A magician's assistant hidden in the shadows who refers to herself as a "Multi-Function Magic Assistant." Poker-faced, reticent to speak, and as unpredictable in her movements as a cat.
—Description from the Official Website[1]
A magic assistant of few words, her emotions are as inscrutable as any cat's.
—In-game character attributes and profile page text
Compared to her siblings Lyney and Freminet, Lynette is the most reserved of the three. She rarely talks to others out of her own accord, letting Lyney do the talking for her, and dissuades essentially any attempt to speak with her by saying bizarre responses. Whenever she needs to talk, she speaks briefly and frankly.
Due to a rare case of atavism, Lynette has feline features and traits, such as enjoying fish. She also has a habit of breaking and/or damaging machines, resulting her not using them frequently. Lynette enjoys making and drinking tea, though her sensitive tongue results in her having to cool it down first before drinking.
As a result of her traumatic past with Lyney, Lynette does not trust most people lest they take advantage of them, seeing her brother as a truth in a world full of lies and falsehoods. Like Lyney, she keeps her ties with the Fatui discreet.
Lynette uses the medium female model. She is a young woman with violet eyes, pale skin, and ash blonde hair tied into a low, thin ponytail which extends down her back. She has blunt bangs swept to her left, a short braid along the right side of her head, and two sections of hair which frame her face, curling inwards towards her chin. Additionally, she has cat-like ears, and a cat's tail. She also has a small, dark brown star-shaped mark on her left cheek, mirroring her brother's teardrop mark on his opposite cheek.
Official Introduction
Version 1
That's already the fifth time this month... Haven't you learned not to mess with Lynette?
—Words muttered by Freminet to a vacuum cleaner, overheard by Lyney as he left his room in the dead of night.
In direct contrast to her older brother, who refers to himself as "the greatest magician in all Teyvat", Lynette might possibly be the lowest-profile Magician's Assistant in the land.
She seeks neither flowers nor applause, avoids interviews, and generally tries to avoid notice.
Whether people are trying to attract her attention or simply curious, she shuts them out with bizarre responses like "Entering Standby Mode" and "I need to space out."
Even when bigwigs from the audience pay them a private visit, Lynette always takes a back seat and lets Lyney do the talking. She prefers to brew a pot of tea and sit in the corner, looking down as she quietly sips away, apparently uninterested by the conversation.
Only the very few among them, in the briefest of interludes, sense for a millisecond that they are being secretly watched. But by the time they try to locate the source of the gaze, it has already vanished without a trace.
Yet the only other people in the room are Lyney – warm and hospitable as ever – and Lynette, whose undivided attention is being bestowed upon a teacup.
...Perhaps it was just their imagination.
...But even if not, what harm could a quick glance have done? It's not like they could have seen anything of any significance... could they?
Version 2
You needn't fret, nor should you feel like you have to change your own habits. But you should know that genuine understanding can only be found, not sought. A true companion is someone who can read your 'signals.
In their little team of three at the Hotel Bouffes d'ete, Lynette plays an essential role in making sure that their work runs smoothly. When Lyney's bold nature clashes with Freminet's cautiousness, instead of taking sides, Lynette stands back and analyzes the situation in a calm and collected manner. She resolves their disputes by helping them find a middle ground.
She's generally very quiet and is in the habit of constantly observing other members of her "family." If Lyney accidentally cut his finger in the middle of a performance, or Freminet suddenly looked downcast, Lynette would make a mental note of it. When she had a suitable opportunity, she'd be there with a bandage or a cup of tea.
She loves her "family" and her "family" love her. Waking up by the fireplace, she's become accustomed to the familiar sight of Lyney at the table practicing card tricks and Freminet cleaning the living room. It was in such a moment that she suddenly realized how long it had been since the memory of those sleepless nights of fearful anticipation had vanished — just like a lump of coal that had burned itself into oblivion.
Character Stories
Character Details
When asked who the most famous magician in the Court of Fontaine is, audiences will almost certainly think of the stylish, vibrant Lyney and his stage presence.
