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The Formula for a Miracle is the third and final part of Baizhu's Story Quest, Lagenaria Chapter: Act I - The Heart of Healing.


  1. Return to the west of Qingce Village
  2. Follow Jialiang
  3. Talk to Jialiang and the others
  4. Head to the underground space
  5. Talk to Baizhu and the others
  6. Proceed deeper
  7. Talk to Baizhu and the others
  8. Proceed deeper
  9. Talk to Baizhu and the others
  10. Return to Bubu Pharmacy
  11. Follow Jiangli
  12. Talk to Jiangli

Gameplay Notes[]

  • From step 1 until completing step 3, going too far away from the quest area will reset the quest progress to the beginning of step 1.
  • During steps 4-9, a trial Baizhu will join the party.
  • From step 10 until completing step 11, going too far away from the quest area will reset the quest progress to the beginning of step 10.
  • During step 11, the active party will be limited to a trial Baizhu.
    • Before leaving the back room of Bubu Pharmacy, all menus (except for the Quest, Character, and Map menus) and actions (except for Quest Navigation) are inaccessible.
  • Permanently missable chests inside the domain: Common Chest Common Chest ×2, Exquisite Chest Exquisite Chest ×1.

Trial Character[]

WLWL Character
& Weapon
Talents & Artifacts Attributes


BaizhuDendro Lv. 61 C3 Bai­zhu
  • Normal Attack Lv. 4
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 4
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 7
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 23,508
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,236
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 351
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 34
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 50.6%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 72.4%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 104.7%

Medal of the BraveProspect of the BraveFortitude of the BraveOutset of the BraveCrown of the Brave
Artifact Lv. 16
Set Bonus
Brave Heart 4-Piece


BaizhuDendro Lv. 71 C3 Bai­zhu
  • Normal Attack Lv. 5
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 5
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 8
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 28,124‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,368
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 463
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 42‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 51.8%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 16
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece


BaizhuDendro Lv. 90 C3 Bai­zhu
  • Normal Attack Lv. 8
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 8
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 11
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 43,438
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,343
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 607
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 26.0%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 186.8%

Flower of AccoladesVibrant PinionOrichalceous Time-DialFeast of Boundless JoyGeneral's Ancient Helm
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Tenacity of the Millelith 2-Piece
Vourukasha's Glow 2-Piece


BaizhuDendro Lv. 90 C3 Bai­zhu
  • Normal Attack Lv. 10
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 10
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 13
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 43,438
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,343
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 607
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 26.0%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 186.8%

Flower of AccoladesVibrant PinionOrichalceous Time-DialFeast of Boundless JoyGeneral's Ancient Helm
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Tenacity of the Millelith 2-Piece
Vourukasha's Glow 2-Piece


