying!
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 draff 03.ogg Draff: Haha, you know I have a problem with my eyesight...
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 diona 05.ogg Diona: No, you have a problem with drinking! Don't try to cover it up!
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 draff 04.ogg Draff: Alright, alright, I know, drinking is bad. I won't drink today, not even a single drop. There, happy?
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 diona 06.ogg Diona: I guess so.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 draff 05.ogg Draff: Now, if I DO win, what's the prize?
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 diona 07.ogg Diona: What? You're trying to get me to mix you a drink? Don't you even think about it!
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 draff 06.ogg Draff: What if I win in under five rounds?
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 diona 08.ogg Diona: In your dreams, I won't lose! Let's start!

Beidou and Kaedehara Kazuha[]

(Talk to Beidou or Kaedehara Kazuha at Guyun Stone Forest near Domain of Guyun)
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 beidou 01.ogg Beidou: So, you leave for a few days and come back with some serious TCG skills. Care to explain?
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 kazuha 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: I was fortunate enough to have played a match with a skilled opponent.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 beidou 02.ogg Beidou: Oh? And who might that be? Wait, let me try to guess...
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 beidou 03.ogg Beidou: Ningguang doesn't have the time for this sort of thing... Hmm, Xiangling and Xinyan aren't usually practicing either...
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 beidou 04.ogg Beidou: If Yaoyao were free, she'd be running down to the ship to say hi to everyone, so that rules her out.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 beidou 05a.ogg Media:vo dialog dpeq004 beidou 05b.ogg Beidou: Hah, could it be (TravelerTraveler)? Did (‍hehe/sheshe‍) happen to be in Liyue Harbor?
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 kazuha 02a.ogg Media:vo dialog dpeq004 kazuha 02b.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Sorry Captain, you still haven't guessed it. But I did happen to see (TravelerTraveler), and even forged a new friendship over cards...
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 beidou 06.ogg Beidou: Oh, made a new friend, huh? Then I won't be able to guess it.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 kazuha 03.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Yes, I met Hu Tao, director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Have you heard of her?
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 beidou 07.ogg Beidou: Yeah, I've heard of her before. Isn't she the one that won the King of Invokations Grand Prix in Liyue?
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 kazuha 04.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: That's right. She said that she's been an admirer of yours for a long time, and hopes to make your acquaintance one day.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 beidou 08.ogg Beidou: Alright! There isn't a better opportunity!
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 beidou 09.ogg Beidou: We'll invite her aboard to play a few matches, and I'll get a taste of playing against a champion.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 beidou 10.ogg Beidou: Oh, speaking of which, perhaps I should go find her personally at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. You know, to show some sincerity.

Sangonomiya Kokomi[]

(Talk to Sangonomiya Kokomi on a cliff near the Statue of The Seven, overlooking Watatsumi Island)
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 kokomi 01.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Hmm? Oh, did you make the trip all the way back here just to see me?
Icon Dialogue Talk About the thieves...
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 kokomi 02a 1.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Ah, so that's what you uncovered in the end. Hmm, I'm not quite sure how I feel about that.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 kokomi 02a 2.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: But thank you for letting me know.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 kokomi 02a 3.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Hearing how things ended almost feels like reading the end of a light novel. Now we can all rest at ease.
(Return to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk About the tournament...
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 kokomi 02b 1.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: "Winning or losing isn't what's most important. It's about playing with elegance." That's how I've always looked at it, anyway.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 kokomi 02b 2.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: After seeing you all cheering for me though, I suppose I really tried to bring my best to the game.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 kokomi 02b 3.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Hehe... Now that I think about it, it was great that I was able to speak with you before the competition.
Icon Dialogue Talk Energy +5?
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 kokomi 02b 4.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Ah! No, please don't ever mention that to anyone!
(Return to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll be on my way, then.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 kokomi 02c 1.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Since you came all the way to Watatsumi Island, you might as well rest for a moment before you return.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 kokomi 02c 2.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: I hope this view will stay in your heart forever.