But if you were to ask after its most renowned magic assistant, people would scratch their hands and be at quite a loss to answer.
The adulation is not for her, after all, nor is the resounding applause directed at her skill and presence. As an assistant, she needs only misdirect the audience at opportune moments, ensuring the spotlight stays on the protagonist.
Whether on or offstage, Lynette habitually hides behind Lyney, in shadows that neither lights nor compliments can penetrate.
For an assistant, keeping a low profile is a professional matter.
And as for a child of the "House"... being cloaked in shadow is how one survives.
Character Story 1
Friendship Lv. 2
Lynette often uses phrases like "standby" and "power-saving" to avoid unwanted trouble.
Now, if one were to use a term like "idling" to avoid work, one has an 80-90% chance of getting "doesn't that mean you're free, then!?" as a reply, followed by renewed haranguing.
But, say, if you were to very seriously proclaim yourself to be in "standby mode" to "save energy," and combine that with a statue-like expression like Lynette's, you can stupefy the other party for a while.
It is through such momentary gaps that Lynette will calmly slip away, all the while wearing a most serious expression.
This method, of course, does not work on friends, but those who know Lynette well are more than aware of her dislike of work, and still more clear with regards to the... consequences of making her do errands.
Though she might spout machine-related lingo often, that is about as far as Lynette understands machines.
There is a saying in her home: No matter what you do, do not leave her unattended in a room with the dishwasher, the vacuum cleaner... or any machine, really.
Failing this, by the time a third party (usually Freminet) arrives on the scene, the machine will have suffered one of two fates:
One, it will have broken down, somehow — the dishwasher will foam at the mouth, the vacuum cleaner will suffer convulsions, all while Lynette stands amidst the disaster zone with an innocent expression.
Two, the machines are mercifully spared, but there has been no progress with the task, with Lynette cat-napping in a corner somewhere.
Considering that the result of any one incident is unpredictable, and neither result is desirable, Lynette has, to her relief, been relieved of all housework.
It is strange, however, that she is able to wreck even the simplest machines due to mishandling...
Yet, when onstage operating magical props, Lynette is even more focused than her brother, never having made a single mistake over the years.
Character Story 2
Friendship Lv. 3
From a certain point of view, a "magician's assistant" is a contradictory sort of work.
The cheers and applause are for the magician, the protagonist, and similarly, the flowers and fame are not directed at the protagonist's sidekick.
Yet a brilliant performance cannot exist without an assistant's cooperation.
As the one closest to the magician onstage, the assistant knows all the magician's secrets, and in dangerous performances, the assistant's every move means life or death for the magician.
Onstage, the magician and assistant are like a double-sided mirror. One tends toward the light, absorbing the audience's attention. The other faces the darkness, pulling levers and strings in the rear to complete the trick — each side turns the other in endless permutations.
If they are to operate in harmony, the assistant's skills cannot be far behind those of the magician themselves.
But with such skill, how could one long be content to live in another's shadow? Thus do many assistants, once their skills are fully developed, strike out on their own — they will not forever remain the pupil.
When Lyney became famous, many notables took notice of Lynette's potential, believing that she could achieve greater stardom still should she become an independent act. Some even asked her to take up the role of a leading actress in their films.
Cat ears on young lady, who was also a magician... Even with those gimmicks alone, there was a fortune to be made!
Alas, these passionate entreaties fell on deaf ears, and not only would Lynette reject them... She could not even be bothered to come up with reasons for doing so, instead leaving the task of coming up with them to Lyney instead.
This was quite the conundrum indeed, for many of those making requests were distinguished members of society. "Father" had left clear instructions — they were not to be treated with contempt.
And if his authorship were to be discovered, any further meetings with them might turn awkward.
So Lyney had no choice but to write letter after letter of refusal in Lynette's manner of speech, filling each to the margins with polite and earnest words.
Even one as silver-tongued as Lyney found it exceeding difficult to mimic her laconic manner of speech.
