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Top Note: Floral Debt is the first part of Emilie's Story Quest, Pomum de Ambra Chapter: Act I - Floral Debt, Blood Due.


  1. Go to Port Ormos
  2. Talk to Tighnari
  3. Walk around nearby
  4. Go to the hotel
  5. Talk to Edgar
  6. Enter the hotel
  7. Check on Edgar
  8. Investigate the scene (0/3)
  9. Talk to Tighnari


UI Quest Quest Description

Port Ormos has been exceptionally lively lately. It looks like preparations for something big are underway...
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Shyam, optional)
Media:vo txslq004 12 shyam 01.ogg Shyam: (This exhibition is exhausting...)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Tighnari, optional)
Media:vo txslq004 4 tighnari 01.ogg Tighnari: (The Auguste flower... a mysterious species.)
(Talk to Tighnari)
Media:vo txslq001 1 tighnari 01.ogg Tighnari: ...I thought I told him to spray it with water to retain moisture before applying the film?
Media:vo txslq001 1 tighnari 02.ogg Tighnari: You can't treat a Glaze Lily like a cactus... If Sanjay does this again, the loss will have to come out of his food expenses.
Media:vo txslq001 1 shyam 01.ogg Shyam: *sigh*... I'll go talk to him. At this rate, he won't even be able to afford eating cacti for much longer...
Media:vo txslq001 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey! Tighnari!
Media:vo txslq001 1 tighnari 03.ogg Tighnari: Oh? It's you two! It's been a while! What brings you to Port Ormos?
Media:vo txslq001 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: We didn't have anything to do, and this place looked pretty lively, so we decided to stop by! But, uh... what's with all the flowers around here?
Media:vo txslq001 1 tighnari 04.ogg Tighnari: Well, Port Ormos is currently organizing a "Flower Exhibition" featuring flowers and plants from all over Teyvat, so I came to help out.
Media:vo txslq001 1 tighnari 05.ogg Tighnari: The exhibition includes flowers from every corner of the world, each with their own unique properties and needs. With that in mind, the curator commissioned a flower pot from Kshahrewar, capable of retaining heat and moisture...
Media:vo txslq001 1 tighnari 06.ogg Tighnari: Even so, an expert is still required to develop tailored transportation and care plans for each type of flower.
Media:vo txslq001 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh! And that expert is you, right?
Media:vo txslq001 1 tighnari 07.ogg Tighnari: Not this time, no. I'm just here to help out. The expert in charge is someone else...
Media:vo txslq001 1 neriman 01.ogg Neriman: ...Mr. Tighnari! Sanjay, he... He confused the poisonous bulbs with garlic shoots, and he ate them!
Media:vo txslq001 1 tighnari 08.ogg Tighnari: ...Never mind, forget about what I said about the food expenses.
Media:vo txslq001 1 tighnari 09.ogg Tighnari: Apologies, (TravelerTraveler), Paimon. Looks like I've got something to take care of. I'll be back in just a moment.
Media:vo txslq001 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Tighnari's busy no matter where he is, huh...
Icon Dialogue Talk Too many people are careless about what they eat.
Media:vo txslq001 1 paimon 05a 1.ogg Paimon: Yeah, seems like it... Hey, don't look at Paimon like that! Paimon is super careful about what she eats!
Icon Dialogue Talk Too many people don't do as they're told.
Media:vo txslq001 1 paimon 05b 1.ogg Paimon: Yeah, seems like it! Some people just need supervision.
Media:vo txslq001 1 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Well, looks like Tighnari might be busy for a while. Let's take a look around the port in the meantime!
(Approach the flower stand)
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Wow! Look at these flowers! They smell so...
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: So... ACHOO!
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 01.ogg ???: ...Huh?
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Achoo!
Icon Dialogue Talk Something wrong?
Icon Dialogue Talk You feeling okay?
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Paimon's... fine, she's just... got a little...
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: ..Aaah—Achoo! ACHOO!
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 02.ogg ???: ...Rainbow Roses... Glaze Lilies... and Cecilias? No wonder...
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: It... It's getting worse... Why...
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: ACHOO!
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe you're sick!
Icon Dialogue Talk Should we go find Tighnari?
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: But... Paimon was fine just a moment ago... She didn't even eat anything weird...
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 03.ogg ???: Ah, a moment of your time, you two... If it's not too much trouble, perhaps you could try this incense.
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Incense? ...Oh, the scent is so nice... Wait!
Icon Dialogue Talk You can talk normally now!
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Woah... That was fast! Paimon doesn't have to sneeze anymore!
Icon Dialogue Talk Must've been the incense! Thank you!
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 04.ogg ???: Think nothing of it! From your attire, I imagine you two aren't from Sumeru either...
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 05.ogg ???: Seeing as we're both travelers from abroad, it's only right that we help each other out should the occasion arise.
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Oh... So, you're here for the Flower Exhibition too?
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 06.ogg Emilie: Hm... I suppose that's accurate. Ah, allow me to introduce myself... I'm Emilie, a perfumer from Fontaine.
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Paimon is Paimon! Thank you so much for your help just now! Oh, and this is...
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 07.ogg Emilie: (TravelerTraveler), right? I've heard a lot about you from The Steambird. It's nice to finally put a face to the name.
Icon Dialogue Talk I've heard a lot about you as well...
Icon Dialogue Talk Although, I didn't expect to run into you in Sumeru.
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: What happened back there? Why did Paimon start sneezing all of a sudden...?
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 08.ogg Emilie: Hm... Have you ever heard of hay fever?
Icon Dialogue Talk I think so...
Icon Dialogue Talk But, I don't know much about it.
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 09.ogg Emilie: To put it simply... When inhaled, certain pollens can trigger abnormal physical reactions.
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Uh... But, Paimon has seen these kinds of flowers before, and nothing weird happened then...
