Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

After completing an act during the Imaginarium Theater performance, the player will return to the Theater Lobby, where the 4 characters chosen to make up the party can be spoken to, with the exception of Aloy, who will not appear.

Each playable character features 3 sets of voiced dialogue pertaining to the ongoing performance, some small-talk and taking a break from the challenge.



Media:vo albedo saferoom challenge 01.ogg Albedo: It is well worth exploring this domain thoroughly, though it will take some time. Approximately as long as it would take to read an entire alchemy book from cover to cover, in my estimation.
Media:vo albedo saferoom challenge 02.ogg Albedo: Perhaps I could assess each threat that awaits us, quantify the total effort required in each case, and... Hmm? From the look on your face... You wish to continue the battle now, correct?
Media:vo albedo saferoom challenge 03.ogg Albedo: Then let's go. Remember to make each move count, and be ready to change strategy at a moment's notice.


Media:vo albedo saferoom others 01.ogg Albedo: I was reading an alchemy paper recently, and was particularly interested by the section on Targeted Integration of Hidden Effects of Composite Alchemical Ingredients.
Media:vo albedo saferoom others 02.ogg Albedo: Some details of the experiment weren't expounded on in full, although I was able to follow along and bridge most of the gaps. But I'm keen to learn more about what happens during the actual mixing stage. I'll have to take the time to recreate the entire experiment in full, then I can observe it for myself.
Media:vo albedo saferoom others 03.ogg Albedo: Oh, you'd like to watch, too? Certainly. I'll let you know when I plan to conduct the experiment.


Media:vo albedo saferoom rest 01.ogg Albedo: It is rather pleasant here, far away from all the commotion. We needn't be in a hurry to leave.
Media:vo albedo saferoom rest 02.ogg Albedo: I would offer to paint your portrait since we have some time on our hands, but unfortunately I don't have my new palette on hand.
Media:vo albedo saferoom rest 03.ogg Albedo: Hmm... I suppose I could peruse one of the books here. Reading is a fine way to calm the mind.



Media:vo alhaitham saferoom challenge 01.ogg Alhaitham: Having a challenging mid-to-long-term goal is a good thing.
Media:vo alhaitham saferoom challenge 02.ogg Alhaitham: This applies equally to combat, job-seeking, and the pursuit of knowledge.
Media:vo alhaitham saferoom challenge 03.ogg Alhaitham: But what people get out of achieving their goal depends on the individual.


Media:vo alhaitham saferoom others 01.ogg Alhaitham: Quite a few books.
Media:vo alhaitham saferoom others 02.ogg Alhaitham: Storybooks, mostly. A rare sight in the House of Daena — they claim it would distract the students from their studies.
Media:vo alhaitham saferoom others 03.ogg Alhaitham: But if the fate of a student's studies depends on externally imposed restrictions, whether to storybooks or otherwise, they won't make it far in academia.


Media:vo alhaitham saferoom rest 01.ogg Alhaitham: Rest time, you say?
Media:vo alhaitham saferoom rest 02.ogg Alhaitham: Mm. Then let's give our vocal cords a rest.
Media:vo alhaitham saferoom rest 03.ogg Alhaitham: Grab some coffee, and spend some time thinking about the things you're usually too busy for.



Media:vo ambor saferoom challenge 01.ogg Amber: You know that magical bird I told you about? The one I spent three days hunting? I still wear the feather I took as a trophy on my waist.
Media:vo ambor saferoom challenge 02.ogg Amber: There's nothing like finally defeating your enemy after a long, hard battle. It's like biting into a delicious steak when you're starving hungry!
Media:vo ambor saferoom challenge 03.ogg Amber: So, whatever happens — don't give up!


Media:vo ambor saferoom others 01.ogg Amber: I've had times when I wished that one day, I'd wake up to find Baron Bunny had come to life and could talk.
Media:vo ambor saferoom others 02.ogg Amber: Y'know, like Oz, Fischl's raven. They get to go adventuring together, and can even split up on missions when they need to.
Media:vo ambor saferoom others 03.ogg Amber: Still, Baron Bunny's already a huge help. Besides, if I want to become the best outrider ever, it's me I gotta focus on!


Media:vo ambor saferoom rest 01.ogg Amber: What do you think we'll find if we go further in? I'm excited to see.
Media:vo ambor saferoom rest 02.ogg Amber: I know, everyone needs to rest after the last battle... But I'm an Outrider. I'm not used to standing around waiting.
Media:vo ambor saferoom rest 03.ogg Amber: Make sure you don't forget to call me when you're ready to leave!

Arataki Itto[]


Media:vo itto saferoom challenge 01.ogg Arataki Itto: Look, even if there are a couple o' tough customers lurking around this place, what's there to worry about when you've got Arataki "Numero Uno" Itto on your side, huh? Huh? Haha, there is nothing out there that you need to be afraid of.
Media:vo itto saferoom challenge 02.ogg Arataki Itto: Let's see who actually has the guts to face me. A couple o' whacks from my club will send 'em all running back whence they came! WAPOW! ...And if not, we'll let Ushi deal with them.
Media:vo itto saferoom challenge 03.ogg Arataki Itto: Ugh, anyway, no use fighting on an empty stomach. Hey, they do food here, right?


Media:vo itto saferoom others 01.ogg Arataki Itto: Hahaha, these books are actually pretty good. I bet the boys in the gang would enjoy reading 'em, too.
Media:vo itto saferoom others 02.ogg Arataki Itto: Huh? ...Fairytales? You mean... they're meant for kids?
Media:vo itto saferoom others 03.ogg Arataki Itto: Ahem! Uhh, what I meant was, we should totally share these books with the kids in the city! They'd be a smash hit with them!


Media:vo itto saferoom rest 01.ogg Arataki Itto: Alright, (TravelerTraveler), who we gonna throw down with next? I'm ready to rumble!
Media:vo itto saferoom rest 02.ogg Arataki Itto: What are we waiting for, anyway? C'mon, let's gooo! Or they'll start thinkin' we're scared of 'em!
Media:vo itto saferoom rest 03.ogg Arataki Itto: Oh, but I guess you need some time to organize the victory feast, right? Gotta plan ahead for these things! ...Okay yeah, we can hang around here a little longer. Good thing I got this lollipop to tide me over.



Media:vo arlecchino saferoom challenge 01.ogg Arlecchino: The enemies we face are of a lowly breed. Deal with them however you see fit.
Media:vo arlecchino saferoom challenge 02.ogg Arlecchino: But do not get complacent. You should expect to fend for yourself, as I am not in the habit of coming to other people's rescue.
Media:vo arlecchino saferoom challenge 03.ogg Arlecchino: If you do encounter a foe for whom you are no match, simply make yourself scarce, and I shall deal with it in due course.


Media:vo arlecchino saferoom others 01.ogg Arlecchino: Before I go on a long journey, I tend to leave the children of the House of the Hearth with some homework to complete in my absence.
Media:vo arlecchino saferoom others 02.ogg Arlecchino: Many of them, however, simply play to their hearts' content for most of the time I am gone, then rush to get their homework done in the final few days before my return.
Media:vo arlecchino saferoom others 03.ogg Arlecchino: They believe I am none the wiser, but I have simply elected not to expose their chicanery. After all, to complete one's work in a short timeframe is a skill in its own right.


Media:vo arlecchino saferoom rest 01.ogg Arlecchino: You intend to take a rest? I concur. You do look quite tired.
Media:vo arlecchino saferoom rest 02.ogg Arlecchino: Self-knowledge is a good trait to have. Better to walk at a slower pace if it means you will travel further in the end.
Media:vo arlecchino saferoom rest 03.ogg Arlecchino: I brought some coffee candies. Here, take one.



Media:vo baizhu saferoom challenge 01.ogg Baizhu: *cough*... *cough*
Media:vo changsheng saferoom challenge 01.ogg Changsheng: Hey, are you sure you can keep going? Maybe we should take things a bit more slowly?
Media:vo baizhu saferoom challenge 02.ogg Baizhu: ...It's nothing serious. If I let every little setback stop me, I'd never have made it this far.


Media:vo baizhu saferoom others 01.ogg Baizhu: There are a surprising number of books here. I can't help but wonder if there are any ancient prescriptions or medical texts...
Media:vo changsheng saferoom others 01.ogg Changsheng: Sorry to disappoint, but I already took a look. They're pretty much all children's books.
Media:vo baizhu saferoom others 02.ogg Baizhu: Is that so... Well, some fairytales may still have therapeutic benefits in treating mood-related disorders.


Media:vo baizhu saferoom rest 01.ogg Baizhu: This place is truly perilous, (TravelerTraveler)... Do you have any injuries or concerning symptoms you'd like to tell me about?
Media:vo baizhu saferoom rest 02.ogg Baizhu: Yes, I know you're very skilled, but just because you're not black and blue doesn't mean everything is okay. If you're not careful, fatigue will accumulate over time and catch you unawares. You must remember to stretch to relieve tension and ensure good circulation of your qi...
Media:vo changsheng saferoom rest 01.ogg Changsheng: ...Or to put it bluntly, he's worried about you! So just lie down and let us give you a quick checkup.



Media:vo barbara saferoom challenge 01.ogg Barbara: I don't like it when people around me get hurt. It's so upsetting to see them in pain...
Media:vo barbara saferoom challenge 02.ogg Barbara: But sometimes in life, fighting is inevitable. All I can do is pray, and support everyone from behind by patching up the injured...
Media:vo barbara saferoom challenge 03.ogg Barbara: And I have to do it with a smile, if only to keep people's spirits up.


Media:vo barbara saferoom others 01.ogg Barbara: A squirrel, a fox, and a cute kitty-cat...
Media:vo barbara saferoom others 02.ogg Barbara: I'm trying to write a heartwarming song with a fairytale theme, but it's a little tough...
Media:vo barbara saferoom others 03.ogg Barbara: I think I need to go back to the story books and look for some more inspiration!


Media:vo barbara saferoom rest 01.ogg Barbara: Are you injured at all? Rest here, let me give you a full examination.
Media:vo barbara saferoom rest 02.ogg Barbara: Just a scratch? Ooh, you shouldn't say that! No matter how minor your injury, you mustn't ignore it.
Media:vo barbara saferoom rest 03.ogg Barbara: I won't take up too much of your time, I promise!



Media:vo beidou saferoom challenge 01.ogg Beidou: There's some pretty tough cookies lurking around in here, huh? Still, nothing to be scared of.
Media:vo beidou saferoom challenge 02.ogg Beidou: If you're out on stormy seas and a giant wave is coming towards you, you only put yourself at risk of capsizing if you try to steer around it. But if you face it head on and take it on the bow, you can split that wave down the middle.
Media:vo beidou saferoom challenge 03.ogg Beidou: I'm used to taking the helm when the storms come. So when we head into battle, feel free to put me up front!


Media:vo beidou saferoom others 01.ogg Beidou: There's a lot of stories about me floating around in Liyue, but I guess the most well-known is the one about me defeating Haishan.
Media:vo beidou saferoom others 02.ogg Beidou: I'm ashamed to admit it, but I went into that fight with a huge ego. I thought I'd seen it all and wanted to show people that I could take on the world... Little did I know it would very nearly cost me my life.
Media:vo beidou saferoom others 03.ogg Beidou: Ultimately, I still dealt the final blow. But in the end, what got me through it wasn't my arrogant desire to prove myself. It was the fact that I had a whole crew behind me that I cared about a lot.


Media:vo beidou saferoom rest 01.ogg Beidou: Since we've got some time on our hands, do you wanna take a seat and shoot the breeze for a bit? I brought some drinks if you're thirsty.
Media:vo beidou saferoom rest 02.ogg Beidou: With me here, we can take whatever this domain has to throw at us.
Media:vo beidou saferoom rest 03.ogg Beidou: There's no point spending all your time worrying about what lies beyond the horizon. If it's a sunny day, you can snooze away, and if there's dark clouds ahead, you just gotta roll up your sleeves and sail on through the storm! That there is the secret to living a happy life.



Media:vo bennett saferoom challenge 01.ogg Bennett: These monsters are stronger all the time... Probably 'cause I'm on the team, I bet.
Media:vo bennett saferoom challenge 02.ogg Bennett: But the good news is, as the leader of Benny's Adventure Team, I've learned a lot about how to draw monsters' attention!
Media:vo bennett saferoom challenge 03.ogg Bennett: I'll lure them out, and once they charge at me, you guys wait for the right moment to take 'em all down!


Media:vo bennett saferoom others 01.ogg Bennett: I've always wanted to go off on a big, long adventure, and grow old along the way, just like my dads.
Media:vo bennett saferoom others 02.ogg Bennett: I know there's a lot of bad luck waiting for me out there, and if I'm not careful, I might not have the chance to grow old at all...
Media:vo bennett saferoom others 03.ogg Bennett: But my mind's made up. I have to do it! Because... adventuring is my favorite thing!


Media:vo bennett saferoom rest 01.ogg Bennett: If it's okay with you, I think we should check all the pillars in this room, just to make sure they're sturdy.
Media:vo bennett saferoom rest 02.ogg Bennett: If I spend too long in one place, sooner or later... accidents happen.
Media:vo bennett saferoom rest 03.ogg Bennett: It's not me I'm worried about. But if I'm gonna keep on adventuring with you, we gotta make sure everybody else is safe.



Media:vo candace saferoom challenge 01.ogg Candace: I will show no mercy to any who threaten my companions.
Media:vo candace saferoom challenge 02.ogg Candace: So, whatever evils dwell within this domain, you need not fear. My spear and my shield are at your command.
Media:vo candace saferoom challenge 03.ogg Candace: That is my duty as guardian.


Media:vo candace saferoom others 01.ogg Candace: At the core of any myth is a true story, but once a story comes to bear the hopes and dreams of an entire people, fantastical fictions inevitably become mixed in with the truth.
Media:vo candace saferoom others 02.ogg Candace: But in my view, the truth of our myths is not important. Still I will stride the golden sands, my heart yearning for the light of dawn.
Media:vo candace saferoom others 03.ogg Candace: Whether with or without the blessing of the gods, I will always be the guardian who protects my people.


Media:vo candace saferoom rest 01.ogg Candace: I just had a brief look around. I quite like that hat on the coat rack... It's a nice color, and pretty stylish too.
Media:vo candace saferoom rest 02.ogg Candace: I would've quite liked to try it on if this was a marketplace...
Media:vo candace saferoom rest 03.ogg Candace: But since it probably counts as lost property, I'll have to be content to admire it from afar.



Media:vo charlotte saferoom challenge 01.ogg Charlotte: Ooh, are you going further in? Take me with you! Please?
Media:vo charlotte saferoom challenge 02.ogg Charlotte: I'm sure there'll be plenty of challenges for us to face...
Media:vo charlotte saferoom challenge 03.ogg Charlotte: But if there's a chance of discovering the truth behind this place, it'll definitely be worth the risk.


Media:vo charlotte saferoom others 01.ogg Charlotte: According to my interviews, this Domain might be related to a famous author of fairy tales.
Media:vo charlotte saferoom others 02.ogg Charlotte: Are the stories supposed to be an analogy for something? What clues could lay hidden in those pages?
Media:vo charlotte saferoom others 03.ogg Charlotte: Oh, I'd love to meet one of the writer's descendants — I have a looong list of questions for them here in my notebook!


Media:vo charlotte saferoom rest 01.ogg Charlotte: I wonder what secrets could be hidden within this Domain.
Media:vo charlotte saferoom rest 02.ogg Charlotte: I mean, I know we're supposed to be having a break, but I couldn't call myself a professional journalist if I let the mysteries here go unexplored!
Media:vo charlotte saferoom rest 03.ogg Charlotte: Good thing I've got my notebook with me. Hey, maybe I'll be able to land an interview with the person in charge!



Media:vo chasca saferoom challenge 01.ogg Chasca: There's no disputes to settle here — only enemies to defeat.
Media:vo chasca saferoom challenge 02.ogg Chasca: So I can go all in? No holds barred, huh?
Media:vo chasca saferoom challenge 03.ogg Chasca: Simple and straight to the point... Heh, suits me.