UI Quest Quest Description

The boundary between medicine and poison seems to have blurred, as has the line between life and death... Where can one find a truly perfect remedy, or does it exist at all?
(Approach the marked area)
Media:vo bzlq003 1 baizhu 01.ogg Baizhu: ...
Media:vo bzlq003 1 jialiang 01.ogg Jialiang: Ugh... That strange feeling is back...
Media:vo bzlq003 1 jialiang 02.ogg Jialiang: It's just like the day I went missing... It's as if something inside me is trying to guide me somewhere...
Media:vo bzlq003 1 baizhu 02.ogg Baizhu: The mother lode's influence is growing stronger... But is it because we're getting closer to the source, or because the leakage of Chi blood is growing more severe?
Media:vo bzlq003 1 baizhu 03.ogg Baizhu: Jialiang, can you sense which direction the source is in?
Media:vo bzlq003 1 jialiang 03.ogg Jialiang: I think it's... this way!
(After the cutscene)
Media:vo bzlq003 1 jialiang 04.ogg Jialiang: Yes... I'm sure of it.
(While following Jialiang)
Media:vo bzlq003 1 jialiang 05.ogg Jialiang: ...I feel a dull ache in my heart... This must be the way.
(Approach the dilapidated entrance with Jialiang)
Media:vo bzlq003 1 jialiang 06.ogg Jialiang: This place feels familiar... I think I've been here before.
Media:vo bzlq003 1 baizhu 04.ogg Baizhu: Hmm... There is an inauspicious presence here. Even I can sense it.
Media:vo bzlq003 1 jialiang 07.ogg Jialiang: I think I remember this place... Ugh!
Media:vo bzlq003 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Jialiang! Are you okay? Maybe you should rest here while we continue the search?
(Xiao is shown looking over the group from atop a cliff in the background)
Media:vo bzlq003 1 jialiang 08.ogg Jialiang: No... I have to keep going. Jiangli is still waiting for me...
Media:vo bzlq003 1 jialiang 09.ogg Jialiang: Phew... Then let's hurry!
(Talk to Xiao atop a cliff overlooking the Domain entrance, optional)[Note 1]
Media:vo dialog bzlq003 xiao 01.ogg Xiao: Hm? From the looks of it, you've already tracked down the location of the source?
Icon Dialogue Talk We've made some progress...
Media:vo dialog bzlq003 xiao 02.ogg Xiao: Really? That's good to hear.
Icon Dialogue Talk Have you been standing guard here this entire time?
Media:vo dialog bzlq003 xiao 03.ogg Xiao: ...I cannot simply look the other way when evil spirits are involved.
Media:vo dialog bzlq003 xiao 04.ogg Xiao: In any case, the evil presence here is growing stronger. I can sense it.
Media:vo dialog bzlq003 xiao 05.ogg Xiao: ...Whatever you're planning to do, make it quick.
Media:vo dialog bzlq003 xiao 06.ogg Xiao: If you leave it too long, and I am compelled to intervene... things may not turn out the way you wish.
(Enter the Domain)
Media:vo bzlq003 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Uhhh... This place gives Paimon the creeps. Who knows what we're gonna find up ahead...
Media:vo bzlq003 2 changsheng 01.ogg Changsheng: The digging marks here appear amateur, and rather old... I suspect it is a thieves' tunnel.
Media:vo bzlq003 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: A thieves' tunnel? Hmm, Paimon has heard rumors about treasure around these parts before... Maybe it was the Treasure Hoarders that dug this tunnel?
Media:vo bzlq003 2 baizhu 01.ogg Baizhu: Judging by the tools they left behind, it's certainly a possibility.
Media:vo bzlq003 2 baizhu 02.ogg Baizhu: ...But why did they abandon this place without even stopping to pack up their tools?
Media:vo bzlq003 2 jialiang 01.ogg Jialiang: ...I remember now. She took me here once and told me that she'd found a way to save me in this cave...
Media:vo bzlq003 2 jialiang 02.ogg Jialiang: But she... She said that the method would cause me to... Ugh, curses, why can't I remember what she said? Argh!
Media:vo bzlq003 2 baizhu 03.ogg Baizhu: Easy, Jialiang. Come on, let's keep going.
(Defeat the monsters)
Media:vo bzlq003 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Whoa, there's a censer here... Those treasure hoarders sure made themselves at home...
Icon Dialogue Talk (I don't see any dust on the censer's surface...)
Icon Dialogue Talk ...I don't think this was left here by the Treasure Hoarders.
Icon Dialogue Talk (The burn marks on the inside are still fresh...)
Icon Dialogue Talk ...I don't think this was left here by the Treasure Hoarders.
Media:vo bzlq003 3 baizhu 01.ogg Baizhu: ...I believe this censer was used to burn a monster-repelling incense.
Media:vo bzlq003 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: A monster-repelling incense? You sure? 'Cause we did run into that group of monsters just now.
Media:vo bzlq003 3 baizhu 02.ogg Baizhu: The incense was burned several days ago. If I had to guess, the monsters we fought just now were enticed here by some entity deeper inside the cave.
Media:vo bzlq003 3 baizhu 03.ogg Baizhu: No doubt an encounter with the very same entity was what prompted the Treasure Hoarders to flee and abandon their designs on this cave.
Media:vo bzlq003 3 baizhu 04.ogg Baizhu: After them, Jiangli was the next person to discover this place, and what lies inside... But to her, it presented an opportunity to save Jialiang's life, albeit as a last resort...
Media:vo bzlq003 3 jialiang 01.ogg Jialiang: That's right... This censer — it belongs to Jiangli! Yes, this was the place!
