Woven Wishes is the second part of Kamisato Ayaka's Story Quest, Grus Nivis Chapter: Act I - The Whispers of the Crane and the White Rabbit.
- Go to Ogura Textiles & Kimonos
- Talk to Kamisato Ayaka
- Go to the International Trade Association in Ritou
- Check out the situation nearby
- Talk to Kurisu
- Go to the scene of the incident to check out the situation
- Follow the footprints
- Talk to the ronin who snatched away the goods
- Defeat the ronin
- Ayaka will be available as trial character
- Talk to Kurisu
- Return to Ogura Textiles & Kimonos
Gameplay Notes[]
- After the second step, the description change as follows: "As per Kamisato Ayaka's request, you and Paimon help her prepare for her meeting with Tsubaki. The first thing that is needed is specially-made garment. However, in present-day Inazuma, the silk needed to make the garment is a scarce resource. You get to work on resolving this dilemma."
Trial Character[]
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Trial Characters at Level 75 or above that are equipping the set Noblesse Oblige may be out of date.
- (Go to Ogura Textiles & Kimonos)
- Kamisato Ayaka: Hm? This must be...
- Paimon: It's a festival promotion.
- Paimon: Hey, speaking of — we haven't been anywhere fun since we arrived in Inazuma!
Did you want to go, Ayaka?
- Kamisato Ayaka: N—No, what made you think that? Ahem... Festivals are a common occurrence here in Inazuma. We in the Yashiro Commission are very well acquainted with these sorts of customs.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Each season brings its own festival... and each festival, in turn, brings a fresh challenge to the task of maintaining public order...
- Kamisato Ayaka: So, while festivals are undoubtedly joyous and lively occasions, for us they are also a cause of concern...
- Kamisato Ayaka: Oh! My apologies, I should stop thinking about work, this is hardly relevant to the matter at hand. This store here is the place I wanted to visit.
- Paimon: Oh, so you weren't checking out the promotion... Well, let's take a look inside then.
- Ogura Mio: Welcome, I have all the latest styles. Please take a look!
- Ogura Mio: Oh! It's Miss Kamisato — with guests from overseas! Welcome to Ogura Textiles & Kimonos. Are you here to purchase fabric, or for tailored garments?
- Kamisato Ayaka: Oh! Greetings to you too. I have a design here for a garment, would you be so kind as to take a look?
- Paimon: Ohh, Ayaka came prepared!
- Ogura Mio: Let me see... Hmm? Hmm, this could be...
- Kamisato Ayaka: Mm-hmm? Could be?
- Ogura Mio: —Oh, it's a very fine design!
- Ogura Mio: ...Miss Kamisato — you'd like us to make a kimono following this design, yes?
- Kamisato Ayaka: Please, if you could.
- Ogura Mio: I'm honored that you'd choose Ogura Textiles & Kimonoos for your tailoring needs! However... there is one rather difficult problem...
- Ogura Mio: Based on the design, this kind of kimono would require silk made from the Silk Flower. The majority of Inazuma's silk is imported from Liyue Harbor, but given the current climate...
- Ogura Mio: *sigh* As you well know, Inazuma is currently under a strict lockdown.
- Ogura Mio: In all honesty, the impact on the textiles industry has been quite significant. We're struggling to import high-grade fabrics, so much of our tailoring business has been put on hold indefinitely.
- Ogura Mio: But of course, where our customers are able to provide the fabric themselves, we can still be of service.
- Paimon: *sigh* So you're saying, we need to go and buy some silk first?
- Kamisato Ayaka: If even Ogura Textiles & Kimonos can't get ahold of high-grade fabric... where would we buy it from?
- Ogura Mio: You could try the International Trade Association. They are a little better connected than we are — after all, the association brings together merchants from all over the world.
- Ogura Mio: The only thing is their prices... they're not the cheapest. In times like these, though, we're lucky to even have an option of getting hold of the things we want in the first place.
- Paimon: Huh, so even just getting clothes made is an ordeal in Inazuma...
