The Temple Where Sand Flows Like Tears is the second part of World Quest Series The Dirge of Bilqis.
- Go to the temple on the outskirts of Gurabad
- Go to the temple's gate
- Talk to Azariq
- Activate the device and open the gate
- Attacking the sand pile will prompt the message, "It seems that this sand pile cannot be removed in this manner..."
- Go deeper into the temple
- Activate the device within the temple
- Touch the giant device at the temple's center
- Open the gate
- Activate the device and, in turn, another machine somewhere within the temple
- Look for another exit
- Search the temple
- Find the activated machine
- Scatter the dust around the sealing machine
- Open the gate
- Activate the device and, in turn, another machine somewhere within the temple
- Look for a way back to the temple
- Scatter the dust around the sealing machine
- Open the gate
- Activate the device and, in turn, another machine somewhere within the temple
- Look for a way back to the temple
- Scatter the dust around the sealing machine
- Touch the giant device at the temple's center
- Check on the situation outside the temple
- Go to the ruins opposite the square
- Open the gate
- Search the temple ruins
- Check the shining object
- Talk to Jeht
- Defeat the Primal Construct
- Check the shining object
- Leave through the gap caused by the collapse
- Continue onward
- Talk to the messenger
- Go through the Pairidaeza Canyon
- Talk to the fellow who is up to no good
- Defeat the Eremites
- Track your foe by following the footprints
- Investigate the opposing Eremites' camp
- Continue onward
- Investigate the opposing Eremites' camp
- Continue onward
- Investigate the opposing Eremites' camp
- Leave the canyon
- Return to the tribal settlement and report to Babel
- Talk with Azariq and Jeht
Gameplay Notes[]
- There is a Luxurious Chest beneath the center device after completing Step 22.
- Completing Step 23 grants the Wonders of the World achievement "...Shew the Kingdoms Thy Shame.".
- Completing Step 30 grants the Wonders of the World achievements "It's Only an Eternity of Servitude!" and From Soil You Are, and to the Sand You Shall Return....
- There is no reward for playing the TCG round with Azariq, whether won or lost.
Quest Description
To help Jeht find the Eternal Oasis, you must first find a Jinni who knows about the ancient past. It is said that this ruined temple plays host to just such a being...
- (Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Jeht, optional)
- Jeht: (Hehe, today's the happiest day of my life! No... I'm sure there will be happier days ahead!)
- (After the previous quest)
- Jeht: Hehe... It's good that you were able to come.
- Paimon: We're glad to see you too, Jeht! There's so much we'd like to tell you, but... Hmm, where should we even begin?
- Jeht: I know, right? There's so much we all want to say, but now that we've met... Hehe, "where should we start," huh?
- Jeht: I've learned a phrase here in the tribe, and it goes something like "the closer your home, the more reticent your heart." And, y'know, it describes our situation perfectly.
- Paimon: Whoa, is this tribe always so... er, eloquent?
- (Approach the marked area)
- Paimon: Wow. The ruins here are huge...
- Jeht: Tadah! These, then, are the city ruins!
- Jeht: I read some of the old theses that you can find in Aderfi's tent, and it seems that this was once the legendary Gurabad... the accursed city of old.
- Jeht: Uh, well, this isn't precisely the place. Gurabad itself is hidden within the canyon cliffs, so these are more like its outlying temples and fortresses.
- Jeht: That's what the books say, anyway!
- Jeht: Uh, whatever the case, those who first built this place must have believed that their works would last forever...
- Paimon: Huh, so you need to read as part of tribal life, huh... You've been talking quite a bit about this stuff.
- Jeht: Hehe, I mean, Matriarch Babel practically forces us to read every day, and y'know, they're all old books, so it can't be helped...
- Jeht: "The children of Tanit should not only trust to the ways of the desert. All gilding must be ground away by the sands eventually. True gold has deep roots in soil and spring!"
- Jeht: Well, that's what she said, anyway. That's why we can't just k— I mean, fight. We also need to learn to farm and read and such.
- (Approach the temple entrance)
- Azariq: You're too slow, Jeht! I've been waiting here long enough for the sun to bake me alive!
- (Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Azariq, optional)
- Azariq: (...I've finally arrived, and I haven't slept well...)
- (Talk to Azariq)
- Jeht: You done, Azariq? You've bound your head up so tight that even Al-Ahmar himself would have trouble peeling your skin off! Who knows, he might even laugh at you for being a scaredy-cat!
- Azariq: Hah. Is that how you talk to your elders, little wildcat? Have you forgotten your actual business here? Or about how someone's been waiting for you for half a day?
- Jeht: Oh, and "someone" tanning themselves in the sun and having a drink or two passes for "business" now, does it?
- Azariq: Hmph. Woe to thieves who make false accusations! Just you watch: maybe I'll stick that clever little head of yours upside down in the sand. Maybe that'll clear it!
- Jeht: Rubbish, you haven't beaten me ever since you taught me how to wrestle.
- You two get along so well.
- Paimon: Yeah, we've never seen two people start slinging mud at each other the moment they meet quite like you do...
- Jeht: Haha! Well, this is Azariq, a senior of mine in the tribe. He's like my older brother, and he's been a big help!
- Azariq: *sigh* Yes, yes, she treats me like a brother. And we'd get along better still, if she didn't like hanging out with the ladies more!
- Oh...
- Paimon: Uh...
- Jeht: (And so what? Do you have a problem with that?And so what? Do you have a problem with that?/
Hey, hey, quit it! Stop giving them the wrong idea!Hey, hey, quit it! Stop giving them the wrong idea!) - Azariq: Alright, whatever... (TravelerTraveler), was it? Take care of her for me, eh? She's pretty good, but she likes charging into danger like a wildcat.
- Jeht: What was that? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you just said something bad about me!
- Azariq: You'll see. Oh, you'll see.
- Okay, I think I get the gist of things...
- I'll take care of her.
- Paimon: Hehe, don't you fret, (TravelerTraveler)'s a real experienced adventurer! Things will be fine here with Jeht. Just leave it to us!
- Jeht: What am I, a child?
- Azariq: Hahahaha! *cough* Alright, alright, let's talk business.
- Azariq: Matriarch Babel has asked me to guide you into these city ruins. I'll lead the way, so follow closely.
- Paimon: Oh, so that's what it was. That's the first we've heard of what we need to do all day!
- Jeht: Well, it wasn't all that convenient to explain our objective back at the settlement. The Matriarch believes the walls have ears.
- Jeht: Our objective here is to find the fragment of the Mother of the Jinn. We need it in order to be accepted into the Eternal Oasis at the desert's heart.
- Azariq: The Jinn were the familiars of the Queen of All Oases, so it will naturally accept their presence. Their powers were also intended to create fertile lands amidst barren sands.
- Azariq: So we... Well, Matriarch Babel, needs the aid of the Jinni to restore fertility to our tribe's soil, which will maintain the health of our herds.
- Azariq: Also, this particular Jinni still maintains her intelligence, so we should be able to pass through the seals on the Eternal Oasis with her aid.
- Jeht: Yup, what he said.
- Azariq: Alright, that's that. To enter the ruins, we need to handle these mysterious devices first...
- Azariq: For example, this one seems to be able to blow sand away in a specific direction... Although I'd call it something more akin to "breaking a seal," really...
- Azariq: Whatever the case, even though the method to unlock them has been lost, some trial and error on my part has shown that heavy impact can change the direction it's facing, creating runes that flow.
