Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

The toy shop run by Granny Shan. No matter the time or situation, people always want to enjoy themselves. Perhaps it is this sentiment that has led her to continue manning this nameless little store year after year. Apart from spinning tops, wooden swords, kites, and other knick-knacks, you can also sometimes find some rarer toys here...

World Map description

Granny Shan (Chinese: 阿山婆 Ā Shān-pó) is a shop NPC located in Liyue Harbor, Liyue. A toymaker for over 40 years, she particularly likes making kites. She is the owner of the Toy Shop indicated by the Icon Special Souvenir icon on the map.


Musical Instruments[]

ItemItem MoraStockTotal
Floral Zither Floral Zither150,0001150,000
Total cost for all items

Recreational Toys[]

ItemItem MoraStockTotal
Xiao Lantern Xiao Lantern5001,000500,000
Launch Tube Launch Tube30,000130,000
The Mountain Clouds Let Down Golden Rain The Mountain Clouds Let Down Golden Rain10,000110,000
The Silver Night is Full of Stars The Silver Night is Full of Stars10,000110,000
The Gloom Paints the Cold Blooms The Gloom Paints the Cold Blooms10,000110,000
Fireworks Dance Amidst a Snowy Sky Fireworks Dance Amidst a Snowy Sky10,000110,000
Golden Calendula Swirl Golden Calendula Swirl10,000110,000
Kindled Trees by the Moonlit Window Kindled Trees by the Moonlit Window10,000110,000
Mischievous Villosas Mischievous Villosas10,000110,000
Sparkly Shiny Dodoco! Sparkly Shiny Dodoco!10,000110,000
Fame and Fortune For a Season Fame and Fortune For a Season10,000110,000
Unyielding Spirit Unyielding Spirit10,000110,000
Festival Spotlight Festival Spotlight10,000110,000
Wanmin Feast Wanmin Feast10,000110,000
Total cost for all items



(To be added.)


(To be added.)

Quests and Events[]

Archon Quests

Story Quests

World Quests


Character Mentions[]

Character Stories


Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle To make people smile.
Media:VO Granny Shan 01.ogg "I just like to make people smile."
During Vibrant Harriers Aloft in Spring Breeze
Icon Dialogue Idle The kite of your dreams...
Media:VO Granny Shan Lantern Rite 01.ogg "I hope you'll be able to find the kite of your dreams."


Granny Shan: Smiling makes the world a more beautiful place! See any toys you like?
Icon Special Souvenir What do you have to sell here?
Granny Shan: What you see is what I've got. Have a look, perhaps there might be something that catches your eye.
(Opens the shop menu)
Icon Dialogue Talk About the toys...
Granny Shan: Oh, children love them. Intricate things, they are.
Granny Shan: I've got toys for adults too, if you'd like.
Icon Dialogue Talk Adult toys...?
Granny Shan: Sorry, I should have been more specific. Some toys need adult supervision — kites for example.
Granny Shan: Come war and famine or the peace and prosperity we know today, happiness is always something worth striving for, don't you think?
Icon Dialogue Talk So, about Rex Lapis...
Granny Shan: Rex Lapis? I understand. Does your little one back home also want a Rex Lapis-themed toy?
Granny Shan: Have a look: dragon horn tops, stone dice, a dragon-shaped wooden sword, a kite with Rex Lapis' portrait on it... which would you like?
Granny Shan: Ah... So you're just asking around. I see. Rex Lapis-themed toys are so very popular among the children, so I naturally thought that...
Icon Dialogue Talk See you.
Granny Shan: Goodbye! Take care now.

Event Dialogue[]

Vibrant Harriers Aloft in Spring Breeze[]

Granny Shan: Happy Lantern Rite, youngster! See any toys you like?
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell me about kites...
Granny Shan: Ah, so you're here to buy one, are you?
Granny Shan: There's lots of new designs for this year's Lantern Rite, and some of them have come equipped with devices that will let them fly more easily...
Granny Shan: As for me, I just have some traditional patterns, and all these newfangled items do rather confuse me. If you want to buy them, you might want to drop by Zhenyuan's stall.
Granny Shan: She's my niece, and she came to Liyue Harbor from Chenyu Vale this year to do business. Young people are full of energy, but they can be prone to mistakes, so please do take care of her.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishGranny Shan
Ā Shān-pó
Ā Shān-pó
SpanishAbuela Shan
RussianБабуля Шань
Babulya Shan'
Thaiยาย Shan
Yai Shan
VietnameseA Sơn Bà Bà
GermanOma Shan
IndonesianNenek Shan
PortugueseVovó Shan
TurkishShan Nine
ItalianNonna Shan

Change History[]

Version 5.3
  • The shop now has two sections: "Musical Instruments" and "Recreational Toys"
  • Added Xiao Lantern to her shop under "Recreational Toys"

Version 3.4

Version 2.7

Version 1.0

  • Granny Shan was released.


  1. Amuleto: JP VA's Profile