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Kinich's Deal is the third act of the Tribal Chronicles Yupanqui's Turnfire. In order to unlock this quest line, the player must have reached Adventure Rank 40 and have completed the Archon Quest Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame in Chapter V: Act I - Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn.


  1. Kinich's Deal
  2. I, Flame Bearer
  3. The Last Turnfire Night


Kinich's Deal

Returning to the "Scions of the Canopy" village, the Traveler and Paimon run into Kinich, who asks them to learn more about the ritual that Trinidad intended them to undertake. From what they learn from Trinidad, he intends to have them drain all of the Abyssal energy plaguing Kongamato, though this would likely kill it in the process. They then head back to Kinich, who brings them to Wayna. Wayna tells them that while he endorses them to partake in the ritual, he does not want them to kill Kongamato, as it is a source of their history, pride and faith.

Kinich then has the Traveler and Paimon accompany him for a walk, having known Trinidad's intentions and tells Paimon that he gave Ajaw a teacher. He continues telling them that while he is a Saurian hunter, he occasionally hunts the Abyss. While chasing down some purple dogs, he accidentally entered a hidden space, and learned afterwards that they were called Beastly Rifts. He believes that if they could get one of these rifts and clear it of its inhabitants, they could put Kongamato inside so that it could not threaten anyone. Despite this, Kinich is aware that the plan still has its own downsides, as many factors hadn't been accounted for. Nonetheless, it is his solution to Kongamato, as the matter could not be ignored any further.

I, Flame Bearer

Heading back to the village to get some heat off Kinich's back, the Traveler and Paimon run into Thiago, who tells them that he had spotted a mural depicting a human and saurian in some ancient ruins. However, as the ruins have become dangerous with Abyssal activity, he asks them to help him clear the ruins out. They head to the ruins and eliminate the riftwolves, taking a picture of the photo before returning to him. They soon find another tribesman, Ponche, who had his book, "Yupanqui's Turnfire", stolen from him by a Treasure Hoarder who had just left the village. The Traveler discovers and apprehends the thief, Matthias, who reveals that he had thrown the book away, believing it to be of no value, forcing them to look for it.

Meanwhile, in a cave, the book is actually found by Sanka, who recites the book's contents to a bored Ajaw. When Sanka mentions that all bearers of the Turnfire name would have a horrible death, Ajaw becomes interested and decides to enter an agreement with Sanka. Back on the other side, the manuscript is nowhere to be found, while Ponche has a revelation and believes he knows how to solve the Kongamato problem, though it would require Kinich's presence.

Kinich diverts the Traveler away and reveals that Burkina was killed by Kongamato based on the memories he had. As such, he believes that Kongamato wishes to die, though due to its status in the tribe, knows that it is not an option. He asks them to head to a spot to begin their backup plan with the Beastly Rift.

The following day, the Traveler and Paimon head to the destination Kinich marked for them and activate a Beastly Rift, eliminating the riftwolves as they appear. A larger burst of energy then ripples through the cave as an Abyss Lector steps out from the rift, remarking on how he had overdelivered on his promise. Paimon becomes surprised upon realizing that the Lector is actually Enjou, who likewise returns the feeling upon seeing her and the Traveler. Kinich reveals that he was aware that the Traveler wished to learn about the Abyss Order, though he had not expected them to know each other.

Paimon wonders if Enjou had been responsible for riling Kongamato, but Enjou reminds her that he's only a "lowly" clerk in the Order and not part of the inner circle. Kinich had struck a deal with Enjou — in return for leaving him alone in his "historical research", Enjou would give him a Beastly Rift. Paimon is upset that Ajaw had colluded with the Abyss Order, though Kinich reveals that it was actually bait. Enjou soon leaves, telling them to remember how fast he left so he could be respected more in the future. Paimon asks if it was okay for them to let him go, though Kinich suspects that he had a lot of debts to pay and would be very busy with them.

