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The Quest for a Cure is the second part of Baizhu's Story Quest, Lagenaria Chapter: Act I - The Heart of Healing.


  1. Go to the west of Qingce Village
  2. Look for clues in the area (0/3)
  3. Talk to Baizhu
  4. Return to Bubu Pharmacy
  5. Wait till the next morning (08:00 – 10:00)
  6. Talk to Ayu and the others
  7. Wait for Baizhu outside the back room
  8. Talk to Baizhu


UI Quest Quest Description

There seems to be something else going on with the poison in Jialiang's body...
(Approach the house at the marked location)
Media:vo bzlq002 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Whoa, there's a house all the way out here? It's so well hidden, Paimon's never noticed it before...
Media:vo bzlq002 1 baizhu 01.ogg Baizhu: Nor have I... and I've hosted clinics at Qingce Village many times in the past. If you ask me... Jiangli was trying to remain unnoticed.
Media:vo bzlq002 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Oh, that reminds Paimon. We meant to ask earlier, but it slipped our minds in the rush to get here... Could you tell us more about Jiangli? You said she was your fellow disciple, right?
Media:vo bzlq002 1 baizhu 02.ogg Baizhu: She was indeed. We studied medicine together under the same master near Chenyu Vale.
Media:vo bzlq002 1 baizhu 03.ogg Baizhu: She is several years older than I and also began her travels far earlier than me. As a result, the time I spent studying alongside her was rather short.
Media:vo bzlq002 1 changsheng 01.ogg Changsheng: Supposedly, she met an herb gatherer sometime during her travels and decided to settle down with him. That must have been Jialiang.
Media:vo bzlq002 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Wait... Changsheng, are you saying... Neither of you had actually met Jialiang or Ayu before all of this?
Media:vo bzlq002 1 baizhu 04.ogg Baizhu: ...Jiangli did occasionally come back to Chenyu Vale to see our master, but for whatever reason, she hardly ever talked about her family.
Media:vo bzlq002 1 baizhu 05.ogg Baizhu: The last time she visited us, she and master had some sort of a quarrel... We never heard from her after that. It almost seemed as if she'd gone into hiding.
Media:vo bzlq002 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Quarrel? What happened?
Media:vo bzlq002 1 changsheng 02.ogg Changsheng: I don't know. I did not witness the argument myself.
Media:vo bzlq002 1 baizhu 06.ogg Baizhu: Nor did Master ever explain it to me. All he would say is that, should I ever encounter Jiangli or her family in the future... I should do everything in my power to help them.
Media:vo bzlq002 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Oh... So that's why you went to such extreme lengths to help Jialiang.
Media:vo bzlq002 1 baizhu 07.ogg Baizhu: No. Even if my master had never said anything, it would still be my duty as a doctor to help him. My decision would have remained the same.
Media:vo bzlq002 1 changsheng 03.ogg Changsheng: *sigh*
Media:vo bzlq002 1 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Paimon never knew you were so selfless, Baizhu. Paimon always had you down as the sneaky scheming type... Sorry.
Media:vo bzlq002 1 baizhu 08.ogg Baizhu: Heh, so a few words from me is enough to dispel all your suspicions, hmm? You ought not be quite so quick to relax your guard, Paimon... Sometimes, even the "good guys" have their own private agenda.
Media:vo bzlq002 1 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: What the... Okay, that was the most suspicious-sounding thing you've ever said!
Media:vo bzlq002 1 baizhu 09.ogg Baizhu: Hahaha... Let's leave the idle chatter there for now. Jiangli has lived in this house for many years — there must be something here that can shed a little light on this whole situation.
Media:vo bzlq002 1 baizhu 10.ogg Baizhu: Let's split up, but if anyone finds anything, we'll examine it together.
(Talk to Baizhu again, optional)
Media:vo dialog bzlq002 changsheng 01.ogg Changsheng: How time flies... Jiangli's had a son, and he's all grown up...
