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Steaming Hot Swim is a Daily Commission in "People of the Springs," Natlan.


Coax the Koholasaurus[]

  1. Talk to Pele Nui
  2. Try communicating with the lazy little Koholasaurus
  3. Report back to Pele Nui

Clean the other springs[]

  1. Talk to Pele Nui
  2. Pick up the junk in the hot spring
  3. Report back to Pele Nui


This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:

Primogem Adventure EXP Mora Companionship EXP Fine Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore
12–15 10 175 2,775 25 1–4 0–1
16–20 10 200 3,200 30 1–4 0–1
21–25 10 200 3,625 35 1–3 0–2
26–30 10 225 4,050 35 1–3 0–2
31–35 10 225 4,475 40 1–3 0–2
36–40 10 250 4,900 45 0–2 1–3
41–45 10 250 5,325 50 0–2 1–3
46–50 10 250 5,750 50 0–2 1–3
51–55 10 250 6,150 55 0–1 1–4
56–59 10 250 6,575 60 0–1 1–4
60 10 9,075 60 0–1 1–4


UI Quest Quest Description

Pele Nui of the People of the Springs seems to have encountered some trouble...
(Approach Pele Nui)
Pele Nui: Could you please come ashore, just for a bit? I need to clean up the springs over here.
Lazy Koholasaurus: Roar...
Pele Nui: Come on now, be a good boy! If not, I'm going to have to pick you up myself!
Lazy Koholasaurus: Roar!
(The Koholasaurus Whelp will wander off back into the hot spring)
Pele Nui: And he's gone in a flash, just like that. Ugh, how am I going to get a hold of him now...
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you up to?
Pele Nui: Hmm? You here for a hot spring bath? Sorry, but I'm in the middle of cleaning this pool here, so you might have to wait a moment.
Pele Nui: Also, this lunk won't come up and out no matter what I say. *sigh* And I've got so many more pools to clean, too.
Pele Nui: Could he be throwing a tantrum because I carried him out a few days earlier? Seriously, what a pain...
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe I can coax him out.
Pele Nui: Well... Yeah, sure, why not? Maybe a change of pace is just what the doctor ordered, eh? Good luck, then.
Pele Nui: Honestly, what's gotten into it? Before, I could just pat his head or tummy, and he'd just do what he was told...
Icon Dialogue Talk I can help you clean the other springs.
Pele Nui: Would you really? That'd be great, because I'm pretty overwhelmed here.
Pele Nui: In that case, uh, just start from that one over there.
Pele Nui: I already scrubbed the bottom a few days back, so all you need to do is clear the junk floating on the surface.
Pele Nui: I'm counting on you, then. I'll continue persuading this little fella.
Pele Nui: *sigh* Honestly, what's gotten into him? Before, I could just pat his head or tummy, and he'd just do what he was told...

Try communicating with the lazy little Koholasaurus[]

(Talking to Pele Nui again)
Pele Nui: *sigh* Why's he throwing a tantrum like this...
(Talk to Lazy Koholasaurus)
Lazy Koholasaurus: Hroo...? Rrroo, rroo...
Icon Dialogue Talk (Pat his head...)
Lazy Koholasaurus: Rroo? Oroo! Hroooo—
Lazy Koholasaurus: (The little Koholasaurus seems rather happy. He is sitting by the shore — you should be able to grab him and bring him up now...)
The little Koholasaurus finally quiets down. You carefully carry him up onto the shore...
Icon Dialogue Talk (Pat his tummy...)
Lazy Koholasaurus: Hrooh? Rroooo—
Lazy Koholasaurus: (The little Koholasaurus seems rather happy. He is sitting by the shore — you should be able to grab him and bring him up now...)
The little Koholasaurus finally quiets down. You carefully carry him up onto the shore...
Icon Dialogue Talk (Try to just grab him straight away...)
Lazy Koholasaurus: Raar! Oroo, rrooh!
Lazy Koholasaurus: (The little Koholasaurus seems quite unhappy, and he splashes water all over your face.)
Lazy Koholasaurus: (The little Koholasaurus watches you expectantly. Time to find a different way to cajole him...)
(Return to either choosing option 1 or 2)
(Talk to Lazy Koholasaurus while indwelling a Saurian)
Lazy Koholasaurus: Phew... New friend... Hoo...
Icon Dialogue Talk (Pat his head...)
Lazy Koholasaurus: New friend! Hoo—
Lazy Koholasaurus: (The little Koholasaurus seems rather happy. He is sitting by the shore...)
Lazy Koholasaurus: Hoo, enough play. Rest...
(The little Koholasaurus yawns and climbs ashore slowly...)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Pat his tummy...)
Lazy Koholasaurus: New friend! Hoo—
Lazy Koholasaurus: (The little Koholasaurus seems rather happy. He is sitting by the shore...)
Lazy Koholasaurus: Hoo, enough play. Rest...
(The little Koholasaurus yawns and climbs ashore slowly...)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Try to just grab him straight away...)
Lazy Koholasaurus: No! Wanna play! No go!
Lazy Koholasaurus: (The little Koholasaurus seems quite unhappy, and he splashes water all over your face.)
Lazy Koholasaurus: (The little Koholasaurus watches you expectantly. Time to find a different way to cajole him...)
(Return to either choosing option 1 or 2)