Media:vo chasca saferoom others 01.ogg Chasca: What are all these shiny things on the ground? Can we... take some with us?
Media:vo chasca saferoom others 02.ogg Chasca: They look like they'd make great bedside ornaments. I'm sure "Mom" would like 'em too.
Media:vo chasca saferoom others 03.ogg Chasca: ...Though with that many spikes, it might be better to leave them out of the lair. Sounds like a recipe for an awful night's sleep...


Media:vo chasca saferoom rest 01.ogg Chasca: We sure burned through a lot of ammo back there... Ha, my gun's still hot to the touch.
Media:vo chasca saferoom rest 02.ogg Chasca: I'll stay here to take care of my gun. Why don't you join me and rest up too?
Media:vo chasca saferoom rest 03.ogg Chasca: Guns need rest... Just like people, right?



Media:vo chevreuse saferoom challenge 01.ogg Chevreuse: Proceed with caution, assess the situation, fire on command, and shoot to kill. Clear rules and a battle plan are essential to any military operation.
Media:vo chevreuse saferoom challenge 02.ogg Chevreuse: Sticking to these rules while we're exploring this domain will guard us against a lot of preventable accidents.
Media:vo chevreuse saferoom challenge 03.ogg Chevreuse: ...But of course, if things escalate out of control, I will act as the last line of defense to secure you enough time to make a decision on how to proceed.


Media:vo chevreuse saferoom others 01.ogg Chevreuse: I know all these books are meant for children, but some of the stories are actually quite good.
Media:vo chevreuse saferoom others 02.ogg Chevreuse: Here, for example. This one's the story of two parrots that sue each other. Each accuses the other of stealing a poem that they both claim to have written that morning.
Media:vo chevreuse saferoom others 03.ogg Chevreuse: But since they only know how to imitate speech, the judge has no way of knowing who actually wrote the poem first... Such a fun story. Any chance I can borrow it?


Media:vo chevreuse saferoom rest 01.ogg Chevreuse: We're gonna rest and regroup? Good. A wise decision.
Media:vo chevreuse saferoom rest 02.ogg Chevreuse: There's no telling what awaits us next. It's crucial that we take every opportunity to recover our strength.
Media:vo chevreuse saferoom rest 03.ogg Chevreuse: You should go hydrate — I'll handle the weapon maintenance. Once I'm done, they'll be good as new.



Media:vo chiori saferoom challenge 01.ogg Chiori: I see a lot of people training in the art of the sword to pursue martial excellence. But that's not my goal.
Media:vo chiori saferoom challenge 02.ogg Chiori: I'm only interested in capturing the aesthetics of the sword, especially the interplay between light and shadow. Combat, for me, is a chance to get a wealth of inspiration in the bag.
Media:vo chiori saferoom challenge 03.ogg Chiori: But don't worry. Even if I lose focus mid-battle, Tamoto will help you out.


Media:vo chiori saferoom others 01.ogg Chiori: I like the decor here. Seems like working in a different environment once in a while can be a good mood-booster.
Media:vo chiori saferoom others 02.ogg Chiori: Only thing is, once I get into work mode, I'm so focused on what I'm doing that I don't pay much attention to what's going on in the outside world.
Media:vo chiori saferoom others 03.ogg Chiori: So if you need me for anything, you'll have get up close and personal to get my attention. Got it?


Media:vo chiori saferoom rest 01.ogg Chiori: Need a pillow? I can make one for you — I brought some cloth with me.
Media:vo chiori saferoom rest 02.ogg Chiori: I also have a nice soft blanket here if you need a comforter.
Media:vo chiori saferoom rest 03.ogg Chiori: Not interested? Well, I'm gonna take a nap anyway. Let me know when it's time to go.



Media:vo chongyun saferoom challenge 01.ogg Chongyun: The deeper we delve, the stronger the enemies we find. This domain is certainly a very dangerous place.
Media:vo chongyun saferoom challenge 02.ogg Chongyun: But in my view, if someone is called to exorcise the forces of evil and defend the good in the world, then settling for the low-hanging fruit falls far short of their mission. A serious exorcist must be willing to take the fight to the most powerful foes.
Media:vo chongyun saferoom challenge 03.ogg Chongyun: Today, I fight side-by-side with you. There is no evil we cannot overcome.


Media:vo chongyun saferoom others 01.ogg Chongyun: I heard that some of the stories in these books talk about completely made-up beings, but with incredibly life-like illustrations...
Media:vo chongyun saferoom others 02.ogg Chongyun: Do you think the author drew them purely from their imagination? I'd love the chance to learn from them if so.
Media:vo chongyun saferoom others 03.ogg Chongyun: If I had that kind of skill, the Field Guide to Demons and Beasts wouldn't be in the sorry state it is now...


Media:vo chongyun saferoom rest 01.ogg Chongyun: Whenever I get out of a fierce battle and I'm still fired up, I take a moment to sit quietly and perform some breathing exercises. It helps stabilize my qi.
Media:vo chongyun saferoom rest 02.ogg Chongyun: I do it because of my pure-yang spirit. But I believe the practice can offer similar benefits to other people.
Media:vo chongyun saferoom rest 03.ogg Chongyun: So do take a proper rest between battles. I'm sure it'll do you good.



Media:vo citlali saferoom challenge 01.ogg Citlali: Keep going. Whatever challenges lie ahead, you'll make mincemeat of them.
Media:vo citlali saferoom challenge 02.ogg Citlali: At least, that's the fate that your allies have foretold.
Media:vo citlali saferoom challenge 03.ogg Citlali: What about me? My role is to be your loyal and dedicated assistant, of course. Why else would I leave the comfort of my home?


Media:vo citlali saferoom others 01.ogg Citlali: Since the fate of the Tzitzimimeh has been obscured, they can't operate at their full strength here. But the good news is, our current proximity to the Ley Lines has enhanced my own abilities.
Media:vo citlali saferoom others 02.ogg Citlali: Just what is this place? It's truly full of mysteries...
Media:vo citlali saferoom others 03.ogg Citlali: Well, I have all the time in the world, so I might as well find a free corner and move all my stuff in. Then I can start trying to figure out what all of this really means...


Media:vo citlali saferoom rest 01.ogg Citlali: Hmm, this world seems to operate on different rules. My Tzitzimimeh are unable to unleash their full power.
Media:vo citlali saferoom rest 02.ogg Citlali: So, even if I want to help you, there are some limits on my ability to fight indefinitely.
Media:vo citlali saferoom rest 03.ogg Citlali: You should take a break. Do you need a drink? A pillow, maybe a light novel...? Don't be shy... Really, you're sure you don't want anything? Heh, you're so low-maintenance...



Media:vo clorinde saferoom challenge 01.ogg Clorinde: People often believe me to be highly focused on securing victories — I am a Champion Duelist, after all.
Media:vo clorinde saferoom challenge 02.ogg Clorinde: The truth, however, is just the opposite. It is the spirit of the challenger that I value above all else. If someone is willing to face me head-on, they have my respect, no matter who secures the title of victor in the end.
Media:vo clorinde saferoom challenge 03.ogg Clorinde: Strength is something that can be gained through experience. Courage, however, comes from within.


Media:vo clorinde saferoom others 01.ogg Clorinde: I think I'll read a little before the next battle begins.
Media:vo clorinde saferoom others 02.ogg Clorinde: Please refrain from recommending something like a newspaper. I recognize that short-form articles may be a fitting choice considering the limited amount of time at our disposal...
Media:vo clorinde saferoom others 03.ogg Clorinde: But they're simply not to my taste.


Media:vo clorinde saferoom rest 01.ogg Clorinde: I rarely encounter opportunities to rest mid-journey. During battle, slowing down is even more out of the question.
Media:vo clorinde saferoom rest 02.ogg Clorinde: However, given that this is not a solo operation, I will go along with what you think is best.
Media:vo clorinde saferoom rest 03.ogg Clorinde: In any case, this is an acceptable place for a brief period of respite.



Media:vo collei saferoom challenge 01.ogg Collei: I'm pretty nervous, to be honest. The battles here are tough, and I don't wanna let the team down...
Media:vo collei saferoom challenge 02.ogg Collei: Still... I can't just mope around, wishing I was as brave as everyone else. That helps no one.
Media:vo collei saferoom challenge 03.ogg Collei: No, I won't run away. Not me. That's right, Trainee Forest Ranger Collei is ready for battle!


Media:vo collei saferoom others 01.ogg Collei: The books here aren't too complicated. Even I'm having an easy time reading them...!
Media:vo collei saferoom others 02.ogg Collei: When I get back, I need to thank Master Tighnari for his literacy classes.
Media:vo collei saferoom others 03.ogg Collei: I'm more determined than ever now to stick with it, so that one day, I'll be able to read even more complicated books.


Media:vo collei saferoom rest 01.ogg Collei: Did you bring enough supplies? Don't forget to re-hydrate and replenish your energy while we have some down time!
Media:vo collei saferoom rest 02.ogg Collei: We're lucky to have this place — it's much safer and better equipped than a makeshift camp in the wild. But still, you shouldn't get complacent and forget to take care of yourself. You'll only end up regretting it later...
Media:vo collei saferoom rest 03.ogg Collei: ...Hmm? How would I know? Uh, I mean, because... well... *sigh* Do I really have to answer that?



Media:vo cyno saferoom challenge 01.ogg Cyno: As the General Mahamatra, I have to display the might of the Akademiya. Whatever enemy we face, I will give it my all.
Media:vo cyno saferoom challenge 02.ogg Cyno: In battle, as with delivering judgement, the righteous must prevail. And so we must approach every battle with great caution.
Media:vo cyno saferoom challenge 03.ogg Cyno: I am armed with the determination to uphold the rules. There is no battle I cannot win.


Media:vo cyno saferoom others 01.ogg Cyno: I've always thought of books as one of the great inventions.
Media:vo cyno saferoom others 02.ogg Cyno: Once a law is written down and compiled into a legal codex, it no longer exists only in the words spoken by the lawmaker. It has its own independent existence. Only then does the ability to exercise true judgement arise.
Media:vo cyno saferoom others 03.ogg Cyno: Because all people must be judged equally. Even the lawmakers themselves.


Media:vo cyno saferoom rest 01.ogg Cyno: There are a lot of story books here. But make sure to return them to the shelves after you've finished reading them. And whatever you do, never leave a book on top of a dinner plate.
Media:vo cyno saferoom rest 02.ogg Cyno: Hmm? Why, you ask?
Media:vo cyno saferoom rest 03.ogg Cyno: Well, for the simple reason that... it just won't go down well.



Media:vo dehya saferoom challenge 01.ogg Dehya: That rabble we fought sure picked the wrong crew to mess with. I'd say they won't make that mistake again... but we already made sure of that.
Media:vo dehya saferoom challenge 02.ogg Dehya: With my skills and experience on your team, they don't stand a chance, no matter what they throw at us.
Media:vo dehya saferoom challenge 03.ogg Dehya: I don't have eyes on the back of my head, though, so just make sure you've got my back.


Media:vo dehya saferoom others 01.ogg Dehya: So many books... Let's see here... Hah! Get a load of this one!
Media:vo dehya saferoom others 02.ogg Dehya: This story's about a mercenary whose only skill is that he's an exceptional liar. He goes and gets himself hired by three different employers, all of which are mutual enemies...
Media:vo dehya saferoom others 03.ogg Dehya: And so, he's forced to spin ever more ludicrous lies to keep himself alive and keep the Mora rolling in... Hahaha, you know what? I'll read on — this looks pretty fun.


Media:vo dehya saferoom rest 01.ogg Dehya: You go ahead and get some rest — I wanna survey this area first. We need to get some sort of security system in place, just in case of a surprise attack...
Media:vo dehya saferoom rest 02.ogg Dehya: Oh yeah — I'm guessing you've got all your essential supplies on you? If you're going to put them down, make sure it's somewhere everyone can see them.
Media:vo dehya saferoom rest 03.ogg Dehya: Oh, you want to come with me? Sure, that'll save us some time. Alright, come with me, and stick close.



Media:vo diluc saferoom challenge 01.ogg Diluc: How are you coping with the battles so far?
Media:vo diluc saferoom challenge 02.ogg Diluc: I can't always check how you're faring in the middle of a fight. Hopefully you're not pushing yourself too hard.
Media:vo diluc saferoom challenge 03.ogg Diluc: If any of our foes give you a hard time, send them my way.


Media:vo diluc saferoom others 01.ogg Diluc: I had a phase once where I did exactly what you're doing now. Constantly exploring dangerous domains and confronting powerful enemies.
Media:vo diluc saferoom others 02.ogg Diluc: But what drove me to do it wasn't any of the rules from the Knights of Favonius Handbook. It was my personal convictions.
Media:vo diluc saferoom others 03.ogg Diluc: Conviction helps you rise above your wounds and fatigue, and guides you forward into the light of dawn.


Media:vo diluc saferoom rest 01.ogg Diluc: Sometimes, a throwaway comment in a conversation outside of the battle can be the decisive factor in who wins and who loses.
Media:vo diluc saferoom rest 02.ogg Diluc: So even in the downtime between battles, I intend to stay alert and ready.
Media:vo diluc saferoom rest 03.ogg Diluc: Leave the intelligence gathering to me. You should rest.



Media:vo diona saferoom challenge 01.ogg Diona: I was expecting to see weird and wonderful things in this place. But so far, zilch...
Media:vo diona saferoom challenge 02.ogg Diona: No funny-looking critters with antennae on their heads, no plants full of funky-smelling juice... Even the monsters here are all ones I've seen before.
Media:vo diona saferoom challenge 03.ogg Diona: If this carries on... I guess I can forget about trying to find any new cocktail ingredients here.


Media:vo diona saferoom others 01.ogg Diona: Hero defeats dragon... Princess defeats dragon... Prince gets defeated by princess...
Media:vo diona saferoom others 02.ogg Diona: Ugh. I thought I'd be able to find at least one story about mixology here, but nope! Just a bunch of fairytales.
Media:vo diona saferoom others 03.ogg Diona: Huh? Wait, here's one! Hmm, hero convinces dragon to defend kingdom by plying dragon with alcohol... Hah! What a load of baloney!


Media:vo diona saferoom rest 01.ogg Diona: Whew... Finally, a chance to put our feet up. Meow!
Media:vo diona saferoom rest 02.ogg Diona: Here, drink this. It's water with some salt and nectar in it. It makes a great recovery drink after intense exercise.
Media:vo diona saferoom rest 03.ogg Diona: The flavor is nicely balanced, with a touch of salt to offset the sweetness. Take a sip, and you'll feel a burst of energy, plus a boost to your mental clarity... Actually, you know what — forget all that. Just try it for yourself!



Media:vo dori saferoom challenge 01.ogg Dori: What's that, you say? I could have sworn I just heard you invite me to go monster-fighting in this domain with you... Strange, I slept perfectly well last night. Why am I having auditory hallucinations?
Media:vo dori saferoom challenge 02.ogg Dori: Dori Sangemah Bay is just a straightforward businesswoman. So let me put it to you this way: Why would any businessperson take such a huge gamble on their own life unless there was, oh I dunno... a few dozen million Mora to be made?
Media:vo dori saferoom challenge 03.ogg Dori: Here's my counter-offer: A custom-made Domain-Delver's Survival Kit, just for you! Great value for your Mora, and available at a discounted price for a limited time only!


Media:vo dori saferoom others 01.ogg Dori: If there really was such a thing as a miracle potion that could cure all disease, I'm sure it would be auctioned off and sold for an astronomical price.
Media:vo dori saferoom others 02.ogg Dori: But in this fairytale, the fairy gives her magic potion to the prince for free. She has no business sense at all.
Media:vo dori saferoom others 03.ogg Dori: *sigh* If you want my opinion... Praying to a fairy isn't the answer. Better to go out and make some Mora.


Media:vo dori saferoom rest 01.ogg Dori: Let me guess what you need most right now... A medicinal drink that can restore your full strength in one sip? Or maybe a cream that can instantly heal your wounds?
Media:vo dori saferoom rest 02.ogg Dori: How'd I do? All this and more available right here, right now. Buy in bulk for big discounts.
Media:vo dori saferoom rest 03.ogg Dori: Don't let the price put you off. You're paying for all the hard work I and my private associates put in to bring these goods all the way from Sumeru.