Media:vo dialog bzlq002 baizhu 02.ogg Baizhu: I wonder if Jiangli's changed at all, after all these years?
(Observe Wooden Pillar)
Observe Wooden Pillar: (Several faint marks can be seen on the pillar. Maybe it was used to record Ayu's height as he grew up.)
Observe Wooden Pillar: (There's some faded writing near the bottom mark: "The more quickly Ayu grows up, the sooner... can leave...")
Observe Wooden Pillar: (...Judging by the number of marks on the pillar, the family has led a secluded existence here for many, many years.)
(Observe Stack of Wood)
Observe Stack of Wood: (The firewood is neatly stacked, and the logs were cut with great power and precision. Whoever chopped the firewood must have been physically fit.)
Observe Stack of Wood: (...Some logs at the bottom of the pile have begun to rot. It must have been a while since any new wood was added to the pile.)
(Read Diary With Childish Handwriting)
Diary With Childish Handwriting: "...Some roof tiles broke. Mom and I tried to get up and take a look, but we didn't manage. Luckily, dad was able to fix them in no time!"
Diary With Childish Handwriting: "...The dinner table was a bit wobbly today when we sat down to eat... Dad tried to fix it, but ended up breaking one of the legs by accident..."
Diary With Childish Handwriting: "...Dad's forgetting things again. I'll have to write it all down for now, and read it back to him when he's feeling a bit better..."
(After interacting with all three clues)
Media:vo bzlq002 2 changsheng 01.ogg Changsheng: (TravelerTraveler)! Paimon! Come quick!
(Approach the bottle)
You discovered a bottle of some strange potion...
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Wh—What is this?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 01.ogg Baizhu: Changsheng and I found a hidden compartment... This is what was hidden inside.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...God remains?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 changsheng 01.ogg Changsheng: Ah, you sense it too? You're right — this is a poison concocted using god remains.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Uh... Is it... breathing? Paimon's not seeing things, is she?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 02.ogg Baizhu: No, your eyes do not deceive you. I do believe the poison in this bottle is... alive.
Icon Dialogue Talk "Alive"?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 03.ogg Baizhu: Some toxins act a lot like living organisms... I read about this once in "The Origins and Symptoms of Diseases." This ancient class of poisons consists of "mother" and "minor" lodes, capable of sustaining a connection over vast distances.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 04.ogg Baizhu: If it's a concoction of this kind that we're dealing with, then both the poison in Jialiang's system and this one here are likely minor lodes... offshoots, essentially.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Offshoots? So... the main body is somewhere else?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 05.ogg Baizhu: Correct. Whoever is administering the poison can manipulate the source to indirectly control the poisoned individual's behavior and even cognition. Similarly, the poisoned individual will hear, to a varying extent, the call of the source.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: The call of the... Wait! So back when Jialiang ran off, maybe that explains where he was heading!
Icon Dialogue Talk ...He was going back towards Qingce Village!
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 06.ogg Baizhu: Only one thing could've been drawing him there. The source of the god remains used as the poison's key ingredient... the mother lode.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Ugh, this is getting crazier and crazier! What kind of person would do all this just to poison Jialiang?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 07.ogg Baizhu: ...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Hey... Why's everyone gone quiet all of a sudden?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 changsheng 02.ogg Changsheng: ...Since this poison was carefully hidden away in a secret compartment, the one who concocted it is likely a resident of the house.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: You mean, Jialiang? Why would he poison himself?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 changsheng 03.ogg Changsheng: Think a little harder, Paimon. Someone else who lives here... and who might have expertise in crafting drugs...
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Huh? So you're saying... *gasp* It was Jiangli!?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Wait, but that doesn't make any sense either! Why would she poison her own husband?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 08.ogg Baizhu: ...I agree, it makes little sense. Jiangli does not strike me as the kind of person who would do such a thing.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 changsheng 04.ogg Changsheng: Look at the facts, though. How many people in the entirety of Liyue have the ability to concoct a poison from god remains?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 09.ogg Baizhu: ...It's too early to draw any conclusions. We should question Jialiang about it once he has made more progress in his recovery.