- Paimon: Wait, the International Trade Association? That's Kurisu's thing, right? We haven't been to Ritou in a while.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Hmm... It looks like that will be our next stop.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Thank you ever so much. We will be back once we've acquired the fabric.
- Kamisato Ayaka: In the meantime, I have one other very small request. Could you...
- Paimon: Why's she being so secretive all of the sudden?
- Ogura Mio: Mm-hmm... Absolutely.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Much obliged.
- Ogura Mio: My pleasure, Miss Kamisato.
- Ogura Mio: Honestly, I'm just as excited as you to see the end product! We haven't made a silk kimono for the longest time now, and this is a beautiful design...
- Kamisato Ayaka: That's very kind of you, thank you. Goodbye for now.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Traveler, Paimon — let's try our luck at the International Trade Association.
- (Talk to Ogura Mio again)
- Ogura Mio: I do hope you manage to get hold of your silk.
- (Upon reaching the next location)
- Kamisato Ayaka: This is it, the International Trade Association.
- Paimon: Okay, then... we need to talk to Kurisu, right?
- Paimon: Doesn't look like he's here. Let's look around!
- (Upon finding Kurisu)
- Paimon: Look, look! There he is!
- Kamisato Ayaka: Ah, looks like we found him.
- Kurisu: *whimpering* What am I going to do...
- Kamisato Ayaka: Mr. Kurisu, are you alright?
- Kamisato Clan. How do you do? Kurisu: Oh! You're M—Miss Ayaka from the K—
- Kamisato Ayaka: Better than you, it appears.
- Kurisu: And if it isn't the Traveler... I haven't seen you in a while — I take it you've been out of Ritou?
It sure has been a bit.
- Kurisu: Thanks again for your help last time. The Association is back in business, and it's all thanks to you.
- Paimon: That's great, but uh... Why were you staring into space right now? Did something bad happen?
- Kurisu: Well... you see... *sigh*
- Kurisu: It's embarrassing to admit, but some of the Association's goods have been... stolen. By vagrants.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Which goods were stolen?
- Kurisu: It was a batch of high-grade silk.
- Kamisato Ayaka: ...!
- Kurisu: We imported a big batch of silk from Liyue several years ago. It's been sitting in storage ever since.
- Kurisu: Recently, we heard that clothing stores in the city have more or less sold off all their silk stocks. So we figured now would be a good time to bring our batch out of storage, thinking it'd probably fetch a good price. But then...
- Kurisu: The vagrants swiped the whole batch then disappeared into the woods. I'd report it to the authorities, but...
- Kurisu: Well, as you know, they don't think much of foreign merchants like us. The Kanjou Commission don't want to give us the time of day — honestly, you can just tell that our suffering amuses them...
- Kamisato Ayaka: While I also take issue with aspects of the Kanjou Commission's operational methods, please remember, Mr. Kurisu, that while you are here in Inazuma, you should be careful with your words.
- Kurisu: Oh! M—My apologies... I had to let off some steam...
- Kurisu: Anyway, there doesn't seem to be much we can do ourselves to get our good back.
- Kurisu: *sigh* Perhaps I'm doomed to go bankrupt after all...
- Kamisato Ayaka: I'm afraid I can't intervene in an official capacity... but I can still help you get your lost goods back.
- Kurisu: Of course, I would never— Wait, what!?
- Paimon: What!?
- Kamisato Ayaka: Yes. Acting in my own of capacity, mind you. Even then, there is no escaping the fact that my every action and word will be seen to reflect on the Yashiro Commission and the Kamisato Clan.
- Kamisato Ayaka: I do so not without reservations, so... I hope that you will treat this matter as confidential.
- Kamisato Ayaka: That aside — as I'm sure you're aware, I'm afraid that I won't always be able to help you in such circumstances.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Given your position and that of the International Trade Association... please try to exercise more caution in the future. You do not want to incur further unnecessary losses.
- Kurisu: We will, we certainly will!
- Kurisu: But, um... are you sure this isn't going to cause any issues... for you?
- Kurisu: What if someone high up in the Kanjou Commission sees what you're doing and doesn't like it? You're a highly respected member of society... Surely, putting your neck on the line for small-timers like me can't be worth the risk!?