Exhausted in hand and spirit, glancing at his sister lounging on the sofa, Lyney could not help but think — why not try it for real? He could play the assistant, no problem.
"...Don't even think about it." Even that flicker of thought could not escape Lynette. She stretched, before flipping over to face him. "I like being your assistant."
Character Story 3
Friendship Lv. 4
Brewing tea is one of Lynette's few hobbies.
Watching the steam swirl above the tea cup, getting a whiff of its elegant flavor, and the day's troubles all but melt away.
Whenever a guest comes to visit, Lyney is usually the one who receives them, while Lynette waits with tea in the back. When words are had over tea at home, she is also usually the one who makes it while others do the talking.
As others discuss all manner of things or engage in light and idle talk, Lynette can be found sitting at the side, holding her cup in two hands, blowing on it to cool it before drinking in small sips.
Her tongue is naturally sensitive, and she cannot drink tea that is too hot.
But to use merely warm water to make tea would be an abominable waste, and to add ice to tea, or pour the tea between two cups to cool it down... Lynette would consider such actions blasphemy.
Ice dilutes the thickness of the drink, and the pouring will affect its layered flavor... Only by blowing on it, puff by small puff of air at a time, may one achieve the ideal temperature, so as to neither scald nor be shorn of flavor.
And once this ideal temperature has been achieved, one should not also drink it all immediately.
Some teas have greater flavor as you near the bottom of the cup, and a wait of several minutes should be imposed after one mouthful before one may continue on and savor the next sip. That is why she always takes her time when drinking tea.
By the time the teapot is empty, the conversation is usually also just about over.
And as for the teaware on the table... That might be best left to someone else, lest she wreck the dishwasher again.
Character Story 4
Friendship Lv. 5 •
As Light Rain Falls Without Reason
There was once an official in Fontaine who wanted to investigate the cash flow of the Hotel Bouffes d'ete in the previous few months.
However, no sooner had he finished drawing up a draft than his superior hastily called the whole business to a halt.
This poor official could never have imagined how this was due to a letter his superior had received, complete with an attached set of photos featuring a tryst the latter had enjoyed with a famous socialite.
This superior, too, could never have imagined that this secret had been exposed thanks to his whipping out a handkerchief that did not belong to his wife during a magic show.
At that time, he had been all too absorbed in the exciting goings-on onstage, thus failing to notice the gaze directed his way from the shadows.
This momentary distraction allowed Lynette to "steal" intel from him, all but picking him clean.
People will unconsciously reveal themselves through their outfits, eyes, movements, and even the slight pauses and shifts in their tone...
While most will be unable to get much out of such signs, buried as they are under many confusing details, Lynette is able to use her uncanny powers of observation to catch all such critical details.
And after she connects all these seemingly trivial details, she can tease out intel useful to the Hotel.
These "eyes" of the Hotel, one in the light and the other in darkness, have stolen all manner of secrets from the famous in Fontaine. Nor have any of these people noticed the theft — to them, it may as well have been magic.
And because she must maintain this razor focus while working, Lynette speaks little to conserve her energy and not divide her attention.
Even in her daily life, or when she is at rest, she habitually filters out all kinds of useless information...
That said, what information counts as useful and what counts as useless is completely up to her.
For example, what about machine operating and housework-related skills? Why, if one never does them, one can safely and confidently tuck them away in the back of one's mind.
And when caught up in teatime gossip, one merely needs to occasionally append the conversation with "I see," "Is that so," and "And then..." to ensure a smooth-running chat.
Economy of energy — just the way she prefers it.
Character Story 5
Friendship Lv. 6 •
As Light Rain Falls Without Reason
People often believe that Lynette's cat ears are a part of her performance attire, as the same blood flows in her and Lyney's veins, yet he appears no different from ordinary people.
However, Lynette's ears and tail do, in fact, grow on her body — they are real as real can be.
It is said that these cat-like features are inherited, but that even as such a bloodline grows thin across generations, instances of "atavism" can still occur from time to time.