The Last Turnfire Night

The following day, the Turnfire Ritual begins and the Traveler completes the ritual with Kinich's guidance. When they arrive at Kongamato's lair, Wayna and the others arrive and Trinidad asks the Traveler to purify the energy from Kongamato. Kinich states that there's no need to and pulls out Enjou's device, which they recognize as a Beastly Rift, much to their horror. Wayna relents after Kinich tells him that he's confident that Kongamato would be fine, but Trinidad, believing the Traveler to have colluded with Kinich, smashes the device while the latter is distracted. The collapse of energy causes Kongamato to awaken, prompting Kinich to order the tribe out. Trinidad runs to the Turnfire and grabs Kongamato's attention, who spits a large ball of fire at him, burning the brazier in the process.

The Traveler and Kinich proceed to fight Kongamato to calm it down, when it suddenly jolts towards the Turnfire and begs to be put out of its misery. Kinich, using the power of his Ancient Name, conjures invisible walls to block the Sacred Flame from burning both — Kongamato then recognizes Kinich. Kinich tells Kongamato that he has to live with the shame of its past, and Kongamato ultimately agrees to, asking Kinich to use his "ruined vessel" to train future heroes until the Abyss was stamped out of Natlan.

The day after the incident, the Traveler and Paimon return to Wayna, who reveals that they managed to recover Trinidad and expect him to make a recovery despite his severe burns. He also notes that a transparent shell formed around Kongamato, which he and the other elders believe was a shell to insulate Kongamato, protecting him from absorbing and expelling Abyssal energy. The Traveler wonders if the power was from the Sacred Flame or Turnfire itself, though Wayna is not able to give a conclusive answer and asks them to speak to Kinich instead, who can be found in Kongamato's cave.

Upon meeting with Kinich, he remarks on Kongamato's current state and thanks the Traveler for their assistance in the Kongamato matter, owing them one for their help. The Traveler insists that they don't owe him due to him capturing Enjou, though Kinich refuses to accept that since Enjou gave them no relative information. Paimon then states that they're friends, but Kinich, unable to accept their friendship for free, tells them that he would do anything for them if they need to in the future.

Elsewhere, Enjou meets up with Toba and Huni, the latter upset about the state of her family. Enjou apologizes for deceiving them earlier and reveals to them that he enjoys the tribe's extreme sports, recalling that while walking one day, he was hit by someone falling out of the sky and learned of bungee jumping. He introduced himself to the jumper, befriended and treated her wounds before his "capture" by Kinich. After leaving, he reunited with his friend, noting that she had missed her family, and thus decided to bring her to them. Enjou asks Huni to turn around, though she does not believe him at first until she feels a warmth from behind, becoming shocked upon seeing that it is her family's Saurian companion, Nanna, who presses her face against Huni's.


18 Characters appear in this Act:


No Achievements are obtainable from Kinich's Deal.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
41Dripping GloomEternal Sun, Eternal WantThe Last Turnfire Night (Kongamato's cave during Turnfire Night ceremony), For the Same Land
18Cuicatl of KongamatoLand of TleyaoyotlThe Last Turnfire Night (surface during Turnfire Night ceremony)
69Arduous PathLand of TleyaoyotlThe Last Turnfire Night (Kongamato's cave during Turnfire Night ceremony)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishKinich's Deal
Kiinichi to no Torihiki
A Deal with Kinich
Korean키니치의 거래
Kinichiui Georae
SpanishEl trato de KinichKinich's Deal
FrenchLa transaction de KinichKinich's Deal
RussianСделка с Киничем
Sdelka s Kinichem
Deal with Kinich
Thaiการแลกเปลี่ยนของ Kinich
VietnameseGiao Dịch Của Kinich
GermanAbmachung mit KinichDeal with Kinich
IndonesianKesepakatan KinichKinich's Deal
PortugueseAcordo de Kinich
TurkishKinich'in Anlaşması
ItalianIl patto di Kinich

Change History[]

Version 5.0
  • 2024-09-17 18:00: Kinich's Deal was released.