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 10.ogg Emilie: Well, we're all different. The factors that can trigger a reaction to certain stimuli vary by person. In isolation, the effects of certain pollens may seem minimal, but inhaling various types at once can trigger a more overt reaction.
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 11.ogg Emilie: But, there's no need to worry. Pollen allergies can be effectively mitigated with the use of medication.
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Oh, well, that's good...
Media:vo txslq001 2 tighnari 01.ogg Tighnari: (TravelerTraveler)! Paimon! There you are... Is everything alright?
Media:vo txslq001 2 tighnari 02.ogg Tighnari: I left in such a hurry, I forgot to warn you about all the pollen in the air...
Icon Dialogue Talk Yeah, Paimon was not having a good time...
Icon Dialogue Talk But, Emilie helped us out.
Media:vo txslq001 2 tighnari 03.ogg Tighnari: Emilie? Ah, what a coincidence... Looks like my worry was misplaced, then. (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon are in good hands.
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 12.ogg Emilie: It was nothing, really. We happened to run into each other shortly after my arrival, and I offered them a bit of help, that's all.
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 13.ogg Emilie: I'm more curious as to why you thought (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon were in danger... Allergies are highly unpredictable. If you were concerned the pollen might trigger a reaction, that must mean... something similar has happened in the past?
Icon Dialogue Talk Something like that, yeah...
Media:vo txslq001 2 tighnari 04.ogg Tighnari: Remember the first time we met? You fainted after inhaling Spirit Borneol...
Icon Dialogue Talk That was an allergic reaction?
Icon Dialogue Talk But, Paimon was the victim this time.
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: The Spirit Borneol didn't affect Paimon at all, and now she's the one suffering... It makes no sense!
Media:vo txslq001 2 tighnari 05.ogg Tighnari: It's not really something you can make sense out of, Paimon. There are all kinds of allergies out there, caused by a variety of different factors. Some people are even allergic to almonds... It's not something you can generalize.
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 14.ogg Emilie: Exactly. I even encountered a case in Fontaine where someone had an allergic reaction to Soba Noodles their family brought back from Inazuma...
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: Woah... Good thing Paimon isn't allergic to anything delicious...
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you a doctor, Emilie?
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 15.ogg Emilie: Hm... In a manner of speaking. Although, you could say the "patients" I deal with are rather unusual...
Media:vo txslq001 2 tighnari 06.ogg Tighnari: In addition to medicine, Emilie is also very knowledgeable about botany. She's taught me a lot about the native flora around Fontaine.
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 16.ogg Emilie: And that's where my expertise ends, I'm afraid. When it comes to breadth of knowledge, Tighnari certainly comes out on top.
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: A flower expert... Ah, Paimon's got it! You must be the expert Tighnari mentioned! The one in charge of the exhibition!
Media:vo txslq001 2 tighnari 07.ogg Tighnari: ...Wrong again, I'm afraid.
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 17.ogg Emilie: Well, I did come for the exhibition, but only to inquire about the "Auguste" variety. I'm not involved in any official capacity.
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: Huh, Paimon was sure she got it right this time...
Icon Dialogue Talk The "Auguste" variety? What's that?
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 18.ogg Emilie: It's a kind of flower that was once popular in Fontaine. The perfume made from it also bears the same name... "Auguste."
Media:vo txslq001 2 paimon 20.ogg Paimon: "Auguste," huh... That's not a name you hear often nowadays!
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 19.ogg Emilie: In an ancient language, the word is said to mean "sacred" or "noble." It's sometimes used as a name for people as well.
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 20.ogg Emilie: ...Ah, that reminds me, are you familiar with the historical event in Fontaine known as the "Perfume Mania"?
Icon Dialogue Talk Not really...
Media:vo txslq001 2 emilie 21.ogg Emilie: The "Perfume Mania" was an event that occurred in Fontaine nearly twenty years ago...
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: It all started when several merchants released their own lines of high-end, expensive perfumes, marketing them as must-have, luxury products, the very symbol of elegance itself..
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 02.ogg Emilie: No one anticipated the absolute frenzy this would create on the market, causing the price of the perfumes to skyrocket.
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 03.ogg Emilie: The demand was two-fold... What some saw as a status symbol, most saw as a money-making opportunity. You could take advantage of the soaring price by hoarding them and reselling at even higher margins.
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 04.ogg Emilie: The value of these products became so inflated, regular bottles of perfume were even going for hundreds of thousands of Mora. This resulted in countless disputes and scams.
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 05.ogg Emilie: But, at the end of the day, perfume is just perfume. The market value greatly exceeded the intrinsic worth of the product, creating an economic bubble that was never going to last.
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 06.ogg Emilie: Luckily, the Palais Mermonia recognized the danger and intervened before the craze could truly spread. Many profiteers and scammers were thrown in jail as a result.
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 07.ogg Emilie: In the end, only a few wealthy families were affected when the bubble popped.
Icon Dialogue Talk That's good... It really could have been a lot worse.
Media:vo txslq001 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: What does all this have to do with that "Auguste" you mentioned earlier?
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 08.ogg Emilie: Well, during the craze, the most popular perfume was none other than "Auguste." The demand far exceeded the supply, to the point where it once sold for ten million Mora a bottle.
Media:vo txslq001 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: T—Ten million!? Then what about now?
Icon Dialogue Talk Calm down, Paimon.
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 09.ogg Emilie: After the mania ended, most perfumes returned to a normal price. "Auguste" was the only exception...
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 10.ogg Emilie: ...Its namesake, the flower used to create it, went extinct. As a result, no new bottles of "Auguste" have been made, and the value of the perfume remains exceedingly high.
Icon Dialogue Talk The flower... went extinct?
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 11.ogg Emilie: Indeed. The Auguste flower was not a natural variety, you see. It was specially cultivated for use in perfume-making.
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 12.ogg Emilie: When the bubble popped, all the flowerbeds used for its cultivation were destroyed in a fire. The variety has never been seen since...