When she was young, Lynette did not love this particular gift from her ancestors.
There would always be some curious kid who would, whether intentionally or inadvertently, point at them and ask her: Why are you different from everyone else? Are you and Lyney not real siblings?
The introverted Lynette did not know how to reply, nor could Lyney always be with her. Whenever such things would happen, she could only push her ears down, curl her tail up, and squat in a corner, by herself and beside herself with misery.
Only alley cats would come to comfort her, coiling around and rubbing against her ankles.
She could not let her brother see her like this, she knew. He already had a great many things to worry about — he did not need this kind of trivial matter on his mind as well.
But she could not simply pretend that nothing was wrong — to deceive the genius magician, she had to fool herself first.
So she hugged the cat tightly to herself, softly brushing the fur on its back. As she felt its light breath, calm slowly returned to her heart.
By the time the cat leapt from her arms, her face had regained its usual placid appearance.
Among Fontaine's nobility, there are also some novelty-seeking degenerates. During one party, a certain "important person" found themselves taken with Lynette's unusual appearance.
Over her protests, despite her struggling, the siblings' foster father stuffed her into that person's carriage without a second thought, almost as if giving away a sofa-scratching cat.
Why her? Why was she born with these ears?
In her suffocating solitude, Lynette once again covered her ears in pain, unable to hold back the bitterness repressed over long years.
"Stop hiding. Cowering will get you nowhere." That voice shone through the darkness with the moonlight. "Come out. The one who wished to harm you is dead."
That voice was cruel ice, and yet it had a spellbinding, comforting power also. Lynette lifted her eyes, and there she saw the person she would in later days call "Father."
"You have good ears. Learn to use them."
"Father" kneaded Lynette's ears. That touch was not gentle. Indeed, they were as cold as the moon's light.
And like that light, it illuminated a corner of the darkness.
"When a cat's ears are folded backward, that often indicates fear or vigilance, and if they stand up and point forward, that usually indicates a good mood..."
Whenever Lyney tells new members of Hotel Bouffes d'ete about the habits of ordinary cats, he will often steal a glance at his younger sister nearby.
Lynette's ears are straight, they face the front, and they occasionally flutter outward.
It has been a long time since she last folded them back.
Non-Automated Feeding Machine
Friendship Lv. 4
This is a made-to-order automated feeding machine that Freminet helped construct, intended to deal with the ever-increasing number of small animals at home.
After a certain performance ended, Lynette discovered an abandoned box at the theater's back door.
As she opened it, a few kittens, barely a month old, raised their heads in alarm. Yet they had not the strength to flee, and thus could only stare into her eyes anxiously.
Lynette said nothing, nor did she reach out to further startle them. Instead, she simply looked back at them in silence.
Slowly they seemed to come to the understanding that she meant them no harm, and eventually dipped their straining necks.
Only then did Lynette pick the box of cats up, and they laid down in silence, allowing this young lady to take them back to their new "home."
There was some small debate amongst family members as to whether the animals should be taken in, but the usually reticent Lynette put her foot down, insisting that they stay.
The argument somehow managed to reach the ears of none other than "Father," and she had the final word — which was that her children should cease the silly squabbling.
"Those who wish to raise them, do so yourselves — but do it well. Don't make trouble for others."
After a short silence, she then added, "And if you have not taught them how to follow the rules by the end of winter, get rid of them yourselves."
That statement put paid to the rest of the argument. As for the task of teaching the cats, it fell to Lynette.
Considering that Lynette was usually averse to busywork, Freminet had the automated feeding machine custom made.
The machine came with an internal clock and a weighing machine that could allow it to feed the kittens various foods at precise times and in fixed amounts.
This machine, in turn, became one of the few machines to survive Lynette's tender mercies, never breaking down across many years of service. Indeed, its inner components have remained spanking new, with only the plate beneath the food outlet showing much sign of use.
And this... is because Lynette has never used it properly.
The sort of food to add into each box, how to input feeding times and amounts... Rather than memorize that, she found it more convenient to personally prepare the cat food in a plate.