- Azariq: That should rid us of those annoying piles of sand.
Step Description
You have successfully obtained the remains of the Mother of the Jinn, but the way forward only gets equally treacherous and perilous if not more...
- (Talk to Azariq again, optional)
- Azariq: You can try changing the direction it's facing by hitting it. I think we can create runes that flow and thus clear the sand pile blocking our path.
- Azariq: Why am I not doing it, you ask? Haha, sorry, but we tribespeople have some taboos about this mysterious stuff... Can't be too careful and such...
- (After activating the button)
- Paimon: Nice! This way, we'll know what to do the next time we encounter this kind of device!
- Azariq: Nice! The gate's open. Time to explore!
- (Enter the large room)
- Azariq: The temple's safe. I don't see any enemies, monsters, or dangerous devices.
- Azariq: There's just this big thing... Heh. How interesting.
- Azariq: According to archaeological records left by people who came before us, as well as a stone slate that Aderfi got from within some ruins...
- Azariq: This big object over here is the main device that keeps the Mother of the Jinn sealed.
- Azariq: Just from basic observation, I'd say that it's connected to the machine next to it. Perhaps they can be made to move in tandem somehow.
- Paimon: Huh... So we'll need to unlock this one by the side here to move the big object in the middle...?
- Azariq: That's about right, I think. As for what happens afterward... I think we'll just have to cross that river when we get there.
- Jeht: Funny, I don't see any rivers.
- Azariq: Oh, knock it off, Jeht.
- Azariq: So, I think we just need to repeat what we did at the gate... Let's crack this device open, shall we?
- (Talk to Azariq again, optional)
- Azariq: Is there some problem?
- Azariq: Hmph... I did see this large device in some really old theses, but this is the first time I've ever seen a real one up close.
- (Activate the device)
- Jeht: Well, the machine has started, and the sand pile is gone... But the main device hasn't responded at all.
- Azariq: ...
- Paimon: Hmm... Did it not work?
- Azariq: Wait, (TravelerTraveler). You're the only one here who can use the elements, right?
- Jeht: Hmm...?
- Azariq: Well, what I mean to say is that unlike us, who need to borrow the power of ancient spirits, your elemental abilities are innate, yes?
- Jeht: Yeah, that is the case.
- So, what about it?
- Azariq: Why don't you try touching this big thing over here?
- Paimon: Um... But... What if it turns out to be super dangerous?
- Jeht: ...
- Don't worry about it, Paimon.
- We've touched all kinds of crazy things in the past, Paimon...
- Paimon: You say that... But we should be careful all the same!
- (Talk to Azariq or Jeht again, optional)
- Azariq: The records I've seen tell me that neither the mercenaries who came here nor those who used man-made Delusions were able to activate this device. But if you were to try...
- Did you say "Delusions"...?
- Azariq: Huh? Did I? Think you might need to clean your ears a little... the desert winds carry sand into them a lot, so I hear.
- Jeht: Don't worry, I've got your back!
- Jeht: Or so I say, but you should be careful all the same. Just tell me if you think that something's amiss!
- (Talk to Azariq or Jeht again a second time, optional)
- Azariq: Alright then. Go touch the device in the middle of the temple. Jeht and I will make sure you're safe.
- Jeht: Right, (TravelerTraveler). Be careful now.
- (Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Azariq, optional)
- Azariq: (...Hmm, the little wildcat's outsider friend has got a few tricks...)
- (Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Jeht, optional)
- Jeht: (...I really wanna say "I'll protect you", but... but still have to be careful!)
- (Start the device)
- Azariq: Hah, that's what I thought... Looks like the device earlier smoothed out its charging... uh, circuits? Looks like it's showing us the location of three other devices, too.
- Azariq: I suppose that if we go to these devices, we'll be able to activate all four of these seal-breaking machines and clear the sand piles in front of us...
- Azariq: Aye, I think that's how it is... judging from my previous ruin-delving experiences, anyway.
- Paimon: Wow! You sure do know a lot... and here Paimon thought you were just some guy in a tribe somewhere...
- Hey, hey, give the man some respect, Paimon.
- Paimon: Eh? Oh! ... Sorry.
- Jeht: Hahaha, what do you even mean by that, Paimon? I'm a tribeswoman myself!
- Azariq: Alright, alright. Enough chit-chat. Let's follow the directions we've been given and look for the other three devices.
- Azariq: Hmm... Let me think. Let's start here.
- Jeht: How do you know that we need to go this way first?
- Azariq: Haha. A desert dweller's intuition, perhaps?
- Jeht: Hmph... If we get lost, it's on your head!
- Azariq: Relax. Both of us are here. If things go bad, we can fight our way out... or flee to safety.
- (After the cutscene)
- Jeht: Still, I wonder, Azariq. You always seem to know things we don't, and you've taught us a lot, too. I guess that's why the Matriarch favors you, eh?
- Azariq: ...
- Azariq: Hehe, it's not a big deal or anything. It's not like we're all a bunch of stolid hermits or something. We have our own circles to walk in... and I just happen to have a few extra friends on the outside.
- Paimon: Oh, so that's how it is...
- (Approach the first room)
- Jeht: These ruins have some real thick roots sticking out of them from time to time. Strange...
- Azariq: That indicates that this place was far more humid than now when it was first abandoned, and that the soil was much more fertile then, too... To the point where plants can burst through rock and stone.
- Azariq: By the way, there is a spring deep within this canyon. I'd hazard a guess that it's all that's left of an old river valley...
- Paimon: Y'know, it sure would be nice if Benben was with us...
- Azariq: Benben? Aderfi's still trying to figure out what's wrong with it...
- Azariq: But I have faith. It'll be back in action before you know it!
- (Enter the room with the Teleport Waypoint)
- Jeht: Uhh... Is this the "god" they served? Looks really solemn... but a little frightening too.
- (Use the Rune Mechanism in the back room to blow away the sand pile and reveal a Runic Pane Switch)
- Paimon: Look, the sand has been blown away!
- (Activate the device)
- Jeht: Alright! That's one device done and dusted.
- Azariq: Hmm? The door we came through has been sealed. We're going to have to find another way through.
- (Approach the marked area)
- Jeht: Wow, it's so cool, and the water's so clean! Let's make camp here and rest for a bit!
- Azariq: Hey, hey, make sure you dry yourself first, or you'll dehydrate very quickly once you get under the sun again!
- Jeht: Sure, sure, I got it.
- (Enter the room guarded by two Primal Constructs)
- Azariq: It's said that the destruction of the city was not a deed done from without, but that it fell to revolt from within. That certainly lines up with what we've seen...
- Azariq: Most of the damage was done to the interior. Perhaps it was a slave revolt? Or a civil war between priests?
- Jeht: It could also be the work of long years of disrepair or Wenut activity, right?
- Azariq: Wenut...? I doubt that much at least. Wenut don't dare to touch these ruins, and if the elders are to be believed, that's because this city is "ill-fated."
- Jeht: Alright, enough ghost stories for now. Let's keep going.
- (Return to the main hall)
- Jeht: Phew, we're back at the temple!
- Azariq: Well, next up, let's get the issue of the large device at the center squared away, shall we?
- Paimon: Ugh... How are you all not dizzy from all this looping around?
- (Approach the Large Rune Mechanism)
- Azariq: A lot of the ruined areas we've encountered on the way show signs of man-made damage... There might have been unrest here, or even a war.