Media:vo bzlq003 3 jialiang 02.ogg Jialiang: This is where... I told Jiangli to give me the poison... *cough* *cough*
Media:vo bzlq003 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Jialiang!
Media:vo bzlq003 3 jialiang 03.ogg Jialiang: I'm fine... Let's keep going. I can feel it, s—she... is right below us... waiting for me.
(Enter the hallway approaching the mechanism)
Media:vo bzlq003 4 jialiang 01.ogg Jialiang: I can feel it... We're getting close...
Media:vo bzlq003 4 jialiang 02.ogg Jialiang: We're almost there... It's right up ahead, the place where we made a pact together to... Ugh...
Media:vo bzlq003 4 changsheng 02.ogg Changsheng: ...
(Complete the puzzle)
Media:vo bzlq003 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Aha! We can keep going now!
Media:vo bzlq003 4 baizhu 01.ogg Baizhu: From the looks of it, the energy released by this mechanism can not only clear barriers, but also be conducted by corresponding mechanisms — perhaps it's something we can make use of.
(Approach the door on the other side of the room)
Media:vo bzlq003 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Huh? Paimon doesn't see any barrier-breaking mechanisms around here.
Media:vo bzlq003 4 changsheng 01.ogg Changsheng: There are tracks here, and it looks like they're connected to something... Shall we follow it, and see where it takes us?
(Upon pushing any mechanism in any direction with damaged tracks or dead-ends)
The mechanism cannot shift toward this direction...
(Proceed further into the Domain)
Media:vo bzlq003 4 jialiang 03.ogg Jialiang: ...
(Approach the Geovishap)
Media:vo bzlq003 4 jialiang 04.ogg Jialiang: Ah! Jiangli!
Media:vo bzlq003 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Look out! There's a monster next to her!
Media:vo bzlq003 4 baizhu 02.ogg Baizhu: The god remains must have lured them here... Watch my back!
(Defeat the Geovishap)
You defeated the monsters together.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 01.ogg Jialiang: Dr. Baizhu, how serious is it? Is she...?
Media:vo bzlq003 5 baizhu 01.ogg Baizhu: I can still feel a pulse, but her condition is quite grave.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 baizhu 02.ogg Baizhu: The god remains here are encroaching on her cognition, much as the poison in your system did to you.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 baizhu 03.ogg Baizhu: If we don't eliminate it soon, then even if we save her life... I fear that she may never wake up again.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Then what are we waiting for? Let's destroy the remains right away!
Media:vo bzlq003 5 changsheng 01.ogg Changsheng: ...It's not as simple as that. Don't you remember what Baizhu said?
Media:vo bzlq003 5 changsheng 02.ogg Changsheng: The poison within Jialiang's body is inextricably linked to the god remains here.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 changsheng 03.ogg Changsheng: ...If the source is purged, the poison in his system will stop having any effect.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Ah... And the poison within Jialiang's body is keeping his heart condition under control. So, if it stops working...
Media:vo bzlq003 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh no! Are you saying...
Media:vo bzlq003 5 baizhu 04.ogg Baizhu: Indeed. If the god remains here are purged... then your life will come to an end.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 02.ogg Jialiang: ...*sigh* I wondered when this day might come...
Media:vo bzlq003 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Wait, wait, wait! But we've all been working our butts off to save Jialiang's life! After all that... we can't just give up on him!
Media:vo bzlq003 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Baizhu, you're a great doctor, surely you've gotta know of some other way we can save him... right?
Media:vo bzlq003 5 baizhu 05.ogg Baizhu: ...You could continue to take the poison, which would buy you some time. As for Jiangli... Maybe if we put our heads together, we can think of something.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 changsheng 04.ogg Changsheng: It appears to me that she was striving to concoct your medicine for you, right up until the moment when she lost consciousness... Maybe it's her greatest wish that you will continue to take it, and live...
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 03.ogg Jialiang: Dr. Baizhu, give it to me straight. ...How long does Jiangli have?
Media:vo bzlq003 5 baizhu 06.ogg Baizhu: The god remains have reached her internal organs. Under ordinary circumstances, I would give her less than three days. But if I were to treat her using a secret art...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...!
Icon Dialogue Talk You can't be thinking about that again...
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 04.ogg Jialiang: ...But what would be the point of that?
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 05.ogg Jialiang: Dr. Baizhu... I'm all too aware of the dangers of god remains. You are not the first to mention it to me.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 06.ogg Jialiang: If I continue to sustain my own life using this wretched substance, not only would Jiangli have to keep risking her life to make my medicine for me, but I would have to live with the looming threat of these remains breaking out and wreaking havoc not just upon me, but my entire family...
