Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Wind and Freedom is an Event Card in Genius Invokation TCG.


Verse of Unchained Happenings

"Someday, the winds will blow towards a brighter future."

Stage Appearances[]

Wind and Freedom appears in 2 stages:

Venti Icon VentiVenti: FriendlyFriendly Fracas
Venti Icon VentiVenti: SeriousSerious Showdown

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishWind and Freedom
Fēng yǔ Zìyóu
AnemoAnemoAnemoAnemoTooltip for AnemoAnemo and Freedom
Fēng yǔ Zìyóu
Kaze to Jiyuu
AnemoAnemoAnemoAnemoTooltip for AnemoAnemo and Freedom
Korean바람과 자유
Baramgwa Jayu
Wind and Freedom
SpanishViento y libertadWind and Liberty
FrenchVent et libertéWind and Freedom
RussianВетер и свобода
Veter i svoboda
Wind and Freedom
ThaiWind and Freedom
VietnamesePhong Tự Do
GermanWind und FreiheitWind and Freedom
IndonesianWind and Freedom
PortugueseVento e Liberdade
TurkishRüzgar ve Özgürlük
ItalianVento e libertà

Change History[]

Version 4.3
  • Reduced dice cost from 1 to 0.

Version 4.1

  • Effect changed:
    • Old: In this Round, when an opposing character is defeated during your Action, you can continue to act again when that Action ends.
    • New: During this turn, after one of your characters uses a Skill: Switch your next character in to be the active character.

Version 3.7

  • Wind and Freedom was released.