- Azariq: I'm no researcher, so I can't really read any pattern in these markings, but I doubt that the fate of this temple was a peaceful one.
- Jeht: The books say that Gurabad was destroyed with searing fire and the great anger of the Jinn...
- Azariq: The Jinn? Perhaps... But it looks more like the work of a mob, soldiers, or perhaps even tribespeople like us... But who knows, eh?
- Jeht: But we can think about that later. I think this big guy here is our more pressing concern, no?
- Azariq: Indeed... Perhaps the other chambers are all structured like this one. Let's look around again, shall we?
- Jeht: Alright, I'll mark our path.
- Paimon: Huh? Mark? Paimon didn't see you do that.
- Jeht: We use scented oils made from Wenut larvae, planting it to mark the path we must tread, so that if we do get lost, we can just follow our nose to find the way back.
- Azariq: Now I'll have you know that our wildcat's nose is very sharp. We hunters wouldn't get very far without her!
- Jeht: Stop saying all that stuff, Azariq!
- That's right, you blockhead, stop bullying our little wildcat.
- Jeht: And you! Don't you start with that nonsense too!
- Look, her fur's standing on end.
- Jeht: It's not!
- What's a Wenut larva?
- Jeht: Well, it's the... larva of a Wenut. *sigh* Agh, I've seen them so often that I'm actually not sure how to explain what they are. Tell you what, I'll explain more on the way back...
- (After the cutscene)
- Azariq: Hahahaha! Lesson over, let's continue. On to the next device!
- Azariq: Let's go, um... This way.
- Jeht: Not that I'm scared or anything, but the way you just decide on which way to go by intuition alone...
- Azariq: Oh, come on, there's no need to worry!
- (Blow away the pile of sand)
- Jeht: The sand pile here has been scattered!
- Azariq: Good. Now that we've cleared the sand sealing this place, we can move on.
- (Enter the room with the Rune Mechanism on a slide rail)
- Jeht: Look, there's sand flowing down from the cracks. It seems that some place deeper within the ruins is shaking!
- Azariq: Yes, I sense it too.
- (Enter the room with the Teleport Waypoint)
- Paimon: We're here! So we just need to open this device and we're done, right?
- (Activate the device)
- Jeht: Nice, it's open!
- Azariq: So these devices are leading us to return to the main temple via alternative routes after all. Well, let's go, then.
- (Approach the cave at the bottom of the stairs)
- Jeht: Look at the destruction in this place — the collapsed walls, and that huge hole in the ground. Really makes you wonder what sorts of disasters and degradation this place underwent...
- Azariq: Hmph... Even the gods cannot save a temple built atop quicksand.
- (Approach the doorway at the end of the cave)
- Jeht: These empty hallways all eventually lead back to the same center. How did the people who worshiped the gods here live...?
- Azariq: Alright, little wildcat. Rather than caring about how now-dead people lived, you should have a care for how you might yet die.
- Jeht: Oh, I have a care for how you might, sure!
- Azariq: Oh? But let me guess — you can't bear to tell me?
- Jeht: Hmph!
- Paimon: You two really do get along nicely...
- (Return to the main hall)
- Paimon: And we're back in the temple. Let's activate that next device right quick!
- (Blow away the pile of sand)
- Jeht: Alright! Let's keep pushing on!
- (Enter the left hallway)
- Azariq: This temple is said to have been first built by a vassal king named Ormazd in remembrance of the God King Al-Ahmar.
- Jeht: But eventually, both he and his god would be buried in this desert...
- Azariq: For us desert people, this is an inescapable fate. We come from the soil and return to the sand. It is a simple matter of being born and dying.
- (Enter the room with the Teleport Waypoint)
- Azariq: This is the place. The device should be here...
- (Activate the device)
- Jeht: Listen. This device has been activated too!
- Paimon: And that's a wrap. Let's go back!
- (Return to the main hall)
- Jeht: Hah, I can see the device we need to activate even from here. That's gotta be the last one, right?
- (Blow away the pile of sand)
- Azariq: Alright, now go touch that central device again and see what happens.
- (Activate the device)
- (The Rune Mechanism rises)
- Azariq: Are you all alright?
- Jeht: Y—Yeah.
- Thanks. I'm alright.
- Jeht: That's good, that's good.
- Paimon: Phew. That gave Paimon quite a fright...
- Azariq: ...That tremor's source should be to the north, outside the temple.
- Jeht: Yeah, I sensed that too.
- Paimon: Wait, why couldn't Paimon tell?
- Because you fly.
- Paimon: Right, that's true... Well, it's not like flying doesn't come with its own troubles, y'know?
- You don't have much experience living in the desert, Paimon...
- Paimon: That's true... But wait. You don't either!
- Jeht: Let's go have a look, (TravelerTraveler). Something huge is bound to have happened!
- (Approach the obelisk in front of the temple)
- Azariq: Have a look at this!
- The sand retreated...
- So this was beneath the desert all the while...
- Jeht: That's right. More ruins!
- Jeht: A plaza with sides of seemingly equal length... and a new door's opened up on the opposite cliff. Is that our destination?
- Azariq: That's for you to explore, I fear.
- Jeht: Eh? Aren't you coming with us?
- Azariq: Sorry, but Matriarch Babel only asked me to open the way for you. You'll have to embark on the rest of the road yourself.
- Azariq: I trust that you can protect your friends, right, Jeht?
- Jeht: Oh, stop with that, you. What are you, my dad?
- Jeht: I know... Stay safe while you're heading back, you hear me?
- Azariq: Of course. (TravelerTraveler), you take care of Jeht as well!
- Paimon: Huh. Why's Azariq just up and leaving on us like that? Isn't he gonna go deeper into the ruins with us?
- Jeht: He's gone as deep as he wants to go, I think. These ruins are a cursed, taboo place to us Tanit... and the tribe's quite sensitive about that sort of thing.
- Jeht: But since I count as "half-outsider," I've got no qualms about going further. And anyway, you can't expect me to let you guys down!
- Paimon: And you did ask us to help you find this Oasis thingamajiggie anyway, right? We're with you to the end!
- Jeht: Haha, thanks!
- Well, let's proceed.
- We've only got each other from here on out.
- Jeht: Yup. Don't worry, I'll watch your back for sure!
- (After the cutscene)
- Jeht: We call this canyon "the Great Rift," because this is the maw of the earth. Pretty funny name, huh?
- Jeht: There is a legend in our tribe... They say that in the days of Queen Nabu Malikata, this was a verdant land ruled by a tribe of giants...
- Jeht: But later, the foolish giants grew vines that reached up to the heavens in order to listen for news of the heavens. Divine punishment came to them as a result, and the earth opened up and swallowed them...
- Jeht: We young people don't really believe in these faraway tales... But it's best to avoid these ruins when traversing the desert.
- Jeht: They're "bad luck."
- Jeht: After all, we walk with death whenever we walk through the desert. Under such conditions, y'know, it's better to be safe than sorry about these superstitions.
- Paimon: Oh, so that's why Azariq didn't wanna go this way earlier, right?
- Jeht: That's right. But I'm half an outsider... So it's fine.
- (Enter the temple)
- Jeht: The blood of outsiders does not mix with that of the tribe, so in many things, I tend to represent something of an "exception"...
- Jeht: And since I've already been to lots of places that are "bad luck," they were fine with sending me to explore this place.
- Paimon: Wait... Aren't they just ostracizing you!?
