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Genshin Impact Wiki

The power of the spirits is no falsehood. Burdened with her orders, the divine maiden hurries on!

Spring Spirit Summoning is Shenhe's Elemental Skill.

Gameplay Notes[]

  • When this skill hits at least one enemy, it generates 3 Elemental Particles if it was pressed and 4 if it was held.
  • The buff based on Shenhe's ATK is dynamic and changes if her ATK changes during the buff.
  • The resulting Icy Quill DMG Bonus is flat and is expressed as:
Passive Effects
  • Passive Talent 2, Spirit Communion Seal Spirit Communion Seal: After using this talent, all nearby party members have their damage increased as follows:
    • Press: 15% increase to Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst DMG for 10s.
    • Hold: 15% increase to Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack DMG for 15s.
Constellation Effects
  • Constellation Level 1, Clarity of Heart Clarity of Heart: "Spring Spirit Summoning can be used 1 more time."
  • Constellation Level 3, Seclusion Seclusion: Increases this talent's level by 3, up to a maximum of 15.
  • Constellation Level 4, Insight Insight: When characters trigger the Icy Quill bonus DMG effect, Shenhe gains one Skyfrost Mantra stack. The next time Shenhe uses Spring Spirit Summoning, its damage is increased by 5% for each stack of Skyfrost Mantra, which Shenhe consumes after using Spring Spirit Summoning. Stacks last for 60 seconds and have a maximum of 50 stacks.
  • Constellation Level 6, Mystical Abandon Mystical Abandon: "When characters trigger Icy Quill's effects using Normal and Charged Attack DMG, it does not count toward the Trigger Quota."

Advanced Properties[]

Internal CooldownPoise
Stagger EffectBlunt
TagTagTypeTypeS. L.S. L.H. F.H. F.V. F.V. F.
Press DMG1UElemental Skill0.1s100Heavy2000
Hold DMG2UNo ICD200Light2000


Attribute Scaling[]

Talent Levels past 10 require Elemental Skill Level Increase methods, such as Constellations and Event bonuses.

Press Skill DMG (%)139.2149.64160.08174184.44194.88208.8222.72236.64250.56264.48278.4295.8313
Hold Skill DMG (%)188.8202.96217.12236250.16264.32283.2302.08320.96339.84358.72377.6401.2424.8
DMG Bonus (% ATK)45.6649.0852.557.0760.4963.9268.4873.0577.6282.1886.7591.3197.02102.7
Press/Hold Duration10s/15s
Press/Hold Trigger Quota5/7
Press CD10s
Hold CD15s

Talent Leveling[]

1 → 2
Mora 12,500[12,500]
Whopperflower Nectar 6[6]
Teachings of Prosperity 3[3]
2 → 3
Mora 17,500[30,000]
Shimmering Nectar 3[3]
Guide to Prosperity 2[2]
3 → 4
Mora 25,000[55,000]
Shimmering Nectar 4[7]
Guide to Prosperity 4[6]
4 → 5
Mora 30,000[85,000]
Shimmering Nectar 6[13]
Guide to Prosperity 6[12]
5 → 6
Mora 37,500[122,500]
Shimmering Nectar 9[22]
Guide to Prosperity 9[21]
6 → 7
Mora 120,000[242,500]
Energy Nectar 4[4]
Philosophies of Prosperity 4[4]
Hellfire Butterfly 1[1]
7 → 8
Mora 260,000[502,500]
Energy Nectar 6[10]
Philosophies of Prosperity 6[10]
Hellfire Butterfly 1[2]
8 → 9
Mora 450,000[952,500]
Energy Nectar 9[19]
Philosophies of Prosperity 12[22]
Hellfire Butterfly 2[4]
9 → 10
Mora 700,000[1,652,500]
Energy Nectar 12[31]
Philosophies of Prosperity 16[38]
Hellfire Butterfly 2[6]
Crown of Insight 1[1]


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSpring Spirit Summoning
Yǎng Língwēi Zhào Jiàngyì Zhòu
Spell of Relying on Spirit Power and Summoning Spirit General
Yǎng Língwēi Zhào Jiàngyì Zhòu
Gyo Reii Sho Shoeki Ju
Spell of Relying on Spirit Power and Summoning Spirit General
Korean위령 소환 구사술
Wiryeong Sohwan Gusasul
Dignified Spirit Summoning
SpanishEspíritu exorcizadorExorcizing Spirit
FrenchInvocation d'esprit printanierSpring Spirit Summoning
RussianПризыв духа
Prizyv dukha
Summoning the Spirit
ThaiSpring Spirit Summoning
VietnameseTriệu Tướng Dịch Chú
GermanMantra der GeisterbeschwörungMantra of Spirit Summoning
IndonesianSpring Spirit Summoning
PortugueseInvocação EspiritualSpiritual Invocation
TurkishRuha ÇağrıSpirit Summoning
ItalianEvocazione dello spirito primaverileSpring Spirit Summoning

Change History[]