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 07.ogg Jialiang: ...I know for a fact that I should have died over a decade ago. The fact that I've been around to see Ayu grow up is already a great blessing from Rex Lapis.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 08.ogg Jialiang: If my choice can bring Jiangli back... then even if I... even if I... die...
Media:vo bzlq003 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Jialiang...
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 09.ogg Jialiang: ...Hah, after cheating death for so long, it seems I've grown somewhat addicted to life.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 10.ogg Jialiang: (TravelerTraveler), Dr. Baizhu... Could I have another minute with my wife? I just want to have... one final moment together. Just a moment, that's all.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 baizhu 07.ogg Baizhu: ...Of course.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 11.ogg Jialiang: Thank you, everyone. And I'm sorry that... I won't be able to repay your kindness in this life.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: *sniff* Jialiang... Baizhu, Changsheng, is there really nothing else you can do?
Media:vo bzlq003 5 baizhu 08.ogg Baizhu: I am sure that over the years, Jiangli will have tried all the conventional methods known to humankind. As for less-conventional methods, I have little expertise besides Changsheng's secret art...
Media:vo bzlq003 5 changsheng 05.ogg Changsheng: Mortals are fated to grow old and pass on when their natural lifespan runs out. If it were so easy to combat the natural processes of aging and death, Jiangli would not have had to resort to unnatural methods.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: What a crazy situation... Jiangli risked it all to save Jialiang's life, and now, Jialiang has to sacrifice himself to save Jiangli... Wh—What's the point of it all?
Icon Dialogue Talk All we can do right now...
Icon Dialogue Talk Is honor Jialiang's decision and bear witness.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 baizhu 09.ogg Baizhu: I've seen many final farewells in my time... but I can never get used to it.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 changsheng 06.ogg Changsheng: In the human realm, all things must come to an end... Is it not a fitting end to die for a worthy cause?
Media:vo bzlq003 5 changsheng 07.ogg Changsheng: ...At least, that's what generations of masters before you have always believed.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 baizhu 10.ogg Baizhu: The path they chose was indeed a heroic one. But when I think of those who would willingly sacrifice themselves for others...
Media:vo bzlq003 5 baizhu 11.ogg Baizhu: ...I cannot help but think that theirs are the lives least deserving of death.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 12.ogg Jialiang: ...When all this began, we agreed that once Ayu was old enough to help you gather herbs, it would be time for me to go...
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 13.ogg Jialiang: If you could only see him now... He took me all the way to Liyue Harbor to see the doctor, and he even got the Adventurers' Guild to search for you...
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 14.ogg Jialiang: ...So I know that you'll both be okay without me.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 15.ogg Jialiang: ...!
(Jialiang breaks the bottle of medicine by Jiangli's side)
Media:vo bzlq003 5 changsheng 08.ogg Changsheng: ...
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 16.ogg Jialiang: I've said my goodbyes. My time has come... Do what you must.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 baizhu 12.ogg Baizhu: As you wish.
(Baizhu destroys the mother lode. The purple aura from the broken bottle of medicine disappears)
As the source is dispelled, the suppressed pain of Jialiang's illness and memories flood into his mind...
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 17.ogg Jialiang: ...Ugh...Arghhh...
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jiangli 01.ogg ...It will eat away at both your cognition and your memories... In the end, you'll become little more than a shadow of your true self...
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 18.ogg ...I'll take it. At the very least... It will allow me to stay with you, and watch Ayu grow up.
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 19.ogg Jialiang: ...*pained breathing*...
Media:vo bzlq003 5 ayu 01.ogg ...Mom! Something's really wrong with Dad...
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jiangli 02.ogg ...Don't fret, Ayu. I will gather some medicinal herbs right away. I promise you, nothing will happen to our family...
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 20.ogg Jialiang: *groans*... Why would these memories come to mind now...
(Jiangli regains consciousness)
Jiangli: ...!
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 21.ogg Jialiang: *sigh* ...The longer we live, the tighter we cling to what we have...
(Jiangli runs over to Jialiang, seemlingly calling out to him)
Jiangli: ...! ...!
Media:vo bzlq003 5 jialiang 22.ogg Jialiang: Oh, how I would love... to hear... to hear your voice one last time...
(Jialiang collapses)