- Kamisato Ayaka: Very humorous.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Let's not forget that I am the eldest daughter of the Kamisato Clan. I would be very surprised indeed if anybody in the Kanjou Commission felt that I was accountable to them for my actions.
- Paimon: Whoa, that sent shivers down Paimon's spine! Does everyone form a powerful clan talk like that?
- Kamisato Ayaka: Mr. Kurisu, I need to know the exact time and location of the theft, and anything that stood out about the perpetrators' appearance.
- Kurisu: Thank you so much! Let's see, it was two hours ago now, over at the...
- Kurisu explains whys and wherefores of the serial theft cases...
- Kamisato Ayaka: Everyone, please follow me to the scene of the crime. The investigation starts there...
- Paimon: Alright, off we go!
- (Upon reaching the scene)
- Kurisu: Here we are. This is where we were robbed.
- Paimon: Hey, look on the ground! What're those?
- Kurisu: Huh...? Footprints! Very deep ones at that... leading towards the forest.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Hmm, presumably the depth suggests that they were carrying something heavy.
- Paimon: Let's see were they lead!
- (At the end of footprints trail)
- Paimon: Stop, thief!
- Ronin: Hah! You think you can get your stuff back with this bunch? You must be dreaming.
- Kurisu: Why you... You better hope you have the courage of your convictions...
- Ronin: Why wouldn't I, old man? Answer me this — you're one of those outlander merchants, right?
- Ronin: You trade association types are worms, coming over to our land, leeching off our people... Who's gonna leap to your defense, huh? Tell me, who's gonna stick their neck out for the likes of you?
- Kamisato Ayaka: ...
- Ronin: Hahaha! Look at that, no response. You know I'm right.
- Ronin: Face it. This is Inazuma, you've got no ties here, you're at the bottom of the pile... Can you really blame us for walking all over you?
- Kurisu: ...You are despicable...
- Ronin: Hey! I just had an idea. Since you came all this way — how about we do some business?
- Kurisu: Business?
- Ronin: Pay up, and you can take your fabric back. Sound good? If you ask me, it beats walking out of here with black eyes and a broken nose.
- Paimon: *gasp* You're just a big bully!
- Kurisu: I... Ugh! What choice do I have...
- Kamisato Ayaka: Wait.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Mr. Kurisu, please do not pay any money to this man.
- Kurisu: But, but...
- Kamisato Ayaka: I trust you remember our agreement? If you keep your lips firmly sealed, I, too, shall uphold my end of the deal.
- Kurisu: Oh, yes, of course!
- Kamisato Ayaka: Then please stand well back, where it is safe. Now... it is time for me to honor my word.
- (After the battle)
- Paimon: Well, that's that resolved then!
- Kamisato Ayaka: ...Phew.
That was amazing, Ayaka.
You made that look so easy!
- Kamisato Ayaka: No, please, I... It was nothing. I was simply doing my duty.
- Kurisu: Miss Kamisato, Traveler, a—are you hurt!?
- Kamisato Ayaka: Don't worry. We're fine.
- Kamisato Ayaka: The vagrants left in quite a hurry &mdash it would seem they didn't have time to take anything with them. I believe your stolen goods should all be here.
- Kurisu: Th—Thank you, thank you so much...
- Kamisato Ayaka: You'd best do a count.
- Kurisu: 6,8,10... Yep, it's all here!
- Paimon: Great! Now we can finally buy some silk!
- Kurisu: Buy silk? ...You mean, you need some of this silk, here?
- Kamisato Ayaka: This was indeed our intent.
- Paimon: Don't get us wrong though, that's not the reason we helped you out! Even if it were just a few Carrots or Cabbages, chances are we still would've helped you get them back.
- Paimon: Paimon thinks we were pretty lucky! If we'd arrived any later, our chances of getting silk in Inazuma would have been zero...
- Kurisu: I honestly can't thank you all enough...
- Kurisu: Please, say no more! You need silk? I'll pick out a piece for you right away!