Media:vo emilie saferoom challenge 01.ogg Emilie: I didn't realize quite how strong the enemies that you have to fight are...
Media:vo emilie saferoom challenge 02.ogg Emilie: If you've invited me here, it must be because you're confident that my skills will come in handy.
Media:vo emilie saferoom challenge 03.ogg Emilie: So, no need to be coy, alright? I'm here to help however you need.


Media:vo emilie saferoom others 01.ogg Emilie: I've always felt that a library full of books is just like a shelf full of perfumes.
Media:vo emilie saferoom others 02.ogg Emilie: It's worth taking the time to study and appreciate each one, until you find the one that's perfect for you.
Media:vo emilie saferoom others 03.ogg Emilie: That experience, of holding onto hope as you search for the one... It's a beautiful thing, worth treasuring.


Media:vo emilie saferoom rest 01.ogg Emilie: You look tired. Need a break?
Media:vo emilie saferoom rest 02.ogg Emilie: I tend to find that distracting the mind by focusing on something else is an excellent way to relax. We could chat about today's news stories, for instance.
Media:vo emilie saferoom rest 03.ogg Emilie: Or anything else you'd like to talk about, of course.



Media:vo eula saferoom challenge 01.ogg Eula: Even if an enemy is strong enough to fend me off for today, that doesn't faze me. Sooner or later, they will get their comeuppance.
Media:vo eula saferoom challenge 02.ogg Eula: My vengeance may not always be swift... But it is always final.
Media:vo eula saferoom challenge 03.ogg Eula: In your case, though... I seriously doubt there are many enemies out there who have what it takes to send you away bearing a grudge.


Media:vo eula saferoom others 01.ogg Eula: What will become of the wicked aristocracy after being ousted by the valiant knights?
Media:vo eula saferoom others 02.ogg Eula: Will they flee into the dark woods while the nation rejoices, wallowing in self-pity? Or will they beg for mercy, only to skulk in some corner of the city, sharpening their knives?
Media:vo eula saferoom others 03.ogg Eula: Fairytales never answer these questions. They just assume that eternal peace is a given once the villains have been defeated.


Media:vo eula saferoom rest 01.ogg Eula: There's no rush to get to the next battle. It's critical to fully recover your strength if you want to stand the best chance of securing victory.
Media:vo eula saferoom rest 02.ogg Eula: Why don't we take some time to review the enemy threat and fine-tune our plan of attack?
Media:vo eula saferoom rest 03.ogg Eula: In my experience, the more thorough the plan, the sweeter the satisfaction when it all finally comes together.



Media:vo faruzan saferoom challenge 01.ogg Faruzan: This is a nice little challenge, isn't it? Getting out into the world with your friends, exploring all its nooks and crannies... It's exactly the sort of thing you should be doing when you're young.
Media:vo faruzan saferoom challenge 02.ogg Faruzan: Back when I fell into those strange ruins, I didn't have a single other person to talk to. I had only myself to rely on... Now that was a true challenge, let me tell you.
Media:vo faruzan saferoom challenge 03.ogg Faruzan: *sigh* That said, I wouldn't recommend that experience to anyone...


Media:vo faruzan saferoom others 01.ogg Faruzan: I know that many of the younger generation see me as a sort of legendary figure. Why, my stories and my accomplishments can even be found in Kshahrewar textbooks.
Media:vo faruzan saferoom others 02.ogg Faruzan: But it does seem that people aren't quite used to having a legend living among them. No one takes my courses, or pays attention to my research... Even securing research funding can be a struggle...
Media:vo faruzan saferoom others 03.ogg Faruzan: If I was lucky enough to have one of my predecessors here in the flesh, I'd be waiting on her hand and foot! Serving her tea, massaging her shoulders, asking her all sorts of questions... *sigh* What happened to this generation? Where is their inquisitiveness, where is their respect?


Media:vo faruzan saferoom rest 01.ogg Faruzan: You youngsters need to make sure you're getting enough exercise. You don't want to be huffing and puffing while your elders are still going strong! Why, this is a walk in the park compared to the field studies that Haravatat used to send us out on...
Media:vo faruzan saferoom rest 02.ogg Faruzan: *sigh* Never mind. No point in dredging up the past... Go on then, I suppose you ought to rest if you really are tired.
Media:vo faruzan saferoom rest 03.ogg Faruzan: I've seen too many junior scholars ruin their health for the sake of their academic pursuits. Tsk tsk... Let that be a cautionary tale. Those who fail to heed the advice of their elders do so at their own peril!



Media:vo fischl saferoom challenge 01.ogg Fischl: Hm, those who lurk within this place are but lowly pawns, the last remnants of the usurper's army.
Media:vo fischl saferoom challenge 02.ogg Fischl: By the time the Prinzessin der Verurteilung stands before them, my Bolts of Downfall will have long since severed their ties with the forces of fate.
Media:vo fischl saferoom challenge 03.ogg Fischl: My subjects will surely sing their songs of praise. But to the Prinzessin, this is but one more triumph to add to the annals.


Media:vo fischl saferoom others 01.ogg Fischl: Huh!? This is supposed to be out of print! I've been looking for this for aaages... I can't believe it! I wonder what else there is around here that I've been missing...
Media:vo fischl saferoom others 02.ogg Fischl: Ahem! I—I mean... The scrolls of destiny that anchor this realm in time and space make for a rather interesting read.
Media:vo fischl saferoom others 03.ogg Fischl: Oz, lend me thy beak and lift the veil of darkness. By the power of my Auge der Verurteilung, the tears and suffering described herein shall be etched in my memory. And so shall I bestow upon them my blessing!


Media:vo fischl saferoom rest 01.ogg Fischl: Traveler from another world, you have the Prinzessin's permission to enjoy a brief moment of peace.
Media:vo fischl saferoom rest 02.ogg Fischl: But be ready, for once I have peered into this dark dominion and beheld the treachery within, I shall rain down Thundering Retribution upon this place...
Media:vo fischl saferoom rest 03.ogg Fischl: And when the curtain of doom falls, thou shalt give it thy full, undivided attention!



Media:vo freminet saferoom challenge 01.ogg Freminet: The upcoming mission looks tough, but I will carry out your orders.
Media:vo freminet saferoom challenge 02.ogg Freminet: I just finished some checks on Pers. He seems in good condition. I think he'll function a bit better in battle now.
Media:vo freminet saferoom challenge 03.ogg Freminet: Do you have other devices in need of repair? I should be able to help.


Media:vo freminet saferoom others 01.ogg Freminet: These fairytale books are fascinating! They're pretty different from the ones I usually read.
Media:vo freminet saferoom others 02.ogg Freminet: This is a rare opportunity. Should I try to memorize them? Or should I grab some pen and paper, and copy them down?
Media:vo freminet saferoom others 03.ogg Freminet: Hmm... A new mission could crop up at any time... I'd better hurry.


Media:vo freminet saferoom rest 01.ogg Freminet: Um, if you don't mind me asking... When's the next mission starting?
Media:vo freminet saferoom rest 02.ogg Freminet: I know we're resting, but... I feel a little anxious when there's nothing to do.
Media:vo freminet saferoom rest 03.ogg Freminet: I kinda wanna put my helmet on, or maybe go sit in a quiet corner... Is that okay?



Media:vo furina saferoom challenge 01.ogg Furina: There's only a handful of monsters blocking the way ahead — surely I won't need to personally make an appearance...?
Media:vo furina saferoom challenge 02.ogg Furina: Um... Heh, I mean, I did read your report, it's just... Okay, perhaps they do a little tough, yes, but mostly... I'm just not feeling up to fighting today...
Media:vo furina saferoom challenge 03.ogg Furina: ...No, of course I'm not afraid of them! ...Fine, fine! If you insist on performing as a duo, then I shall indulge you.


Media:vo furina saferoom others 01.ogg Furina: Whenever I'm reading a story, I like to picture it vividly in my mind.
Media:vo furina saferoom others 02.ogg Furina: In the theater of my imagination, the scene plays out in full color. I can see the expressions on the characters' faces, hear their words, feel the cadence of their speech... Text on the page is transformed into a spellbinding show, and I watch with bated breath to see where each person's story will take them.
Media:vo furina saferoom others 03.ogg Furina: So, you see? I'm not just another celebrity. I've got solid directing chops, too!


Media:vo furina saferoom rest 01.ogg Furina: Oh, this is woeful. I am Fontaine's biggest star! Where is the pomp and circumstance?
Media:vo furina saferoom rest 02.ogg Furina: Well, never mind. I suppose I could do with a short break.
Media:vo furina saferoom rest 03.ogg Furina: One has to replenish one's blood sugar to deliver an ideal performance, after all.



Media:vo gaming saferoom challenge 01.ogg Gaming: This place is no joke, man! Those are some hardcore fighters out there!
Media:vo gaming saferoom challenge 02.ogg Gaming: But I know you got this. Sure, they might get a lucky shot in here or there, but it's only ever a matter of time before you're wiping the floor with 'em.
Media:vo gaming saferoom challenge 03.ogg Gaming: Hey, how 'bout you go easy on them next round? It'll gimme a chance to use my kung fu on them.


Media:vo gaming saferoom others 01.ogg Gaming: Okay, you're gonna laugh at me for this, but whatever. Every time I open a book, I doze off in under ten minutes, without fail...
Media:vo gaming saferoom others 02.ogg Gaming: But Wushou dancing, on the other hand... I can happily practice away all night long, and still be bouncing off the walls in the morning as I get ready to head out for dim sum...
Media:vo gaming saferoom others 03.ogg Gaming: Wait... what if... I were to read a book while performing a Wushou dance? Hohoho, sounds like a plan, right?


Media:vo gaming saferoom rest 01.ogg Gaming: I always make sure to eat a proper meal and get a good night's sleep before an escort job. You gotta make sure you're in top condition for when you hit the road.
Media:vo gaming saferoom rest 02.ogg Gaming: Even Man Chai knows that! He always eats a little extra before we set off.
Media:vo gaming saferoom rest 03.ogg Gaming: So, y'know, there's no rush. Let's slow down, drink some tea, then take it from there.



Media:vo ganyu saferoom challenge 01.ogg Ganyu: I wonder how tough things will get as we keep going? Hmm. Funnily enough, that's a question I rarely ask myself.
Media:vo ganyu saferoom challenge 02.ogg Ganyu: I've always felt that so long as I focus on doing everything within my power to complete all of my duties, I'll take whatever troubles lie ahead in my stride.
Media:vo ganyu saferoom challenge 03.ogg Ganyu: And if that still doesn't solve the problem... Well, that just means I didn't work as hard as I should've, right?


Media:vo ganyu saferoom others 01.ogg Ganyu: Over the centuries, many people and things I was once so close to have slowly faded away. Human lives are short, and sometimes it can feel like nothing of a person's legacy survives.
Media:vo ganyu saferoom others 02.ogg Ganyu: But there was one time I was listening to a storyteller. To my surprise, their new tale was all about the life of one of my old friends...
Media:vo ganyu saferoom others 03.ogg Ganyu: As the storyteller spoke, I could almost hear my dear friend's voice and laughter again, and scenes from the past seemed to flash before my eyes... I guess this is why humans like to write stories.


Media:vo ganyu saferoom rest 01.ogg Ganyu: I don't know if the thought of the battles ahead is troubling you, but... If so, I do have one suggestion to make.
Media:vo ganyu saferoom rest 02.ogg Ganyu: We should make sure we're well-rested before we proceed! We could find a safe spot to have an afternoon nap, for example.
Media:vo ganyu saferoom rest 03.ogg Ganyu: I, um... I always strive to do things perfectly, but so often I find that the harder I push myself, the more mistakes I end up making.



Media:vo gorou saferoom challenge 01.ogg Gorou: On the battlefield, even the strongest warriors can be captured if they get isolated, and even the weakest soldiers can conquer the enemy if they stay united.
Media:vo gorou saferoom challenge 02.ogg Gorou: There's only so much one person can accomplish on their own. So my view is that the strength of the whole group is what matters if you want to build an unstoppable army.
Media:vo gorou saferoom challenge 03.ogg Gorou: Likewise, even the fiercest enemy soldier is nothing to be feared. As long as we work together as a team and make effective use of our resources, victory will be ours!


Media:vo gorou saferoom others 01.ogg Gorou: Did I ever mention? I have a column in That's Life magazine, where I help readers with their problems.
Media:vo gorou saferoom others 02.ogg Gorou: I only get to communicate with them in writing. But even though I never meet them face-to-face, I know that the camaraderie between us is real.
Media:vo gorou saferoom others 03.ogg Gorou: Whatever I encounter in this domain, it's all valuable experience! I'm sure it'll come in handy one day and allow me to help more people.


Media:vo gorou saferoom rest 01.ogg Gorou: Her Excellency once cautioned me against getting lost in the heat of the battle. She said that while being fierce, courageous, and doggedly determined are good traits to have when you're leading an army, if you always throw yourself into the fray without keeping a level head, there will come a day when it backfires on you.
Media:vo gorou saferoom rest 02.ogg Gorou: So I think that whenever there's a break between battles, it's important to take a chance to calm down and collect your thoughts.
Media:vo gorou saferoom rest 03.ogg Gorou: You have to stand as firm as a mountain and burn as bright as a raging fire. That's the gold standard for any army, don't you think?

Hu Tao[]


Media:vo hutao saferoom challenge 01.ogg Hu Tao: The look on your face tells me you're ready to head deeper into the domain. Next stop, the belly of the beast, huh?
Media:vo hutao saferoom challenge 02.ogg Hu Tao: Never fear, for Director Hu Tao is here, ready to face whatever comes at us, from the ordinary, to the abnormal, to the paranormal!
Media:vo hutao saferoom challenge 03.ogg Hu Tao: So, without further ado — shall we? Let's not keep the monsters waiting.


Media:vo hutao saferoom others 01.ogg Hu Tao: Once I was old enough, I started reading popular novels. Some of them would end by having the dead come back to life and living happily ever after.
Media:vo hutao saferoom others 02.ogg Hu Tao: Tut-tut-tut... I know it's only make-believe, but still, it always ruined the story for me. If death isn't final, there are no stakes, so it kinda makes everything that happened up to that point meaningless.
Media:vo hutao saferoom others 03.ogg Hu Tao: "To everything there is a season: A time to be born, a time to die." That is the truth. You can't have a satisfactory ending if death isn't final.


Media:vo hutao saferoom rest 01.ogg Hu Tao: We're not in any hurry to get going, are we? Let's chill here for a bit.
Media:vo hutao saferoom rest 02.ogg Hu Tao: "When the cat's away, the mice will play." And so they should — 'cause it's only a matter of time before the cat gets back and gobbles all the mice up.
Media:vo hutao saferoom rest 03.ogg Hu Tao: So like I said — no need to hurry. The mice will be there for us when we're ready.



Media:vo qin saferoom challenge 01.ogg Jean: Hm. You look troubled, (TravelerTraveler). Are you worried about the enemies we will soon face?
Media:vo qin saferoom challenge 02.ogg Jean: I see... Sorry, I should have noticed sooner. You asked me to join your team — it is only right that I share this burden with you.
Media:vo qin saferoom challenge 03.ogg Jean: The Dandelion Knight's sword is at your command. Let us proceed.


Media:vo qin saferoom others 01.ogg Jean: I wonder if that novel I read once is available to borrow here...
Media:vo qin saferoom others 02.ogg Jean: Not that I was especially fond of it. I just didn't finish reading it, so I've always wondered what happens after where I left off...
Media:vo qin saferoom others 03.ogg Jean: I really hope it has a happy ending.


Media:vo qin saferoom rest 01.ogg Jean: I am considering whether to fetch my outstanding paperwork, so that I can look through it during our downtime...
Media:vo qin saferoom rest 02.ogg Jean: Overkill? Hmm... Maybe you're right.
Media:vo qin saferoom rest 03.ogg Jean: In that case, I'll brew some coffee. I'll make one for you, too.



Media:vo kachina saferoom challenge 01.ogg Kachina: I wonder what'll happen if we keep going further in...
Media:vo kachina saferoom challenge 02.ogg Kachina: ... I—I can do it! I've begun this journey, so I'll see it through!
Media:vo kachina saferoom challenge 03.ogg Kachina: And my ancient name is "Uthabiti," after all. I can't be slowing you down! Let's go!


