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Little One is a Tepetlisaur Whelp NPC that first appears in the World Quest Lost in the Woods in Series Between Pledge and Forgettance.

The name "Little One" is used initially in an in-game text; the Traveler gives him a name (chosen by the player) shortly after meeting him, after which he is referred to by that given name. The player receives a Reaffirmed Accord of Appellation that will allow Little One to be renamed once.


Little One can be found in the Rest Area after completing World Quest Gifts and Gifts in Return in Series In the Footsteps of the Chosen of Dragons.


A number of names such as "Traveler" (and their equivalents in all localizations) are rejected by the system when naming Little One. Other names such as "Paimon" will be rejected by Paimon with special dialogue, and notable names including "LittleOne" and "HashBrown" will be accepted and will result in special dialogues.


Little One had met Waxaklahun Ubah Kan at some point prior to the Traveler's arrival in Natlan, though he was not aware of his true identity as the sage had assumed several identities during their conversation. Waxaklahun called Little One the "Chosen of Dragons" and stated that hope lied with him. He said that they would meet again after all had been done, and Little One would be the one to decide matters after visiting the sacred mountain.

During their arrival to Natlan, the Traveler and Paimon were brought into a strange space where Little One and an adult Tepetlisaur were attacked by riftwolves. After killing the riftwolves, the Traveler indwelled the adult Saurian and freed Little One, giving it a name before leaving the strange space.

While exploring Natlan, the Traveler runs into Manqu, who explains that the distinctive red mark that Little One has on his horn is called "Flamelord's Blessing." Saurians with this mark often possess incredible power greater than other ordinary Saurians. However, since this is a form of atavism, and the power is that of far more ancient dragons, Natlan's Saurians can no longer withstand it today, and in the process of growing, those with this mark will sometimes be killed by this power, or driven mad by it. Those with this mark are also thought to be dangerous and are rejected by the Wayob and the Night Kingdom.[2]

Manqu recommends that Little One be handed over to the Children of Echoes to be taken care of, until his eventual passing. When the Traveler refuses, he suggests going to the Great Volcano of Tollan for a ritual to allow him to receive acceptance again, a practice no longer attempted by the six great tribes today due its low rate of success.[2] During their journey, the Traveler and Little One explore several hidden areas in Natlan and also befriend several inhabitants, both human and saurian.

While exploring an ancient ruin, Little One assists the Traveler in defeating an Abyss-Corroded Golden Wolflord, discovering a Golden Entreaty after its defeat, which the Traveler and Manqu believed were necessary to perform the name-cleaning rite.

When the Traveler arrives at Ochkanatlan, Little One accompanies them alongside Bona and her companion Cocouik, discovering an ancient temple known as the Tonatiuh and activating it. When they found the second Golden Entreaty, Och-Kan stole it and the Traveler and Paimon pursued him, while Bona and Little One remained behind. As the two viewed the dying Och-Kan's memories, one of them showed Little One being spoken to by a mysterious dragon sage, who claimed that Little One would determine the future. The two then returned to Little One and asked if he had spoken to someone recently, though they could not understand him. The trip to the fallen kingdom was worth their time, as they had recovered the Golden Entreaty after defeating Och-Kan.


Little One is a Tepetlisaur Whelp. He is distinguished from others of his kind by the red mark on his horn and the red cloth that the Traveler tied around his tail to cover his wound.

Quests and Events[]

Archon Quests

World Quests


(Talk to Little One within the Rest Area)
("Little One""Little One"): Rawr!
Icon Dialogue Talk How are you feeling today?
("Little One""Little One"): Rawr! Rawr!
Paimon: Hey, ("Little One""Little One") sure looks like he's in a good mood!
Icon Dialogue Talk (Touch his horn...)
("Little One""Little One"): Rooarr!
Paimon: Let Paimon touch too! Hehe, don't wiggle, you're tickling Paimon's palm...
Icon Dialogue Talk About the golden designs...
(Available after completing Revelations from the Past) ‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]
("Little One""Little One"): Rawr...
Paimon: Hmmm... The golden designs you speak of are probably those "Iridescent Inscriptions"...
Paimon: Though sometimes, Paimon can't see them where you say they are...
("Little One""Little One"): Grrooooah? Wrrrooo...?
Paimon: No need for you to start "wrooing", it's better not to see some things...
Paimon: ("Little One""Little One") and (TravelerTraveler), you two be careful, okay?

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishLittle One
Xiǎo Jiāhuo
Xiǎo Jiāhuo
Kkoma Yong
FrenchP'tit gaillard
VietnameseĐồng Hành Nhỏ
IndonesianSi Kecil

Change History[]


  1. World Quest, Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm: Act III - The Tonatiuh Quivers, Part 2: Moment of Awakening
  2. 2.0 2.1 NPC Dialogue: Manqu