Hongyi (Chinese: 弘毅 Hóngyì) is a member of the Millelith who patrols Chihu Rock in Liyue Harbor. He typically wanders the area between Granny Shan to the docks.
Hongyi has a strong sense of justice and is deeply concerned about the water contamination situation at Feiyun Slope. The price gouging due to water shortage bothers him greatly, saying that it "makes [him] sick."
Between messages on the Feiyun Slope Bulletin Board and dialogue from Gentry De'an, Huachu, and Jianqiu, the truth behind the Feiyun Slope contamination is revealed. Huachu and Jianqiu are in love, but Gentry De'an refused to acknowledge Jianqiu due to his low social status. The two decided to elope by faking Huachu's death: they somehow obtained a corpse resembling Huachu and dressed it up as her, then put it inside the well to make it look like she committed suicide. They are now traveling to parts unknown, currently stopped at Stone Gate.
It appears that Hongyi is not aware of the discovery of Huachu's "corpse," as his dialogue will always remark that the cause of the contamination is unknown.
(To be added.)
Quests and Events[]
Idle Quotes[]
I can't believe...
- "I can't believe the well got polluted..."
- Hongyi: While the Millelith stands guard, evil shall never prevail! At your service, traveler.
Why the long face?
- Hongyi: *sigh* Something's been really bothering me.
- Hongyi: It seems like the water supply at Feiyun Slope's been contaminated. Smells like there's something rotting in there.
- Hongyi: It's getting difficult for those poor folks to get water now. They have to go all the way to Chihu Rock, or even further afield.
- Hongyi: What's worse is some people are turning it into a money-making opportunity. Charging ridiculous prices to bring water to the elderly, to women and children, anyone without the strength to fetch it for themselves. It makes me sick...
How did this happen?
- Hongyi: I don't know for sure. It's unclear whether someone did this on purpose, or if not, what else might have caused it.
- Hongyi: If it turns out someone sabotaged the water supply, they're gonna wind up in prison for life. That's according to the Urban Areas Sanitation Act, as amended by Ningguang herself.
- Hongyi: Clause twelve is as follows:
- Hongyi: "When water's natural purity is preserved, diseases cannot fester. But when sullied at its source, it gives rise to all manner of plagues and pestilences. Therefore, let the one who pollutes a water source through negligence be shown leniency, but let any that would willfully pollute a water source be shown no mercy whatsoever."
Have you found a way to fix the problem?
- Hongyi: Well, I'm still working on it, but...
- Hongyi: I'm just a rank and file soldier, so all I can really do is to pass incident reports up to my superior, who will then pass it up to his superior...
- Hongyi: The one in charge of land and livelihood management among the Liyue Qixing is the Yuheng — that is to say, Lady Keqing.
- Hongyi: But things have just been happening one after another in Liyue Harbor, and the Qixing have so many things on their plate. Who knows when they'll receive my report...
See you.
- Hongyi: See you. Remember — sullied at source means plagues and pestilences. Be very careful where you get your drinking water from during this time.
- 弘毅 Hóngyì (lit. Wide-Endurance) is a Chinese word meaning a person is magnanimous, resolute, and has a firm and valiant mind.[1][2] It originates from a statement of the philosopher Zengzi appeared in the Analects of Confucius.[2]
- "The officer may not be without breadth of mind and vigorous endurance (弘毅). His burden is heavy and his course is long. Perfect virtue is the burden which he considers it is his to sustain - is it not heavy? Only with death does his course stop - is it not long?" (translated by James Legge; emphasis for hongyi (弘毅) added).[3]
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Hongyi |
Chinese (Simplified) | 弘毅 Hóngyì |
Chinese (Traditional) | 弘毅 Hóngyì |
Japanese | 弘毅 Kougi[!][!] |
Korean | 홍의홍의 Hong-ui |
Spanish | Hongyi |
French | Hongyi |
Russian | Хун И Khun I |
Thai | Hongyi |
Vietnamese | Hongyi |
German | Hongyi |
Indonesian | Hongyi |
Portuguese | Hongyi |
Turkish | Hongyi |
Italian | Hongyi |