(The scene transitions to the back room of Bubu Pharmacy)
A faint voice comes forth from the dark...
Media:vo bzlq003 6 jiangli 01.ogg ???: ...Jialiang... Jialiang!
Media:vo bzlq003 6 jiangli 02.ogg Jiangli: Jialiang! Jialiang!
Media:vo bzlq003 6 ayu 01.ogg Ayu: Dad! Are you awake?
Media:vo bzlq003 6 jialiang 01.ogg Jialiang: Uh... Jiangli... Ayu?
Media:vo bzlq003 6 jialiang 02.ogg Jialiang: ...Didn't I... Hm? What are... these?
Jialiang wakes up in the back room of Bubu Pharmacy to find his body covered in sigils...
Media:vo bzlq003 6 changsheng 01.ogg Changsheng: How does it feel to come back to life?
Media:vo bzlq003 6 baizhu 01.ogg Baizhu: Do you feel strange or different in any way? If so, could you describe it to me in detail?
Media:vo bzlq003 6 jialiang 03.ogg Jialiang: Dr. Baizhu! I... I thought that I was going to...
Media:vo bzlq003 6 baizhu 02.ogg Baizhu: Hehe, die? You did indeed. As things stand now, you're more akin to a zombie than a human.
Media:vo bzlq003 6 jialiang 04.ogg Jialiang: ...I'm a zombie?
Media:vo bzlq003 6 baizhu 03.ogg Baizhu: That's right. Before we set off, I asked Qiqi to prepare an... Elixir of Immortality. With its help, you have been suspended in the space between life and death.
Media:vo bzlq003 6 baizhu 04.ogg Baizhu: Of course, this is but a crude imitation of an adeptus art. I don't expect it to extend your life indefinitely.
Media:vo bzlq003 6 baizhu 05.ogg Baizhu: Whether it will keep you alive for a few days, a few months, or a few years... I am as interested as you to find out.
Media:vo bzlq003 6 baizhu 06.ogg Baizhu: But however long you have left, I believe it should be more than sufficient time for you to say your final goodbyes before departing the world in peace. ...I hope that Director Hu finds this arrangement to be a satisfactory one?
Media:vo bzlq003 6 hutao 01.ogg Hu Tao: An "Elixir of Immortality"? How'd you cook that up? Ugh, leave it to you to work on something like that behind my back...
Media:vo bzlq003 6 baizhu 07.ogg Baizhu: It's a work in progress that hardly lives up to its name. And it would have had no effect were it not for Jialiang's iron will.
Media:vo bzlq003 6 baizhu 08.ogg Baizhu: In the end, I am merely a doctor. I understand very little of the great principles governing life and death, and the perpetual cycle of yin and yang.
Media:vo bzlq003 6 baizhu 09.ogg Baizhu: All I know is that if I'm presented with a life that deserves to be saved, I will do everything in my power to save them.
Media:vo bzlq003 6 baizhu 10.ogg Baizhu: And even this would have counted for nothing without Director Hu's assistance... After all, did you not tell Jialiang to show us the way before we set off for Qingce Village?
Media:vo bzlq003 6 hutao 02.ogg Hu Tao: Oops, aaaand I'm busted.
Media:vo bzlq003 6 baizhu 11.ogg Baizhu: Without Director Hu nudging things in the right direction, we may not have found Jiangli in time.
Icon Dialogue Talk I KNEW someone was listening in on that conversation...
Icon Dialogue Talk So it was Hu Tao!
Media:vo bzlq003 6 hutao 03.ogg Hu Tao: No wonder he didn't mention the elixir back then. Hmph, I thought he was being frank and transparent with me for once, but apparently not...
Media:vo bzlq003 6 jialiang 05.ogg Jialiang: Ahem... Hehe, Director Hu told me to keep her suggestion a secret. But it seems nothing escapes Dr. Baizhu's attention.
Media:vo bzlq003 6 changsheng 02.ogg Changsheng: Hehehe, never underestimate a serpent's sense of smell!
Media:vo bzlq003 6 hutao 04.ogg Hu Tao: ...All I wanted was to help Jialiang find his missing wife as soon as possible, so that he could be on his way to the afterlife without any unfulfilled wishes making the journey more difficult than it needs to be...
Media:vo bzlq003 6 hutao 05.ogg Hu Tao: Leave it to Bubu Pharmacy to snatch the perfect opportunity right outta my hands at the last hurdle! Never mind, I'll just have to put it down in the books as a deferred consideration.
(Qiqi is shown listening in while hiding behind a screen)
Media:vo bzlq003 6 hutao 06.ogg Hu Tao: *sigh* One Qiqi was enough of a conundrum, the last thing I need's another one... If I'd known this was coming, I'd have whisked him off to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor the moment I found him...
Media:vo bzlq003 6 ayu 02.ogg Ayu: Y—You stay away from my dad! When I grow up, I'm gonna become an even better doctor than Mom and Baizhu, and cure Dad for good!
Media:vo bzlq003 6 jialiang 06.ogg Jialiang: ...
Media:vo bzlq003 6 hutao 07.ogg Hu Tao: Ooh, is that right? Well, you wouldn't be the first person who's tried to put Wangsheng Funeral Parlor out of business. If you're serious about it, you'll have your work cut out for you.
Media:vo bzlq003 6 hutao 08.ogg Hu Tao: (TravelerTraveler), Paimon, I'll catch you all another time!
Media:vo bzlq003 6 qiqi 01.ogg Qiqi: Phew... is she finally gone?
Media:vo bzlq003 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: All's well that ends well! If you ask Paimon, we should probably do something to celebrate this hard-earned family reunion...
Icon Dialogue Talk Such as...?
Icon Dialogue Talk Paimon's idea of a celebration can only mean one thing...
Media:vo bzlq003 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hehe, at times like this, a grand celebratory feast is in order!
Media:vo bzlq003 6 jialiang 07.ogg Jialiang: Haha, it feels like it was a whole lifetime ago when I last talked with Jiangli and Ayu around the dinner table.
Icon Dialogue Talk This was a hard-won meal.
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe I'll whip something, too. It's been a while.
Media:vo bzlq003 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Yaaay! Paimon can't wait!
Media:vo bzlq003 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Alright, first things first, off to the market for some fresh ingredients! Let's goooo~!
Media:vo bzlq003 6 ayu 03a.ogg Ayu: Wait up! I'll come too!
Media:vo bzlq003 6 jiangli 03.ogg Jiangli: Baizhu... Thank you so, so much for everything you've done for us.
