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Saurians (-saurus, plural -sauri)[1] are the dragons of Natlan. They have undergone long years of development and evolution, and unlike dragons in other nations of Teyvat, Saurians are common in Natlan and closely coexist with humanity.[2]


People in Natlan have a tradition of taking on Saurian companions, with Natlan's warriors dressing in imitation of their companions.[3] It appears that Saurians can choose their human companion and refuse to team up with anyone they don't acknowledge, as seen in the tale of Kuntur, who was ostracized by humans and Saurians alike until he accomplished something great and earned the recognition of an Iktomisaurus comrade.[4]

According to Wayna, Saurians are simple creatures that cannot easily distinguish right from wrong. Most of the time, they simply follow their emotions and trust their human companions.[5]

They are stated to possess fur,[6] while Iktomisaurs[7] and Qucusaurs[8] have feathers.

Yumkasaurs are known to have a life span roughly under that of a century. If they live longer than that, it is considered unnatural, with the Yumkasaur Kongamato living much longer, highly suspected to be from Abyssal contamination.[9] According to various signboards in the Scions' village, young Yumkasaurs enjoy being touched by their ears, but dislike having their tails groomed. Adult Yumkasaurs enjoy having their tails groomed, showing it off with pride.

Qucusaurs are very prideful and are willing to let people, particularly from the Flower-Feather Clan, to ride them. However, this requires an immense amount of trust between the rider and saurian, as they will refuse to let people ride them if they sense even the slightest of hesitation, as a mistake by the rider would result in severe injuries or even death to both parties.

Iktomisaurs can live long periods of time, as Elder Tlapo is known to be a bit over two centuries old, having grown up alongside Huitzilin and Citlali.

While humans and Saurians live in harmony in the current era, this does not appear to have always been the case, with Saurians having been subjugated by humanity during Och-Kan's time; in one incident, a man was condemned to death for protecting his tribe's Saurians.[10] In the modern day, there are also groups that poach Saurians.

Some Saurians like Little One can be born with a distinctive red mark, which is known as the Flamelord's Blessing. Saurians with this mark are noted to have much stronger powers over normal Saurians, but they are considered by the people of Natlan to be dangerous, as Saurians imbued with such power either succumb to it or become insane, which causes the Wayob and Night Kingdom to also reject them. The tribe that is related to the Saurian with the mark are "dealt with" by sending them back to the Night Kingdom. If this option is not chosen, the Saurian and their companion could instead travel to the Great Volcano of Tollan to perform a ritual by washing the name of the companion as remembered by the Fallen Dragon Xiuhcoatl to allow the Night Kingdom to accept them once more, though by the present era, this ritual was considered outdated due to a near nonexistent rate of success.



  • Stegosaur
    • An individual Stegosaur named Muhuru[11] accompanied the warrior Sundjatta during Tenoch's campaign against the Abyss.[12]

Present Day[]

There are 6 current varieties of Saurians in Natlan:

  • Tepetlisaur Geo
  • IktomisaurCryo
    • They have the ability to fly[1] by floating up and making themselves as light as a feather[14] and live alongside the Mictlan people of Natlan's western cliffs. They are also capable of entering a "Spiritspeaker" state. An individual Iktomisaur named Mahamba accompanied the warrior Sanhaj during Tenoch's campaign against the Abyss.[12]
  • Koholasaur Hydro
    • They live alongside the Meztli people of Natlan's southern springs and have the ability to swim at high speeds through water and Liquid Phlogiston.
  • Yumkasaur Dendro
  • Qucusaur Pyro
    • They live alongside the Tlalocan people of Natlan's northwestern mountain peaks and can fly through the air and Gaseous Phlogiston using their wings. An individual Qucusaur, known as Holawaqa Ngoubou, accompanied the warrior Menilek during Tenoch's campaign against the Abyss.[12]
  • Tatankasaur
    • They live alongside the Collective of Plenty in Natlan's southwest. An individual Tatankasaur named Kayeke accompanied the warrior Wanjiru during Tenoch's campaign against the Abyss.[12]

Known Saurians[]


21 Characters match the category selection:


5 Characters match the category selection:


12 Characters match the category selection:


2 Characters match the category selection:


10 Characters match the category selection:



  • In zoology, "saurian" is used to refer to any species under the sub-order Sauria, a taxonomic class which includes all modern reptiles and similarly extinct ones. The word saurian itself derives from the Ancient Greek word σαῦρος saûros meaning "lizard."
  • Iktomi is a spider trickster spirit in Lakota mythology.
  • Tepetl means "mountain" in the Nahuatl language.
  • Koholā means "humpback whale" in the Hawaiian language.
  • Tatanka means "buffalo bull" in the Lakota language.
  • Yumká is a forest-dwelling elf in Chontal Mayan culture.
  • The name Qucusaur may derive from Qucumatz (standardly spelled Qʼuqʼumatz), the Feathered Serpent god of wind and rain of Kʼicheʼ Maya, where qʼuqʼ means "quetzal" in the Kʼicheʼ language.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name


Japanese / サウリアン
Ryuu / Saurian

Change History[]

Introduced in Version 4.6 • Released in Version 5.0
Version 5.2

Version 5.0

Version 4.6

  • Saurian was mentioned by Ranjit.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 NPC Dialogue: Ranjit
  2. Archon Quest, Chapter IV, Act V - Masquerade of the Guilty, Part 6: Finale
  3. Event Specially-Shaped Saurian Search World Quest, Part 1: Search Chronicle: Burning Up!
  4. Event Specially-Shaped Saurian Search World Quest, Part 3: Search Chronicle: For Childhood Dreams!
  5. World Quest, In the Footsteps of the Chosen of Dragons: Lies and Promises
  6. Kachina's Voice-Over: Kachina's Troubles
  7. Archive, Living Beings, Enemies and Monsters, Mystical Beasts: Iktomisaurus
  8. Archive, Living Beings, Enemies and Monsters, Mystical Beasts: Qucusaurus
  9. Tribal Chronicles, Yupanqui's Turnfire, Act II: A Hero's Rite
  10. Artifact, Unfinished Reverie: Faded Emerald Tail
  11. Weapon: Mountain-Bracing Bolt
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Weapon: Talking Stick
  13. HoYoLAB: Gemstone Wrought of Tears and Mettle
  14. World Quest, Tale of Dreams Plucked From Fire, Part 2: Seeker No Finding
    Chikya: I told you I could jump great distances with an Iktomisaur on my back, but I'd be fooling you — for Iktomisaurs can float up and make themselves as light as a feather, so they don't weigh a thing.