- Jeht: Well, no... The tribe's just like that. They treat me very well, but I have an outsider's blood. That's all there is to it.
- (Approach the marked area before the Viewpoint)
- Jeht: It's just like the book says... "Under the influence of the Jinn, though the land was as a barren desert, it would grow into a verdant oasis..."
- Paimon: Hey, look at that. Isn't there something shiny under that big tree? Could that be the Jinni we're looking for?
- Jeht: Careful, Paimon! We're not sure if this place is safe yet!
- (Approach the river)
- Paimon: Hey, why did you stop us? The thing we're looking for is just up ahead...
- Jeht: Shh!
- What is it?
- Why did we stop?
- Jeht: Look behind you — we're not alone.
- (Defeat the Primal Construct: Anoushbord — Forgotten Mechanical Guardian)
- Jeht: I don't think we'll have any more trouble now. Let's go have a look at this "Mother of the Jinn," shall we?
- (Interact with the bottle)
- (The ground shakes as the tree and other plants begin to wither)
- (The Traveler and Paimon run to open ground)
- Paimon: Wow... The plants here have all withered... This doesn't look good.
- ???: No doubt, no doubt... And who shall we blame for that?
- Paimon: Eh!? (TravelerTraveler), Look! This bottle can talk!
- ???: You obstreperous oaf... Where did you get that active yet actively useless tongue of yours, I wonder?
- Paimon: Eeek!
- Are you... the Mother of the Jinn?
- ???: "Jinn"? Why, yes, I do count as one. "Mother"? Hmm... Well, if it does not displease you, I have been such before.
- ???: But "Mother of the Jinn"? Do those desert philistines wish to cajole me to laughter? I fear that this joke fails to amuse. It falls far short, in fact.
- Jeht: We have come on behalf of the Tanit tribe to see you, to ask that you show forth your great might and aid us in finding the place where Nabu Malikata slumbers...
- ???: Ah, so it is one of the desert folk. I like you, girl... You know the rules, and your manner of speech tickles me. Yes, you do amuse me.
- ???: Ah, but... Step aside for a moment. I shall have words with your lord only.
- Jeht: ...?
- ???: Mmm... The scent of unknown spices from afar... A servant girl of the desert-kin, and a flying pet...
- ???: You must be a (PrincePrince/
PrincessPrincess) in exile, are you not? - I'm not...
- I am, but...
- Liloupar: Liloupar. Call me Liloupar.
- Jeht: Lilou... par... Wait a moment! You're... You're the one from the books...!
- Liloupar: Speak not out of turn before your liege, sand-licking lackey!
- Jeht: ...!
- She's my friend!
- Paimon: That's right! Jeht isn't a lackey! You're too much!
- Liloupar: Ah. Is that so? Oh, the tedium...
- Liloupar: Ah... If my soul were not sundered into many parts, unable to muster sufficient strength... I could shift into any number of shapes that might please you.
- Liloupar: A dancing girl, a lovely youth, an arhat or a yaksha... Or a lovely beast of those races that died out under the moon's light... I have been them all, and played all their parts, all for my lord's pleasure...
- Jeht: Your "lord"...?
- Liloupar: A lord I was willing to entrust my true name to... Yes, I did once have such a master. And today, I seem to have encountered his shadow.
- Jeht: You mean... Wait, wait a moment!
- I didn't understand you at all.
- What's wrong, Jeht?
- Jeht: She means that... Um, well, Jinn make contracts with humans by giving them their "true name." That name can be used to control the Jinn as one wills.
- Liloupar: Huh. A learned desert dweller? Your servant girl is quite the rare find.
- Jeht: But those who strike such pacts... will eventually suffer the fearful vengeance of the Jinn, for the Jinn are a race that hates humanity.
- Liloupar: Hah! "Hate," you say? Such a strong word!
- Paimon: Wait, so what Jeht said is wrong?
- Liloupar: Look at it this way: would you hate a poisonous insect or toad?
- Paimon: Uh...
- Jeht: ...And her name is Liloupar, which is the exact same name as the wicked spirit who drowned Ormazd, the mortal king of Gurabad, and his entire household in honey...
- Jeht: The history of Gurabad thereafter has been shrouded in dark secrets... Well, that's what I read, anyway.
- Jeht: But I don't get it. Is the one Babel looking for really such a dangerous figure?
- Liloupar: Ooh, a mighty interesting story that is... Is that how I am portrayed in your legends, then?
- Liloupar: Are you worried that in making a contract with me, your lord... friend shall come to harm?
- Liloupar: But do you not wish to reach the place where Nabu Malikata slumbers? Hehehe... I shall not aid you, girl, or your... "Matriarch."
- Liloupar: I have no interest in your games of governance, nor shall I take part in your schemes... But your friend I shall serve, and give my true name.
- Jeht: But... Why are you willing to give (TravelerTraveler) your true name, then? You must have a reason for that.
- Liloupar: Why, because I like (himhim/
herher). - Paimon: Eh!? Well, (TravelerTraveler) is plenty likable, sure...
- Jeht: (You...You.../
......) - Liloupar: Is it so strange? I like (himhim/
herher) for (hishis/ herher) scent, and also for (hishis/ herher) choice in servants and pets... Yes, such taste truly is fitting of a (princeprince/ princessprincess). - Liloupar: Alright, I shan't speak more than I should. Come, Your Highness. Are you ready?
- Paimon: Servants and pets... Wait, do you mean Jeht and Paimon!? Gah! You're... so rude!
- Paimon: Paimon thinks you're right, Jeht! There's definitely something fishy with this thing. Let's just throw it away and...
- Jeht: (TravelerTraveler), I get the feeling that we should...
- For a friend, this is a trivial risk.
- Jeht: But... you...
- Jeht: No, never mind... If this is your decision...
- This does seem quite fishy...
- Liloupar: Hehe, come now, I do believe you are neither conservative nor craven. Even mortal peril holds an abominable attraction for you, does it not?
- (TravelerTraveler): ...
- Liloupar: If a reason you must have, an excuse you must claim, then say it is for a friend... Yes. "For a friend." What a lovely ring that has, wouldn't you say?
- Liloupar: Ah... You are so very cute.
- Liloupar: Well then, Your Highness, place me by your ear, and allow me to tell you my true name...
- Paimon: (TravelerTraveler)...
- Don't worry about me.
- Jeht: ...If you say so.
- (Do as Liloupar says.)
- You place the magic bottle next to your ear.
You hear a soft chuckle, and then someone whispers something of unspeakable elegance and gentleness into that ear...
You are told of things as unknowable as the night wind, but you understand every last word nonetheless.
Then, the voice fades, and you feel something cold on your auricle...
Like a viper's kiss. - Liloupar: And with that, we are bound. I shall defend you, my master, from the encroachment of the desert, the searing winds, pestilence, and schemes, and you shall rest safe in the shadow of my wings.
- Jeht: ...
- Paimon: So, is this bottle gonna start floating around you too?
- Liloupar: Unfortunately, yes.
- Jeht: Great, we've got the Jinni, so let's go. We've spent too much time here already.
- Jeht: I see a new path in the back, (TravelerTraveler). Let's head that way!
- How did that...
- Was it the fight earlier...?
- Jeht: Don't know, don't care! You coming?
- Paimon: Jeht seems angry all of a sudden...
- Liloupar: It is to be expected of a girl who has yet to become a mother, I fear.
- Paimon: What does that even...?
