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Genshin Impact Wiki

Crackling Axe Mitachurl is an unobtainable Character Card in Genius Invokation TCG.


Du Plama (Crackling Axe Mitachurl) Character Card SkillDu PlamaNormal Attack12
Deals 2 Physical DMG.
Upa (Crackling Axe Mitachurl) Character Card SkillUpaElemental Skill3
Deals 3 Physical DMG.
Oto Tiga (Crackling Axe Mitachurl) Character Card SkillOto TigaElemental Burst32
Deals 5 Physical DMG.
Ripple Electro Edge Character Card SkillRipple Electro EdgePassive Skill
(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Ripple Electro Edge.

Ripple Electro Edge
The Physical DMG this character deals is converted to Electro DMG.
Usage(s): 3

Stage Appearances[]

Crackling Axe Mitachurl appears in 19 stages:

Darina Icon DarinaGuest Challenge: DarinaWeekly Guest Challenge
Master Lu Icon Master LuDemolisher's EndAdventure Challenge
Nasrin Icon NasrinA Day in the Forest Ranger's LifeAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceAscension Challenge: ExpertAscension Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceClever Strategems: Don't Push Your LuckAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceClever Strategems: Don't Push Your LuckAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceClever Strategems: Don't Push Your LuckAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceEndless Swarm: Dual-Pronged ApproachAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceEndless Swarm: Rapid HexesAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceEndless Swarm: Roly-Poly FrontlineAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceEndless Swarm: Sympathetic DetonationAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceGame of Wits: Shadow of DeathAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceGame of Wits: Storm of ArrowsAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceGame of Wits: Wounds and MomentumAdventure Challenge
Qingzhou Icon QingzhouElegance UnimpededAdventure Challenge
Shitou Icon ShitouThe Stone Tells Ancient TalesAdventure Challenge
Taraneh Icon TaranehA Sailor's TravailsAdventure Challenge
Timaeus Icon TimaeusGuest Challenge: TimaeusWeekly Guest Challenge
Tomoki Icon TomokiFood FightAdventure Challenge


Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Character SelectMedia:vo gcg monster brute electric axe selectonstage 01.ogg Media:vo gcg monster brute electric axe selectonstage 02.ogg Media:vo gcg monster brute electric axe selectonstage 03.ogg
UpaMedia:vo gcg monster brute electric axe elementalart 01.ogg Media:vo gcg monster brute electric axe elementalart 02.ogg Media:vo gcg monster brute electric axe elementalart 03.ogg
Oto TigaMedia:vo gcg monster brute electric axe elementalburst 01.ogg Media:vo gcg monster brute electric axe elementalburst 02.ogg Media:vo gcg monster brute electric axe elementalburst 03.ogg
Heavy Hit TakenMedia:vo gcg monster brute electric axe hitheavy 01.ogg Media:vo gcg monster brute electric axe hitheavy 02.ogg Media:vo gcg monster brute electric axe hitheavy 03.ogg
DefeatedMedia:vo gcg monster brute electric axe die 01.ogg Media:vo gcg monster brute electric axe die 02.ogg Media:vo gcg monster brute electric axe die 03.ogg

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishCrackling Axe Mitachurl
Léi Fǔ Qiūqiū Bàotú
Thunder Axe Hilichurl Thug
Léi Fǔ Qiūqiū Bàotú
Hiruchaaru Bouto - Kaminari Ono
Hilichurl Thug - Thunder Axe
Korean번개도끼 츄츄 폭도
Beongaedokki Chyuchyu Pokdo
Lightning-axe Hilichurl Rioter
SpanishMitachurl con Hacha ElectroMitachurl With Electro Axe
FrenchBrutoviandu avec hache ÉlectroMitachurlMitachurlMitachurlMitachurlTooltip for MitachurlMitachurl With Electro Axe
RussianМитачурл с электрическим топором
Mitachurl s elektricheskim toporom
Mitachurl With Electric Axe
ThaiCrackling Axe Mitachurl
VietnameseBạo Đồ Hilichurl Búa LôiElectro Axe Hilichurl Thug
GermanMitachurl mit BlitzaxtMitachurl With Lightning Axe
IndonesianCrackling Axe Mitachurl
PortugueseMitachurl do Machado ElectroElectro Axe Mitachurl
TurkishElektrik Baltalı Dağ AzmanıElectric Axe MitachurlMitachurlMitachurlMitachurlTooltip for MitachurlMitachurl
ItalianMitachurl con ascia di fulmineMitachurl With Thunder Axe

Change History[]

