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Genshin Impact Wiki

"So the waves roiled, swallowing the crown of the nobles. And ever after did each drop amidst the icy waves reflect a golden crown, each and every droplet of the spray shining with its light."

Icetide Vortex is Eula's Elemental Skill.

Gameplay Notes[]

  • When this skill hits at least one enemy, it generates 1.5 Elemental Particles if it was pressed and 2.5 if it was held.
  • Each Grimheart buff stack is indicated at their gain by an icon above Eula and during their possession by the intensity of her mantle's glow, with the first stack showing a sword icon and giving her mantle a slight glow, and the second stack showing an icon of two crossed swords and giving her mantle a bright glow.
Passive Effects
  • Passive Talent 1, Roiling Rime Roiling Rime: "If 2 stacks of Grimheart are consumed upon unleashing the Holding Mode of Icetide Vortex, a Shattered Lightfall Sword will be created that will explode immediately, dealing 50% of the basic Physical DMG dealt by a Lightfall Sword created by Glacial Illumination."
  • Passive Talent 2, Wellspring of War-Lust Wellspring of War-Lust: "When Glacial Illumination is cast, the CD of Icetide Vortex is reset and Eula gains 1 stack of Grimheart."
Constellation Effects
  • Constellation Level 1, Tidal Illusion Tidal Illusion: "Every time Icetide Vortex's Grimheart stacks are consumed, Eula's Physical DMG is increased by 30% for 6s. Each stack consumed will increase the duration of this effect by 6s up to a maximum of 18s."
  • Constellation Level 2, Lady of Seafoam Lady of Seafoam: "Decreases the CD of Icetide Vortex's Holding Mode, rendering it identical to (PressPress/TappingTapping) CD."
  • Constellation Level 5, Chivalric Quality Chivalric Quality: Increases this talent's level by 3, up to a maximum of 15.
  • Constellation Level 6, Noble Obligation Noble Obligation: "Lightfall Swords created by Glacial Illumination start with 5 stacks of energy. Normal Attacks, Elemental Skills, and Elemental Bursts have a 50% chance to grant the Lightfall Sword an additional stack of energy."

Advanced Properties[]

Internal CooldownPoise
Stagger EffectBlunt
TagTagTypeTypeS. L.S. L.H. F.H. F.V. F.V. F.
Press DMG1UNo ICD120Heavy2000
Hold DMG1UNo ICD150Air480600
Icewhirl Brand DMG1UElemental Skill2.5s/3 Hits50Shake00


Attribute Scaling[]

Talent Levels past 10 require Elemental Skill Level Increase methods, such as Constellations and Event bonuses.

Press DMG (%)146.4157.38168.36183193.98204.96219.6234.24248.88263.52278.16292.8311.1329.4
Hold DMG (%)245.6264.02282.44307325.42343.84368.4392.96417.52442.08466.64491.2521.9552.6
Icewhirl Brand DMG (%)96103.2110.4120127.2134.4144153.6163.2172.8182.4192204216
DEF Bonus30% Per Stack
Grimheart Duration18s
Physical RES Decrease (%)16171819202122232425
Cryo RES Decrease (%)16171819202122232425
RES Decrease Duration7s
Press CD4s
CD (hold)10s

Talent Leveling[]

1 → 2
Mora 12,500[12,500]
Damaged Mask 6[6]
Teachings of Resistance 3[3]
2 → 3
Mora 17,500[30,000]
Stained Mask 3[3]
Guide to Resistance 2[2]
3 → 4
Mora 25,000[55,000]
Stained Mask 4[7]
Guide to Resistance 4[6]
4 → 5
Mora 30,000[85,000]
Stained Mask 6[13]
Guide to Resistance 6[12]
5 → 6
Mora 37,500[122,500]
Stained Mask 9[22]
Guide to Resistance 9[21]
6 → 7
Mora 120,000[242,500]
Ominous Mask 4[4]
Philosophies of Resistance 4[4]
Dragon Lord's Crown 1[1]
7 → 8
Mora 260,000[502,500]
Ominous Mask 6[10]
Philosophies of Resistance 6[10]
Dragon Lord's Crown 1[2]
8 → 9
Mora 450,000[952,500]
Ominous Mask 9[19]
Philosophies of Resistance 12[22]
Dragon Lord's Crown 2[4]
9 → 10
Mora 700,000[1,652,500]
Ominous Mask 12[31]
Philosophies of Resistance 16[38]
Dragon Lord's Crown 2[6]
Crown of Insight 1[1]


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishIcetide Vortex
Bīng Cháo de Wōxuán
Icetide Vortex
Bīng Cháo de Wōxuán
Hyouchou no Uzu‍[!][!]
Icetide Whirlpool
Korean얼음 파도의 와류
Eoreum Pado-ui Waryu
Vortex of Ice Wave
SpanishVórtice heladoFrozen Vortex
FrenchVortex des mers glacéesVortex of Icy Seas
RussianЛедяной прибой
Ledyanoy priboy
Ice Surf
ThaiIcetide Vortex
VietnameseLốc Xoáy Băng HànCold Ice Vortex
GermanEisiger StrudelIcy Vortex
IndonesianIcetide Vortex
PortugueseVórtice GeladoFrozen Vortex
TurkishBuz Dalgası GirdabıIce Wave Vortex
ItalianVortice algidoIcy Vortex

Change History[]

Version 4.0
  • Fixes an issue whereby there was a chance that Icewhirl Brand generated by holding Eula's Elemental Skill would not deal DMG to target enemies.

Version 1.5

  • Icetide Vortex was released.