Media:vo txslq001 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: But... didn't you say you came to the exhibition to look for it?
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 13.ogg Emilie: Ah, yes. I came to investigate a certain rumor that the Auguste flower has reappeared in Sumeru... It's causing quite the stir in the Fontaine perfume market.
Media:vo txslq001 3 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: (TravelerTraveler)! We should help Emilie look for it!
Icon Dialogue Talk It's just a rumor, Paimon...
Icon Dialogue Talk There's no way it's that easy to find...
Media:vo txslq001 3 tighnari 01.ogg Tighnari: I have to agree. Emilie wrote me to ask if I could look into the rumor, but the Forest Rangers haven't received any reports of new plant species recently.
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 14.ogg Emilie: Even if I can locate the flower, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed, Paimon. I don't have any grand Mora-making endeavors planned.
Media:vo txslq001 3 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Ehhhh!?
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 15.ogg Emilie: "Divine," "noble," "one of a kind"... All beautiful sentiments, to be sure... But, to me, they overshadow the very essence of the product.
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 16.ogg Emilie: When it comes to perfume, I want people to forget the price and the prestige... and focus on the beauty of the fragrance itself.
Media:vo txslq001 3 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Wow... So noble...
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 17.ogg Emilie: Of course, there's also a more practical reason... In recent years, low-grade, counterfeit versions of "Auguste" have been popping up on the Fontaine perfume market.
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 18.ogg Emilie: ...Every so often, someone will claim to have recreated the unique scent of "Auguste," and the rumor mill will start comparing the counterfeits to my own work.
Media:vo txslq001 3 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Okay, that's more like the reason Paimon had in mind.
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 19.ogg Emilie: Ever since that rumor started, three new perfumes claiming to be made from the Auguste flower have appeared on the market.
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 20.ogg Emilie: If I can dispel the fanaticism surrounding "Auguste" — even just by proving the rumor to be false — Fontaine's perfume market can finally start to get back to normal.
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 21.ogg Emilie: Then, I'll be free from all the "stories" and "added meaning," and can focus on making what I like.
Media:vo txslq001 3 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: That makes sense...
Icon Dialogue Talk Either way, even if it's not for Mora...
Icon Dialogue Talk We could still help you out.
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 22.ogg Emilie: Oh... I would, of course, be grateful for your help, but I wouldn't want to trouble you.
Media:vo txslq001 3 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Well, you said it yourself! We're both travelers from abroad, so "it's only right that we help each other out!"
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 23.ogg Emilie: Hah... I suppose you're right. Then, you have my thanks.
Media:vo txslq001 3 tighnari 02.ogg Tighnari: Based on the information I have so far, it's unclear if the rumor is true.
Media:vo txslq001 3 tighnari 03.ogg Tighnari: Mr. Edgar also thinks it's too early to say... But you could always go talk to him? He was there all those years ago, after all... Maybe he'll know something.
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 24.ogg Emilie: Ah, I was just about to pay him a visit at the hotel.
Media:vo txslq001 3 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Edgar...? Who's that?
Media:vo txslq001 3 tighnari 04.ogg Tighnari: The person you've been trying to guess this whole time — the "Flower Expert" in charge of the exhibition. He's also the most respected and experienced perfumer in the area.
Media:vo txslq001 3 tighnari 05.ogg Tighnari: Back when he was still working in Fontaine, "Auguste"... was his creation.
Media:vo txslq001 3 emilie 25.ogg Emilie: I should also mention... He was my teacher, the one who taught me the basics of perfumery when I apprenticed in Sumeru.
Media:vo txslq001 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: So, this guy was a famous perfumer in Fontaine... But then, he came to Sumeru to... teach people from Fontaine? Sounds confusing...
Media:vo txslq001 4 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: It's a long story. If you're interested, we can talk more about it when we see him. He should be staying near the hotel.
(Talk to Tighnari again, optional)
Media:vo dialog txslq001 tighnari 01.ogg Tighnari: I need to stay back and keep an eye on things here at the port. If something happens, don't hesitate to find me.
(Interact with the flowers, optional)
Flowers: (The neat rows of flowers were just so tempting, I really wanted to pick some... My hand just stretched out on its own... But when I thought of Tighnari's serious face, I managed to yank my hand back in time.)

(Approach the hotel)
Media:vo txslq001 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Woah, look at all the flowers!
Media:vo txslq001 6 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: Apparently, the exhibitor paid a large sum to rent out the hotel and surrounding buildings. They're being used as temporary storage facilities and lodging for exhibition personnel.
Icon Dialogue Talk Seems a bit excessive...
Media:vo txslq001 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Yeah! What if guests come early? They won't have anywhere to stay! Also, renting out this big of a hotel... how are they gonna make that Mora back...?
Icon Dialogue Talk Seems like they might have Mora to burn...
Media:vo txslq001 6 sylvain 01.ogg ???: ...It's been so long, I almost didn't recognize you, Edgar.
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 01.ogg Edgar: ...Well, you and your brother haven't changed a bit.
Media:vo txslq001 6 lucien 01.ogg ???: All this catching up is nice and all, but let's get down to business! We need to talk about Kirya. Is he—
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 02.ogg Edgar: Hold on... We have guests.
Media:vo txslq001 6 emilie 02.ogg Emilie: It's nice to see you again, Master.
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 03.ogg Edgar: Emilie... Is that you, haha? It's been years... Look at you! You're all grown up!
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 04.ogg Edgar: I've heard you've become quite the famous perfumer in Fontaine. It would seem the student has surpassed the master...
Media:vo txslq001 6 emilie 03.ogg Emilie: It's all thanks to your mentorship.
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 05.ogg Edgar: Ah! Hardly, hardly... I taught you the basics. Hearing you call me "Master," well, I'm not sure I'm deserving of that title.
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 06.ogg Edgar: I've taught many students here in Sumeru over the years, but I've yet to see one turn out quite as accomplished as you... You're the only one who can take credit for that success!