Media:vo kachina saferoom others 01.ogg Kachina: These books are all out of order... but I can't just go re-organizing other people's things...
Media:vo kachina saferoom others 02.ogg Kachina: Still, I just found one I really like! It's all about brave dragon-riding knights defeating a dark lord! There's nothing the hero and his dragon buddy can't do — they're amazing!
Media:vo kachina saferoom others 03.ogg Kachina: I'm going to tell Ayo this story when I get back! I bet he'll love it so much, he'll do a little dance!


Media:vo kachina saferoom rest 01.ogg Kachina: I've read that the heroes of legend would also put their feet up around bonfires!
Media:vo kachina saferoom rest 02.ogg Kachina: In some ways, that makes a little R-and-R part of the hero's journey too, doesn't it?
Media:vo kachina saferoom rest 03.ogg Kachina: Hmm... and I don't hear anything dangerous nearby, so we can rest easy!

Kaedehara Kazuha[]


Media:vo kazuha saferoom challenge 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: There are many reasons why a samurai might draw their blade, but the principle is always the same: To do what they know in their heart is right.
Media:vo kazuha saferoom challenge 02.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Though we walk a perilous path, where powerful foes face us at every turn, and though I cannot sense what lies at its end, I tread onwards with no fear in my heart.
Media:vo kazuha saferoom challenge 03.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: My mind is at ease, for I tread this path in your company.


Media:vo kazuha saferoom others 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: During my days as a wanderer, if I came upon a beautiful view and was feeling in a poetic mood, I'd stop to compose a few lines.
Media:vo kazuha saferoom others 02.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: I once thought about writing an anthology of my poems and leaving it on a shelf, so I could share with others the way I felt when my eyes first met those wonderful sights.
Media:vo kazuha saferoom others 03.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: But when I looked back at the drivel I'd written, I gave up on the idea. I'm sure other travelers will get that same sense of peace from the natural world as I did, if it's meant to be.


Media:vo kazuha saferoom rest 01.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: I don't believe anyone enjoys taking up arms and going to war unless they're seeking to fulfil some other desire.
Media:vo kazuha saferoom rest 02.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Whenever the sound of clashing blades fades into the distance, I appreciate the silence that follows all the more.
Media:vo kazuha saferoom rest 03.ogg Kaedehara Kazuha: Too quiet for you? Then I'll play a tune on the leaf, so you can be surrounded with the sound of nature.



Media:vo kaeya saferoom challenge 01.ogg Kaeya: Launching a direct offensive doesn't sound like the wisest strategy when we're up against powerful beings.
Media:vo kaeya saferoom challenge 02.ogg Kaeya: That said, I'd sure like to spectate and see how things play out... Oh wait, I almost forgot — I'm supposed to be one of the ones doing the fighting.
Media:vo kaeya saferoom challenge 03.ogg Kaeya: Heh. Alright, don't worry, (TravelerTraveler). I'll start taking this seriously.


Media:vo kaeya saferoom others 01.ogg Kaeya: If I know you, you won't stop until you've plumbed the depths of this domain and uncovered every secret it hides.
Media:vo kaeya saferoom others 02.ogg Kaeya: Don't get me wrong, I have nothing but admiration for the people who see things through to the end, whatever path they're on.
Media:vo kaeya saferoom others 03.ogg Kaeya: But you never know what price you'll have to pay to reach your destination. The unfortunate reality is, it's up to the whims of fate.


Media:vo kaeya saferoom rest 01.ogg Kaeya: Do you wanna know the trick to drinking hard liquor, (TravelerTraveler)? It's all about pacing yourself.
Media:vo kaeya saferoom rest 02.ogg Kaeya: Take a small sip, then give your tastebuds some time to rest. The burning sensation spreads to your lips, then the aftertaste kicks in. Once you can take a breath in without tasting anything, then you can take your next sip.
Media:vo kaeya saferoom rest 03.ogg Kaeya: Stick to that pace, and even Death After Noon loses its power over you. I like to think that the same principle applies in combat.

Kamisato Ayaka[]


Media:vo ayaka saferoom challenge 01.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Sometimes I worry that if I'm not careful, I might make a mistake that ends up putting you in even more danger.
Media:vo ayaka saferoom challenge 02.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Once that thought enters my head, I start losing confidence in myself about the battles ahead...
Media:vo ayaka saferoom challenge 03.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: But I am determined to overcome my fears and focus on doing all I can when I'm fighting by your side, (TravelerTraveler).


Media:vo ayaka saferoom others 01.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Stories from other lands are something new and precious to me. I cherish the opportunity to read them during our rest time. I hope I can finish them.
Media:vo ayaka saferoom others 02.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Look at the wonderful printing, and the beautiful illustrations...
Media:vo ayaka saferoom others 03.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Oh! Could we read some stories together? Only if you want, of course. There's a lot of interesting details I want to share with you.


Media:vo ayaka saferoom rest 01.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Whoever owns this place is very thoughtful. It was kind of them to create such a perfect resting spot for us to unwind after a long battle.
Media:vo ayaka saferoom rest 02.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: Me? To be honest... My daily sword training is often tougher than this. I haven't reached my limit so far.
Media:vo ayaka saferoom rest 03.ogg Kamisato Ayaka: But thank you for asking. It's nice that you care so much.

Kamisato Ayato[]


Media:vo ayato saferoom challenge 01.ogg Kamisato Ayato: It is often unwise to engage fearsome foes with brute force alone.
Media:vo ayato saferoom challenge 02.ogg Kamisato Ayato: The first step should always be to analyze your enemy. Identify the source of his strength — this will point you towards his weakness, then you can direct your energies more efficiently in combat.
Media:vo ayato saferoom challenge 03.ogg Kamisato Ayato: Call it cunning, if you will, but there is no shame in this. Extraordinary feats are accomplished through extraordinary measures.


Media:vo ayato saferoom others 01.ogg Kamisato Ayato: I have heard that Mondstadt's deity makes few demands of his people. Whether they prosper or not, their fortunes are of their own making.
Media:vo ayato saferoom others 02.ogg Kamisato Ayato: But is this a blessing or a poisoned chalice? In the quieter moments, I often find myself wondering what the merits of this approach to guardianship are...
Media:vo ayato saferoom others 03.ogg Kamisato Ayato: Ah, sorry, it is hardly my place to criticize. I simply desire to protect everyone I can.


Media:vo ayato saferoom rest 01.ogg Kamisato Ayato: If ever you wish to rest without being interrupted by other people, there's a method I use occasionally that I can highly recommend.
Media:vo ayato saferoom rest 02.ogg Kamisato Ayato: Quite simply, fetch a brush and paper and start copying some poems. To the eye of the average observer, you will appear engrossed in official duties, and people will avoid disturbing you unless it's something particularly urgent.
Media:vo ayato saferoom rest 03.ogg Kamisato Ayato: Plus, the very practice of calligraphy induces a state of inner calm. Which is, of course, the main reason I recommend this technique.



Media:vo kaveh saferoom challenge 01.ogg Kaveh: Are you doing alright? Take it from me, if you're getting fatigued, do something else for a while, take your mind off things. You definitely wanna avoid making any major decisions while you're not in the right mental state.
Media:vo kaveh saferoom challenge 02.ogg Kaveh: Oh, don't get me wrong — I'm not suggesting you should give up. It was your choice to venture inside, so I'm sure you must want to fully explore it.
Media:vo kaveh saferoom challenge 03.ogg Kaveh: A project of this scale is a real test of endurance. Gotta keep your head in the game. So do I.


Media:vo kaveh saferoom others 01.ogg Kaveh: They say that every story reflects something about the writer's hopes and dreams. So reading the story gives you a window into the author's mind.
Media:vo kaveh saferoom others 02.ogg Kaveh: Hmm? ...An autobiography? Me!? Uargh!
Media:vo kaveh saferoom others 03.ogg Kaveh: The idea of my life story as a book... Yeah, not a fun read. No way...


Media:vo kaveh saferoom rest 01.ogg Kaveh: I can see that a great deal of thought was put in to the interior design of this space. They knew it'd be used as a temporary rest point, and made sure it was suited for that purpose.
Media:vo kaveh saferoom rest 02.ogg Kaveh: Different areas with different functions to accommodate a range of visitors and interests... but a consistent theme with the choice of colors and furnishings — cozy and comfortable.
Media:vo kaveh saferoom rest 03.ogg Kaveh: I could really go for a cup of coffee right now.



Media:vo keqing saferoom challenge 01.ogg Keqing: Our foes grow in strength, but that isn't entirely a bad thing.
Media:vo keqing saferoom challenge 02.ogg Keqing: You need constant challenges to keep your skills strong and your judgment sharp — otherwise, you lose your edge. There's no useful experienced to be gleaned from plateauing.
Media:vo keqing saferoom challenge 03.ogg Keqing: We've got each other's backs. So let's push ourselves today.


Media:vo keqing saferoom others 01.ogg Keqing: If we wish to forge a new future, we cannot expect to stick to the same path trod by our forebears.
Media:vo keqing saferoom others 02.ogg Keqing: And yet, many of the principles put forth in ancient writings are versatile in their application. So it is wise to be versed in the past as we consider the future.
Media:vo keqing saferoom others 03.ogg Keqing: These days, I tend to take a look at any relevant historical records whenever I have an important decision to make. I always find it helps me come up with some good ideas.


Media:vo keqing saferoom rest 01.ogg Keqing: I used to believe that once I'd made up my mind to do something, I should act immediately and complete the work in the shortest timeframe possible.
Media:vo keqing saferoom rest 02.ogg Keqing: But I found that my assistants rarely lasted more than 3 months on the job, and the constant turnover took a toll on our operational efficiency.
Media:vo keqing saferoom rest 03.ogg Keqing: Eventually, of course, I came to realize that getting adequate rest actually improves productivity in the long term.



Media:vo kinich saferoom challenge 01.ogg Kinich: I gather information first by force of habit. But this Domain is constantly shifting, making it difficult to get a holistic view. We should be careful as we progress.
Media:vo ajaw saferoom challenge 01.ogg Ajaw: Ohohoho, lost your nerve, have you, Kinich? And here I thought you were an adrenaline junkie!
Media:vo ajaw saferoom challenge 02.ogg Ajaw: The Almighty Dragonlord, K'uhul Ajaw perceives that ahead lies an extremely extreme "challenge" with your name on it! Surely you wouldn't want such a fantastic opportunity to slip through your fingers and into the grasp of another? Hehehehe...


Media:vo ajaw saferoom others 01.ogg Ajaw: Oh for the love of— What kind of third-rate literary landfill is this? Not one single volume in the whole crummy place extols the illustrious, incomparable achievements of the Almighty Dragonlord, K'uhul Ajaw!
Media:vo kinich saferoom others 01.ogg Kinich: Save your strength. You know your station.
Media:vo kinich saferoom others 02.ogg Kinich: In the end, most of these are no more than the shallow opinions of others. I'd advise you not to halt your journey on their account. It's not worth it.


Media:vo ajaw saferoom rest 01.ogg Ajaw: Waiting for the monsters to die of old age, Kinich? Or did they pound that thick skull of yours into the ground enough that even you decided to just find a cozy little corner to play dead in?
Media:vo kinich saferoom rest 01.ogg Kinich: I seem to recall that your face was the one being used as a mop.
Media:vo ajaw saferoom rest 02.ogg Ajaw: Wha... M—Mere hallucinations, born of your exhaustion! Why, I remain full of spit and vinegar!



Media:vo kirara saferoom challenge 01.ogg Kirara: Are you thinking up ways to beat up those monsters? 'Cause I have a suggestion for you!
Media:vo kirara saferoom challenge 02.ogg Kirara: You just need to sneak up behind them, lay low, wait till they're not looking... and then POUNCE!
Media:vo kirara saferoom challenge 03.ogg Kirara: Huh? You don't like it? But it works on even the sneakiest squirrels, I swear...


Media:vo kirara saferoom others 01.ogg Kirara: Compared to turning the pages myself and hearing that rustling sound, I prefer it when someone reads the story to me.
Media:vo kirara saferoom others 02.ogg Kirara: I like to lie down on someone's warm, soft lap, close my eyes, curl up, and lose myself in the story...
Media:vo kirara saferoom others 03.ogg Kirara: ...Staring at you? N—No I wasn't...


Media:vo kirara saferoom rest 01.ogg Kirara: Is there a box around here I could borrow? You know, big square box, with that fresh cardboard smell...
Media:vo kirara saferoom rest 02.ogg Kirara: I just thought I might take a quick nap, since we're not busy right now... is that alright?
Media:vo kirara saferoom rest 03.ogg Kirara: I promise I'll take great care of it! Just like I take care of every parcel I ever deliver.



Media:vo klee saferoom challenge 01.ogg Klee: How big do the monsters here get? Maybe... even bigger than the highest tree in the Whispering Woods?
Media:vo klee saferoom challenge 02.ogg Klee: Anyway, there's no need to worry! I've made an even bigger bomb!
Media:vo klee saferoom challenge 03a.ogg Media:vo klee saferoom challenge 03b.ogg Klee: Da-da-da~ Klee to the rescue, clearing the way for (‍Mr. Honorary KnightMr. Honorary Knight/Miss Honorary KnightMiss Honorary Knight‍)!


Media:vo klee saferoom others 01a.ogg Media:vo klee saferoom others 01b.ogg Klee: (‍Mr. Honorary KnightMr. Honorary Knight/Miss Honorary KnightMiss Honorary Knight‍)! Guess what I found? Loads of stories that Mommy used to read to me!
Media:vo klee saferoom others 02.ogg Klee: Whenever I shouted out, "Nooo, we can't let that happen!" Mommy would give me a pen and paper and let me finish the rest of the story myself.
Media:vo klee saferoom others 03.ogg Klee: By climbing through the window, or popping out from a nearby bush, or coming down from a tree... I always found a way to bring Dodoco into the story!


Media:vo klee saferoom rest 01.ogg Klee: Kaeya once told me that if I spend too much time playing in one day without resting, I'll be too tired to play the next day, and I'll miss out on all the fun.
Media:vo klee saferoom rest 02.ogg Klee: So I decided: When the sun gets up, I'll get up, and when the sun goes to bed, I'll go to bed. That way, I'll always be full of energy!
Media:vo klee saferoom rest 03a.ogg Media:vo klee saferoom rest 03b.ogg Klee: You should do what Kaeya says too, (‍Mr. Honorary KnightMr. Honorary Knight/Miss Honorary KnightMiss Honorary Knight‍)!

Kujou Sara[]


Media:vo kujousara saferoom challenge 01.ogg Kujou Sara: As a general, I must never break under pressure. I must remain calm and composed at all times, and respond diligently to the changing situation on the battlefield, adjusting my strategy and cautiously redeploying my troops as necessary.
Media:vo kujousara saferoom challenge 02.ogg Kujou Sara: As long as everyone works together towards victory, victory is possible even in the most difficult of battles.
Media:vo kujousara saferoom challenge 03.ogg Kujou Sara: Today, the task of planning the operation falls to you. You may use my experience as a reference if you find it useful.


Media:vo kujousara saferoom others 01.ogg Kujou Sara: I wonder if the Almighty Shogun would enjoy the books here...
Media:vo kujousara saferoom others 02.ogg Kujou Sara: It's common courtesy to return from one's travels bearing gifts for one's acquaintances, so I'm sure the Almighty Shogun will not refuse my offering. In which case, perhaps I shall purchase five books in my own name to take back with me...
Media:vo kujousara saferoom others 03.ogg Kujou Sara: But of course, all this depends on whether the management of this place is amenable to my request to buy the books.


Media:vo kujousara saferoom rest 01.ogg Kujou Sara: To me, battle signifies a duty and responsibility that cannot be shirked.
Media:vo kujousara saferoom rest 02.ogg Kujou Sara: But I do cherish the times when there is a brief lull in the fighting. I use this time to hone my skills through training.
Media:vo kujousara saferoom rest 03.ogg Kujou Sara: Right now, I intend to engage in a kind of training known as "rest and recovery," which consists of five sets of deep breaths.