- Kamisato Ayaka: Thank you, good sir. How much do I owe you?
- Kurisu: Oh, it's free of charge! I could never ask you to pay after everything you've done for me!
- Kamisato Ayaka: No, no, that will never do. Things cost what they cost, and what they cost is what I shall pay.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Merchants already have enough challenges to deal with, and as Paimon explained, my help was unconditional. Please, sell your wares to me at the price you would sell them to any other customer.
- Kamisato Ayaka: There is nothing to feel distressed about, because nothing, I repeat, nothing happened here in these woods today. Did it?
Nope, just an uneventful stroll in the woods.
- Kurisu: Thank you, I... I don't think I could ever repay you. You have helped me greatly, and I will never forget it.
- Kurisu: I'm afraid we must part ways — I must get these goods back to the Association. If you ever need anything at all, just come to the International Trade Association and ask for Kurisu!
- Kamisato Ayaka: Very well, and thank you for the silk, Mr. Kurisu.
- Paimon: See ya then, bye! Safe journey home, don't go getting robbed again!
- Ayaka buys the fabric, and Kurisu thanks and bids you all goodbye...
- Kamisato Ayaka: Traveler, thank you for stepping in to help out.
No worries, it's what I signed up for.
It was no trouble.
- Paimon: But... how come those vagrants didn't seem to know who you were? They must move in completely different circles, maybe they've never seen anyone from the Kamisato Clan before?
- Kamisato Ayaka: Perhaps. Either way, I'm glad they didn't recognize me. The fewer people who know what happened today, the better.
- Paimon: Hee-hee, it's not every day an important person like you helps out someone like Kurisu. It really shows what a great person you are.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Oh, uh... Your praise is quite unwarranted. I merely did what anyone in my position would have done...
- Kamisato Ayaka: I admit that it did feel strange for me to come to his aid... But this should have nothing to do with identity, or social class... As far as I'm concerned, it was one individual helping another in need.
- Kamisato Ayaka: I guess that deep down... I don't see how a society can be considered just when people encounter such obstacles in their livelihoods...
- Kamisato Ayaka: Ah! Sorry, I'm getting off topic.
No problem.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Right. Let's head back to Ogura Textiles & Kimonos and give our hard-won silk to the shopkeeper.
- Paimon: Okay!
- (Return to Ogura's Textiles & Kimonos)
- Paimon: Hey there, we're back!
- Ogura Mio: Welcome back!
- Ogura Mio: So, any luck at the International Trade Association? Did they have any silk in stock?
- Kamisato Ayaka: Yes, they did.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Here.
- Ogura Mio: Excellent news! So, apart from the silk, I think everything else I need, I've got in store already...
- Ogura Mio: I just need to go and take stock of our material — it won't take me a moment. I'll be right back.
- Paimon: They'd better be all there!
- Kamisato Ayaka: I do hope nothing else is missing.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Traveler, on the subject of garments, I've been meaning to acquire a new outfit for you, too.
- Kamisato Ayaka: It's just... I wasn't sure how you'd feel about the idea of dressing in Inazuman attire...
It's a kind thought, but I'm fine with my current outfit.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Oh? Are you sure?
These clothes are special to me.
If I'm too concerned about my appearance, I'll lose my edge in battle.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Is that so...
- Kamisato Ayaka: Impressive... So, travelers of your stature hold themselves to a dress code, as well as a code of conduct.
- Paimon: Hmm... More like, when you're away from home, you've gotta live by certain rules to survive, whether you like it or not.
- Paimon: But Paimon would still love to check out some Inazuman outifts!
Do they do Paimon sizes here?
- Paimon: Just what is that supposed to mean? They make them in whatever size the customer asks for!
- Kamisato Ayaka: Hahaha, ah, your interactions are so adorable to watch... Ahem! I mean, um... I can certainly find someone to tailor a Paimon-sized outfit, if Paimon so wishes.
Ayaka, you're too kind.
Thanks, but Paimon and I are fine as we are.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Hm, well if you're sure... As you wish.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Something else I've been wondering is... how do people in other nations dress?