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 07.ogg Edgar: And who are these two...? I don't recall you mentioning them in your letter...
Media:vo txslq001 6 emilie 04.ogg Emilie: Ah, they're my new friends, (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon.
Icon Dialogue Talk Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Edgar.
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 08.ogg Edgar: Emilie's friends? Well then, the pleasure is all mine.
Media:vo txslq001 6 emilie 05.ogg Emilie: And these two gentlemen... Are they friends of yours, Master?
Media:vo txslq001 6 lucien 02.ogg ???: Hmph...
Media:vo txslq001 6 sylvain 02.ogg ???: Uh... Haha, of course! We're perfume merchants from Fontaine.
Media:vo txslq001 6 sylvain 03.ogg Eude: I'm... Eude! And this, here, is my younger brother, Blaise. Edgar and the two of us are old friends... Isn't that right, gentlemen?
Media:vo txslq001 6 lucien 03.ogg Blaise: ...Yes.
Media:vo txslq001 6 emilie 06.ogg Emilie: Merchant brothers...?
Media:vo txslq001 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: You must be here to look for the Auguste flower, then!
Media:vo txslq001 6 lucien 04.ogg Blaise: ...!
Media:vo txslq001 6 sylvain 04.ogg Eude: ...Haha, well, what respectable perfume merchant hasn't heard of "Auguste"? Anyone in the business would be interested in the rumors.
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 09.ogg Edgar: I'm guessing you're here for the same reason, Emilie? We were just about to get into it, so you three might as well join in.
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 10.ogg Edgar: I commissioned a few Eremites to do some scouting for me. They searched all over Sumeru, but there were no sightings of the Auguste flower.
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 11.ogg Edgar: That being said, there are people in Port Ormos who claim to have smelled a unique fragrance on the streets... definitely floral, but still distinct...
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 12.ogg Edgar: Some of them were merchants who lived in Fontaine twenty years ago. According to them, the fragrance smelled exactly like the "Auguste" they remember from back then...
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 13.ogg Edgar: A "one of a kind," "divine," and "noble" scent...
Media:vo txslq001 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Hmm... Maybe someone around here just happens to have a bottle of "Auguste" from back then?
Media:vo txslq001 6 emilie 07.ogg Emilie: No, I don't think so. I doubt that's the case. Even if someone had a bottle that was never opened, the fragrance of the perfume would have changed over time. Very few perfumes can go decades without a change in scent...
Media:vo txslq001 6 emilie 08.ogg Emilie: "Auguste" is even more prone to that kind of shift. Only a few bottles still exist in Fontaine, and their scent would have completely degraded by now.
Media:vo txslq001 6 emilie 09.ogg Emilie: Although... could there be a flower out there with a similar fragrance? Or an accord with the same base notes?
Media:vo txslq001 6 lucien 05.ogg Blaise: Impossible! If "Auguste" were that easy to replicate, it would never have sold for such a high price all those years ago! The Auguste flower is back! It has to be!
Media:vo txslq001 6 emilie 10.ogg Emilie: Technically speaking, the scent wouldn't be impossible to imitate...
Media:vo txslq001 6 sylvain 05.ogg Eude: Well, let's table that question for now. Edgar, did any of those people mention where the scent was coming from?
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 14.ogg Edgar: ...No. By the time they realized they had smelled something, the scent was already gone. If I hadn't asked about it, they probably wouldn't have given the experience a second thought.
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 15.ogg Edgar: Compared to things we see and hear, smells can be much easier to overlook...
Media:vo txslq001 6 sylvain 06.ogg Eude: Hmm... It almost sounds like someone wearing the "Auguste" fragrance passed them on the street...
Media:vo txslq001 6 lucien 06.ogg Blaise: Wait, are you saying...
Media:vo txslq001 6 sylvain 07.ogg Eude: Ah, just thinking out loud, haha. Don't pay me any mind.
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 16.ogg Edgar: We don't have much to go off of right now, but we can't rule out that possibility. I'll send some more people to investigate.
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 17.ogg Edgar: You all traveled so far to be here, why don't you rest in the hotel for a bit? Uh... Eude, Blaise, this is the key to your room.
Media:vo txslq001 6 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Ooh, you've got the keys to the rooms? Do we get free lodging too?
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 18.ogg Edgar: Ah... My apologies. All the rooms in the hotel are accounted for, I'm afraid. Most are being used for storage ahead of the exhibition, you see.
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 19.ogg Edgar: I managed to tidy up one of the rooms for these two at the last minute... But, by the time Emilie wrote to me, there was no more space left for her to stay.
Media:vo txslq001 6 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Oh, and we just showed up out of the blue... Guess that means there's definitely no space for us.
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 20.ogg Edgar: *sigh*... I should've been more considerate. Here I am with an entire hotel at my disposal, and no place to offer you to stay... even after you made the trip all the way to Sumeru.
Media:vo txslq001 6 emilie 11.ogg Emilie: Don't worry, Master. I can sleep on the boat tonight. Or, I could even camp in the wild. It would give me the opportunity to collect some plant specimens while I'm here in Sumeru.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm familiar with the Sumeru wilderness...
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll come with.
Media:vo txslq001 6 emilie 12.ogg Emilie: Ah, even better!
Media:vo txslq001 6 emilie 13.ogg Emilie: Although... Would it be possible for me to leave some of my luggage here? It would be rather cumbersome to take it camping. It shouldn't take up too much space...
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 21.ogg Edgar: Well... About that...
(TravelerTraveler): (It seems like Edgar and the others don't want anyone to stay near the hotel... But, they're also trying not to arouse suspicion... I'm not just imagining things, am I?)
Media:vo txslq001 6 sylvain 08.ogg Eude: Haha... Of course! No trouble at all! My brother and I will keep an eye on them for you... as long as you don't mind, Mademoiselle!