Kuki Shinobu[]


Media:vo shinobu saferoom challenge 01.ogg Kuki Shinobu: You can leave the trickier opponents to me.
Media:vo shinobu saferoom challenge 02.ogg Kuki Shinobu: You did invite me here, after all, so I'll do my part for the cause, no problem.
Media:vo shinobu saferoom challenge 03.ogg Kuki Shinobu: As for what part that'll be exactly, arrange that however you wish. I can handle it.


Media:vo shinobu saferoom others 01.ogg Kuki Shinobu: I do hope I'll get to read a story about a rebellious princess. You know, the type who sheds her long, cumbersome skirts, and learns equestrianism, swordplay... perhaps even medicine.
Media:vo shinobu saferoom others 02.ogg Kuki Shinobu: She'll live freely, take to the field to defeat evil personally, and defend the people and nation by her own hand...
Media:vo shinobu saferoom others 03.ogg Kuki Shinobu: ...Hmm. You know what? I might just write that story myself.


Media:vo shinobu saferoom rest 01.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Don't be too weirded out if you see me with my mask off while we rest. I'm just getting some fresh air.
Media:vo shinobu saferoom rest 02.ogg Kuki Shinobu: This place is way too idle, it gets to you after a while... Got to take some deep breaths.
Media:vo shinobu saferoom rest 03.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Not that I'm rushing you, of course. I'll wait until you've made your preparations in full.

Lan Yan[]


Media:vo lanyan saferoom challenge 01.ogg Lan Yan: The monsters here are a real tricky bunch... Why don't we switch up our strategy a little? That could catch them off guard.
Media:vo lanyan saferoom challenge 02.ogg Lan Yan: I'll leave the details up to you, though, since you're the one with the combat expertise.
Media:vo lanyan saferoom challenge 03.ogg Lan Yan: Whatever approach you decide, I'll follow it to the letter. I promise to be as nimble and agile as a swallow, so I'll never be a burden.


Media:vo lanyan saferoom others 01.ogg Lan Yan: I couldn't find any tales of the supernatural here. But I think I may have found something even more interesting...
Media:vo lanyan saferoom others 02.ogg Lan Yan: See these? Both the art style and the prose would make you think they're written for children, and yet...
Media:vo lanyan saferoom others 03.ogg Lan Yan: I just get this uncanny feeling after reading them, it's hard to describe, but... Ugh, I think I need to start by reading them a few more times.


Media:vo lanyan saferoom rest 01.ogg Lan Yan: Did you know? The eight-hour stretch just before sunrise is the second-best time in the day to sleep.
Media:vo lanyan saferoom rest 02.ogg Lan Yan: ...Now you're probably wondering when the best time of all is.
Media:vo lanyan saferoom rest 03.ogg Lan Yan: Whenever you feel tired, of course! No matter what time of day it is, if you're feeling tired you should give yourself a break and take a nap. That's what I do.



Media:vo layla saferoom challenge 01.ogg Layla: I gathered the available data, did some analysis, and came up with some more effective battle strategies... Oh, I should write them down for her...
Media:vo layla saferoom challenge 02.ogg Layla: I wonder if she'll be surprised when she wakes up?
Media:vo layla saferoom challenge 03.ogg Layla: Well, sleepwalking time's almost up. Keep an eye on her in battle, won't you?


Media:vo layla saferoom others 01.ogg Layla: Maybe it would be nice to read something a little lighter for once. It would be a nice break from the academic texts I usually read — they give me such a headache.
Media:vo layla saferoom others 02.ogg Layla: Hmm... Actually, maybe not. I can't afford to relax yet, or I'll end up missing my next thesis deadline...
Media:vo layla saferoom others 03.ogg Layla: I can't just rely on "The Stars' Blessing" to see me through. I have to put in the work myself!


Media:vo layla saferoom rest 01.ogg Layla: It's rest time now, right? Why can't I get to sleep...
Media:vo layla saferoom rest 02.ogg Layla: Wait, no! That was it — we have something important to do in a minute, right...? Yeah, I can't sleep now!
Media:vo layla saferoom rest 03.ogg Layla: Ugh, but if I'm not well-rested when we head off, I'm gonna mess things up for sure. I really don't know what to do...



Media:vo lisa saferoom challenge 01.ogg Lisa: Hey, cutie. Heading back in? You know, the further in we go, the tougher the monsters are going to get...
Media:vo lisa saferoom challenge 02.ogg Lisa: But you've got nothing to worry about. I know every monster's weak spot like the back of my hand — I've read everything there is to know on the topic.
Media:vo lisa saferoom challenge 03.ogg Lisa: So if you need someone to teach them a lesson, just let me know.


Media:vo lisa saferoom others 01.ogg Lisa: When knowledge is condensed into written form, it is always limited by the writer's perspective and interests.
Media:vo lisa saferoom others 02.ogg Lisa: So if we want to learn the truth of this mysterious domain, we'll just have to explore it for ourselves.
Media:vo lisa saferoom others 03.ogg Lisa: But then again, I'm lucky that I get to do the exploring together with my cutie.


Media:vo lisa saferoom rest 01.ogg Lisa: Ah, it's a rare treat to have a little time to laze around, and not have to think about all the fighting and killing.
Media:vo lisa saferoom rest 02.ogg Lisa: Still, even lazing around isn't much fun on your own.
Media:vo lisa saferoom rest 03.ogg Lisa: Do you wanna keep me company for a bit, cutie? I can read you a story if you'd like.



Media:vo lynette saferoom challenge 01.ogg Lynette: Looks like delving into this domain is gonna be challenging.
Media:vo lynette saferoom challenge 02.ogg Lynette: As a magician's assistant, what I'm good at is executing a specific plan. And trying not to make any mistakes in the process.
Media:vo lynette saferoom challenge 03.ogg Lynette: So, do you have a plan in place for showtime, (TravelerTraveler)?


Media:vo lynette saferoom others 01.ogg Lynette: It seems like stories are highly valued here, right?
Media:vo lynette saferoom others 02.ogg Lynette: From what I remember, most stories are just a bunch of lies made up by adults.
Media:vo lynette saferoom others 03.ogg Lynette: I still made sure to listen along all beady-eyed when someone was telling a story, though. Apparently, kids who are too smart get on people's nerves.


Media:vo lynette saferoom rest 01.ogg Lynette: A short break with a cup of tea is the best way to wash away all your fatigue.
Media:vo lynette saferoom rest 02.ogg Lynette: My teacup is hidden just behind this card.
Media:vo lynette saferoom rest 03.ogg Lynette: You're staring... Are you trying to say you want some tea, too?



Media:vo lyney saferoom challenge 01.ogg Lyney: The battles ahead are not gonna be easy. Look me in the eyes, and answer me this: Are you worried?
Media:vo lyney saferoom challenge 02.ogg Lyney: Well... If magic is all about achieving the impossible, right before people's very eyes... Don't you think the best magician in the land might stand a chance of pulling that off even outside of a magic show?
Media:vo lyney saferoom challenge 03.ogg Lyney: What do you say? Are you ready to team up with the Great Magician Lyney, and see if we can't perform some miracles out there?


Media:vo lyney saferoom others 01.ogg Lyney: I'm sure Freminet would love this book collection. He's someone who really sees the truth in fairytales, and believes in the world of childhood wonder they're set in.
Media:vo lyney saferoom others 02.ogg Lyney: I do understand the way he thinks, but...
Media:vo lyney saferoom others 03.ogg Lyney: ...The fairytale of childhood is nothing but a distant memory to me now.


Media:vo lyney saferoom rest 01.ogg Lyney: Two questions: Have you got a moment? And if so, would you like to see a magic trick?
Media:vo lyney saferoom rest 02.ogg Lyney: Consider it... a rehearsal. Or simply a little light entertainment to lift the mood.
Media:vo lyney saferoom rest 03.ogg Lyney: Which deck of cards shall I go with.... Ah yes, this one suits the occasion!



Media:vo mavuika saferoom challenge 01.ogg Mavuika: What a wondrous place this is... You never know what the next challenge is gonna throw at you, hehe...
Media:vo mavuika saferoom challenge 02.ogg Mavuika: Hmm? I sound excited? Well, yeah. I mean, seeking out challenges is pretty much my main hobby.
Media:vo mavuika saferoom challenge 03.ogg Mavuika: This place is like paradise to me. I'm really enjoying my time here.


Media:vo mavuika saferoom others 01.ogg Mavuika: It seems like everything that happens here gets recorded in the form of a play.
Media:vo mavuika saferoom others 02.ogg Mavuika: But who is behind all of this? Someone passionate about records and legacy, I guess?
Media:vo mavuika saferoom others 03.ogg Mavuika: Anyway, I like the fact that the records are available to view any time. It'll be interesting to look back on them in the future, and see what hindsight brings to the equation.


Media:vo mavuika saferoom rest 01.ogg Mavuika: How are you feeling? Getting used to the style of combat here?
Media:vo mavuika saferoom rest 02.ogg Mavuika: I gotta say, I'm growing to like this place. There are fun surprises everywhere, and it just feels free of any stress or tension.
Media:vo mavuika saferoom rest 03.ogg Mavuika: Let's take a short break, then dive in to the next challenge.



Media:vo mika saferoom challenge 01.ogg Mika: Exploring this domain is no easy task, but please don't worry — I won't let everyone down!
Media:vo mika saferoom challenge 02.ogg Mika: The Grand Master once told me that so long as I play to my strengths and contribute to the team, I'm doing my duty.
Media:vo mika saferoom challenge 03.ogg Mika: I'll do my best. And I'm sure everyone else will do their part, too!


Media:vo mika saferoom others 01.ogg Mika: Mondstadt has changed so much in the short time I've been gone...
Media:vo mika saferoom others 02.ogg Mika: Oh — I don't mean that I don't like the way things are now. I guess I just get a little nostalgic for the days I spent with the Grand Master's expedition sometimes.
Media:vo mika saferoom others 03.ogg Mika: I wonder where they're all up to now? And whether they need any new maps...


Media:vo mika saferoom rest 01.ogg Mika: A preliminary survey must be performed before delving into a domain. But here... hmm...
Media:vo mika saferoom rest 02.ogg Mika: If you don't mind resting here for while more, I might be able to go and gather some useful intelligence, (TravelerTraveler).
Media:vo mika saferoom rest 03.ogg Mika: I'm nowhere near as good in combat as the others... But I wanna make sure I do my part!



Media:vo mona saferoom challenge 01.ogg Mona: Oh, don't give me that look. I can't give you any astrology-based advice in here.
Media:vo mona saferoom challenge 02.ogg Mona: What do you mean, why not? Look around you. Do you see any starlight in here? My scryglass has been completely undecipherable since the moment we arrived.
Media:vo mona saferoom challenge 03.ogg Mona: But I can still be of assistance in other ways, of course. My profound powers of prediction extend beyond astrology.


Media:vo mona saferoom others 01.ogg Mona: Oh, you've got to be kidding me...! I just found a fairytale in one of these books that the old hag told me once...
Media:vo mona saferoom others 02.ogg Mona: She said that she was the one who wrote it, and no one else in the whole world knew the story...
Media:vo mona saferoom others 03.ogg Mona: So... that was just another one of her tall tales, hmm? Ugh, and you know what else she did? She handed it to me, saying she wanted to give her disciple a gift that was the only one of its kind in the whole world... I cannot believe that woman!


Media:vo mona saferoom rest 01.ogg Mona: I for one definitely need some rest... I'm aching all over.
Media:vo mona saferoom rest 02.ogg Mona: You should sit yourself down and take a rest too, you know. The chance won't come by very often.
Media:vo mona saferoom rest 03.ogg Mona: And who knows how long it'll be before we reach the end of this domain. We simply have to conserve our strength — that much is indisputable.



Media:vo mualani saferoom challenge 01.ogg Mualani: The challenges this Domain poses are way different from the Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame, but we're winning this — that I'm sure of.
Media:vo mualani saferoom challenge 02.ogg Mualani: After all, no matter what we face, "no one fights alone." That'll never change!
Media:vo mualani saferoom challenge 03.ogg Mualani: Pre-departure rituals are important! Put your hand on mine, and say it with me: "Fight, fight, fight! Victory's in sight!"


Media:vo mualani saferoom others 01.ogg Mualani: I just can't stop reading... So many different travelogs and chronicles of adventures, and they're fascinating!
Media:vo mualani saferoom others 02.ogg Mualani: Some of the stuff in here is so blatantly over the top that even I can't help but wonder if it's made up...
Media:vo mualani saferoom others 03.ogg Mualani: That settles it! As soon as I get the chance, I'll go see for myself! "Seeing is believing"! Right?


Media:vo mualani saferoom rest 01.ogg Mualani: Rest well now, start well later, am I right? In my experience, a good night's sleep does way more for recovery than the finest meal...
Media:vo mualani saferoom rest 02.ogg Mualani: I've weighed up the surrounding area, our timing, and everyone's condition. My conclusion? It's time for a nap and some snacks.
Media:vo mualani saferoom rest 03.ogg Mualani: That's my suggestion as a guide from the "People of the Springs" — for your consideration.



Media:vo nahida saferoom challenge 01.ogg Nahida: I'm really curious to know what's at the end of this maze, too.
Media:vo nahida saferoom challenge 02.ogg Nahida: And yes, I know that as we go further in, we're bound to meet tougher and tougher monsters, and maybe even suffer some setbacks along the way.
Media:vo nahida saferoom challenge 03.ogg Nahida: But after the winds and rain have passed, the saplings in the forest grow a little bigger and a little stronger. We'll only get to see the blue sky above the treetops if we keep pressing on, right?


Media:vo nahida saferoom others 01.ogg Nahida: Children have all sorts of wonderful dreams, with more colors than even the feathers of the Dusk Bird.
Media:vo nahida saferoom others 02.ogg Nahida: But once they grow up, their once-vibrant dreams slowly begin to fade.
Media:vo nahida saferoom others 03.ogg Nahida: Luckily, we can use the written word to make a record of our dreams before they disappear. Maybe, when it comes down to it, that's what fairytales are.


Media:vo nahida saferoom rest 01.ogg Nahida: I don't much like spending time in places where there's nothing to do. It's like looking at a blank page in a book.
Media:vo nahida saferoom rest 02.ogg Nahida: But since you're here, maybe we can liven things up a little to make this time more meaningful.
Media:vo nahida saferoom rest 03.ogg Nahida: Like... Ooh, we could share some stories with each other before we set off again.



Media:vo navia saferoom challenge 01.ogg Navia: We'll have to break out the big guns if we wanna show those domain-dwellers who's boss.
Media:vo navia saferoom challenge 02.ogg Navia: ...Heh, that didn't sound so different from something I might say in a Spina meeting.
Media:vo navia saferoom challenge 03.ogg Navia: I guess it's the same job, at the end of the day: Getting thugs and bullies to eat some humble pie. It's the only way they'll ever learn some manners.


Media:vo navia saferoom others 01.ogg Navia: I'm assuming that the books here aren't for lending out...?
Media:vo navia saferoom others 02.ogg Navia: In that case, I guess I'll have to read as much as I can while I'm here and take detailed notes on the best stories. I'm sure the children of Poisson would love to hear them.
Media:vo navia saferoom others 03.ogg Navia: Also... I noticed that some of the "fairy tales" here really aren't suitable for children at all... Makes me curious what sort of quirky person could've written them, haha.


Media:vo navia saferoom rest 01.ogg Navia: Since we're having a break, how about we enjoy some sweet treats?
Media:vo navia saferoom rest 02.ogg Navia: If you want my recommendation, I'd say lemon cheesecake is the perfect choice for this occasion! Unlike Macarons, it has a tartness to it as well as the sweetness, which excites the tastebuds and keeps you awake and alert.
Media:vo navia saferoom rest 03.ogg Navia: That way, we won't fall asleep reading!



Media:vo neuvillette saferoom challenge 01.ogg Neuvillette: This is not the first battle, nor will it be the last... The battle must go on until the moment you have reached your goal.
Media:vo neuvillette saferoom challenge 02.ogg Neuvillette: This is a test of endurance, a quality I find most admirable in those who possess it.
Media:vo neuvillette saferoom challenge 03.ogg Neuvillette: Hmm? Working a job requires endurance too? Hmm... Yes, quite true, quite true...