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you know of a method to neutralize the poison?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 10.ogg Baizhu: Yes. According to "The Origins and Symptoms of Diseases," the minor lodes will disappear if the mother lode is purged...
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 11.ogg Baizhu: So, if we can find and destroy the source of these god remains, the poison will leave Jialiang's system without the need for any further treatment.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 12.ogg Baizhu: Do you know anything about god remains in Qingce Village?
Icon Dialogue Talk I've only heard the rumors...
Icon Dialogue Talk Nothing concrete...
Media:vo bzlq002 3 changsheng 05.ogg Changsheng: *sigh* Even the history books have no record of this. The only ones who'll know anything are those old fogeys who've been hanging around here since the beginning of time.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Hmm? Didn't you use to be on good terms with the adepti, though? You sure they didn't tell you anything about this?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 changsheng 06.ogg Changsheng: Well, uh... Ahem...
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 13.ogg Baizhu: Changsheng's memories and powers are not what they were in her prime.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 14.ogg Baizhu: These days, she has to enter a contract with a mortal and share their life force just to sustain her own life. I fear that such ancient events are long gone from her memory by now.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: ...Whoa, what? Enter a contract? Share life force? Sounds like some pretty spooky sorcery if you ask Paimon...
Media:vo bzlq002 3 changsheng 07.ogg Changsheng: Hey! Plenty of people would jump at the chance to join forces with a powerful being like me!
Media:vo bzlq002 3 changsheng 08.ogg Changsheng: With my assistance in rebalancing your qi, not only can you extend your lifespan, but you will also be stronger, healthier, and able to eat whatever you like with no risk of upsetting your stomach!
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Stronger and healthier? Wow, that's amazing...
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Hehe, Baizhu, maybe when you retire, you can let Paimon sign a contract with Changsheng for a few days, hee-hee...
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 15.ogg Baizhu: Unfortunately, Changsheng's contract has strict requirements regarding the host's temperament. None of her hosts have ever been exempted from these rules. I fear that I will be unable to accommodate your wishes, Paimon.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: ...Temperament? Hey, what are you trying to say? Did you just subtly insult Paimon to her face?
(TravelerTraveler): (Strange, Baizhu has a weak constitution...)
(TravelerTraveler): (And didn't his master pass away at an early age?)
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Ughhhh... Paimon's mad! You're getting ugly nicknames, both of you! Baizhu, you're Mannequin Man! Changsheng, you're just... a Pain in the Neck!
Media:vo bzlq002 3 changsheng 09.ogg Changsheng: This is exactly why your natural temperament makes you woefully unsuited to being my host!
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 16.ogg Baizhu: Alright, everybody, calm down. Back to the matter at hand. Is there any way at all for us to seek counsel from the adepti about this?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 changsheng 10.ogg Changsheng: Hmph, with how antisocial they are? If it were up to them, they'd go their whole lives without showing their faces to the common folk...
Icon Dialogue Talk Actually...
Icon Dialogue Talk I do have someone that I can call.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 changsheng 11.ogg Changsheng: What?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 17.ogg Baizhu: Seems you're as well-connected as they say, (TravelerTraveler). We are truly fortunate to have you on our side.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Oh... If you're talking about who Paimon thinks you're talking about... you'd better do the honors.
(TravelerTraveler): ...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Xiao?
Icon Dialogue Talk Xiao, are you there?
A familiar voice came from the ceiling...
Media:vo bzlq002 3 xiao 01.ogg Xiao: You called?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: Waaah!
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: ...Ugh, gets Paimon every time!