- (Obtain Jinni in the Magic Bottle — Liloupar)
Step Description
You have successfully obtained the remains of the Mother of the Jinn, but the way forward only gets equally treacherous and perilous if not more...
- (Approach the top of the waterfall)
- ???: Ah, Jeht! And our guests! So you are here, after all.
- Jeht: "After all"? You trying to get familiar with us? We're pretty busy over here, so you'd better have had a good reason to stop us.
- Messenger: Ah, um... No, well, this... I was sent by Matriarch Babel with a message for you, Jeht. She has something urgent to discuss and would like you to, um... well, return to the campsite first...
- Jeht: This... That... What's got your tongue? Do you need me to shorten it for you? Did she say anything else?
- Messenger: She'd like to speak with you alone... Sorry. I didn't know you were in a bad mood...
- Jeht: A bad mood? Nonsense, I've never been better! You know, what with having found the Mother of the Jinn and all — which I'll be telling the Matriarch, of course.
- Jeht: I'm more than pleased, and so will she be, I bet! And so will her "master," to have a nice new servant — wouldn't you say, (TravelerTraveler)?
- ...
- Jeht: ...
- Jeht: Matriarch Babel has business with me, so I'll take my leave now. My deepest apologies for not serving you to the end, (PrincePrince/
PrincessPrincess) (TravelerTraveler). - Jeht: Alright, let's go see the Matriarch.
- (Jeht walks off alone)
- Messenger: S... Sure. As for you, honored guests, just follow this canyon, and you'll reach our camp soon enough.
- Liloupar: ...
- What is it?
- Liloupar: Not much. I just thought that this child is quite interesting, that's all.
- Paimon: Really, though, she's got quite the temper...
- Paimon: She isn't... y'know, jealous of a bottle, is she?
- Liloupar: You mean to say that she takes "a bottle" for her yardstick? Hah, perhaps.
- Liloupar: Regardless, she is a good child. Trustworthy... if a little foolish.
- Stop talking about her like that. She's our friend.
- Liloupar: Ah, see, I like you more already, my master.
- Paimon: Coming from you, that's kinda scary...
- Jeht's just impulsive.
- Liloupar: Oh, do not mistake my meaning, my master. I very much love the earnest impulsiveness of young women...
- Liloupar: But she will be taught, my dear master... Trust me, she will.
- Paimon: Even if that happens, we'll pull her right outta the fire! That's what friends are for, after all!
- (After the cutscene)
- Liloupar: *sigh* I didn't think that this place would change so much in the years following my last slumber...
- Paimon: Huh? What was this place like before, then?
- Liloupar: Before? It was lined with palms, flocks of cattle, singing girls with skin like sweet honey and myrrh entwined in their long hair, boats that glided along sapphire rivers, and song that echoed along the entire river valley...
- Liloupar: *sigh* There were even lotuses here once, and the flowers that my mistress so loved...
- Liloupar: But entropy and atrophy are the way of the world, and I fear it surprises me not to see this degradation around me.
- Paimon: Ooh. You're a bottle, but you sure do know a whole lot!
- (Approach the marked area)
- Liloupar: Wait but a moment, my master. Something is amiss up ahead...
- Paimon: Um... Do we really wanna pass this way, then?
- Liloupar: ...It matters not. This is the path we must take, in any case.
- Is there danger up ahead?
- What have you sensed?
- Liloupar: I am sure, my master, that you too are able to sense the wicked intent ahead... But if we might discover who it is that ambushes us, we might yet turn the tables on them.
- Liloupar: Things may indeed be perilous ahead, but you, O master mine, are the one to whom I have entrusted my fate. I shall go forth with you, and we shall face any obstacle together.
- Paimon: Just relax! (TravelerTraveler)'s super strong, and no matter what, (hehe/
sheshe)'ll still have Paimon, right? - (An Eremite Linebreaker, an Eremite Sword-Dancer, and an Eremite Crossbow approach)
- Liloupar: Hark, what did I say? Prepare yourself, master.
- Paimon: Hey, you guys... Aren't you Jeht's buddies?
- Paimon: Hey, c'mon, don't scare Paimon here... Why aren't they replying?
- Liloupar: Well, if this is what it comes to... Do not forget to leave one alive, master.
- Liloupar: We may follow that one's flight to find his allies and servants, and thus destroy their nest in one fell swoop.
- (Defeat the Eremites)
- Liloupar: That's right, that's it! Flee, fly, you mongrel! Hahahaha! Come, to the pursuit! Let us find his little hovel!
- Paimon: Hey, um, calm down, would you? You're scaring Paimon!
- Liloupar: The air up ahead... Pah, it stinks of an antlion opening its trap wide to receive guests.
- Liloupar: Alas. If I were whole as I was thousands of years ago, I would have cleared the path for you in but an instant...
- Paimon: (TravelerTraveler), look! They've left footprints!
- Liloupar: Hmph. They scurried into the waters, hoping to cleanse any suspicious scents that clung to them.
- Liloupar: Let us follow those footprints and move against the flow. They must come to shore at some point!
- (Approach the Eremite camp)
- Liloupar: Ah, and this must be where they cower. High time, then, for a thorough interrogation.
- (Investigate the marked location)
- Goods Invoice: "May this be testimony that we have provided the material support required for this ambush and robbery. As a token of friendship, the gifts shall be sent via specially-arranged Sumpter Beast caravan..."
- Goods Invoice: "The Tanit tribe sends respectful greetings to the Afiyah tribe. May peace follow you, and may spices fill your storehouses."
- Paimon: Wait just a second! The Tanit tribe...
- That's Jeht's tribe...
- Paimon: And that means... Ugh, were these guys hired by them?
- Liloupar: Oho, so the desert people have learned to use books to keep records? Well, I suppose my awakening has given rise to fresh sights after all.
- Paimon: But what were they intending to do here, anyway?
- Liloupar: Who knows? Most importantly, they were our foes.
- Liloupar: Well, since we have found one part of a paper trail, we may as well search their encampment. There, I believe, we shall find more clues.
- Paimon: How do you know that's definitely the case?
- Liloupar: Toads do not lay one egg at a time, and centipedes and scorpions huddle together in the damp shade.
- Paimon: Ugh, you and your creepy analogies again...
- Liloupar: Whatever the case may be, we no longer need any of them in one piece. Let us proceed to the next encampment.
- (Investigate the marked location)
- Afiyah Chief's Hand-Written Orders: "Make camp upon reaching your destination and seal the canyon to outsiders. Only members of the Tanit and the following tribes may pass..."
- Afiyah Chief's Hand-Written Orders: "...If you discover any who carry a Jinni bottle with them, take it. The bounty will be split as agreed..."
- Paimon: Huh, so they intentionally didn't go for Jeht, then?
- Liloupar: ...How interesting.
- Liloupar: Now, my master, we need not be hasty. Let us clear the next camp first.
- (Investigate the marked location)
- Neat Note: "...The outland traveler may be identified by: their golden hair and eyes, strange foreign clothing, and a small floating fairy by their side..."
- Neat Note: "...If they have obtained a Jinni, take it from them, and if they have yet to, then dispose of them..."
- Neat Note: "Contact: Aderfi..."
- Paimon: ...!
- So it was Aderfi...
- Liloupar: Someone you know, then?
- Liloupar: My master, if I may, I would advise that you review your choice of friends. We had an old saying for this ilk...
- Liloupar: "The only loyal desert-dweller is one whose shoulders have been pierced by iron loops."