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 22.ogg Edgar: ...Alright, then. Eude, why don't you take Emilie inside and find a suitable place for her luggage.
Media:vo txslq001 6 edgar 23.ogg Edgar: I'll prepare some refreshments and join you in a bit.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Edgar, optional)
Media:vo txslq004 6 edgar 01.ogg Edgar: (Now is not a good time for guests...)
(Talk to Edgar again, optional)
Media:vo dialog txslq001 edgar 01.ogg Edgar: I'm sorry I couldn't offer you a room...
Media:vo dialog txslq001 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: It's alright, Master. I know it was sudden.
Media:vo dialog txslq001 edgar 02.ogg Edgar: I'll be sure to make it up to you with a nice cup of tea.
(Investigate any of the three Bulletin Boards, optional)
Bulletin Board: From today until the end of the exhibition, the hotel and surrounding buildings have been temporarily rented out by the exhibitor, and are not accepting outside guests at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience.
(Enter the hotel)
Media:vo txslq001 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Woah, the smell of flowers is so strong! Didn't Edgar say he tidied up around here? There's still so many flowers...
Media:vo txslq001 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Paimon took a peek through the window earlier, and his house was packed with flowers! Looks like this exhibition is gonna be huge!
Icon Dialogue Talk Do all perfumers have houses filled with flowers?
Media:vo txslq001 8 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: ...No. That's a Florist thing.
Media:vo txslq001 8 emilie 02.ogg Emilie: We work closely with the essential oils of various plants, but to maintain a sharp sense of smell, most perfumers prefer to keep their homes free of strong odors.
Media:vo txslq001 8 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Ohhh... Guess there's just too much to store for the exhibition, then.
Icon Dialogue Talk What's behind this door?
Media:vo txslq001 8 sylvain 01.ogg Eude: Ah, this room seems to be a connected suite. My brother will be staying on the other side of the suite.
Media:vo txslq001 8 sylvain 02.ogg Eude: Blaise... While you're out, why don't you bring our luggage over as well...
Media:vo txslq001 8 lucien 01.ogg Blaise: ...
Media:vo txslq001 8 sylvain 03.ogg Eude: Ahem... Blaise!
Media:vo txslq001 8 lucien 02.ogg Blaise: Ah... Yes, of course.
Media:vo txslq001 8 sylvain 04.ogg Eude: Alright, then... Where can we find your luggage, Mademoiselle? Blaise will go fetch it for you.
Media:vo txslq001 8 emilie 03.ogg Emilie: It's still at the port. In addition to some daily necessities, there's also a case of Amber Wine that I brought back from Fontaine...
Media:vo txslq001 8 emilie 04.ogg Emilie: ...Could I trouble you to bring that back as well? It would be the perfect way to repay you for your hospitality.
Media:vo txslq001 8 sylvain 05.ogg Eude: Haha, how generous! I should thank you on my brother's behalf. You've stumbled upon his weakness! He's aloof about most things, but alcohol is his one true love.
Media:vo txslq001 8 emilie 05.ogg Emilie: ...Is that so?
(TravelerTraveler): (Amber Wine... Now that's a Fontaine specialty I've never heard of before...)
Media:vo txslq001 8 emilie 06.ogg Emilie: Mr. Eude, Mr. Blaise.. Thanks for—
You hear a noise coming from inside...
Media:vo txslq001 8 edgar 01.ogg Edgar: ...Hey! What are you doing?
Media:vo txslq001 8 edgar 02.ogg Edgar: Argh!
Media:vo txslq001 8 emilie 07.ogg Emilie: That's... Master's voice!
Icon Dialogue Talk Quick! Let's go see what's going on!
(Go outside)
As you rush out of the hotel, you detect a unique fragrance coming from outside...
Media:vo txslq001 9 lucien 01.ogg Blaise: ...Edgar!
You discover Edgar lying on the ground...
Media:vo txslq001 9 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: ...Master!
Media:vo txslq001 9 lucien 02.ogg Blaise: Hey, Edgar! Are you alright? Can you hear me?
Media:vo txslq001 9 sylvain 01.ogg Eude: Who did this?
Media:vo txslq001 9 edgar 01.ogg Edgar: K—Kirya... "Auguste"...!
Media:vo txslq001 9 edgar 02.ogg Edgar: Ugh...
Before Edgar can finish speaking, he completely passes out.
Media:vo txslq001 9 sylvain 02.ogg Eude: ...Kirya!
Media:vo txslq001 9 lucien 03.ogg Blaise: Hey! Edgar! Edgar!
Media:vo txslq001 9 emilie 02.ogg Emilie: No, don't shake him. He's injured. Just leave him to me. You two can...
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll investigate the scene.
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll try to see where the culprit went.
Media:vo txslq001 9 emilie 03.ogg Emilie: ...Oh, thank you.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Emilie, optional)
Media:vo txslq004 3 emilie 01.ogg Media:vo txslq004 1 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: (I hope we're not too late...)
(Talk to Emilie again, optional)
Media:vo dialog txslq001 emilie 02.ogg Emilie: Skin is flushed, pupils are dilated... But he's still breathing...
(Interact with the bottle)
Media:vo dialog txslq001 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: That strange smell around here... Is it coming from this bottle?
Bottles: (Only a small amount of liquid is left inside the bottle, and streaks of residue can be seen on both the mouth and the sides of the vessel. It seems like someone forcibly poured out whatever was inside the bottle...)
Icon Dialogue Talk I have a feeling...
Icon Dialogue Talk The liquid in this bottle is...
Media:vo dialog txslq001 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: *gasp* Really? You think so?
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Eude, optional)
Media:vo txslq004 9 sylvain 01.ogg Eude: (Sure enough... This is where Kirya was hiding!)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Blaise, optional)
Media:vo txslq004 11 lucien 01.ogg Blaise: (Edgar, that idiot... How did he let Kirya get to him so easily...)