Media:vo bzlq002 3 changsheng 12.ogg Changsheng: ...Are all adepti in the habit of materializing out of thin air like this?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 18.ogg Baizhu: ...Well, this is unexpected.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 xiao 02.ogg Xiao: ...Huh? It's you?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 19.ogg Baizhu: Baizhu, of Bubu Pharmacy. I do believe I've had the pleasure before.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 20.ogg Baizhu: ...The Lantern Rite when we met briefly, I was unaware of your true identity. I... must apologize for the discourtesy.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: Huh? You two already know each other?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 xiao 03.ogg Xiao: Our paths have crossed once before.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 xiao 04.ogg Xiao: ...I sense the presence of evil spirits. Is this why you called me?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let me explain...
Icon Dialogue Talk Actually, I wanted to ask you about dead gods...
You tell Xiao everything that has happened...
Media:vo bzlq002 3 xiao 05.ogg Xiao: So someone has been concocting demonic poison...
Media:vo bzlq002 3 xiao 06.ogg Xiao: Too often, fervent desires drive mortals to abandon all regard for their own safety... It is lamentable.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 xiao 07.ogg Xiao: I now know what you seek. It is true that a god's remains are buried beneath the foundations of Qingce Village.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 xiao 08.ogg Xiao: A vile monster known as the Chi once wrought havoc over this land, before it was subdued by Rex Lapis...
Media:vo bzlq002 3 xiao 09.ogg Xiao: The land was finally cleansed of poison when Rex Lapis used statues in his likeness to seal the serpent's remains. Qingce Village was founded sometime after that.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 xiao 10.ogg Xiao: The seal is still mostly intact. If the Chi is the source, then it must be some of its blood leaking from deep underground.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 xiao 11.ogg Xiao: However... its aura is faint and barely detectable. You will need to investigate further to identify the location of the leak.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...I see.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 xiao 12.ogg Xiao: I do not like to intervene against mortals unless absolutely necessary.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 xiao 13.ogg Xiao: But when demonic forces are involved, things can spiral out of control... If that happens, be sure to call my name again.
Icon Dialogue Talk I will.
Icon Dialogue Talk Thank you, Xiao.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 xiao 14.ogg Xiao: ...
Media:vo bzlq002 3 changsheng 13.ogg Changsheng: ...Hmm?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 xiao 15.ogg Xiao: ...Nothing.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 xiao 16.ogg Xiao: I do not wish to sway decisions that are mortals' to make, but...
Media:vo bzlq002 3 xiao 17.ogg Xiao: ...Immortality may not be the blessing that you imagine it to be.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 21.ogg Baizhu: ...I shall treasure your words of instruction, Master Adeptus.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 xiao 18.ogg Xiao: Farewell.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 changsheng 14.ogg Changsheng: What a strange adeptus... Rather different from the way I remember them.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 20.ogg Paimon: That's Xiao for ya! And thanks to him, we've finally got some concrete info to go off of.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 22.ogg Baizhu: If the god remains are leaking from underground, Jiangli must be paying a visit to a subterranean cave on her "herb gathering" trips. If we can find the cave...
Media:vo bzlq002 3 herbalistgui 01.ogg Herbalist Gui: Mas... Master! *panting* Master — there's a problem!
Media:vo bzlq002 3 paimon 21.ogg Paimon: Gui? ...Did you run all the way from Bubu Pharmacy?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 23.ogg Baizhu: What happened? Don't panic, just catch your breath, and tell me everything.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 herbalistgui 02.ogg Herbalist Gui: It's... It's Jialiang...
Media:vo bzlq002 3 herbalistgui 03.ogg Herbalist Gui: He was... he was fine one minute, and then... he suddenly took a turn for the worse!
Media:vo bzlq002 3 changsheng 15.ogg Changsheng: Already? How?
Media:vo bzlq002 3 changsheng 16.ogg Changsheng: Based on past experience, he should have been fine for the next three days at least...
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 24.ogg Baizhu: ...It seems that my worst fears have been confirmed.