- Liloupar: We should be rid of all of them now. Let us return.
- (Leave the canyon)
- Paimon: This path's pretty dangerous! Paimon sure hopes Jeht's okay.
- Liloupar: May it comfort you, then, to know that she is not their target — we are.
- (Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Babel, optional)
- Babel: (...Looks like the first step went well. I think they brought back the Jinn...)
- (Talk to Babel)
- Babel: (TravelerTraveler), Paimon, you're back!
- Babel: Allow me to dust you off. Jeht and Azariq are waiting for you as well.
- We brought the object that you needed.
- Babel: Jeht told me. Thank you both so much.
- We were ambushed within the canyon on the way back.
- Babel: ...What?
- Paimon: We were attacked by your people while on our way back! There were lots of people hiding in the canyon, waiting to intercept us!
- Paimon: They were pretty scary, too! Do you know what all that was about?
- Babel: ...
- Babel: No, I haven't a clue how that happened.
- Babel: Traitors and exiles turning to banditry on the roads is quite normal, but the canyons here should have a lot of tributaries... It seems that I've underestimated them.
- This has to do with Aderfi.
- Babel: ...What did you say?
- Paimon: That's right! We found this!
- You give Aderfi's letter to Babel...
- Babel: Aderfi... This is indeed his handwriting, and it is even signed in his hand. That he is a traitor is beyond doubt.
- But... What if he's been set up?
- Babel: Then he has still stained our honor with his name, and will accept his punishment.
- Babel: However... *sigh* He left the camp some time ago, saying that he needed to go get some supplies from outside. I must apologize. I let my guard down.
- Babel: You can be sure that we will exile that traitor, however. He shall not be permitted back into the Tanit hunting grounds — save in chains.
- Babel: Please rest assured, you two, that I will get to the bottom of this on behalf of our tribe. I will not allow such happenings to go unanswered.
- Babel: As for the "Mother of the Jinn"... Can I see her?
- She's with us.
- Sure, have a go.
- Babel: Honored Lady Liloupar, beloved servant of Nabu Malikata, founder of Gurabad, eternal prisoner of Ay-Khanoum, Babel of the mortal Tanit tribe seeks an audience with you.
- Liloupar: *yawn* Mmm... Hmm? What did you say? Were you calling for me? I don't quite remember all those names.
- Babel: Yes. We ask only, Lady Liloupar, that you lead us to the Eternal Oasis, to set us on the path to meet with the slumbering queen.
- Liloupar: *yawn* So sleepy... My master, did you wake me to speak with this servant? *sigh* Why do you love consorting with these coarse folk so...
- Liloupar: Well, then, Babel. Will you not dance? Amuse us, and we may yet grant you three wishes.
- Babel: ...
- Liloupar: Hmm? What? Oh, I'm so sorry, you're the mother of this tribe, riiight! Hahahaha!
- Liloupar: My apologies. I read the servility in your brows, and merely could not help but wish to see you dance and entertain us.
- Babel: I am merely your servant and will listen to all you have to say. I shall follow the dictates of the Queen of All Oases, Nabu Malikata's will with due trepidation, and them I will not defy.
- Liloupar: Hah! I shall not be so crude. Save your solicitations. I already have a master, and I do not intend to take on any servants either, so I fear your calculations have come to naught.
- Babel: ...
- Paimon: (...So Matriarch Babel can grovel too, huh...)
- Liloupar: You have yet to see many things indeed!
- Liloupar: My master, you hold my true name, I shall do what you, and only you, desire.
- Liloupar: The decision shall be yours. I will not speak another word to these foul desert dwellers.
- Babel: "Master"... Your "master"...?
- Liloupar: Why, yes indeed, and it is this noble (princeprince/
princessprincess) you see before you. Now, now, you need not kneel. - Babel: ...
- Paimon: (C'mon, say something, why don't you!? Just look at her face!)
- Babel: I understand. In that case... Will you help us, (TravelerTraveler)?
- I will help you find the Eternal Oasis.
- I came here to help fulfill Jeht's wish.
- Liloupar: If that is your choice, then I gladly obey.
- Liloupar: Well then, I shall lend my aid. A pleasure to work with you, desert woman!
- Liloupar: But a word to the wise: nothing save death can break a contract forged by "true names."
- Liloupar: And I will be watching you on my master's account... Do not think for a moment that you may wield me.
- Babel: ...I understand.
- Liloupar: And it is good that you do, dweller of the sands. Now then, do not disturb my rest.
- Babel: ...
- Babel: So, you have forged a contract with her, then...?
- Yes...
- I did it to open the way.
- Babel: Yes, I understand. You have done well.
- Babel: Jinn are arrogant, unfettered creatures, and yet you have managed to bind her. You have surpassed my expectations indeed...
- Babel: But that is well. Our path to the Eternal Oasis has been made smoother.
- Babel: So please, (TravelerTraveler), if I may ask something of you... Keep Liloupar loyal at all costs...
- I will.
- To do otherwise would be looking for trouble.
- Babel: You have my thanks.
- Babel: Ah, Jeht and Azariq have returned. You youngsters catch up for now. I'll have to ask for your pardon, I need some time to organize the information you have gathered...
- Paimon: Ms. Babel sure is busy, huh?
- (Talk to Jeht, optional)
- Jeht: Is the conversation with Matriarch Babel over?
- Jeht: In that case... Let's take a short break.
- (Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Jeht, optional)
- Jeht: (Over here, over here! Look at me!)
- (Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Azariq, optional)
- Azariq: (...The (blondblond/
blondeblonde)-haired outsider and the white little sidekick. Hmm, where's the Jinni?)
- (Talk to Azariq or Jeht)
- Azariq: We're here! C'mon, let's find a place to sit and grab a bite, (TravelerTraveler).
- Jeht: ...
- Paimon: Hey there, Azariq, Jeht!
- It's been a while.
- Azariq: Haha, hardly that long! Good to see that you're all well. Jeht's really fond of you — we were just talking about you, in fact.
- Paimon: Eh? What did you talk about?
- Is Jeht still angry?
- Azariq: Huh? Angry...?
- Jeht: ...
- Azariq: Oh! She did mention a little disagreement you had, yes... But you know, she talks quite carelessly, but isn't actually good at expressing her feelings.
- Azariq: Still, you should reflect as well. Jeht's very concerned about your safety, so you should pay a bit more attention to her suggestions.
- Sorry, it was my mistake for leaving her out.
- I'll bear that in mind.
- Jeht: Sorry, it was my fault, really. I was... petty. Childish.
- Jeht: I knew how important Liloupar was to our mission, but I threw a tantrum anyway...
- Paimon: Liloupar says stuff weirdly, and she does use some pretty creepy analogies...
- Paimon: But she looked out for us the whole way, so... Well, she's different from the people we've met so far for sure, but she doesn't seem like a bad person!
- Paimon: Whatever the case... It'll be fine. (TravelerTraveler)'s important to you, isn't (hehe/
sheshe), Jeht? - Jeht: (Of course. You're my best friends.Of course. You're my best friends./
Yeah, I mean, I've always seen you as my... best friend, but I'm just worried that... *sigh* Never mind.Yeah, I mean, I've always seen you as my... best friend, but I'm just worried that... *sigh* Never mind.) - Liloupar: ...
- Paimon: Yeesh, you're so serious all of a sudden. Paimon doesn't know what to say at all...
- Jeht: Ugh, there's no need to be so awkward! I won't get mad anyhow from now on, and you can count on that!