Media:vo bzlq003 6 baizhu 12.ogg Baizhu: Don't mention it, Jiangli. I was just doing my duty.
Media:vo bzlq003 6 jiangli 04.ogg Jiangli: Just your duty, huh... Baizhu, Changsheng, would you mind if we took this conversation outside?
(Talk to Jialiang or Qiqi, optional)
Media:vo dialog bzlq003 qiqi 02.ogg Qiqi: Now that you are part-zombie, there are some rules that you need to know.
Media:vo dialog bzlq003 jialiang 01.ogg Jialiang: Uhh... Y—Yes, Ma'am. I'm listening...
Media:vo dialog bzlq003 qiqi 03.ogg Qiqi: First. Don't forget to stretch your body regularly. Second. Don't forget to...
Media:vo dialog bzlq003 jialiang 02.ogg Jialiang: Yes? Go on? Don't forget to...?
Media:vo dialog bzlq003 qiqi 04.ogg Qiqi: ...I forgot.
(Attempt to enter the back room after leaving)
Media:vo dialog bzlq003 changsheng 01.ogg Changsheng: Jiangli's still waiting for us. Let's go talk to her, shall we?
(Follow Jiangli)
Media:vo bzlq003 6 jiangli 05.ogg Jiangli: Time flies... It's been so long since we bade each other farewell in Chenyu Vale.
Media:vo bzlq003 6 jiangli 06.ogg Jiangli: Changsheng, you're the same as ever. You haven't changed one bit!
Media:vo bzlq003 6 changsheng 03.ogg Changsheng: You, on the other hand, have changed a lot.
Media:vo bzlq003 6 jiangli 07.ogg Jiangli: ...You're right. My younger self would have never imagined that things would one day turn out this way.
Media:vo bzlq003 6 jiangli 08.ogg Jiangli: ...Or that you'd turn out this way, Baizhu.
(Approach the roofed corridor)
Media:vo bzlq003 7 jiangli 01.ogg Jiangli: ...I've taken a look at your Elixir of Immortality. It's not altogether dissimilar from the poison I concocted in terms of the way it functions.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 01.ogg Baizhu: ...I have to say, Jiangli, it was a stroke of genius to use poison to maintain life. I hope you're not too upset at me for... copying your methods?
Media:vo bzlq003 7 jiangli 02.ogg Jiangli: No, not at all. With your intellect, even if you'd never seen my poison, I believe you would have eventually arrived at the same approach.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 jiangli 03.ogg Jiangli: But I'm still impressed by how quickly you managed to gain such a thorough understanding of it. Jialiang's still only been in your care for a few days.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 jiangli 04.ogg Jiangli: Not just that — you even managed to improve upon the original formula. That cannot be explained by intellect alone...
Media:vo bzlq003 7 jiangli 05.ogg Jiangli: Baizhu, be honest with me... Did you try out some of the poison on yourself?
Media:vo bzlq003 7 changsheng 01.ogg Changsheng: Hah! Told you the truth would surface sooner or later.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 jiangli 06.ogg Jiangli: ...Life force isn't the only thing that Changsheng's contract lets you transfer between bodies, is it?
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 02.ogg Baizhu: ...Nothing gets past you, Jiangli.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 03.ogg Baizhu: You are correct. Besides life force, Changsheng's secret art also allows for the transfer of toxins and diseases.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 04.ogg Baizhu: When I treated Jialiang for the second time, I transferred some of the poison from his body into my own. Not only did this allow me to alleviate the burden on him, but it also gave me an opportunity to study its properties...
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 05.ogg Baizhu: There is no need to worry about any long-term consequences to my health, however. Now that the source has been destroyed, any remaining poison in me will have already dissipated.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 jiangli 07.ogg Jiangli: ...But you took such a huge risk. If we hadn't destroyed the gods' remains back there, then even you might have—
Media:vo bzlq003 7 jiangli 08.ogg Jiangli: ...Hah. What am I saying? I'm in no position to criticize you for this.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 jiangli 09.ogg Jiangli: The reason I left our Master and went into hiding all those years ago was that he was getting old, and I didn't want him using up any more of his own life force to treat my husband.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 jiangli 10.ogg Jiangli: But in the end, how were my methods any different? I risked one life to save another. And then you tried the poison on yourself, too... It looks like both of us have ended up going the same way as our master before us.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 jiangli 11.ogg Jiangli: Are all disciples of Chenyu Vale destined to turn out this way? To live a short life, having given away our own for the sake of others? To fight relentlessly against the natural course of life and death, whatever the cost? ...Maybe our fate is sealed the moment we decide to study medicine.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 06.ogg Baizhu: ...We are doctors, Jiangli. We ought never say that anyone's fate is sealed.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 jiangli 12.ogg Jiangli: Baizhu, I can tell that over the years, you've used the contract with Changsheng to transfer many diseases and toxins to yourself. There are so many, that some of them I don't even recognize...
Media:vo bzlq003 7 jiangli 13.ogg Jiangli: Can you... still stop before it's too late?
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 07.ogg Baizhu: I think you know the answer, Jiangli. Every one of us from Chenyu Vale believes in the same thing...
Media:vo bzlq003 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey! Food's ready!
Media:vo bzlq003 7 ayu 01.ogg Ayu: Mom! Come and join us!
Media:vo bzlq003 7 ayu 02a.ogg Ayu: (TravelerTraveler) taught me a load of new recipes, and said even dad'll be able to taste them! Come and try them out!
Media:vo bzlq003 7 jiangli 14.ogg Jiangli: Yes, darling, mom'll be there in just a second... Hey, slow down!