They dress very strangely.
- Paimon: It's so true — people dress in all kinds of ways!
- Paimon: Some people like to wear a hood, some cover up half their face with a mask, some just straight-up dress like a peacock... Oh, and some have their tummy on show, others wear skin-tight leotards and leggings... If you can imagine it, Paimon guarantees that someone out there is wearing it!
- Kamisato Ayaka: Really? So there is no single standard, and people just dress however they like?
- Kamisato Ayaka: So fascinating... Somehow, I feel a little envious...
- Paimon: Wait, so you wanna dress like a peacock now?
- Kamisato Ayaka: No, of course not! I—I just mean... I admire those who are able to do as they please.
- Kamisato Ayaka: I would very much like to travel across the seven nations... and see how people live.
They dress very stylishly.
- Paimon: They sure do! Each nation has its own unique style — traditional, fancy-schmancy, casual... All very different, but each style is suited to its region.
- Kamisato Ayaka: The study of clothing is a profound discipline, and I have much still to learn.
- Kamisato Ayaka: When clothing becomes part of the expression of one's personality, even an extension of one's body... That is quite a wonderful thing.
- Kamisato Ayaka: So I am not against dressing up, far from it.
- Paimon: Paimon agrees! You couldn't have put it any better!
- Kamisato Ayaka: Paimon, you're so adorable that you could wear anything and it would look lovely on you.
- Paimon: Wow! Hee-hee, Paimon just got a compliment!
- Ogura Mio: Sorry to keep you waiting! I've checked my inventory.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Thank you, is there anything else you're missing?
- Ogura Mio: Fortunately not! I have all the materials I need. As for the size — would you like me to go by the dimensions given on the design?
- Kamisato Ayaka: Yes please.
- Ogura Mio: Understood, I'll get to work shortly. In total, that'll be... this much!
- Kamisato Ayaka: Here you go. Is it possible to treat this as an urgent order?
- Ogura Mio: Well, luckily, we don't have any other urgents at the moment, so I can begin work right away. It will still take me some time, though, so please come and collect it later.
- Ogura Mio: Until then, I'm sure you'll find somewhere nearby to pass the time.
- Paimon: Good idea! Let's check out the whole area, we don't wanna leave any loose ends.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Haha, there will be no loose ends while you're in my company. I already decided where to go while we wait.
- Kamisato Ayaka: For our next stop, I'd like to take you both for a meal.
- Paimon: Fooood! Ooh, Paimon likes this plan!
Perfect, I'm getting a little hungry myself.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Mm-hmm, I picked the venue especially for you — a humble local eatery called Kiminami Restaurant.
- Kamisato Ayaka: I thought that the relaxed atmosphere there would suit our day much better than the prohibitively formal one of a high-end restaurant.
- Kamisato Ayaka: Shall we head off?
- Paimon: Yup yup, Paimon can't wait!
- (Talk to Ogura Mio)
- Ogura Mio: The garment will be ready later. Why not look around the area in the meantime?
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Woven Wishes | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 丝织之愿 Sīzhī zhī Yuàn | Wish of Woven Silk Fabrics |
Chinese (Traditional) | 絲織之願 Sīzhī zhī Yuàn | |
Japanese | 織物の願い Orimono no Negai | Fabric Wishes |
Korean | 직물에 깃든 소원 Jikmul-e Gitdeun Sowon | Wish Indwelt in Fabric |
Spanish | Deseos entramados | Entwined Wishes |
French | Des souhaits tissés | Woven Wishes |
Russian | Сплетённые желания Spletyonnyye zhelaniya | Woven Wishes |
Thai | ผ้าทอแห่งความปรารถนา Pha Tho haeng Khwam Pratthana | Woven Fabric of Wishes |
Vietnamese | Ước Nguyện Thêu Dệt | Woven Wishes |
German | Gewebte Wünsche | Woven Wishes |
Indonesian | Keinginan yang Ditenun | Woven Wishes |
Portuguese | Desejos Unidos | United Wishes |
Turkish | Örülmüş Dilekler | |
Italian | Desideri intessuti |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.0