- Azariq: Hahahaha! That's right, that's the spirit!
- Azariq: Ah, right! About the "Mother of the Jinn"... Is it with you?
- Yes.
- Jeht: Azariq! Didn't Matriarch Babel tell you not to ask that willy-nilly?
- Azariq: It's fine, Jeht! I mean, I guided you half the way, so I count as a "companion," don't I?
- Liloupar: A "companion," you say? Perhaps you speak too hastily.
- Azariq: Eh? The bottle's talking!
- Liloupar: Such insolence! If you recognize me not, then your silence shall serve better!
- Azariq: Whoa, this is a pretty fierce one for sure... Is that the Mother of the Jinn, then?
- Liloupar: I'd watch my tongue if I were you, desert-spawn.
- Jeht: This is Azariq, one of my brothers here in the tribe.
- Liloupar: Hmph... Well, we could have chosen worse. This one is sturdy enough. A shame that he has too big a mouth, and too small a brain.
- Jeht: *sigh* How is talking to her supposed to *not* end as an exercise in frustration?
- Reckon you just need to get used to it...
- I feel for you...
- Paimon: Hmm, y'know, Jeht, you did find Benben pretty cute, didn't you? How about you just treat her like a Benben that talks! They both fly, don't they? Hehe.
- Azariq: Oh, it's fine! Sharp tongues are to be expected of the legendary Jinni... somewhat, I mean.
- Azariq: Whatever the case, she's on our side, isn't she? We'll be fine!
- Liloupar: On "your side"? Did I mishear you?
- Liloupar: Apologies, but you shall not find me on the "side" of those who entreat my master while wearing two faces.
- Azariq: ...
- Jeht: ...
- Liloupar: My master trusts you, and I trust (hishis/
herher) reasoning for that. But I will be watching you, Azariq. - Jeht: Heh... Well, I guess that's just what a Jinni's like...
- Azariq: ...It's fine.
- Azariq: Ah, right. Did anything happen while we were separated? Just curious, I mean.
- Jeht: Same here. Did I miss anything?
- Well, about that...
- You tell Jeht and Azariq about the ambush in the canyon, as well as Aderfi's departure from the camp...
- Jeht: ...
- Jeht: So, a traitor, along with accomplices from other tribes... They might be the same bunch I was tracking down previously. It's even possible that they're collaborating with dangerous outsiders like the Fatui.
- Paimon: Huh...?
- Azariq: Hah, pretty good, Jeht. Made the best of some rather limited information on our foes there.
- Jeht: That's not too hard. I've been helping the Matriarch to track and... eliminate traitors, so their movements and patterns aren't that alien to me.
- Jeht: My dad and I have also encountered those people who call themselves "Fatui" in the past, so they're no strangers to me either.
- Jeht: Still... I ran off in a huff without giving any thought to whether they would act... I'm sorry. That was my mistake.
- Paimon: Oh, let's leave that aside for now. It wasn't even your fault...
- Azariq: I'm with Paimon. Don't beat yourself up about this too much, Jeht. They seem to have been ordered specifically not to attack you — can't blame you for having lowered your guard there.
- Jeht: But as for Aderfi... Since he's fled in secret, it's beyond doubt that he's betrayed us. Those who violate the laws of hospitality and wield their blades against guests are unworthy of the Tanit's mercy.
- Jeht: I'll capture him, (TravelerTraveler), this I promise. He will not escape the Matriarch's judgment.
- Azariq: ...
- Paimon: Hoho, Jeht's getting serious!
- Jeht: What? You make it sound like I've never been serious!
- Azariq: Haha! Becoming ever more the model of a tribeswoman, eh, Jeht?
- Jeht: What are you talking about? Aren't I one?
- Azariq: That's not what I mean. I'm just glad to see that you're so concerned about your friends.
- Jeht: This is also a tribal matter, you know...
- Azariq: True... Outsiders are becoming increasingly active in the desert, and as their interference increases, so too do changes of heart and thought.
- Azariq: As Matriarch Babel's right and left hands, we should indeed be concerned about such things.
- Jeht: Exactly.
- Azariq: Ah, right. There's one more thing. It's Wenut season at the moment, so the tunnels they dig are starting to show up all around the desert.
- Azariq: Such areas are very dangerous, so we'll have to approach our adventure with more care and avoid them at all costs.
- Jeht: Wait. Just Wenut? Don't we always hunt them? They're no threat.
- Azariq: That's still no reason to drop your guard.
- Jeht: Sure, sure, I get it.
- What's a Wenut?
- Jeht: Oh, them? We hunt them every year, and then we collect their body fat and use that to make spices. We don't produce much, but it can be sold at a pretty price.
- Azariq: So we don't really lack anything. We just need to control the Wenut hunting grounds, and our long-term prospects will stay good.
- Jeht: City folk love these thick and pungent spices... But ask them about us desert folk, and they'll tell you a different story... We also need to hunt other animals, but the smell Wenut give off is too strong and will chase them off.
- Azariq: As such, our spice workers can't take part in hunts, nor can they serve as assassins.
- Jeht: As opposed to the scent of mature Wenut, their larvae give off a much gentler scent, which we often use for scent marks to prevent getting lost in caves or ruins...
- Azariq: Haha, you used that in the Gurabad ruins back there.
- Paimon: But... are they really that dangerous?
- Jeht: Not really...
- Azariq: For you outsiders, perhaps?
- Jeht: But you needn't worry about that! We'll protect you!
- Liloupar: Pfft...
- Paimon: Eh? What's so funny?
- Liloupar: It's nothing... Ah, the children of Apep, reduced to this...
- Paimon: Now that you mention it, you haven't said anything in quite a while, Liloupar.
- Liloupar: And I for my part was about to ask if you'd forgotten about someone. Well then. Would you like to hear a story?
- Paimon: Hehe, sure! As long as you have one to tell, anyway!
- Liloupar: *sigh* 'Tis a shame how long I've slumbered. I fear I am not current with the hot topics of the day, and am armed only with some ancient yarns. Will you mind, O master mine?
- Don't worry, I'm all ears.
- Jeht: Don't worry, I've covered my ears!
- Paimon: And Paimon's covered h— Waaaait a minute. What are you covering your ears for?
- Jeht: The books say that the words of the Jinn have magic in them, and that their stories have the power to lay curses!
- Liloupar: And they say also that behavior such as yours is impolite in the extreme! Do not interrupt me, little lady.
- Liloupar: Hmm... Now, where should I begin...?
- As the moonlight paints the stones white, and night wind blows chill, causing the tendrils of the campfire to snap and crackle... Amidst the calls of nocturnal birds winding across the distant sand dunes, the Jinni begins her tale...
- Thousands of years have passed since the events told of in this tale. The desert had yet to become so desolate, and the oases spread out across the land like glittering jewels...
In those days, the Jinn walked the earth in great numbers, and they lived within the silver night wind and the flowing sands, in the ripples of the unknowable ocean, and in the pattering of the rainforest springs... - We Jinn were not ordinary creatures, but we were the servants of the mistress of flowers.
We were untroubled by basic want, nor were we shackled by material thirst. It was "life" itself that greatly fascinated us...
The blooming and wilting of flowers, the gathering and scattering of birds — these were the things that held us in thrall.
Apart from that, only our "true names" could bind us. - We were carefree so long as our mistress walked the earth, and we enjoyed her eternal paradise, her love, and her comfort...