Moreover, if she had to leave even feeding to a machine...
Lynette squatted next to the Non-Automated Feeding Machine, stroking the satisfied cats' fur in silent thought.
...How would she be able to teach these children?
Friendship Lv. 6 •
As Light Rain Falls Without Reason
When Lynette was young, she often heard stories about Visions from Lyney.
The protagonists of these tales seemed omnipotent, capable of summoning storms with a flick of a finger, dispelling dark haze with a puff of air.
Those were not meticulously prepared magic tricks, no — this was the realm of true miracles.
If only we had Visions too, Lynette often though.
Then they could turn magic tricks into real magic. They could pull food to fill their stomachs from hats, and fire to keep themselves warm. Lyney wouldn't have to constantly busy himself keeping them both alive.
But the gods never answered her prayers. In later days, she and Lyney would wander on, and after several twists and turns on the city streets and in noble mansions, they found a place to plant their feet under the aegis of their "Father."
Both of them knew how hard this chance was to come by, and so they endured the harsh training and supported each other through countless missions.
Reality had eroded their childish innocence all too early, and the dream of possessing a Vision, too, had fallen by the wayside of the past.
During a certain mission, they were dispatched to perform at a noble's mountain villa in order to steal incriminating evidence that their target had hidden in a study.
The mission itself was ordinary, and it went quite well. During their performance, the two would tamper with a window in the villa. Once it was over, they would be able to re-enter stealthily and make off with the evidence without a trace.
But just as they had succeeded, three flares went up in the forest outside the window — a message from their "family members" keeping watch.
Three flares meant the worst-case scenario: that the Maison Gardiennage was also targeting this person, and indeed had already dispatched forces to the scene.
If they retreated the way they came, they had a high chance of encountering Maison personnel, and if they were exposed as having conducted their mission in their guise as magicians, not only would they be doomed, but their "family members" would be implicated as well.
The voices outside the study were growing louder — if they wished to escape as quickly and stealthily as possible, they would have to take a risk.
The villa retreat was built against the mountain, and out the window was a cliff, beneath which was a swift river.
Lynette exchanged a glance with her brother, and without a word, they grasped each others' hands tightly, and leapt out the window.
The rippling waves below slammed into Lyney with a terrible crash.
He had attempted to absorb the impact with his shoulder just as they impacted, protecting his sister once again, but the impact with the water swallowed his consciousness.
Desperate, Lynette grabbed onto a floating piece of wood, and by sheer dint of will managed to drag her unconscious brother to shore, coughing up water as she struggled on.
Fighting the searing pain in her lungs, she checked his condition in a panic. He was deathly pale, his eyes squeezed shut — there was none of his usual vitality to be seen.
She hugged him tightly to prevent his temperature from dropping further, even as she surveyed her surroundings. The forest was dark, and in that lightless night the twisted trees seemed ever more malevolent.
She called his name softly, hoping that he might stand up again with a grin, just as he had in their prior performances. But this time, the only reply she received was his fragile and weak breathing.
The loneliness and fear of that fateful night so many years ago seized her heart once again.
It had been so long, and they'd been through so much — she'd grown from that, or so she thought.
Why, then, were things just like before? Could she do nothing but wait for someone to defend her? As she trembled in the darkness?
No. No. It should have been different. They had made so many miracles by their own hand, conquered so many obstacles.
...She had wished to stand behind him, supporting him, back to back, shoulder to shoulder.
The Maison personnel could be patrolling nearby. She dared not call out to their "family members," nor could they stay here.
The only thing she could do now was grasp Lyney's hand tightly, and haul him onto her shoulders.
If she could not see the way forward, then she would hear it.
Extending her ears as high as she could, she listened out for even the slightest wisp of wind.
And the wind sang through the branches and through the bushes, and brushed against her face... and they gradually painted for her a blurry scene.
Lynette groped forward in the dark, the thorns along the path piercing her skin and staining her clothes red.