(Talk to Blaise and Eude)
Media:vo dialog txslq001 lucien 01.ogg Blaise: I checked... It doesn't look like anyone passed through here.
Media:vo dialog txslq001 sylvain 01.ogg Eude: But that's impossible... It's not like that kid can just grow some wings and fly away.
Icon Dialogue Talk That kid?
Media:vo dialog txslq001 sylvain 02.ogg Eude: Oh, uh... the culprit, I mean! It's not like the culprit could have just disappeared into thin air!
(Investigate the flower beds)
Media:vo dialog txslq001 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Do you think whoever did this was hiding in the flowers before they attacked Edgar?
Check Flower Beds: (There are no footprints in the flower beds... And it doesn't look like any of the branches or leaves have been disturbed...)
Icon Dialogue Talk Unless the culprit was your size...
Icon Dialogue Talk That would be pretty difficult.
Media:vo dialog txslq001 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Hm, true...
(After investigating the clues)
Media:vo txslq001 14 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: ...Well, we looked all over, but the only clue we found was that bottle...
Media:vo txslq001 14 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: The most important thing we can do now is focus our efforts on treating Master. Can you help me move him inside?
Icon Dialogue Talk Absolutely.
You and Emilie carefully move Edgar inside...
Media:vo txslq001 15 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: So... How's he doing?
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 01.ogg Emilie: When I administered emergency treatment, I discovered a residue in his nose and mouth... Master was most likely forced to ingest a certain liquid.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 02.ogg Emilie: He's still unconscious, and inducing vomiting could obstruct his airways... We'll have to look into other clues for now.
Icon Dialogue Talk We found this bottle just now...
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 03.ogg Emilie: Ah, yes... The scent is the same, but the chemical composition is still unclear. We'll have to do further tests to determine if it's the same liquid. And how toxic it is to the human body.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 04.ogg Emilie: But, first... I do believe there are two people who could shed some light on the situation...
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 05.ogg Emilie: Mr. Sylvain, Mr. Lucien...
Media:vo txslq001 15 lucien 01.ogg Blaise: Wait, you—!
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 01.ogg Eude: Hey...!
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 02.ogg Eude: ...Were you talking to us, Mademoiselle? I'm afraid we've never heard of those names before...
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 06.ogg Emilie: Hmm... Before arriving in Sumeru, I asked a friend from the Special Patrol to look into the creators of "Auguste"...
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 07.ogg Emilie: There were four people in total... The perfumer, Edgar — the one thrust into the limelight — and three others...
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 08.ogg Emilie: A researcher from Sumeru responsible for cultivating the Auguste flower... and two merchant brothers responsible for promoting the product on the market...
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 09.ogg Emilie: The two brothers capitalized on the mythos surrounding "Auguste." Their actions lured in numerous speculators and profiteers, inflating the price of "Auguste" even further.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 10.ogg Emilie: In the end, they were sent to the Fortress of Meropide for falsifying their accounts and destabilizing the market... If you do the math, they should be out of prison by now.
Media:vo txslq001 15 lucien 02.ogg Blaise: Hmph! And what does that have to do with us? There are countless merchant families in Fontaine... You gonna accuse them of being criminals too?
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 11.ogg Emilie: Every time your brother called you "Blaise," it took you several seconds to respond... But, when I called you "Lucien" just now, the name registered immediately.
Media:vo txslq001 15 lucien 03.ogg Blaise: I...!
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 03.ogg Eude: Ah, Miss Emilie... Out of respect for your position as a famous perfumer in Fontaine, I'm inclined to believe that was simply a poor attempt at humor.
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 04.ogg Eude: You have a bright future ahead of you. You wouldn't want to develop a reputation as someone who throws around false accusations... especially among merchant circles.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 12.ogg Emilie: Hmm... You claim to be regular perfume merchants, and yet... When I brought up "Amber Wine," you took it to be alcohol...
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 05.ogg Eude: What!?
Icon Dialogue Talk (Just as I thought...)
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 13.ogg Emilie: "Amber Wine" is a perfume I created several years ago. It wasn't particularly renowned, but I'm certain any respectable perfume merchant in Fontaine would know of it.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 14.ogg Emilie: Unless, until recently, they were living somewhere completely cut off from the perfume world... Hmm, somewhere like... the Fortress of Meropide perhaps...?
Media:vo txslq001 15 lucien 04.ogg Blaise: Emilie, you little...!
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't even think about it.
Media:vo txslq001 15 lucien 05.ogg Blaise: Oof...!
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 15.ogg Emilie: Don't misunderstand, Mr. Sylvain. I don't bring this up to criticize you. No matter what happened all those years ago, the court has already passed its judgment.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 16.ogg Emilie: But Master's life is in danger. We need to learn whatever we can about the person who has done this.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 17.ogg Emilie: If Master's attack had something to do with "Auguste," I would imagine the two of you might also be in danger.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 18.ogg Emilie: So, I'd like to trouble you for some information, if I may... Tell me about "Kirya."
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 06.ogg Eude: ...
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 07.ogg Sylvain: ...Fine. As you wish.
Media:vo txslq001 15 lucien 06.ogg Lucien: ...Sylvain!
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 08.ogg Sylvain: Lucien, if this will help us find Kirya, then it will be all worth it. Besides, we've already told most of this stuff to the Maison Ordalie, anyway.
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 09.ogg Sylvain: ...You were right, Miss Emilie, there were four of us at the beginning: Myself, Lucien, Edgar... and a researcher from Sumeru in charge of flower cultivation... Vijava.
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 10.ogg Sylvain: Some time down the road, the Marechaussee Phantom came knocking, saddled us with a list of accusations, and started looking into our books... They did their meddling, and my brother, Edgar, and I were forced to serve time in the Fortress as a result...
Media:vo txslq001 15 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Sounds like he's still upset about that... Wait, then how did Edgar end up in Sumeru?
