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Kaedehara Kazuha is a Character Card obtained in Genius Invokation TCG.


Garyuu Bladework Character Card SkillGaryuu BladeworkNormal Attack12
Deals 2 Physical DMG.
Chihayaburu Character Card SkillChihayaburuElemental Skill3
Deals 1 Anemo DMG, attaches Midare Ranzan to this character. If this skill triggers Swirl, Midare Ranzan is converted to the Swirled Element.
After the Skill DMG is finalized: Your team switches to the next character.

Midare Ranzan
The next time you use Switch Character to switch to the character to which this is attached: This switch is considered a Fast Action rather than a Combat Action.
Before you choose an action: If the character to which this is attached is your active character, they immediately use a Normal Attack. The Physical DMG this Normal Attack would deal is converted to Anemo DMG. Once finalized, this effect is removed.
Kazuha Slash Character Card SkillKazuha SlashElemental Burst32
Deals 1 Anemo DMG, summons 1 Autumn Whirlwind.

Autumn Whirlwind
End Phase: Deal 1 Anemo DMG.

After your character or Summon triggers a Swirl reaction: Convert the Elemental Type of this card and change its DMG dealt to the element Swirled. (Can only be converted once before leaving the field)
Usage(s): 3

Talent Cards[]

Poetics of Fuubutsu Equipment CardPoetics of FuubutsuChihayaburu3
Combat Action: When your active character is Kaedehara Kazuha, equip this card.
After Kaedehara Kazuha equips this card, immediately use Chihayaburu once.
After Kaedehara Kazuha triggers Swirl with this card equipped: For the next 2 instances, your Characters and Summons will deal +1 DMG for the Elemental Type Swirled. (Each Elemental Type is counted independently)

Proficiency Reward[]

After reaching Proficiency 10, the following Dynamic Skin is obtained:
Poetics of Fuubutsu Equipment Card GoldenPoetics of Fuubutsu3


Scarlet Leaves Pursue Wild Waves: Kaedehara Kazuha

Flowers and birds are a dear pleasure to one winding under the moonlight.

Stage Appearances[]

Kaedehara Kazuha appears in 9 stages:

Kaedehara Kazuha Icon Kaedehara KazuhaKaedehara Kazuha: FriendlyFriendly Fracas
Kaedehara Kazuha Icon Kaedehara KazuhaKaedehara Kazuha: SeriousSerious Showdown
Kaedehara Kazuha Icon Kaedehara KazuhaGuest Challenge: Kaedehara KazuhaWeekly Guest Challenge
Mualani Icon MualaniMualani: FriendlyFriendly Fracas
Mualani Icon MualaniMualani: SeriousSerious Showdown
Mualani Icon MualaniGuest Challenge: MualaniWeekly Guest Challenge
Yelan Icon YelanYelan: FriendlyFriendly Fracas
Yelan Icon YelanYelan: SeriousSerious Showdown
Yelan Icon YelanGuest Challenge: YelanWeekly Guest Challenge



Card Showcase[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishKaedehara Kazuha
Fēngyuán Wànyè
Fēngyuán Wànyè
Kaedehara Kazuha
Korean카에데하라 카즈하
Kaedehara Kajeuha
SpanishKaedehara Kazuha
FrenchKaedehara Kazuha
RussianКаэдэхара Кадзуха
Kaedekhara Kadzukha
ThaiKaedehara Kazuha
VietnameseKaedehara Kazuha
GermanKaedehara Kazuha
IndonesianKaedehara Kazuha
PortugueseKaedehara Kazuha
TurkishKaedehara Kazuha
ItalianKaedehara Kazuha

Change History[]

