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Genshin Impact Wiki

The Olive Grove is a Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for The Olive Grove is obtainable from a Remarkable Chest in the Hypostyle Desert in Sumeru, it is locked behind a Clearance level 4 door in an underground ruin.

How to Obtain[]

Obtained from a Remarkable Chest underground in Hypostyle Desert.

Go north from the waypoint near the lower left corner of The Mausoleum of King Deshret. When you arrive at a fork in the road, go left. There are two locked doors on either side of the room. Go through the left one first, where you will pick up a prism. Then go through the right-side door and activate the mechanism by standing on the square. This will open another door on the right side of that room. The chest is there.


First time creation grants Trust Trust ×60.

Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 14 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
The Olive Grove 1 The Olive Grove

Furnishing Sets[]

There is 1 Furnishing Set that uses The Olive Grove as a component:

ItemCraft TypeComponents
Gift SetDesert Desk: Hospitality Desert Desk: Hospitality ×1
A Lush Glimpse A Lush Glimpse ×1
Joyful Illumination Joyful Illumination ×2
Adhigama Wood "Comfort" Bed Adhigama Wood "Comfort" Bed ×2
Brightwood "Invigorating" Nightstand Brightwood "Invigorating" Nightstand ×3
The Olive Grove The Olive Grove ×1
Spirit of the Banquet Spirit of the Banquet ×1
The Mellow Pot The Mellow Pot ×1
Karmaphala Wood "Subdued Speech" Bench Karmaphala Wood "Subdued Speech" Bench ×2

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishThe Olive Grove
"Jiànguǒ-bān Sēn Lì zhī Wén"
"Jiànguǒ-bān Sēn Lì zhī Wén"
"Kanran no you ni Shigeru Moyou"
Korean「올리브처럼 수려한 무늬」
"Ollibeucheoreom Suryeohan Munui"
SpanishTimidez olivácea
RussianОливковая роща
Olivkovaya roshcha
Vietnamese"Hoa Văn Ô Liu"
IndonesianKebun Zaitun
PortugueseCaminho das Oliveiras
TurkishZeytin Bahçesi

Change History[]

