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Kshahrewar is one of the Six Darshans, the six main schools of Sumeru Akademiya.[1]

It is specialized in technology,[2] and includes related disciplines such as architecture and puzzle-solving.[3]

Its school color is white. The mascot on its symbol resembles a lion.


Many of the buildings and structures found in Sumeru City were created or improved upon by Kshahrewar scholars. In particular, their design for a simple single-story building has become somewhat of a template for many of the city's buildings, especially due to the low cost and adaptability. Though the effects of their technological advances are widespread and have led to more affordable products, most people are unable to appreciate or even notice the complex theory that goes into it.[4][5]

Kshahrewar researchers are also instrumental to Sumeru's textile industry, particularly due to their loom designs.[6][7] Over the past one hundred years, they have worked towards making textile machines more productive, while still allowing the fabric to retain its beauty.[8]

Pir Kavikavus was one of the greatest scholars in Kshahrewar's history; however, an accident occurred while he investigated Devantaka Mountain's Ruin Golem and his research was lost. Ever since then, the school has gone downhill. Likely due to the accident, Kshahrewar advocated for strict control of machines and technology.[9] There were no more major academic breakthroughs, and the school remains underfunded.[10][11] Nowadays, Kshahrewar is only kept afloat by long-term funding from Dori,[9] who supplies them with Mora in exchange for their technology and craftsmanship.[12]

In the past 100 years, Kshahrewar has used Faruzan's academic discourse and manuscripts as the foundation for their mechanical research. As a result, once Faruzan returned to teaching in the Akademiya, Kshahrewar researchers have eagerly attempted to recruit her from Haravatat to become a professor in their Darshan, offering her a higher spending limit to conduct her research with and more students in exchange, but without success.[13] However, in recent years, Kshahrewar has begun to develop their own mechanisms theories, making Faruzan's teachings increasingly niche even in their Darshan.[14]

Kshahrewar is also in charge of researching King Deshret's technology, though it has yet to be fully understood by them, and their current theories cannot explain the mysteries surrounding it, leading to a wide range of opinions on the subject. Kaveh, a Kshahrewar alumnus, was particularly interested in the subject, and his curiosity led him to purchase a machine core excavated from the ruins of King Deshret's civilization, which he eventually used to build an automated case that runs on a modified version of the core.[15]


There are 20 characters who are or were part of Kshahrewar:


  • During A Muddy Bizarre Adventure, Hosseini's remarks suggest that the Kshahrewar normally holds ownership of Pursina's Spikes.
  • It is unclear whether Firnas, whom Hosseini mentions in the same sentence where he mentions the Kshahrewar, is part of this school.
  • A Village Keeper who once was a Kshahrewar researcher was responsible for helping Aaru Village build the White Lift that reaches down to the surface of their stepwell. The name "Kshahrewar Lift" was proposed, but due to the prickly relations between the desert peoples and the Akademiya, "White Lift" after the darshan's color, was chosen as a compromise.[16]


  • Like the other Six Darshans, the name "Kshahrewar" is derived from a Zoroastrian deity. Kshatra Vairya (Šahrewar in Middle Persian) is the god of metals and minerals.
  • Among the localizations of the Six Darshans, Kshahrewar's is unique:
    • The Korean and Portuguese localizations used the definition of as "mysterious" and translated the school's specialty along the line of "mysticism." It is also the only school in the Portuguese localization to have its specialty translated, instead of using the Zoroastrian-based name.
    • The Spanish localization extrapolated from the definition of as "clever, ingenious" and translated the school's name as the School of Technology (Spanish: Escuela de Tecnología).

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
妙论派 / 刹诃伐罗
Miàolùn-pài / Chàhēfáluó
School of the Theory of Curiosities
妙論派 / 剎訶伐羅
Miàolùn-pài / Chàhēfáluó
Japanese妙論派 / クシャレワー
Myouron-ha[17] / Kusharewaa
School of the Theory of Curiosities‍[※][※]
Korean묘론파 / 크샤흐레와르
Myoron-pa / Keusyaheurewareu
School of the Theory of Curiosities‍[※][※] / Kshahrewar
SpanishEscuela de Tecnología / KshahrewarSchool of Technology / Kshahrewar
Thaiภาควิชาเทคโนโลยี / Kshahrewar
Department of Technology / Ksharewar
GermanKshahrewar / BaulehreKshahrewar / Theory of Building

Change History[]


  1. Event A Muddy Bizarre Adventure World Quest, Part 2: A Muddy Bizarre Adventure
  2. Event A Parade of Providence Quest: Act I - Comings and Goings, Part 1: Opening Festivities
  3. NPC Dialogue: Sitt
  4. Furnishing: Commerce of the City of Wisdom
  5. Furnishing: The Twisting Mist
  6. Furnishing: Woven Length
  7. Furnishing: Woven Depth
  8. Furnishing: Musing Tawny Tapestry
  9. 9.0 9.1 Point of Interest, Akademiya Public Message Board: Funding for Kshahrewar
  10. World Quest, Vimana Agama, Part 3: Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter
  11. World Quest: Until Vana is Healed
  12. Dori's Voice-Over: About Dori: Kshahrewar
  13. Faruzan's Voice-Over: More About Faruzan: V
  14. Hangout Event, Faruzan, Act I - A Confounding Conundrum: A Mysterious Senior...?
  15. Event A Parade of Providence Quest: Act II - Beginnings and Endings, Part 1: Competition on the Sands
  16. NPC Dialogue: Kazim
  17. Dori's Japanese Voice-Over: ドリー自身について・妙論派