But tragedy would come, and our paradise crumbled as the mistress departed... Our revelry turned to mourning, and all that was good and lovely was violently perverted in that anguish... - And so we gave Al-Ahmar our true names, and became his servants... For he promised to find us our eternal companion, our true master.
Deluded hope and trust did we harbor in our hearts, and so forsook our freedom, accepting imprisonment within silver bottles and servitude to his realm...
But what was lost was forever lost, never again to return. - But do not think that the Jinn were wanton servants.
Only a love bordering upon madness could make the Jinn give their "true names" willingly.
For it was their deep love for the mistress of flowers that drove them to embrace the desert from the first.
Yet, waking to face the tomfoolery of this barren world caused a surly Jinni to fall incurably in love with the shepherd... - Liloupar: Ah, you're awake...
- A shepherd...?
- Liloupar: Not you, no... Hah, but much like you, my master. You were... much like him — as he was once.
- Jeht: ...
- Liloupar: Well now, girl, does that make you jealous?
- Jeht: (No. It's just that I find this story quite familiar...No. It's just that I find this story quite familiar.../
Definitely not!Definitely not!) - Liloupar: (That's because this story has happened before, and may yet happen again.That's because this story has happened before, and may yet happen again./
Hah. She is quite transparent, my master. I once did have a daughter — my eyes are not deceived.Hah. She is quite transparent, my master. I once did have a daughter — my eyes are not deceived.) - Jeht: (Hmm...Hmm.../
Hmph. Say whatever you like...Hmph. Say whatever you like...) - Liloupar: *sigh* To the Jinn, "love" was a terrible chain, driving those who fell into its pit to make sacrifices, like the hyphae of a parasitic insect...
- Paimon: Oh boy, Liloupar's at it again with the scary analogies...
- Liloupar: Hehe, we Jinn do not have this tedious thing you humans call "shame," so we do not shy away from discussing love, or revealing one's all to a lover.
- Jeht: (*cough*!*cough*!/
I'm suddenly glad that you're just a bottle now...I'm suddenly glad that you're just a bottle now...) - Liloupar: But to the Jinn, this mad love could not be reconciled to betrayal. Or else, hatred and vengeance three times greater would be sure to follow.
- Liloupar: That was the root of the farce that ended Gurabad... Though that is a different tale.
- Jeht: Actually, now that you mention it, I'd like to ask a question... Did you really have no other goal in presenting your "true name"?
- Liloupar: Hmm? Hah, well, I suppose vigilance is wisdom.
- Liloupar: Well, I do have something I seek. I wish to go to the Eternal Oasis, just as you do... There are things there that have been left unfinished.
- And what may those be?
- Liloupar: Forgive me, dear master, if I can only slowly tell you that tale as our journey proceeds. But the time for that has not yet come.
- Liloupar: But know this — it is good fortune that I should have met you.
- Jeht: Well, since we've got the same goal, let's get along. How about a toast?
- Liloupar: And what shall you make this toast with? Me?
- Paimon: Pfft... Hahaha!
- Azariq: Alright, weird-story-time's over! Let's talk about something more relaxing.
- Azariq: By the way, (TravelerTraveler), do you play cards?
- (If Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! has been completed)
- Liloupar: (HeHe/
SheShe) does. - How did you know...
- Liloupar: Because I wanted to see it.
- Azariq: Haha, alright, great. Now, show me what you've got!
- (Open Genius Invokation TCG challenge interface for Game Amidst the Desert)
- Sorry, I'm not in the mood to play cards.
- Azariq: Not liking camping out here in the desert, I take it? Haha, oh well... Why don't we tell some stories instead?
- Liloupar: (HeHe/
- (If Come Try Genius Invokation TCG! has not been completed)
- Sorry, I don't.
- Liloupar: Eh, alright then... I for one shall not complain if a more elegant pastime were chosen.
- Azariq: Oh, that so? Shame, then. Why don't we talk about some of the things we've seen, then?
- Sorry, I don't.
- (If you cancel playing cards)
- (Talk to Jeht again)
- Jeht: Hah! Let's see what you'll have to say for yourself after (TravelerTraveler) thrashes you.
- (Talk to Azariq again)
- Azariq: What's the matter, (TravelerTraveler)? Don't just stand there, let's play some cards. Don't worry! I swear I won't mock you — not even if you're absolutely terrible.
- Azariq: Come on, let's play a round.
- Oh, I'm not going to lose...
- Sorry, not right now...
- Azariq: Not liking camping out here in the desert, I take it? Haha, oh well... Why don't we tell some stories instead?
- (If a stage of Genius Invokation TCG was not played)
- You all speak about the interesting things you've heard about, as well as the hair-raising adventures you've been through. Some absolutely ridiculous hearsay is even mixed in...
The three of you raise toasts to old triumphs, laugh at ridiculous tales, and shed tears and lament the sad stories.
At the end, Azariq closes the proceedings with a joke, and he absolutely kills it. - When the moon hangs highest, Azariq tells a rather coarse joke about a crocodile and a Sumpter Beast, which loses him his blanket-sharing privileges.
Jeht tells you about many trivial but funny things...
(She seems to have lived well amongst the Tanit since your last parting.She seems to have lived well amongst the Tanit since your last parting./A light scent of spices wafts from her, and it seems to you that all the stories she has to tell since your last parting seem tinged with this sadness.A light scent of spices wafts from her, and it seems to you that all the stories she has to tell since your last parting seem tinged with this sadness.) - The night flies by as you chat.
As the next morning comes, you are buried in each others' pillows, asleep by the extinguished flame.
- (If a stage of Genius Invokation TCG was played)
- The night flies by amidst the card games and chats.
As the next morning comes, you are buried in each others' pillows, asleep by the extinguished flame.
Video Guides[]
- The Matrix of Overseer Network fought in this quest, Anoushbord, is named after the Castle of Oblivion, an Iranian political prison during the time of the Sasanian Empire.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | The Temple Where Sand Flows Like Tears | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 流沙如泪的神殿 Liúshā Rú Lèi de Shéndiàn | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 流沙如淚的神殿 Liúshā Rú Lèi de Shéndiàn | |
Japanese | 涙のような流砂の神殿 Namida no You-na Ryuusha no Shinden | Temple of Tears-Like Quicksand |
Korean | 눈물처럼 흐르는 모래의 신전 Nunmulcheoreom Heureuneun Morae-ui Sinjeon | The Temple of Sand Flowing Like Tears |
Spanish | El templo de las lágrimas de arena | The Temple of the Tears of Sand |
French | Le temple où le sable coule comme des larmes | The Temple Where Sand Flows Like Tears |
Russian | Храм, где пески текут, точно слёзы Khram, gde peski tekut, tochno slyozy | The Temple Where the Sands Flow Like Tears |
Thai | วิหารที่มีทรายร่วงหล่นดั่งน้ำตา | |
Vietnamese | Thần Điện Cát Chảy Như Lệ Rơi | |
German | Sand weinender Tempel | Sand-Weeping Temple |
Indonesian | Kuil Tempat Pasir Mengalir Layaknya Air Mata | The Temple Where the Sand Flows Like Tears |
Portuguese | O Templo das Lágrimas que Fluem como Areia | |
Turkish | Kumların Gözyaşı Gibi Aktığı Tapınak | |
Italian | Il tempio dove la sabbia scorre come lacrime | The Temple Where Sand Flows Like Tears |
Change History[]
Released in Version 3.4