The Watatsumi Army, also known as the resistance, is an Inazuman resistance organization led by Sangonomiya Kokomi that opposes the Vision Hunt Decree. It is comprised of those who fear losing or have already lost their Visions to the Tenryou Commission, and those who are against the Vision Hunt Decree whether they have Visions themselves or not. The resistance is based in Watatsumi Island, where the Sangonomiya Shrine is located.[1]
The Watatsumi Army continues to function even after the abolishment of the Vision Hunt Decree, but mostly to serve as peacekeepers and help rebuild the devastated economy on the island. It is also working to clear Watatsumi Island of the Fatui.
See also: Category:Watatsumi Army
Leadership & Special Ops[]
- Sangonomiya Kokomi — Leader
- Gorou — General
- Kaida Ryouma — Officer
- Herring I
- Teppei — former Captain (deceased); Gobius Platoon Member
- Stingray III
- Yabe — Member
- Swordfish I
- Ueno — Provisional Squad Leader
- Swordfish II
- Sangonomiya Samurai
Other Members[]
- Kaedehara Kazuha — left Inazuma to become a member of the Crux after being sheltered by the resistance
- Masanori
- Miyazaki Saburou — Blacksmith
- Yuuzou — Worker
- The Inazuma Shogunate refers to the Watatsumi Army as the "Sangonomiya Rebels," or simply "rebels."
- The Watatsumi Army is mentioned in the descriptions of the following 5 Furnishings:
Other Languages[]
Watatsumi Army
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Watatsumi Army | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 海祇军 Hǎiqí-jūn | Watatsumi Army |
Chinese (Traditional) | 海祇軍 Hǎiqí-jūn | |
Japanese | 海祇軍 Watatsumi-gun[!][!] | Watatsumi Army |
Korean | 와타츠미군군 Watacheumi-gun | Watatsumi Army |
Spanish | Tropas de Watatsumi | Watatsumi Troops |
French | Armée de Watatsumi | Army of Watatsumi |
Russian | Армия Ватацуми Armiya Vatatsumi | Watatsumi Army |
Thai | กองกำลัง Watatsumi Kong-kam-lang Watatsumi | Watatsumi Brigade |
Vietnamese | QuânQuân Watatsumi | Watatsumi Army |
German | Truppen von Watatsumi | Troops of Watatsumi |
Indonesian | Pasukan Watatsumi | Watatsumi Army |
Portuguese | Tropa de Watatsumi |
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Resistance | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 反抗军 Fǎnkàng-jūn | Resistance Army |
Chinese (Traditional) | 反抗軍 Fǎnkàng-jūn | |
Japanese | 抵抗軍 Teikou-gun | Resistance Army |
Korean | 저항군저항군 Jeohang-gun | Resistance Army |
Spanish | Resistencia | Resistance |
French | Résistance | Resistance |
Russian | Сопротивление Soprotivleniye | Resistance |
Thai | กองทัพต่อต้าน Kong-thap To-tan | Resistance Army |
Vietnamese | QuânQuân Kháng ChiếnKháng Chiến | Resistance Army |
German | Widerstand | Resistance |
Indonesian | Pasukan Pemberontak | Resistance Army |
Portuguese | Resistência | Resistance |
Change History[]
Introduced in Version 2.0
- ↑ YouTube: Version 2.0 Special Program (Timestamp: 44m 31s)
- ↑ Gorou's Character Story: Character Story 1