(Talk to Tighnari at the Teleport Waypoint near Gandha Hill)
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 tighnari 01.ogg Tighnari: (TravelerTraveler), what a coincidence! Cyno already told me everything that happened.
Icon Dialogue Talk About Cyno's unfunny jokes...
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 tighnari 02a 1.ogg Tighnari: I'll stop you right there! Cyno has already told me countless jokes with that smug look on his face. I don't want to hear any more.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 tighnari 02a 2.ogg Tighnari: That's all I have to say on that topic.
(Return to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk About Genius Invokation TCG...
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 tighnari 02b 1.ogg Tighnari: Things have been quiet in the Avidya Forest lately, so I've been playing with Collei every now and then.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 tighnari 02b 2.ogg Tighnari: Collei never ceases to amaze me. She even managed to place well in that tournament.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 tighnari 02b 3.ogg Tighnari: Even though I was able to make it out of the qualifiers, luck wasn't on my side and I faced Cyno only a few matches in.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 tighnari 02b 4.ogg Tighnari: That guy shows no mercy when it comes to Genius Invokation. He even let out a loud yell when he played the winning card... It really hurt my ears.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 tighnari 02b 5.ogg Tighnari: It's been a while since I've seen him get so stirred up like that.
(Return to option selection)
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll be on my way, then.
Media:vo dialog dpeq004 tighnari 02c 1.ogg Tighnari: No need to be so polite. You should visit again when you have the time.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Tighnari, optional)
Media:vo dpeq004 10 tighnari 01.ogg Tighnari: (I really didn't see that coming...)


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
14Say My NameCity of Winds and IdyllsMaster's Day Off (Quest) (cutscene and dialogue), A Pact That Crosses Time, The Oni's Pride, A Secret Born From Ashes, Dream of Falling, Sincerity's Facade, Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams, The Magician's Secret, Middle Note: Blood Due
24Tender StrengthCity of Winds and IdyllsCooking Showdown, Wangshu, Justice Is Its Own Reward, Fate's Chosen Lupical, Master's Day Off (Quest), Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land (Quest), The Fond Farewell, Dream of Wind and Flowers, Lasting Promise, With You, A Secret Born From Ashes, Dream of Farewell, Farewell, My Shroom Buddies, The Currents of Life, Sincerity's Facade, Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams, The Truest Thing, Receiver of Friends From Afar: Part IV
Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot
25With Witty WitThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3Lost in Prosperity, A Gathering of Outlanders, Opening Festivities, Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams, Receiver of Friends From Afar: Part II, After Repose, Give Her Sweetness
Event Gameplay
60A Pensive SighThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams (cutscene)
24Battle PreparationThe Shimmering VoyageA Herald Without Adherents, The Shadows Deepen, Pride and Prejudice, Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams, All the World's a Stage, Memories That Should Not Exist, Tracks Through the Wilderness, Time for the Showdown


  • The Traveler can ask Kokomi, "Energy +5?" even if they have not yet learned about Kokomi's energy system from her Story Quest.


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishCulminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams
Shuukyoku! Yume no You-na Kandan
The End! Dreamlike Conversation
Korean종료! 즐거운 대화
Jongnyo! Jeulgeoun Daehwa
Close! Pleasant Conversation
Spanish¡Apogeo! Sueños dicharacherosApogee! Joyous Dreams
FrenchDuel endiablé : Rêves joyeuxRaging Dual: Joyous Dreams
RussianКульминация! Разноголосье радостных грёз
Kul'minatsiya! Raznogolos'ye radostnykh gryoz
Culmination! Discord of Joyous Dreams
Thaiจบเกม! พูดคุยเบิกบานดั่งฝัน
VietnameseHạ Màn! Vui Vẻ Như Mơ
GermanDer Vorhang fällt! Plaudereien freudvoller TräumeThe Curtain Falls! Chatters of Joyous Dreams
IndonesianPuncak! Perbincangan Seindah MimpiPeak! Conversation as Beautiful as Dreams
PortugueseAs cortinas caem! Alegria onírica
TurkishKapanış! Hoş Rüya Sohbeti[The] Ending! Pleasant Dream Conversation
ItalianCala il sipario! Chiacchierando di sogni felici

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