Media:vo bzlq003 7 jiangli 15.ogg Jiangli: ...Baizhu, I know I won't be able to convince you, but... please don't forget that, if one day, you're not around anymore...
Media:vo bzlq003 7 jiangli 16.ogg Jiangli: Qiqi, Gui, and all the friends who have grown fond of you... they will all miss you dearly.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 08.ogg Baizhu: There's no need to worry, Jiangli. I know what I'm doing.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 jiangli 17.ogg Jiangli: *sigh*... I can only hope so.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 09.ogg Baizhu: ...
Media:vo bzlq003 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Baizhu... What did Jiangli mean by "not around anymore"? Are you gonna be okay?
Icon Dialogue Talk Also, when Changsheng was talking about "fate"...
Icon Dialogue Talk What did she mean, exactly?
Media:vo bzlq003 7 changsheng 02.ogg Changsheng: ...Every single mortal I've ever contracted with, including Baizhu and Jiangli's Master, has passed away at a young age.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Wait, that doesn't make any sense! You said that the contract with you helps people live longer!
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 10.ogg Baizhu: *sigh* ...It is a very long story...
Cutscene's Travel Log summary:
A pharmacist once made a symbiotic pact with Changsheng to reverse death and cure harsh diseases with inhuman powers. However, this caused the pharmacist to pass away at a young age after burning up the pharmacist's own life...
The pharmacist's pursuit and the pact with Changsheng were inherited by the pharmacist's disciple. They continued healing the sick and saving lives with the mysterious power, generation after generation.
It is a doctor's job to heal the sick and save lives. However, are the healers bound by the pact and forced down a path to premature death not worthy of being saved? To them, is the pact a life-saving medicine, or a life-ending poison?
—In the last days of Baizhu's master, he left such a question to Baizhu. And now, standing in front of the master's tomb, Baizhu has given his answer...
(A cinematic plays)
Baizhu's Master: Long ago, when plagues ravaged the land
Baizhu's Master: One doctor made a pledge
Baizhu's Master: To rid the world of pain and suffering
Baizhu's Master: But even the most ingenious mortal medicine
Baizhu's Master: Could not stay the tide of disease
Baizhu's Master: And after working tirelessly for many years
Baizhu's Master: Even his dearest loved ones fell sick
Baizhu's Master: And bade their final farewell
Baizhu's Master: Legends told of an Herblord in Chenyu Vale
Baizhu's Master: Who could cure any illness known to mankind
Baizhu's Master: The doctor sought the Herblord
Baizhu's Master: But found only a white snake, its breathing weak and its power all but spent
Changsheng: "Sign this contract, and let our lives be joined"
Changsheng: "Then I will impart to you the secret art of healing"
Changsheng: "But be warned: This art will harm your own health"
Baizhu's Master: With means beyond human ken
Baizhu's Master: The doctor could now reverse the process of death
Baizhu's Master: And yet, the time still came to say goodbye
Baizhu's Master: Only now... the one departing was the doctor, his life force spent
Baizhu's Master: His final act in life was to pass on the contract
Baizhu's Master: To his final patient: his favorite disciple
Baizhu's Master: The disciple chose to dedicate their life to saving the lives of others...
Baizhu's Master: And generation upon generation followed in these footsteps
Baizhu's Master: Since I inherited this contract, I've always respected the path taken by my predecessors
Baizhu's Master: And followed it myself unquestioningly
Baizhu's Master: That is, until...
Baizhu's Master: I tried to use the art to save my own disciple's beloved
Baizhu's Master: She begged me not to use up my own life force
Baizhu's Master: She said that this art is a poisoned chalice, an evil and unnatural practice...
Baizhu's Master: She did not wish to sacrifice one life for the sake of another, when both were lives she treasured
Baizhu's Master: ...Only then did it occur to me: Did I not suffer when my master passed away
Baizhu's Master: Just as patients' families do at their loved ones' deathbed?
Baizhu's Master: Are not the lives cut short by this contract
Baizhu's Master: Just as worthy of saving as any patient's?
Baizhu's Master: What is this contract to us? Medicine, or poison?
Baizhu's Master: Alas, I no longer have enough time left to find the answer
Baizhu's Master: I entrust to your care both Changsheng and this final question
Baizhu's Master: May you find a remedy for this conundrum, which has ailed us so...
(Baizhu and Changsheng approach Baizhu's master's grave)
Changsheng: Time and again... No matter how much I try to warn them
Changsheng: Or balance their qi, I can never save them...
Changsheng: And you? What's your answer?
Baizhu: ...If I abandoned the contract and left you without a host, what would happen?
Changsheng: Hmm... I suppose I'd spend my final moments taking a nice nap on Mt. Yaojun
Changsheng: Then, I'd be reunited with my old friends, and your predecessors
Baizhu: Then it's decided
Baizhu: If there's a life in front of me that deserves to be saved
Baizhu: Why shouldn't I do everything within my power to save it?
Changsheng: ...*sigh* Once again, it's the same answer
Changsheng: So be it. Close your eyes
Changsheng: ...Who knows how many more people will take on this contract
Baizhu: None
Baizhu: This contract... will end with me
(Baizhu opens his eyes to reveal that his irises have changed from red to yellow with vertical pupils)
(Cinematic ends)