Media:vo neuvillette saferoom others 01.ogg Neuvillette: I find this place very relaxing. I suppose it all comes down to the atmosphere here.
Media:vo neuvillette saferoom others 02.ogg Neuvillette: It is quiet, but not desolate. And I must say, the interior is most suitably furnished.
Media:vo neuvillette saferoom others 03.ogg Neuvillette: I would go so far as to say that the owner has superb taste.


Media:vo neuvillette saferoom rest 01.ogg Neuvillette: Ah, a lounge. Very good. I approve.
Media:vo neuvillette saferoom rest 02.ogg Neuvillette: You think it's too quiet here? I find it quite to my satisfaction. It is an ideal place to rest and enjoy a little leisure time.
Media:vo neuvillette saferoom rest 03.ogg Neuvillette: My only quibble is the sheer volume of books here... One can only imagine how long it would take to read them all.



Media:vo nilou saferoom challenge 01.ogg Nilou: In a funny way, what you're doing here in this domain reminds me of my dance practice at the Grand Bazaar.
Media:vo nilou saferoom challenge 02.ogg Nilou: Maybe you dance with danger, and I dance for artistic reasons... But we both share the same desire to perform our best.
Media:vo nilou saferoom challenge 03.ogg Nilou: Of course, this is your show. So in here... you lead, and I'll follow.


Media:vo nilou saferoom others 01.ogg Nilou: Ahh, warm lighting, fun stories to read... It's perfect. Oh, not that there's anything wrong with the House of Daena, of course.
Media:vo nilou saferoom others 02.ogg Nilou: It's just that... The books there are pretty tough-going, and I tend to get so sleepy reading them that no amount of balloons can help me. And then I usually start getting hungry...
Media:vo nilou saferoom others 03.ogg Nilou: I think... Maybe the fairytales here are more my kind of thing.


Media:vo nilou saferoom rest 01.ogg Nilou: Since we have some rest time, you should make sure to give your body and mind a proper break. Remember the relaxation technique I taught you previously? You know, the one where you blow your sleepiness into a balloon?
Media:vo nilou saferoom rest 02.ogg Nilou: Huh...? Too much sleepiness for one balloon? Okay fine, you can use mine instead. Come on! Imagine there's a huge balloon in my hands. Take a deep breath, and blow!
Media:vo nilou saferoom rest 03.ogg Nilou: There you go! See, now doesn't that feel better?



Media:vo ningguang saferoom challenge 01.ogg Ningguang: You have personally invited me to journey with you. What reason would I have to refuse?
Media:vo ningguang saferoom challenge 02.ogg Ningguang: Still, as we explore this domain further, I do intend to take the opportunity to gather some more intelligence.
Media:vo ningguang saferoom challenge 03.ogg Ningguang: Knowledge is power. Why gamble with loose change when you could own the bank vaults?


Media:vo ningguang saferoom others 01.ogg Ningguang: All the great works of literature, the city streets full of charm and character... Without a strong economic foundation, they're just wishful thinking.
Media:vo ningguang saferoom others 02.ogg Ningguang: Now that I have amassed a great fortune, when I sit down at night and look down over the world below, I wonder what ways I could use my wealth.
Media:vo ningguang saferoom others 03.ogg Ningguang: After accepting your invitation to come here, I now have a new answer: A library for children, free of charge... I think that could be a good choice.


Media:vo ningguang saferoom rest 01.ogg Ningguang: This is truly a place of endless mystery... We don't even know what jurisdiction it belongs to...
Media:vo ningguang saferoom rest 02.ogg Ningguang: If I could collect a soil sample, or make a record of the furnishing style, then take it back and do some investigation... Perhaps I could find some answers.
Media:vo ningguang saferoom rest 03.ogg Ningguang: What am I doing? Why, resting, of course. But also thinking things over. The two are quite compatible.



Media:vo noelle saferoom challenge 01.ogg Noelle: Thank you for inviting me to join your domain exploration team, (TravelerTraveler).
Media:vo noelle saferoom challenge 02.ogg Noelle: I have to learn to defeat powerful enemies if I want to become a knight.
Media:vo noelle saferoom challenge 03.ogg Noelle: When it's time to go into battle, I will give it everything I have!


Media:vo noelle saferoom others 01.ogg Noelle: I've finished cleaning the place, and nobody needs my help right now...
Media:vo noelle saferoom others 02.ogg Noelle: The dishes are washed, and the coffee and snacks I prepared as a thank-you gift are ready to serve...
Media:vo noelle saferoom others 03.ogg Noelle: If it's not too much of an imposition, would you mind giving me some guidance on my sword work, (TravelerTraveler)?


Media:vo noelle saferoom rest 01.ogg Noelle: The floorboards need sweeping, the rugs need washing, maybe even replacing, and as for all those books on the shelves... Looks like they could do with someone going through and organizing them a little better.
Media:vo noelle saferoom rest 02.ogg Noelle: You should go rest, leave all that to me!
Media:vo noelle saferoom rest 03.ogg Noelle: Hmm? Pushing myself too hard? No I'm not! This is my way of relaxing.



Media:vo olorun saferoom challenge 01.ogg Ororon: This domain is constantly changing, and the danger constantly evolving.. So I have something for you.
Media:vo olorun saferoom challenge 02.ogg Ororon: This is what we call the "three warnings." Be wary of beasts prowling around, scammers looking for their next victim, and strange people who appear out of nowhere.
Media:vo olorun saferoom challenge 03.ogg Ororon: You'd best learn that by heart — it might come in handy someday.


Media:vo olorun saferoom others 01.ogg Ororon: The records here are fascinating, like the clouds in the sky that lie beyond reach. They contain so much information.
Media:vo olorun saferoom others 02.ogg Ororon: It would take a real genius to turn all of this into a woven scroll.
Media:vo olorun saferoom others 03.ogg Ororon: Please don't look at me so... expectantly. I... don't think that's something I could manage myself. Sorry about that.


Media:vo olorun saferoom rest 01.ogg Ororon: Thanks for bringing me here. It's so peaceful — the perfect place to meditate.
Media:vo olorun saferoom rest 02.ogg Ororon: Though there's nothing I really need to think about right now... I might end up nodding off.
Media:vo olorun saferoom rest 03.ogg Ororon: But don't worry, I'll just have to think of something worth thinking about instead...



Media:vo qiqi saferoom challenge 01.ogg Qiqi: The mission is... defeat the monsters inside this domain.
Media:vo qiqi saferoom challenge 02.ogg Qiqi: Order received. Order noted.
Media:vo qiqi saferoom challenge 03.ogg Qiqi: ...Oh yeah, one more order: Don't forget about the mission.


Media:vo qiqi saferoom others 01.ogg Qiqi: Stories? What are those?
Media:vo qiqi saferoom others 02.ogg Qiqi: Does writing them down mean you won't forget them?
Media:vo qiqi saferoom others 03.ogg Qiqi: Are there any stories about Qiqi?


Media:vo qiqi saferoom rest 01.ogg Qiqi: Oh... So it's not time for the battle yet?
Media:vo qiqi saferoom rest 02.ogg Qiqi: If you aren't busy, let's do some stretches together.
Media:vo qiqi saferoom rest 03.ogg Qiqi: We mustn't forget to stretch, because otherwise... Hmm. I forgot why.

Raiden Shogun[]


Media:vo raidenei saferoom challenge 01.ogg Ei: I know you are a formidable warrior. But we must not underestimate the monsters in this domain. They seem to come in endless waves.
Media:vo raidenei saferoom challenge 02.ogg Ei: Nor should you be afraid. I am here to answer your call, and I will stay by your side until every mystery here has been uncovered.
Media:vo raidenei saferoom challenge 03.ogg Ei: With this blade, I shall slay any foe that comes our way.


Media:vo raidenei saferoom others 01.ogg Ei: Will you join me in a game of karuta? It is a fine way to spend leisure time. It will help us both relax, while keeping me sharp and focused.
Media:vo raidenei saferoom others 02.ogg Ei: The only thing is... It is customary for the winner to be awarded with confectionery, but I do not know whether it can be brought in here...
Media:vo raidenei saferoom others 03.ogg Ei: Hmm, in that case... We can celebrate the victor at the Sacred Sakura some other time. Now, are you ready to be humbled?


Media:vo raidenei saferoom rest 01.ogg Ei: It's not often that I have the chance to take a rest before the battle is truly over.
Media:vo raidenei saferoom rest 02.ogg Ei: I keep asking myself, "Can I really afford to take a rest yet?" And if there are still monsters that have not yet been vanquished, the answer is no — I cannot stop now.
Media:vo raidenei saferoom rest 03.ogg Ei: ...You'd like to join me in a moment of meditation? Oh, alright. Close your eyes. Now, join me in turning your gaze inward, to the deepest part of your being...



Media:vo razor saferoom challenge 01.ogg Razor: Many enemies ahead, but, do not fear.
Media:vo razor saferoom challenge 02.ogg Razor: Razor protect friends.
Media:vo razor saferoom challenge 03.ogg Razor: Razor fight with lupical.


Media:vo razor saferoom others 01.ogg Razor: Teacher... tell me stories from books before.
Media:vo razor saferoom others 02.ogg Razor: Stories do not have smell.
Media:vo razor saferoom others 03.ogg Razor: Cannot guess the ending.


Media:vo razor saferoom rest 01.ogg Razor: Run for a long time... Tired.
Media:vo razor saferoom rest 02.ogg Razor: This place, safe. Good spot, to rest.
Media:vo razor saferoom rest 03.ogg Razor: Here, no meat. A pity...



Media:vo rosaria saferoom challenge 01.ogg Rosaria: You're assembling a team with the goal of defeating all enemies within this domain, right?
Media:vo rosaria saferoom challenge 02.ogg Rosaria: Sounds like what I do best. Count me in.
Media:vo rosaria saferoom challenge 03.ogg Rosaria: Shouldn't we get a move on? Don't let it get too late. You know what my thoughts are on overtime.


Media:vo rosaria saferoom others 01.ogg Rosaria: If you've got any work planned for this evening, I politely decline.
Media:vo rosaria saferoom others 02.ogg Rosaria: I just finished some extremely grisly work, so I at least need to give myself a little break first.
Media:vo rosaria saferoom others 03.ogg Rosaria: What kind of grisly? I intend to keep that to myself. Nothing to be happy about, that's for sure. The less you know, the better.


Media:vo rosaria saferoom rest 01.ogg Rosaria: It's a shame that I'm not allowed to drink in this place.
Media:vo rosaria saferoom rest 02.ogg Rosaria: But at least I don't have to deal with the sisters from the church fretting over every little thing. So it's got that going for it.
Media:vo rosaria saferoom rest 03.ogg Rosaria: You're not under any time pressure to get things wrapped up here, right? Well, then here's what I suggest: Forget going into battle. Let's take it easy for a bit.

Sangonomiya Kokomi[]


Media:vo kokomi saferoom challenge 01.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: There are so many different kinds of enemies here. We have to think carefully about how to allocate our troops.
Media:vo kokomi saferoom challenge 02.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: If you'd like, I can help you analyze the situation, and make some strategic suggestions.
Media:vo kokomi saferoom challenge 03.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Or... I could even write a few directives for you. Of course, whether or not they get used... hehe, well, that'll be your decision.


Media:vo kokomi saferoom others 01.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: It's a rare treat for me, being able to read undisturbed in a quiet place like this.
Media:vo kokomi saferoom others 02.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: On Watatsumi Island, as the Divine Priestess, every action I take is the subject of scrutiny and speculation. I have to show some restraint so that my personal preferences don't unduly influence everyone else.
Media:vo kokomi saferoom others 03.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: But here, I feel like I can relax a little. Umm... You won't mind if I suddenly laugh out loud while I'm reading, will you?


Media:vo kokomi saferoom rest 01.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: I used to use my rest time to review documents, but... that was when we were at war.
Media:vo kokomi saferoom rest 02.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: Given that there's no time pressure here, I prefer to take things at a slower pace, and make sure to rest and recover my energy in between battles.
Media:vo kokomi saferoom rest 03.ogg Sangonomiya Kokomi: After all, exhaustion is one of the deadliest enemies you can encounter on the battlefield.



Media:vo sayu saferoom challenge 01.ogg Sayu: The enemies are pretty tough, right? So you'd probably be better off taking some of your stronger friends...
Media:vo sayu saferoom challenge 02.ogg Sayu: Uhh... No, I'm not being lazy, it's just... my ninjutsu isn't really meant for fighting...
Media:vo sayu saferoom challenge 03.ogg Sayu: Lemme sleep a bit more, just until I get a little bit taller, and then I'm sure I can... Zzz...


Media:vo sayu saferoom others 01.ogg Sayu: So quiet, and cozy... This is a really great place to catch up on sleep.
Media:vo sayu saferoom others 02.ogg Sayu: Oh, yeah — please don't tell Lady Guuji I'm here... If she finds out, I'm toast!
Media:vo sayu saferoom others 03.ogg Sayu: If there are no more battles today, can I chill out here a little longer?


Media:vo sayu saferoom rest 01.ogg Sayu: *snore*... *snore*...
Media:vo sayu saferoom rest 02.ogg Sayu: Hmm...? A mission?
Media:vo sayu saferoom rest 03.ogg Sayu: Gimme ten more minutes, just ten more... Zzz...



Media:vo sethos saferoom challenge 01.ogg Sethos: You know how merchants in a hurry sometimes dangle a little food in front of their Sumpter Beast's face, right? To get them to move faster?
Media:vo sethos saferoom challenge 02.ogg Sethos: I think people are the same way. Give them a little hope, and they can achieve a whole lot more. Take their hope away, and they never seem to succeed.
Media:vo sethos saferoom challenge 03.ogg Sethos: So, I'll explore this place with you to the end. Let's never stop hoping for victory.


Media:vo sethos saferoom others 01.ogg Sethos: Kay, I've brought water and some rations. Later on, we can build a fire and grill some meat.
Media:vo sethos saferoom others 02.ogg Sethos: Hmm? You think we should be safe enough here?
Media:vo sethos saferoom others 03.ogg Sethos: Haha, well yeah, I know! That's why I figured this would be a great place for a picnic. The battles are important, but we should take some time to relax first.


Media:vo sethos saferoom rest 01.ogg Sethos: We're free agents now, right? Great. Well, I think I'll stick around here for a bit, you wanna join me?
Media:vo sethos saferoom rest 02.ogg Sethos: Hmm... Actually, this is a pretty nice place. If I brought some of my people here, I'm sure the kids would enjoy playing hide-and-seek.
Media:vo sethos saferoom rest 03.ogg Sethos: ...There must be quite a story behind this place. It's so vast and mysterious.



Media:vo shenhe saferoom challenge 01.ogg Shenhe: Exploring domains is an arduous task. There's always something unpleasant waiting for you up ahead — either monsters and demons, or bandits and thugs.
Media:vo shenhe saferoom challenge 02.ogg Shenhe: But I am fated to tread a treacherous path. What difference does a few extra battles make?
Media:vo shenhe saferoom challenge 03.ogg Shenhe: When the battle starts, let me clear a path. That way, at least, I will do some good.


Media:vo shenhe saferoom others 01.ogg Shenhe: I have heard that books harbor the author's emotions.
Media:vo shenhe saferoom others 02.ogg Shenhe: If I spend some time reading them, will it help me understand human emotions better?
Media:vo shenhe saferoom others 03.ogg Shenhe: Do you have any recommendations?


Media:vo shenhe saferoom rest 01.ogg Shenhe: Whenever my mind becomes agitated, Master encourages me to sit, meditate, and let go of all troubling thoughts.
Media:vo shenhe saferoom rest 02.ogg Shenhe: If I lose touch with the real me inside, all that's left is the urge to slay, which makes me a risk to everyone around me...
Media:vo shenhe saferoom rest 03.ogg Shenhe: I do not wish to see that happen.

Shikanoin Heizou[]


Media:vo heizou saferoom challenge 01.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: The way I see it, the use of force to subdue one's foes should always be a last resort.
Media:vo heizou saferoom challenge 02.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: With enough careful planning and preparation, you can set things up so that by the time you have to confront your enemy, they fall to pieces in your hands. Saves a lot of time that way.
Media:vo heizou saferoom challenge 03.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Unfortunately, the tables are turned on us here. We're the challengers, and the one pulling the strings is hiding out of our reach.