Slowly, the sight before her eyes became clearer. Perhaps her ears had grown used to the wind, or her eyes, accustomed to the darkness, but her steps grew more agile, more resolute.
In this stage without spotlights, in this performance without plaudits, Lynette had at last become the star.
As the rays of dawn darted into the woods, Lynette carried her brother back to the rendezvous point of their "family," only to encounter someone unexpected — their "Father" had personally made the trip down last night.
Using the last of her strength, Lynette retrieved the sodden evidence from her bosom, but before she could hand it over, her legs gave out, taking Lyney down with her in the fall.
"Father" grabbed them both, allowing the incriminating information to fall to the earth and be soiled.
"Sleep now. You've retrieved... a far more valuable prize."
A Vision, reflecting both the dawn sun and the twins' sleeping faces, hung at Lynette's waist, glowing silently.
Lynette: Earnestness | |
![]() |
Obtain: Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Lynette Description: One major type of magic revolves around "appearing suddenly." Lynette is usually conserving her energy, but her serious side can "appear" as abruptly as pigeons from a hat. |
Felis Alba | |
![]() | Meaning: White Cat |
Quests and Events
Archon Quests
- Chapter IV
- Act I: Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur
- Act III: To the Stars Shining in the Depths
- Act IV: Cataclysm's Quickening
- Act V: Masquerade of the Guilty
Story Quests
- Cisoria Chapter (Chiori)
- Diluvies Chapter (Neuvillette)
- Act I: The Remains of the Past Day
- In a New Light (cutscene)
- Act I: The Remains of the Past Day
- Felis Fuscus Chapter (Lyney)
- Ignis Purgatorius Chapter (Arlecchino)
Hangout Events
Web Events
Character Trials
- Detectives in Lynette's Hangout Event: Act I - Checks & Cats
- Mask in Lynette's Hangout Event: Act I - Checks & Cats
Test Run Events
- Lyney, Yelan, Lynette, Bennett — 2023-08-16
- Xianyun, Nahida, Gaming, Faruzan — 2024-01-31
- Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria — 2024-06-25
- Yumemizuki Mizuki, Sigewinne, Gorou, Sayu — 2025-02-12
Character Mentions
Character Stories
Character | Stories |
Character Voice-Overs
Character | Voice-Overs |
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Sender | Mails |
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- She is the middle sibling in the trio, being Lyney's younger twin and Freminet's adoptive older sister.
- The light source and shading of Lynette's Wish Art differs from that of her Card.
- Additionally, her Wish Art on her HoYoWiki entry has blue-gray eyes similar to Lyney's, whereas all her other depictions — including her in-game Wish Art — give her purple eyes.
- The star-shaped mark on her face may be a mouche, an artificial beauty mark that was fashionable in sixteenth-century France (and later, across Europe).
- The English name Lynette (among various spellings) is derived from the French Lunete, which itself comes from the Welsh Eluned, meaning "image" or "idol."
Other Languages
Character Title: Elegance in the Shadows
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Elegance in the Shadows | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 丽影绮行 Lìyǐng Qǐxíng | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 麗影綺行 Lìyǐng Qǐxíng | |
Japanese | 綺影で魅せるエレガンス Kiei de Miseru Eregansu[!][!] | Enchanting Elegance in the Beauteous Shadows |
Korean | 그림자 속 우아한 걸음 Geurimja Sok Uahan Georeum | Elegant Steps in the Shadows |
Spanish | La Elegancia de las Sombras | The Elegance of the Shadows |
French | Élégance parmi les ombres | Elegance Among the Shadows |
Russian | Изящество среди теней Izyashchestvo sredi teney | Elegance Among the Shadows |
Thai | เงาฉายงามสง่า | |
Vietnamese | Bóng Hình Trang Nhã | |
German | Eleganz im Schatten | Elegance in the Shadows |
Indonesian | Elegance in the Shadows | — |
Portuguese | Elegância nas Sombras | |
Turkish | Gölgedeki Zarafet | |
Italian | Eleganza nell'ombra | Elegance In The Shadow |