Media:vo bzlq002 3 baizhu 25.ogg Baizhu: Everyone, back to Bubu Pharmacy, now!
(Approach Bubu Pharmacy)
Media:vo bzlq002 4 ayu 01.ogg Ayu: Dad! What's wrong? Dad...
Media:vo bzlq002 4 jialiang 01.ogg Jialiang: Ugh... Urghhh...
Media:vo bzlq002 4 qiqi 01.ogg Qiqi: Don't be scared, Dr. Baizhu will be back soon...
Media:vo bzlq002 4 baizhu 01.ogg Baizhu: How is he doing?
Media:vo bzlq002 4 ayu 02.ogg Ayu: Dr. Baizhu, you're back! My dad was doing fine earlier, but then he suddenly started coughing up blood! Now, he can't even get a full word out anymore...
Media:vo bzlq002 4 qiqi 02.ogg Qiqi: When Gui left, he was still conscious. But now...
Media:vo bzlq002 4 baizhu 02.ogg Baizhu: ...Gui, please take Jialiang to the back room and prepare for treatment.
Media:vo bzlq002 4 herbalistgui 01.ogg Herbalist Gui: Yes, of course!
Media:vo bzlq002 4 baizhu 03.ogg Baizhu: Don't worry, Ayu. I will cure your father.
(After the cutscene)
Media:vo bzlq002 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Baizhu's not gonna use Changsheng's secret art again, is he...
Media:vo bzlq002 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Is there really no other way to save Jialiang?
(Talk to Qiqi or Ayu again, optional)
Media:vo dialog bzlq002 qiqi 02.ogg Qiqi: Please don't worry. Dr. Baizhu, will find a way...
Media:vo dialog bzlq002 ayu 02.ogg Ayu: But, but... *sob*
(Talk to Herbalist Gui outside Bubu Pharmacy's back room, optional)
Media:vo dialog bzlq002 herbalistgui 03.ogg Herbalist Gui: Dr. Baizhu is still treating the patient. Please do not disturb him for now.

(Approach Bubu Pharmacy after waiting until the next day)
Media:vo bzlq002 5 ayu 01.ogg Ayu: How are you feeling, Dad? Are you still hurting anywhere? You're not gonna suddenly collapse again, are you...?
Media:vo bzlq002 5 jialiang 01.ogg Jialiang: Much better, Ayu, I'm feeling much better. In fact... I can't explain it, but somehow I feel even better than usual.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 jialiang 02.ogg Jialiang: Hmm? Wait... Where's Dr. Baizhu? I still haven't had a chance to thank him... Seems he moved me here before I came to.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 herbalistgui 01.ogg Herbalist Gui: Master said he needed to take a quick rest, and asked me to bring you out of the treatment room... He hasn't emerged yet, so he must still be resting.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo bzlq002 5 jialiang 03.ogg Jialiang: Oh, really? ...Well, he must be tired from treating me for two nights in a row.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 jialiang 04.ogg Jialiang: *sigh* I don't know how I can begin to repay him for saving my life. I'll have to discuss it properly with Jiangli once we find her...
Media:vo bzlq002 5 jialiang 05.ogg Jialiang: Hmm... Speaking of which, has there been any word of her whereabouts yet?
Media:vo bzlq002 5 ayu 02.ogg Ayu: No, the Adventurers' Guild hasn't gotten back to me yet. I'll go check with them again in a bit.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 jialiang 06.ogg Jialiang: I'll come with— Ugh!
Media:vo bzlq002 5 herbalistgui 02.ogg Herbalist Gui: Don't forget what Master said — you're still not out of the woods yet, Jialiang. I strongly suggest that you stay and rest at Bubu Pharmacy for now. I can accompany Ayu to the Adventurers' Guild.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 jialiang 07.ogg Jialiang: ...*sigh* I suppose you're right... I'll have to rely on you this time.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 jialiang 08.ogg Jialiang: Though, on the bright side, this means I can thank Dr. Baizhu in person once he's finished resting...