Media:vo heizou saferoom others 01.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: The books here are really interesting. They're full of twists and turns that all but defy even my intuition.
Media:vo heizou saferoom others 02.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: I can't help but think this domain is a detective's mortal foe... Without a crime, there can be no deduction, and even the greatest storms simply rage on unchecked...
Media:vo heizou saferoom others 03.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: But then I remember that all this is to help you. And that's what makes this long grind worth it, right?


Media:vo heizou saferoom rest 01.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: My instincts say that this is a safe spot. Not the slightest whiff of lies or conspiracies.
Media:vo heizou saferoom rest 02.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Although to be honest, I wouldn't be averse to a little more atmosphere here — lightning flashing outside the windows, or a blizzard howling away... We could turn the lights off and tell some ghost stories.
Media:vo heizou saferoom rest 03.ogg Shikanoin Heizou: Oh well, we don't always get what we want in life. So instead — pull up a chair, and let's get some rest.



Media:vo sigewinne saferoom challenge 01.ogg Sigewinne: Being in this domain is just as exciting as watching a Pankration match... And who's been a brave, heroic champion? Mmhmm! That's right, you have!
Media:vo sigewinne saferoom challenge 02.ogg Sigewinne: Anyway, do you mind if I come with you next time?
Media:vo sigewinne saferoom challenge 03.ogg Sigewinne: Not that I doubt your fighting ability, of course. It's just... It's so much more dangerous in there than I ever imagined.


Media:vo sigewinne saferoom others 01.ogg Sigewinne: I just read this line in a children's book: "Friendship takes sacrifice. Only through sacrifice can friendships be made."
Media:vo sigewinne saferoom others 02.ogg Sigewinne: I agree. And the same principle applies in other areas of life, too.
Media:vo sigewinne saferoom others 03.ogg Sigewinne: It definitely applies to healthcare. If you wanna get healthy, there are things that you just have to sacrifice.


Media:vo sigewinne saferoom rest 01.ogg Sigewinne: There doesn't appear to be a dedicated infirmary here... Well, you'll just have to rest here. Now, just relax...
Media:vo sigewinne saferoom rest 02.ogg Sigewinne: No serious wounds... Wonderful, you've been taking excellent care of yourself. Keep up the good work!
Media:vo sigewinne saferoom rest 03.ogg Sigewinne: Since you're all clear, all you need to do is replenish your energy levels. I brought some nutritious shakes — here, take one.



Media:vo sucrose saferoom challenge 01.ogg Sucrose: What exactly lies in the deepest part of this domain? I actually have quite a few theories already...
Media:vo sucrose saferoom challenge 02.ogg Sucrose: But given all the monsters we keep finding, it looks like we have a tough road ahead before we can confirm the facts.
Media:vo sucrose saferoom challenge 03.ogg Sucrose: Still, it'll all be worth it as long as we find the answer in the end. At least... that's what I think.


Media:vo sucrose saferoom others 01.ogg Sucrose: I once read a story about a wonderful paradise. Later on in life, it was also books that got me interested in studying alchemy.
Media:vo sucrose saferoom others 02.ogg Sucrose: It's funny, but even now, that storybook about paradise and my alchemy textbooks are right next to each other on the bookshelf next to my bed...
Media:vo sucrose saferoom others 03.ogg Sucrose: One day, I hope to break down the barriers between those books by using bio-alchemy to create that paradise for real.


Media:vo sucrose saferoom rest 01.ogg Sucrose: I wonder whether this potion I made has any potential combat applications...
Media:vo sucrose saferoom rest 02.ogg Sucrose: Oh! Don't worry, I understand that this isn't an appropriate location to conduct those kinds of experiments... It's too risky, and might do more harm than good if something went wrong.
Media:vo sucrose saferoom rest 03.ogg Sucrose: It's just... hard to switch off and rest when all these hypotheses are swirling around in my brain... *sigh*


After completing Chapter IV of the Archon Quests, Tartaglia will no longer appear in the Theater Lobby.


Media:vo tartaglia saferoom challenge 01.ogg Tartaglia: If you wanna become a true warrior, the strongest enemies are the ones you should be most excited about.
Media:vo tartaglia saferoom challenge 02.ogg Tartaglia: After all, a gruesome, grisly fight to the death is one of the best ways to hone your skills.
Media:vo tartaglia saferoom challenge 03.ogg Tartaglia: I honestly can't even get in the mood unless there's a bit of a challenge involved.


Media:vo tartaglia saferoom others 01.ogg Tartaglia: Aside from all the children's books, I quite like some of the furnishings here. Like that Star Lamp, for example. I'm sure Tonia, Anthon, and Teucer would love it.
Media:vo tartaglia saferoom others 02.ogg Tartaglia: Okay, there's my intro: "My dear sister, I am writing to you from a rest stop in an ancient castle filled with star lamps"...
Media:vo tartaglia saferoom others 03.ogg Tartaglia: Hmm... Maybe that'll get them a little too intrigued? If they end up wanting to follow me here after reading this letter, then we'll be in trouble.


Media:vo tartaglia saferoom rest 01.ogg Tartaglia: Well, (TravelerTraveler), you invited me to meet you here, so I'm guessing that means you're ready for a rematch?
Media:vo tartaglia saferoom rest 02.ogg Tartaglia: Haha, I'm just kidding, of course. This place is for resting, I wouldn't start a fight here — I do have some manners.
Media:vo tartaglia saferoom rest 03.ogg Tartaglia: I am getting a little restless here, though. Hope the next battle's a big one, I need a good workout.



Media:vo thoma saferoom challenge 01.ogg Thoma: How're you feeling? Try not to worry too much about the next fight!
Media:vo thoma saferoom challenge 02.ogg Thoma: I've heard people say that having a good attitude actually benefits your health.
Media:vo thoma saferoom challenge 03.ogg Thoma: Even if spearmanship isn't my strong suit, I'll do my best to protect you in this battle!


Media:vo thoma saferoom others 01.ogg Thoma: When I was little, my mother often read me bedtime stories. Back then, I thought the world was just like in those stories, and everyone led peaceful, happy lives.
Media:vo thoma saferoom others 02.ogg Thoma: It was only later that I realized the difficulties and struggles many people face in society. All I can do is try my best, and stay loyal to the people I care about.
Media:vo thoma saferoom others 03.ogg Thoma: Now that I think about it, even though the stories are fictional, they can still help children get a good night's sleep. To me, that's enough.


Media:vo thoma saferoom rest 01.ogg Thoma: Thanks for inviting me here, (TravelerTraveler)!
Media:vo thoma saferoom rest 02.ogg Thoma: If there's nothing too urgent that needs your attention, why not take a seat and relax for a bit? I'll make you some tea.
Media:vo thoma saferoom rest 03.ogg Thoma: Oh, don't mention it, it's nothing, really! I'd hate to see anyone who needs my care tiring themselves out too much.



Media:vo tighnari saferoom challenge 01.ogg Tighnari: Just as knowledge is often acquired only through hands-on learning, victory is usually secured by overcoming a challenge.
Media:vo tighnari saferoom challenge 02.ogg Tighnari: In that sense, domain explorers are knowledge seekers too, just with a different methodology.
Media:vo tighnari saferoom challenge 03.ogg Tighnari: Of course, it's not suited to everyone. I'd encourage people to stick to their own areas of expertise.


Media:vo tighnari saferoom others 01.ogg Tighnari: I imagine most people think of academia as so strict and rigorous that they think scholars are uninterested in works of fiction.
Media:vo tighnari saferoom others 02.ogg Tighnari: But in reality, if your thinking is too rigid, you're likely to get stuck in your research.
Media:vo tighnari saferoom others 03.ogg Tighnari: Yes, stories might be pure fabrications, but sometimes they can give us just the inspiration we need to move our research forward.


Media:vo tighnari saferoom rest 01.ogg Tighnari: Hmm... Multiple scents, all mingled together... Looks like many people have used this place as a rest stop.
Media:vo tighnari saferoom rest 02.ogg Tighnari: Hmm? ...There's a floral scent, you say?
Media:vo tighnari saferoom rest 03.ogg Tighnari: Ah yes, that would be the plant-based essential oil I just applied. What do you think? Wanna check out my freshly groomed tail?



Media:vo venti saferoom challenge 01.ogg Venti: "When danger rose they overcame their foes, onward forging to the journey's end"...
Media:vo venti saferoom challenge 02.ogg Venti: My dear, courageous (TravelerTraveler), if you will allow this humble bard to join you on your journey, it would be my honor to compose an epic poem to remember your deeds.
Media:vo venti saferoom challenge 03.ogg Venti: I'm willing to bet a whole glass of Apple Cider that your story will be one for the ages!


Media:vo venti saferoom others 01.ogg Venti: There's a lot of fascinating stories in these books.
Media:vo venti saferoom others 02.ogg Venti: Don't be put off by the dusty old pages. Give them a chance, and in the blink of an eye, these tales will waft into the air to the sound of the lyre, and blend into the sweetness of the breeze.
Media:vo venti saferoom others 03.ogg Venti: Pick a story you like! Let's try it out!


Media:vo venti saferoom rest 01.ogg Venti: So, a short rest before the big battle, huh? In that case, I think some light-hearted music is in order.
Media:vo venti saferoom rest 02.ogg Venti: Something easygoing enough to help everyone relax, but not to the point where it becomes too snoozeworthy.
Media:vo venti saferoom rest 03.ogg Venti: Take a seat wherever you like! Once you're comfortable, Der Frühling and I shall begin our serenade.



Media:vo wanderer saferoom challenge 01.ogg (WandererWanderer): You call crushing ants a "challenge"?
Media:vo wanderer saferoom challenge 02.ogg (WandererWanderer): The novelty of these little scuffles quickly wore off for me — now it's just tedious. It amazes me that some people enjoy it so much.
Media:vo wanderer saferoom challenge 03.ogg (WandererWanderer): Keep up if you want my help. I don't want to be stuck here all day.


Media:vo wanderer saferoom others 01.ogg (WandererWanderer): No, I don't want to "chat."
Media:vo wanderer saferoom others 02.ogg (WandererWanderer): What are you making that face for? I thought you knew my deal by now.
Media:vo wanderer saferoom others 03.ogg (WandererWanderer): ...*sigh*. Fine. You can talk, and I'll sit over there and listen. Happy now?


Media:vo wanderer saferoom rest 01.ogg (WandererWanderer): You need a break already? Your travels sure have made you soft.
Media:vo wanderer saferoom rest 02.ogg (WandererWanderer): Can't we just go and get this over with? We're not fighting a trained army here. We'll run circles around those morons.
Media:vo wanderer saferoom rest 03.ogg (WandererWanderer): ...Alright, suit yourself. Just don't keep me waiting too long.



Media:vo wriothesley saferoom challenge 01.ogg Wriothesley: If experience is anything to go by, the further in we go, the tougher our enemies will get.
Media:vo wriothesley saferoom challenge 02.ogg Wriothesley: But even if they don't, getting all the way end isn't exactly gonna be a walk in the park.
Media:vo wriothesley saferoom challenge 03.ogg Wriothesley: Whichever way you cut it, we have to make sure we're fully prepared.


Media:vo wriothesley saferoom others 01.ogg Wriothesley: There are worse ways to kill time than fairytales.
Media:vo wriothesley saferoom others 02.ogg Wriothesley: The simple wording, the childlike wonder, the romanticism — it all makes for some nice easy reading that doesn't require any brainpower.
Media:vo wriothesley saferoom others 03.ogg Wriothesley: Well, until you start noticing some of the more uncomfortable parallels between fantasy and reality.


Media:vo wriothesley saferoom rest 01.ogg Wriothesley: After taking a look around here, I'm wondering whether to expand our library at the Fortress of Meropide.
Media:vo wriothesley saferoom rest 02.ogg Wriothesley: Hmm, then again, most of our collection consists of legal advice pamphlets and mechanics textbooks, which no one reads... So, maybe not.
Media:vo wriothesley saferoom rest 03.ogg Wriothesley: ...Novels? You're right, those would be more popular — that's also why you can never find them in the library. They disappear from the shelves instantly, never to be seen again...



Media:vo xiangling saferoom challenge 01.ogg Xiangling: Are you tired? I know a trick that works great — imagine all the enemies you're facing as delicious ingredients!
Media:vo xiangling saferoom challenge 02.ogg Xiangling: With all that tender, delicious-smelling food nearby... Doesn't it just give you a big burst of energy?
Media:vo xiangling saferoom challenge 03.ogg Xiangling: Huh? Hard to imagine? Hmm, maybe it's just me, then...


Media:vo xiangling saferoom others 01.ogg Xiangling: Only a handful of my more experimental dishes have made it onto the Wanmin Restaurant menu.
Media:vo xiangling saferoom others 02.ogg Xiangling: In most cases, it's because I think the texture isn't quite right, or the flavor needs a lot more work... But that doesn't mean I'm about to give up.
Media:vo xiangling saferoom others 03.ogg Xiangling: I know there are tasty dishes out there waiting to be discovered, and I'll find them sooner or later!


Media:vo xiangling saferoom rest 01.ogg Xiangling: I imagine you'll wanna keep fighting soon — do you want a bite to eat first? You know you love my cooking!
Media:vo xiangling saferoom rest 02.ogg Xiangling: You should never work on an empty stomach! More importantly, a proper meal will put you in a good mood, and you'll handle yourself better in a crisis.
Media:vo xiangling saferoom rest 03.ogg Xiangling: Here, some chopsticks for ya. Don't be shy now, dig in!



Media:vo xianyun saferoom challenge 01.ogg Xianyun: The scoundrels who slink around in here are fools, all of them. To posture menacingly before mortals is one thing...
Media:vo xianyun saferoom challenge 02.ogg Xianyun: But to persist even after witnessing one's adeptus arts... It is sheer illiteracy in the face of manifestly legible writing on the wall.
Media:vo xianyun saferoom challenge 03.ogg Xianyun: Hmph! These dullards would be no match even for one's two disciples, let alone oneself.


Media:vo xianyun saferoom others 01.ogg Xianyun: When storytellers tell tales pertaining to oneself, they often resort to slapdash stitchwork derived from decrepit documents, garnished with a glut of aggrandizement.
Media:vo xianyun saferoom others 02.ogg Xianyun: Entertaining, to be sure. But do not believe everything you hear. Of course, if you wish to hear the truth, you need only ask me.
Media:vo xianyun saferoom others 03.ogg Xianyun: ...In fact, one is suddenly reminded of an old tale. It begins with a gathering of the adepti at Jueyun Karst...


Media:vo xianyun saferoom rest 01.ogg Xianyun: This domain is filled with mystery, but one fears that we shall miss much if we are too hasty to proceed. Perhaps we could pause for a moment...
Media:vo xianyun saferoom rest 02.ogg Xianyun: Hmm... There is little of interest in this area, and if we were to while away the time through conversation... Our throats would surely grow parched...
Media:vo xianyun saferoom rest 03.ogg Xianyun: Shall one fashion a Supreme Tea-Brewing Machine one of these days? That way, the fragrance of tea shall be ours to enjoy wherever we please... Yes, a capital idea indeed...



Media:vo xiao saferoom challenge 01.ogg Xiao: The air grows thick with the stench of evil...
Media:vo xiao saferoom challenge 02.ogg Xiao: I could handle the upcoming battles on my own, but I know you wouldn't agree to it.
Media:vo xiao saferoom challenge 03.ogg Xiao: So promise me at least that you will not let your guard down.


Media:vo xiao saferoom others 01.ogg Xiao: The legacy of the yakshas lives on in the historical records that tell our tales... Still, that brings no solace to me or my late comrades.
Media:vo xiao saferoom others 02.ogg Xiao: ...
Media:vo xiao saferoom others 03.ogg Xiao: But watching the Xiao Lanterns rise into the sky during the Lantern Rite... that is what brings me peace.


Media:vo xiao saferoom rest 01.ogg Xiao: Fighting monsters is nothing new to me.
Media:vo xiao saferoom rest 02.ogg Xiao: If anything... It is these brief periods of leisure between battles that I'm not accustomed to.
Media:vo xiao saferoom rest 03.ogg Xiao: No matter. If you need to rest, I will stay here with you until you are ready.