Media:vo bzlq003 7 changsheng 03.ogg Changsheng: ...My contract has strict requirements on the host's natural temperament. All my hosts have been most pure of heart.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 11.ogg Baizhu: But when one with an altruistic nature gains access to this art, they are more seduced than the average person by the miracle of overturning the laws of life and death.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 12.ogg Baizhu: Though they know better than anyone else the fate that awaits them, when faced with the sorrows of humanity and the pain of losing their nearest and dearest, they cannot help but reach beyond human means.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 13.ogg Baizhu: ...They are like moths that throw themselves into the flame, seeking a glimmer of hope in a dark world filled with pain and suffering.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: So... Baizhu, does that mean...
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 14.ogg Baizhu: Heh... I suppose that would make me a moth that yearns for the light, but doesn't want to be burned to a crisp.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 15.ogg Baizhu: Changsheng's art can transfer pain and suffering between people, but it cannot reduce the total amount of pain in the world. It's just like we witnessed: either Jialiang feared for Jiangli's life, or Jiangli grieved over Jialiang's sacrifice.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 16.ogg Baizhu: I have nothing but the utmost respect for my predecessors who sacrificed their lives for their principles, but I do not wish to join their ranks... nor do I wish to pass on this contract to anyone else in the future.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Huh? But, didn't you already transfer a ton of diseases onto yourself?
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 17.ogg Baizhu: What makes a poison, "poison"? And what makes a disease, a "disease"? When it comes down to it, are not both mechanisms that affect the operations of the human body?
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 18.ogg Baizhu: If disease is defined as deviation from normal functioning, then who knows... perhaps the true Elixir of Immortality could in fact be a kind of poison?
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 19.ogg Baizhu: Many may view the notion of searching for immortality in poisons and illnesses as a flagrant violation of the natural order. But to me, it is no different from the way our ancestors tested the medicinal qualities of herbs by sampling each and every one.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 20.ogg Baizhu: I don't want those who come after me to lose their lives to this contract, nor do I wish for Changsheng to perish from losing her host... This leaves only one solution, doesn't it?
Icon Dialogue Talk The Elixir of Immortality...
Icon Dialogue Talk You have to become immortal yourself...
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 21.ogg Baizhu: Precisely. I will be Changsheng's final host, and the tradition of passing down the contract will end with me.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 changsheng 04.ogg Changsheng: ...Even the gods of old struggled to achieve true immortality. First you want to save others, then you want to save yourself. Now you even want to save me... You're getting greedy, Baizhu.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 22.ogg Baizhu: Mmm... but isn't wanting to have it all what makes us human?
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 23.ogg Baizhu: ...For a selfish moth like me, who's afraid of the flame, yet yearns for the light, the only path forward is up towards the moon.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: *sigh*... For once, Paimon just does not know what to say.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 ayu 03a.ogg Ayu: Dr. Baizhu! (TravelerTraveler)! What are you still chatting about? The food's about to get cold!
Media:vo bzlq003 7 qiqi 01.ogg Qiqi: We also have coconut milk, for Changsheng and Paimon...
Media:vo bzlq003 7 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Ummm... Okay fine, let's go grab some food! Paimon has a bunch of burning questions, but they can wait till after we've eaten.
Icon Dialogue Talk Oh, Paimon...
Icon Dialogue Talk Leave some grub for me.
Media:vo bzlq003 7 changsheng 05.ogg Changsheng: Ah, I do envy Paimon sometimes. Eating her fill is enough to satisfy her body and mind...
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 24.ogg Baizhu: Hehe, true. And yet... although we call them simple pleasures...
Media:vo bzlq003 7 baizhu 25.ogg Baizhu: Are such things as these not precisely why we mortals cling desperately to the life we have?
(Interact with the message on the door of Jiangli's residence, optional)
Message: "We're going to Natlan! Mom told me that there could be herbs there that aren't in any medicine books."
Message: "I've heard that the hot springs in Natlan help with muscle relaxation and blood circulation. Perhaps they will be beneficial for Jialiang..."
Message: "Let's not think too much about that for now, and just focus on the journey! We are going to enjoy every moment we can spend as a family."
Message: (At the end of the message, you see three crudely drawn stick figures. It shows a man, a woman and their son, holding hands as they set off on a new journey.)


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
35The Fading StoriesJade Moon Upon a Sea of CloudsA Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul, The Formula for a Miracle
Locations, Serenitea Pot
58Pulse of SpringThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3The Formula for a Miracle (cutscene)



  1. Xiao is actually present in this location from the very beginning of this quest, but can only be talked to after completing step 1. He will leave when step 9 is completed.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Formula for a Miracle
Shohou wo Motomete
Seeking a Prescription
SpanishUna fórmula milagrosaA Miraculous Formula
FrenchDans l'espoir d'un miracleIn the Hope of a Miracle
RussianВ поисках исцеления
V poiskakh istseleniya
In Search of Healing
VietnameseCầu Phương
GermanLösungssucheSolution Search
IndonesianRamuan AjaibMiraculous Concoction
PortugueseFórmula de um Milagre
TurkishMucize Formülü
ItalianLa formula per un miracolo

Change History[]