Media:vo bzlq002 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: (TravelerTraveler), Baizhu hasn't shown his face ever since he went in to treat Jialiang again. Do you think he...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Let's go check up on him.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Huh? Hey, wait up!

In the back room...
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 01.ogg Baizhu: ...
Media:vo bzlq002 5 changsheng 01.ogg Changsheng: ...You're finally awake? Phew. That was far too risky, even with me here to help you balance your qi.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 02.ogg Baizhu: ...There was no time, I had no other choice. In any case, it was not completely without benefit to myself — I managed to learn something.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 03.ogg Baizhu: Jiangli's design is quite brilliant. She makes numerous innovations that I can learn from... Alas, if only there wasn't a catch.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: ...So, how much longer do you think Baizhu's gonna nap for?
Media:vo bzlq002 5 changsheng 02a.ogg Changsheng: They've been outside waiting for you the whole time while you were asleep. Shall we at least go and show our faces?
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 04.ogg Baizhu: ...Alright.

Baizhu walks out of the back room with Changsheng...
Media:vo bzlq002 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Surely he hasn't... There's no way he could've just—
Media:vo bzlq002 5 changsheng 03.ogg Changsheng: Who's talking behind our backs again?
Media:vo bzlq002 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Ah! Baizhu! Changsheng!
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you both okay?
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 05.ogg Baizhu: Of course, there's no need to be concerned. I merely had to transfer a rather large amount of life force on this occasion. But with Changsheng's help, I will recover in time.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Jialiang seemed fine yesterday. Why did he need more life-saving treatment again so soon?
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 06.ogg Baizhu: I made an error in my initial diagnosis. Jialiang is in fact suffering from more than one ailment.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 07.ogg Baizhu: ...And as a result, his life force depleted at a greater rate than I had anticipated.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: What? You mean, even if you got all the poison out of him... he'd still be sick?
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 08.ogg Baizhu: Yes... but more pertinently, the poison in Jialiang's system is there precisely because it is being used to manage his underlying medical condition.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 09.ogg Baizhu: Jialiang has a rare congenital heart condition, and ongoing treatment is essential to maintaining healthy functioning of his heart meridian. Left untreated, it puts the patient at risk of coughing up blood and fainting, and in the longer term, causes irreversible damage to the internal organs.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 10.ogg Baizhu: Though it was created from god remains, this formula is not a poison in Jialiang's case. Rather, it's his medication.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 changsheng 04.ogg Changsheng: Had he not taken it all these years, he likely would have died a long time ago.
Icon Dialogue Talk So that's why Jiangli did it...
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 11.ogg Baizhu: Still, using poison to treat a disease is hardly a viable long-term solution. As time passed, and the poison accumulated in his system, it began to impact his cognition.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 12.ogg Baizhu: Moreover, the longer he relied upon this medicine, the more resistant his body became to it. Jiangli had to concoct ever greater quantities to ensure its continued efficacy, or he could have still perished at any moment.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: That explains why Ayu said his dad has been getting worse... and why his mom went off to "gather herbs"...
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 13.ogg Baizhu: God remains are extremely dangerous to be around, because humans have no natural defense against them. I shudder to think how many times Jiangli has exposed herself to them...
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 14.ogg Baizhu: I fear that the situation is just as that adeptus described... In an effort to save Jialiang's life, Jiangli has abandoned all regard for her own safety.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 changsheng 05.ogg Changsheng: I never suspected that even Jiangli would turn to the same path as so many others over the years... Perhaps this is the inevitable course of fate...
Media:vo bzlq002 5 changsheng 06.ogg Changsheng: To sacrifice one's own life to save others... To go beyond human means in order to do the impossible, whatever the cost may be...
Icon Dialogue Talk "Fate"...?