Media:vo xilonen saferoom challenge 01.ogg Xilonen: I can go scout ahead if you want.
Media:vo xilonen saferoom challenge 02.ogg Xilonen: You've seen me at full speed. When I go all out, no monster can catch me.
Media:vo xilonen saferoom challenge 03.ogg Xilonen: Hmm, maybe we should go together just to be safe. Alright — lead the way.


Media:vo xilonen saferoom others 01.ogg Xilonen: I don't see anything like the woven scrolls we have in Natlan around here. The books on the shelves are all fairy tales.
Media:vo xilonen saferoom others 02.ogg Xilonen: I don't think I can learn anything useful from this material...
Media:vo xilonen saferoom others 03.ogg Xilonen: Hmm... Guess I'll just take a rock sample and analyze it back home.


Media:vo xilonen saferoom rest 01.ogg Xilonen: Finally, a chance for a break. Let's find a place to sit down.
Media:vo xilonen saferoom rest 02.ogg Xilonen: Don't get too tense. There's no point stressing about things that haven't happened yet. Just focus on the here and now.
Media:vo xilonen saferoom rest 03.ogg Xilonen: Here, have a drink. Want some chocolate? Or milk candy, maybe?



Media:vo xingqiu saferoom challenge 01.ogg Xingqiu: I have crossed paths with many a wicked foe in my time. When they come for you with knives in their hands and malice in their hearts, you cannot cower in fear, for this only emboldens them further.
Media:vo xingqiu saferoom challenge 02.ogg Xingqiu: It is a hero's duty to seize victory with their sword, even in the most perilous of battles.
Media:vo xingqiu saferoom challenge 03.ogg Xingqiu: Although, things are different this time, because I'm not fighting alone... So let's watch each other's backs?


Media:vo xingqiu saferoom others 01.ogg Xingqiu: This little book is truly exceptional. The gripping plot is one thing, but the characters, wow... they're so well rounded. They really break the mold.
Media:vo xingqiu saferoom others 02.ogg Xingqiu: I can't thank you enough for inviting me to this incredible place, (TravelerTraveler).
Media:vo xingqiu saferoom others 03.ogg Xingqiu: The next time I find a good novel, I'll make sure to get a copy for you.


Media:vo xingqiu saferoom rest 01.ogg Xingqiu: There is a vast collection of books here. I took a moment to browse through earlier, and found a good number worth reading.
Media:vo xingqiu saferoom rest 02.ogg Xingqiu: If you're not presently occupied, why not take a seat? I'll fetch a few good books and you can see if there are any you like.
Media:vo xingqiu saferoom rest 03.ogg Xingqiu: A fine book on a busy day can provide a much-needed escape, even if just for a moment.



Media:vo xinyan saferoom challenge 01.ogg Xinyan: Whenever I'm on stage, I always wanna push my music a little bit further, and make that one guitar riff even gnarlier!
Media:vo xinyan saferoom challenge 02.ogg Xinyan: A live gig is a different kind of beast than the ones we're facing here, that's for sure... But I ain't one to back down from a challenge.
Media:vo xinyan saferoom challenge 03.ogg Xinyan: When the crowd's waitin', you gotta get out there and face the music. Same applies here. So come on — time to do some shredding!


Media:vo xinyan saferoom others 01.ogg Xinyan: If someone wrote me into a story, I don't think I'd be the little kiddos' favorite character.
Media:vo xinyan saferoom others 02.ogg Xinyan: People tend to judge others based on first impressions. And kids are too young to know any different, they just say whatever they're thinking... I'm well aware of that.
Media:vo xinyan saferoom others 03.ogg Xinyan: But that doesn't matter! Just you wait and see, I'll win 'em over with my music sooner or later!


Media:vo xinyan saferoom rest 01.ogg Xinyan: You sure don't look like you're rarin' to go anywhere. Wanna listen to my new song?
Media:vo xinyan saferoom rest 02.ogg Xinyan: Hmm... Although, this doesn't really seem like the right place for a rock 'n' roll concert...
Media:vo xinyan saferoom rest 03.ogg Xinyan: Let's talk about some of your adventuring highlights instead! They're pretty rock 'n' roll too!

Yae Miko[]


Media:vo yaemiko saferoom challenge 01.ogg Yae Miko: Dear me, is it time to go off and fight again already? All this running around is getting quite exasperating...
Media:vo yaemiko saferoom challenge 02.ogg Yae Miko: I have half a mind to transform into a kitsune and hitch a ride on your shoulder... Hehehe, you'd like that, wouldn't you?
Media:vo yaemiko saferoom challenge 03.ogg Yae Miko: In your dreams. Oh, little one... you've still got a long way to go before Yae Miko, the wise and beautiful, permits you to see her true form.


Media:vo yaemiko saferoom others 01.ogg Yae Miko: Do you think we'd ever see Ei in the outside world again if there were this many stories to read in her Plane of Euthymia? ...I, for one, rather doubt it.
Media:vo yaemiko saferoom others 02.ogg Yae Miko: Hmm, I have an idea. Let's tell her that we know a wonderful little domain full of light novels and Tricolor Dango. It's high time she got out of Tenshukaku for a bit.
Media:vo yaemiko saferoom others 03.ogg Yae Miko: Ah yes, and Dango Milk too. ...Hmm? They don't have it here? Well, don't look at me, little one, that's your job. Sort it out. Where there's a will, there's a way.


Media:vo yaemiko saferoom rest 01.ogg Yae Miko: The novels here actually aren't all that bad. But a little fried tofu and a few drinks would make things better still...
Media:vo yaemiko saferoom rest 02.ogg Yae Miko: So, little one, do you think you could pull a few strings and get your hands on some for me? Without them... I don't think I'll be able to muster the energy to help you explore this domain...
Media:vo yaemiko saferoom rest 03.ogg Yae Miko: Hahaha, oh, the look on your face, so dumbfounded... I'm joking, can't you tell? Do you really believe the great Lady Guuji herself would be so fickle?



Media:vo yanfei saferoom challenge 01.ogg Yanfei: If you think about it, you could define a "challenge" as a process that's difficult to get control over due to a lack of key information. Right?
Media:vo yanfei saferoom challenge 02.ogg Yanfei: Example: What foes are we likely to encounter when exploring this domain? How many hostile encounters are likely to occur? And what available countermeasures can we use?
Media:vo yanfei saferoom challenge 03.ogg Yanfei: Take the time to thoroughly consider all these questions. Then you'll find that reaching your goal is no longer a "challenge" at all.


Media:vo yanfei saferoom others 01.ogg Yanfei: Do you think that the way fairytales end is just whimsical? Or do you think the writers put a lot of thought into it?
Media:vo yanfei saferoom others 02.ogg Yanfei: Because if you read them from the point of view of trying to identify what each character symbolically represents, you find a lot of very deep metaphors.
Media:vo yanfei saferoom others 03.ogg Yanfei: Still, in order to verify my hypothesis and see if it stands up to scrutiny, I need to do some historical and cultural research... Maybe I could borrow some of these materials here so I can do a deep-dive later.


Media:vo yanfei saferoom rest 01.ogg Yanfei: This place is so quiet! It's a perfect place to brush up on my legal research and organize my notes.
Media:vo yanfei saferoom rest 02.ogg Yanfei: Hey, (TravelerTraveler), do you still remember those clauses I discussed with you once before?
Media:vo yanfei saferoom rest 03.ogg Yanfei: You've already forgotten? Well, you'll just have to recite them over and over until you know them by heart.



Media:vo yaoyao saferoom challenge 01.ogg Yaoyao: I sometimes have to face dangerous enemies when I'm out in the mountains gathering herbs. Like those greedy-gut Treasure Hoarders, or a boar in a bad mood.
Media:vo yaoyao saferoom challenge 02.ogg Yaoyao: I know that not everywhere is gonna be as peaceful as the place where I grew up with my mom and dad. And Master won't always there to protect me.
Media:vo yaoyao saferoom challenge 03.ogg Yaoyao: That's why I practice the spear, even though I don't really like it. It's so I can drive those pesky varmints off all by myself!


Media:vo yaoyao saferoom others 01.ogg Yaoyao: The kinds of books that adults read have so many complicated ideas in them. I can't wrap my head around them no matter how hard I try.
Media:vo yaoyao saferoom others 02.ogg Yaoyao: Master says that there are many things I'll understand once I'm older.
Media:vo yaoyao saferoom others 03.ogg Yaoyao: So does that mean that when you grow up, you understand the same things in a different way?


Media:vo yaoyao saferoom rest 01.ogg Yaoyao: You look tired, do you need to take a rest?
Media:vo yaoyao saferoom rest 02.ogg Yaoyao: If you're feeling peckish, I've brought some Fried Radish Balls. I made them before we came here.
Media:vo yaoyao saferoom rest 03.ogg Yaoyao: Try to take life at a slower pace — it's good for your health!



Media:vo yelan saferoom challenge 01.ogg Yelan: We've still got quite a few punishing battles ahead of us, don't we? You ready?
Media:vo yelan saferoom challenge 02.ogg Yelan: If life gets too dull for too long, I start to feel numb inside. I need some excitement to make me feel alive.
Media:vo yelan saferoom challenge 03.ogg Yelan: Why don't I roll the dice? If I like the numbers I roll, we'll keep going... Could be a fun way to liven things up around here.


Media:vo yelan saferoom others 01.ogg Yelan: There are real people and real events out there that are more incredible than anything you'll find in fiction. Shame no one'll ever be allowed to write a book about it.
Media:vo yelan saferoom others 02.ogg Yelan: Curious? What if I told you that the things I'm referring to... no one'll ever be allowed to talk about, either?
Media:vo yelan saferoom others 03.ogg Yelan: Hehe... Okay, we can chat about something that isn't top-secret information if you want... But we'll still have to go somewhere a little more private.


Media:vo yelan saferoom rest 01.ogg Yelan: A safe house, huh... I'm not a fan of using safe houses that I haven't personally vetted and kitted out. But this is better than nothing.
Media:vo yelan saferoom rest 02.ogg Yelan: Exploring this domain is one heck of a big job. Even if I wanted to get it over and done with in one go... Looks like neither the rules of this place nor my stamina would allow it.
Media:vo yelan saferoom rest 03.ogg Yelan: You should conserve your energy too. Don't run yourself ragged, it's not worth it.



Media:vo yoimiya saferoom challenge 01.ogg Yoimiya: There are so many enemies here! If all of them were written into a youkai story, it'd be dark long before you finished just reading the names out!
Media:vo yoimiya saferoom challenge 02.ogg Yoimiya: But fear not! The Invincible Yoimiya is here to save you from the clutches of the evil youkai!
Media:vo yoimiya saferoom challenge 03.ogg Yoimiya: ...Haha, okay, that was a little embarrassing... But I sounded pretty cool, right?


Media:vo yoimiya saferoom others 01.ogg Yoimiya: You sure don't need to worry about me getting bored here. I'm spoiled for choice with all these books! I hardly know where to start!
Media:vo yoimiya saferoom others 02.ogg Yoimiya: I want to memorize all the interesting parts, so I can go back and tell them to my friends!
Media:vo yoimiya saferoom others 03.ogg Yoimiya: Oh, right, that's another thing I meant to ask! Which of these books do you recommend? I want to know what kind of stories you're into!


Media:vo yoimiya saferoom rest 01.ogg Yoimiya: Want to get some shut-eye and rest for a bit? I'll keep you company!
Media:vo yoimiya saferoom rest 02.ogg Yoimiya: Or... If you're not sleepy, how about we chat for a bit? Maybe I could tell you a story!
Media:vo yoimiya saferoom rest 03.ogg Yoimiya: Oh, sorry! Am I talking too much? Hehe, I just get so excited when I'm in a new place — I wanna see everything there is to see. I've always got the energy to explore!

Yumemizuki Mizuki[]


Media:vo mizuki saferoom challenge 01.ogg Yumemizuki Mizuki: It's a completely different feeling... fighting here.
Media:vo mizuki saferoom challenge 02.ogg Yumemizuki Mizuki: It's so different from dealing with nightmares. It almost feels like... dancing in a dream or enjoying some kind of impromptu performance.
Media:vo mizuki saferoom challenge 03.ogg Yumemizuki Mizuki: I suppose this is as good a place as any to get some combat experience. Once we're done here, we should go for a soak in the hot springs.


Media:vo mizuki saferoom others 01.ogg Yumemizuki Mizuki: If you think about it... Could this play be a part of a dream?
Media:vo mizuki saferoom others 02.ogg Yumemizuki Mizuki: Fascinating... Dreams tend to exist on a binary — either dark or light, with notes of bitterness or joy... Yet, this dream defies my attempts to understand it.
Media:vo mizuki saferoom others 03.ogg Yumemizuki Mizuki: With you to guide me, I'm eager to venture further into this place and discover the colors at the heart of this dream.


Media:vo mizuki saferoom rest 01.ogg Yumemizuki Mizuki: Remember, there's no need to rush. Push yourself too hard, and all that stress will give you nightmares.
Media:vo mizuki saferoom rest 02.ogg Yumemizuki Mizuki: And nightmares will absolutely sap your energy!
Media:vo mizuki saferoom rest 03.ogg Yumemizuki Mizuki: So, take it easy. If your body's telling you to rest, you need to listen. You can take a nap right here next to me, how about that?

Yun Jin[]


Media:vo yunjin saferoom challenge 01.ogg Yun Jin: Take any character penned by any playwright from any point in history, and you'll find that not a single one of them fulfilled their destiny without first enduring many trials and tribulations.
Media:vo yunjin saferoom challenge 02.ogg Yun Jin: Though the road ahead is treacherous, fear not.
Media:vo yunjin saferoom challenge 03.ogg Yun Jin: With the aid of our companions, and our wills united as one, we can surely overcome any obstacle.


Media:vo yunjin saferoom others 01.ogg Yun Jin: Novels do have their poignant moments, but if I only read the text on the page, I can't help but feel like something is missing.
Media:vo yunjin saferoom others 02.ogg Yun Jin: It's only when I've brought a character to the stage that I'm truly able to feel all the emotions their story is meant to convey.
Media:vo yunjin saferoom others 03.ogg Yun Jin: There's truth to the saying that you can't see the mountain for what it really is when you're standing at the peak. But there are also breathtaking views that can only be beheld if you scale the summit.


Media:vo yunjin saferoom rest 01.ogg Yun Jin: In my eyes, battle is not unlike a performance: You must remain absolutely focused to avoid any errors. But all the enjoyment of performing isn't present in battle, so it inevitably gets tiring after a while.
Media:vo yunjin saferoom rest 02.ogg Yun Jin: Take a moment and allow yourself to rest. We can have a nice chat over some refreshments and tea.
Media:vo yunjin saferoom rest 03.ogg Yun Jin: Once we've replenished our strength, we will begin our next act, and teach those villains a lesson they won't ever forget.



Media:vo zhongli saferoom challenge 01.ogg Zhongli: I suspect battle is not the ultimate objective, but merely part of a process by which to advance towards a greater goal. Perhaps this place contains something you desire.
Media:vo zhongli saferoom challenge 02.ogg Zhongli: Let us proceed together, then. Whatever trial awaits us, we shall face it as one.
Media:vo zhongli saferoom challenge 03.ogg Zhongli: Should you find yourself gripped by fear or panic, simply retreat behind me and follow my lead.


Media:vo zhongli saferoom others 01.ogg Zhongli: This place appears to be well-furnished. A long table, appropriate equipment for preparing tea... With enough people, a gathering could certainly be organized here.
Media:vo zhongli saferoom others 02.ogg Zhongli: What say you to such a gathering?
Media:vo zhongli saferoom others 03.ogg Zhongli: It has been quite some time since we last spoke over tea. I believe a thorough retelling of your latest exploits is long overdue.


Media:vo zhongli saferoom rest 01.ogg Zhongli: This domain affords the opportunity for endless challenges while also providing an ample place to rest. Most fascinating indeed.
Media:vo zhongli saferoom rest 02.ogg Zhongli: It stands to reason that the creator of this realm holds lofty expectations for those who enter.
Media:vo zhongli saferoom rest 03.ogg Zhongli: Even the lengthiest of battles have their end. As for how long this one shall last, I suppose that remains to be discovered...