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 19.ogg Emilie: Master was convicted as an accomplice, so he only had to serve a few years. He decided to move to Sumeru so that he could put those events behind him.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 20.ogg Emilie: ...Still, Master was depressed for a long time after that... He stopped making new perfumes and focused on introducing students to the craft instead.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 21.ogg Emilie: That's how I met him. My parents had to relocate to Sumeru for work when I was a child, so I had the chance to study under him for a little while.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 22.ogg Emilie: ...But, we can talk about that some other time. I want to hear more about this researcher... Vijava.
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 11.ogg Sylvain: ...Like us, Vijava was also staring down an investigation from the Marechaussee Phantom.
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 12.ogg Sylvain: But, before the Phantom showed up at her door, she set all the flowerbeds on fire, along with much of the Mora we managed to earn. All the Auguste flowers, everything we worked to create... was reduced to nothing but a pile of ash.
Media:vo txslq001 15 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: But... destroying all that evidence... Wouldn't that make things worse for her?
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 23.ogg Emilie: It didn't matter at that point... Because she died in the fire as well.
Media:vo txslq001 15 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: What!?
Media:vo txslq001 15 lucien 07.ogg Lucien: Hmph, sounds like you did an investigation of your own. Why even ask us if you knew all of this already?
Icon Dialogue Talk So far...
Icon Dialogue Talk Kirya's name still hasn't come up.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 24.ogg Emilie: The name wasn't mentioned in any of the files I reviewed, either. But... you two seem quite familiar with him.
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 13.ogg Sylvain: ...Kirya was Vijava's younger brother.
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 14.ogg Sylvain: He was just a clueless kid back then... somewhere in his teens, I think. He helped his sister with her work sometimes, but that was pretty much it... He didn't have any idea what we were doing.
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 15.ogg Sylvain: Vijava kept him close most of the time. The three of us were probably the only ones who even knew she had a brother.
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 16.ogg Sylvain: After our operation was compromised, he disappeared... There were no signs of him until recently, when people started saying the Auguste flower had reappeared in Sumeru.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 25.ogg Emilie: ...So, you think Kirya took something with him back then... something that allowed him to reproduce the Auguste flower?
Media:vo txslq001 15 lucien 08.ogg Lucien: Hmph, Vijava doted on the kid like you wouldn't believe! She even told us to give her cut to her brother if anything happened to her.
Media:vo txslq001 15 lucien 09.ogg Lucien: If she left something behind before she died, believe me — Kirya's the one that has it!
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 17.ogg Sylvain: And judging by the liquid in that bottle... the Auguste flower wasn't the only thing he reproduced... He managed to replicate the perfume itself...
Media:vo txslq001 15 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: So the liquid Edgar was forced to ingest really was "Auguste"! Wait, does that mean "Auguste" is poison?
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 18.ogg Sylvain: Ahem! Poison? No, no... of course not! No perfume is meant to be ingested. Even small amounts can be dangerous, let alone ingesting a whole bottle at once.
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 19.ogg Sylvain: If "Auguste" could be considered a poison, we wouldn't have even sold half a bottle back then. Edgar fell unconscious because Kirya forced him to drink perfume... it just happened to be "Auguste"!
(TravelerTraveler): (Strange... Sylvain seems nervous all of a sudden...)
Icon Dialogue Talk Why did Kirya attack Edgar?
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 20.ogg Sylvain: Hah... He probably thought we had something to do with his sister's death. But, to tell you the truth, I have no idea why she did all that.
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 21.ogg Sylvain: We're not looking for Kirya because we have it out for him... We just wanted to see how he was doing... and, if possible, work together to bring back "Auguste."
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 22.ogg Sylvain: We only went to prison for a bit of fraud and market manipulation... It had nothing to do with the product itself.
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 23.ogg Sylvain: As long as we keep things honest this time around... bringing the product back to market would almost be like honoring his sister's memory!
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 26.ogg Emilie: ...So, that's why you never mentioned Kirya during your interrogation?
Media:vo txslq001 15 lucien 10.ogg Lucien: ...Yes, exactly! We were just looking out for the kid!
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 24.ogg Sylvain: Anyway, that's all we know... If you're looking for information on what's in "Auguste" or what to do if you ingest it... there are only two people to ask — Edgar... or Kirya himself.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 27.ogg Emilie: ...Well, at least we're able to say for certain that the substance Edgar ingested was, in fact, "Auguste." That gives us a direction for further testing... Well, then, I'd say that was a very enlightening discussion.
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 25.ogg Sylvain: Ah, well, glad to hear it.
Media:vo txslq001 15 sylvain 26.ogg Sylvain: Lucien, let's head back to the room and rest for a bit. With everything that's happened... There are things that need reconsidering...
Media:vo txslq001 15 lucien 11.ogg Lucien: Yes, of course.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 28.ogg Emilie: ...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...They're still hiding something.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 29.ogg Emilie: Ah, you think so too? Hmm, that does seem to be the case... Pity we don't have more evidence.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 30.ogg Emilie: But, based on Sylvain's tone of voice just now, I suspect further questioning will only result in more made-up answers.
Media:vo txslq001 15 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: The way you exposed them like that, just based on a hunch... That was genius!
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you really just a perfumer who looks after people in your spare time?
Media:vo txslq001 15 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Oh, right! Earlier you said you were only sort of a doctor... and that your patients were "unusual"...
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 31.ogg Emilie: Oh, yes. That's because most of the "patients" I encounter... are already dead.
Media:vo txslq001 15 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: So, you're a... forensic doctor?