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 15.ogg Baizhu: ...Well, I think that it's too early to say with any certainty what fate has in mind.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 16.ogg Baizhu: In any case, I have stabilized Jialiang's condition for now, so our immediate priority should be to get ourselves back to Qingce Village and find out where Jiangli is.
(Jialiang is shown listening in in the background)
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 17.ogg Baizhu: Her regular exposure to god remains over such a long period will have been catastrophic for her health.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 18.ogg Baizhu: And given that she's already been missing for several days... I am fearing the worst.
Icon Dialogue Talk !
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Who's that?
Media:vo bzlq002 5 jialiang 09.ogg Jialiang: ...I—It's me, Traveler, Dr. Baizhu.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Ah, it's Jialiang! ...Don't tell Paimon you overheard everything already...
Media:vo bzlq002 5 jialiang 10.ogg Jialiang: Dr. Baizhu... Please let me come with you!
Media:vo bzlq002 5 jialiang 11.ogg Jialiang: You have already done so much for my family. I can no longer just sit here and watch while you put yourself at risk for Jiangli's sake.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 jialiang 12.ogg Jialiang: After all, if it wasn't for me, she wouldn't have had to put herself in harm's way in the first place... I know I won't be of much help in battle, but at the very least, I can show you the way.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 jialiang 13.ogg Jialiang: ...I'm sure I'll be able to remember, I know there's a spot where she says goodbye to me every time she goes to "gather her herbs." I'm sure I'll remember... I—I have to remember! Ugh... *cough*
Media:vo bzlq002 5 changsheng 07.ogg Changsheng: Be careful! If you get too agitated, your blood pressure and stress levels will rise, putting further pressure on your heart... For your own safety, you should stay here and rest.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 jialiang 14.ogg Jialiang: No! We're out of time! We have to go now... right now...
Media:vo bzlq002 5 jialiang 15.ogg Jialiang: Before I forget everything again...!
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 19.ogg Baizhu: *sigh*...
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 20.ogg Baizhu: ...This trip will be extremely dangerous, and there is a very real possibility that you will not return from it... Are you sure you're prepared for that?
Media:vo bzlq002 5 jialiang 16.ogg Jialiang: Hah... I never expected to live this long in the first place. My death is already long overdue... So why should I fear it?
(Hu Tao is shown listening in in the background)
Media:vo bzlq002 5 jialiang 17.ogg Jialiang: There's only one thing I fear now... and that's that I'll forget her again before we manage to find her...
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 21.ogg Baizhu: ...Very well. Then, follow me.
SomeoneSomeone leaves with subtle, unseen movements...
Media:vo bzlq002 5 qiqi 01.ogg Qiqi: Dr. Baizhu, are you heading out again?
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 22.ogg Baizhu: Yes... This could be a long one... Could you please prepare a dose of the usual formula?
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 23.ogg Baizhu: Please add an extra measure of Mist Grass Pollen, and one dose each of the ingredients from the third and fifth compartments of my medicine cabinet... I hope it works.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 qiqi 02.ogg Qiqi: Dr. Baizhu... Do you mean...
Media:vo bzlq002 5 baizhu 24.ogg Baizhu: Hop to it, now. And remember to be careful with the cauldron this time... You don't want to burn yourself again.
Media:vo bzlq002 5 qiqi 03.ogg Qiqi: ...Okay.
(Talk to Qiqi again, optional)
Media:vo dialog bzlq003 qiqi 01.ogg Qiqi: Everyone, please be careful.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Quest for a Cure
Medicine Requesting
Kusuri wo Tazunete
SpanishEn busca de un remedioIn Search of a Remedy
FrenchEn quête d'un remèdeIn Quest of a Remedy
RussianВ поисках лекарства
V poiskakh lekarstva
In Search of a Medicine
VietnameseVấn Dược
GermanMedizinsucheMedicine Search
IndonesianMencari ObatSearching the Medicine
PortugueseEm Busca da Cura
TurkishÇare Arayışı
ItalianIn cerca di una cura

Change History[]