(Report back to Pele Nui)
Pele Nui: Hahaha. Looks like the kid's fond of you. You convinced him to come along right away.
Pele Nui: Thanks so much. Here's your payment. I'll go get him something nice to eat now...
Pele Nui: Huh? Where's he gone? H—He hasn't dived back into the hot springs again, has he?
Lazy Koholasaurus: Rooo! Wroo—
Pele Nui: Hey, get back here! The springs over there haven't been cleaned yet!
(Report back to Pele Nui after talking to Lazy Koholasaurus while indwelling a Saurian)
Pele Nui: Hmm? Why did he climb ashore by himself? Did he tire of playing?
Pele Nui: ...Well, whatever the case, thanks so much for your help. Here, take your payment. I'll go get him something nice to eat now...
Pele Nui: Huh? Where's he gone? H—He hasn't dived back into the hot springs again, has he?
Lazy Koholasaurus: Rooo! Wroo—
Pele Nui: Hey, get back here! The springs over there haven't been cleaned yet!
The little Koholasaurus jumps joyously toward the other hot spring, with the shouting Pele Nui in hot pursuit...

Pick up the junk in the hot spring[]

(Talk to Pele Nui again, optional)
Pele Nui: I'll leave the hot spring over there to you. I'll continue trying to persuade this little fella...
(Talk to Lazy Koholasaurus, optional)
Lazy Koholasaurus: Hroo...? Rrroo, rroo...
(Talk to Lazy Koholasaurus while indwelling a Saurian, optional)
Lazy Koholasaurus: Phew... New friend... Hoo...
(Report back to Pele Nui)
Pele Nui: Well, you sure enjoyed yourself, huh? As for me, I need to go get changed...
Lazy Koholasaurus: Hroo! Rooh—
Icon Dialogue Talk You're all wet...
Pele Nui: *cough* He finally decided to listen — just needed to play with him for a bit, you know?
Pele Nui: You're done cleaning the spring over there? Thanks a lot, then. Here, take this as your reward.
Pele Nui: Once I'm done cleaning the others, I'll need a change of clothes... Wait, where'd that kid run off to?
Lazy Koholasaurus: Wrooh! Hroo—
Pele Nui: Hey, get back here! The springs over there haven't been cleaned yet!
The little Koholasaurus jumps joyously toward the other hot spring, with the shouting Pele Nui in hot pursuit...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSteaming Hot Swim
Pokapoka no Kohoraryuu
Pleasantly Warm Koholasaurus
Korean따끈따끈한 어룡
Ttakkeunttakkeunhan Eoryong
SpanishProblemas en el KoholaspaProblems in the Kohola-spa
FrenchNage en eau chaudeSwimming in Warm Water
RussianКупание в горячей воде
Kupaniye v goryachey vode
VietnameseSuối Nước Nóng Của Koholasaur
GermanDampfendes heißes SchwimmenSteaming Hot Swim
IndonesianBerenang Panas-PanasHot Swim
PortugueseBanho Fervendo
TurkishBuharlı Yüzmece
ItalianUn tuffo dove l'acqua è più... calda

Change History[]