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 32.ogg Emilie: Close... I'm actually a "forensic cleaner." Once the forensic team and the Marechaussee Phantom are done collecting evidence from the scene, I'm in charge of clearing away the final traces my "patients" leave on the world.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 33.ogg Emilie: In fact, with just a small alteration to the formula, the same tincture used as the base of perfume can also be made into a cleaning agent.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 34.ogg Emilie: Basically, there are two sides to forensics — those who collect evidence to expose the truth, and those who clean up the smells, bloodstains, and other substances left behind at the scene.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 35.ogg Emilie: I've learned a lot in my line of work, and I've witnessed a lot of death... But this time, we may still save the patient.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 36.ogg Emilie: Actually, (TravelerTraveler), could I trouble you to report back to Tighnari and the officers at Port Ormos? We should update them on the situation...
Icon Dialogue Talk Will do.
Media:vo txslq001 15 emilie 37.ogg Emilie: I'll stay here and continue to look after Master. Now that we have a sample of "Auguste"... I'm hoping further analysis won't be too difficult.
(Talk to Emilie again, optional)
Media:vo dialog txslq001 emilie 03.ogg Emilie: Master looks a lot older than when I last saw him... I just hope he can hold on...
(Interact with the door, optional)
(TravelerTraveler): (Sylvain and his brother seem wary of us... We should leave them be for now. We don't want to spook them.)
(Interact with the flower stand, optional)
Flower Stand: (The stand displays flowers from various nations. Looking at the flower pot in the middle, the soil seems to have been disturbed recently.)
(Interact with the perfume bottles, optional)
Perfume Bottles: (There's only a small amount of liquid left in the bottle. According to Sylvain, the liquid is none other than the famed "Auguste" perfume.)
(Talk to Tighnari)
Media:vo txslq001 20 tighnari 01.ogg Tighnari: Woah, why the rush? Did something happen?
You explain everything...
Media:vo txslq001 20 shyam 01.ogg Shyam: What!? Edgar was attacked?
Media:vo txslq001 20 shyam 02.ogg Shyam: He's the most famous perfumer in the region, someone who's helped countless people around Port Ormos... How could this happen...
Media:vo txslq001 20 tighnari 02.ogg Tighnari: Sheriff, have you received any reports of a suspicious individual fleeing through the bazaar?
Media:vo txslq001 20 shyam 03.ogg Shyam: No... But we've got eyes all over the area. I'm sure someone's seen Kirya.
Media:vo txslq001 20 shyam 04.ogg Shyam: I'll start gathering my forces. We won't let him get away!
Media:vo txslq001 20 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: What about you, Tighnari? Do you have a plan?
Media:vo txslq001 20 tighnari 03.ogg Tighnari: Hmm... I'm sure the sheriff can handle things over at the scene, and I doubt Emilie needs my help looking after Mr. Edgar.
Media:vo txslq001 20 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Uh... But, she said she's not a real doctor...
Media:vo txslq001 20 tighnari 04.ogg Tighnari: Then, she was far too modest. She may not be a doctor by trade, but she has a deeper understanding of human anatomy and pharmacology than most scholars from the Amurta Darshan.
Media:vo txslq001 20 tighnari 05.ogg Tighnari: Not to mention the fact that Mr. Edgar's condition is related to perfume... Emilie is certainly in the best position to help him.
Media:vo txslq001 20 tighnari 06.ogg Tighnari: As for me... I'll head to the Akademiya and see what I can learn about Vijava and Kirya.
Media:vo txslq001 20 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh, that's right! Vijava was supposed to be a scholar from Sumeru... Do you recognize the name?
Media:vo txslq001 20 tighnari 07.ogg Tighnari: From Emilie's letter, certainly, but that was the first time I'd heard of it. The Akademiya produces a lot of scholars, and there are plenty of graduates who choose to pursue a career outside their Darshan.
Media:vo txslq001 20 tighnari 08.ogg Tighnari: I didn't have time to look into it earlier... But, now, it seems like Vijava's past could be critical to getting to the bottom of what happened to Mr. Edgar.
Media:vo txslq001 20 tighnari 09.ogg Tighnari: I have friends in Sumeru City that can help me investigate. With any luck, we'll have news to share by tomorrow.
Media:vo txslq001 20 tighnari 10.ogg Tighnari: ...I'll leave you and Emilie to watch over things here in Port Ormos.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
23Slight DistressCity of Winds and IdyllsKnights of Favonius (Quest) (cutscene and dialogue), Wild Escape, Behind the Scenes, Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land (Quest), The Fond Farewell, Defender of Childhood Dreams, Dishonorable Trial, A Flower Blooms in a Prison, Victory Banquet, The Oni's Pride, Jnagarbha Day, Dream of Falling, Unfathomable Defenses, The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call, A Thorough Investigation, The Lone Isle Glimpsed Through Fog (Quest), Stained Spots, Birds in a Cage, Vanquishing Phantoms, Switcheroo, Until the End of the World, Top Note: Floral Debt, The Funeral Parlor Has No Master, Yujing Terrace Calls the Troops
26Searching for CluesFountain of BelleauWhen All Return to the Waters, Into the Deepwater Murk, Lost in Deep Seas (cutscene), Top Note: Floral Debt, Middle Note: Blood Due

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishTop Note: Floral Debt
Qiándiào - Huāzhài
Top Note - Floral Debt
Qiándiào - Huāzhài
Toppu Nooto: Furooraru Detto
Top Note: Floral Debt
Korean 노트・플로럴
Tap Noteu - Peulloreol
Top Note - Floral
SpanishNota alta: Una deuda floralHigh Note: A Floral Debt
FrenchNote de tête : Dette floraleHead Note: Floral Debt
RussianНачальная нота: Цветочный долг
Nachal'naya nota: Tsvetochnyy dolg
First Note: Floral Debt
Thaiกลิ่นแรก: หนี้ดอกไม้
VietnameseLàn Hương Đầu - Nợ Hoa
GermanKopfnote: BlumenschuldTop Note: Floral Debt
IndonesianAroma Awal: Utang BungaInitial Aroma: Floral Debt
PortugueseNota de Saída: Dívida Floral
TurkishÜst Nota: Çiçek Borcu
ItalianNota di testa: Debito floreale

Change History[]
