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Genshin Impact Wiki

Babisse is an open-world NPC located in Petrichor, Nostoi Region, Fontaine. He is a member of the Daydream Club who is currently in Petrichor alongside his brother, Mécantre.

His dialogue changes after completing the World Quest Series Canticles of Harmony and World Quest Daydreams Beyond Space and Time. During the quest Canticles of Harmony, he is possessed by an unnamed scientist under Remurian Academy of Sciences from Remuria.



According to Félix Yogue, Babisse and his brother Mécantre are currently working on a "super-sized cannon [...] that [...] shall fire missiles that can fly high enough to touch the stars of Teyvat... all while carrying people inside." Félix also says that they are still searching for a suitable fuel type for their project and notes that they are likely rather downcast at the moment.[1]


(To be added.)

Quests and Events[]

World Quests

Idle Quotes[]

Available before completing Daydreams Beyond Space and Time.

Icon Dialogue Idle Structural issues...
Media:VO Babisse 01.ogg "I must solve these structural issues post-haste!"

Available after completing Daydreams Beyond Space and Time.

Icon Dialogue Idle This cannonball...
Media:VO Babisse 02.ogg "This cannonball must be super-sized!"


Dialogue Set #1[]

Available before completing Canticles of Harmony.

Babisse: I must find a way to resolve these structural issues, post-haste...
Icon Dialogue Talk What issues?
Babisse: I'm designing a high-speed aquabus, but there's just one problem...
Babisse: After a period of high-speed operation, its internal components begin to vibrate intensely, damaging them...
Babisse: I've tried switching materials many times, but the problem remains. Is the problem with my design, then, or the materials?
Icon Dialogue Talk Could I see that aquabus?
Babisse: Eh? Well, the trial versions are all in my lab. I came out here to...
Babisse: To... Uh... find... materials...
Babisse: The God King even... assigned me a guard to... to... conduct research under his glorious banner... such happiness...
Icon Dialogue Talk See you.
Babisse: See you. Farewell... outlander...

Dialogue Set #2[]

Available after completing Canticles of Harmony.

Babisse: You have to... We have to look up at the sky and cease obsessing over Mora and tall towers. An empty space is where a researcher truly belongs...

Dialogue Set #3[]

Available after completing Daydreams Beyond Space and Time.

Babisse: Speaking of cannonballs, the bigger the better, wouldn't you say?
Icon Dialogue Talk What would you need such a large cannonball for?
Babisse: Well, for people to sit in, of course, and soar into the skies via the giant cannon's propulsion!
Babisse: My design would have the cannonball be internally hollow, such that two... or even three people could sit inside.
Babisse: We'd need thick cushioning as well, so that we don't injure ourselves slamming into the walls of the projectile when it's fired.
Babisse: Of course, we'll also need adequate food, water, and a Kamera...
Icon Dialogue Talk Wait, wait! What will such a huge cannonball be made of?
Babisse: Hmmm, well, this is exactly the problem I meant to solve.
Babisse: I've prepared several experimental material types, and I plan to use each to make a projectile, each with small animals as... passengers.
Babisse: *sigh* Speaking of which, I must thank that gentleman for his "high-speed aquabus" idea. It's given me tons of inspiration.
Babisse: It's not exactly the same sort of "speed" as the cannonball's, of course, but there are still design ideas here that I can gainfully refer to.
Icon Dialogue Talk Goodbye.
Babisse: Farewell! I wonder what material I should use to make this cannonball.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]

Introduced in Version 2.8 • Released in Version 4.6

