Charlotte can be invited as a Companion into the player's Serenitea Pot after obtaining her and completing the World Quest Idle Teapot Talk.
Favorite Furnishing Sets[]
If a character's favorite furnishing set is placed in the same realm as the character for the first time, the character will automatically teleport to the furnishing set. Interacting with the character will initiate a special dialogue, after which the character will teleport back to their original position.
Charlotte has 2 Favorite Furnishing Sets:
Furnishing Set | Rewards |
![]() Key to a Stable Work-Rest Cycle | |
![]() Court of Justice's Placid Days |
Idle Quotes[]
Big scoop...
My manuscripts...
The truth...
The pictures...
- (When the player is nearby)
I'd like to ask...
You're finally here...
- Charlotte: Hey, there you are! This sure is a mysterious place...
- Charlotte: I've taken a ton of photos — and boy, do I have a list of questions for you!
How do you like it here?
- Charlotte: It's idyllic. And the lighting is perfect — you can take the most beautiful photos from literally any angle.
- Charlotte: And yet... We're currently inside your teapot... right?
That's right. Does that worry you?
- Charlotte: No, not really. I was just wondering... What happens if someone opens the lid and pours water in?
- Charlotte: How would that manifest in here? A flood? A storm? Would the water level start rising from beneath our feet?
- Charlotte: I'd love to record that as it happens... Would you mind heading outside for a second and pouring some water in?
I don't use this pot to brew tea. So don't worry.
- Charlotte: Really? You've never brewed tea in here? Ah, well that's a shame. I was going to ask you about how this unique environment affects the flavor of the tea.
- Charlotte: I heard this legend during an interview with someone from Liyue once. They said there was once an adeptus who poured half of the Bishui River into their teapot to brew some tea...
- Charlotte: When the tea was ready, the adeptus poured the whole pot back into the river, and that's how the river got its distinct color.
- Charlotte: No idea if there's any truth to it... I'd sure like to taste the water from the Bishui River if I ever got the chance, just to see if there's any hint of a tea flavor.
- (Unlocks at Friendship Level 4)
Would you like to have a chat with me?
- Charlotte: Sure — anything you wanna know about in particular? Ooh, I know... I'll tell you about the time that "Bedazzled!" caused a huge scandal.
- Charlotte: They once ran a special report which claimed that the production and promotion of Fonta was part of a sinister plot by the Fontaine Research Institute.
Sounds like a tasty conspiracy theory.
- Charlotte: Right? Anyway, they put forward a theory that long-term consumption of Fonta makes human teeth and bones incredibly fragile.
- Charlotte: It would end up destroying people's bodies to the point where they could no longer take care of themselves — even walking and eating would be agonizingly difficult.
- Charlotte: Finally, people would be forced into relying on machines just to survive. And that's when the Fontaine Research Institute, who develops all kinds of meka, would swoop in to save the day and turn a huge profit in the process.
That's extremely far-fetched...
- Charlotte: Most of my colleagues and I thought so, too. As far as we're concerned, "Bedazzled!" makes up things like this all the time, so we thought nothing of it.
- Charlotte: But it turned out that a whole bunch of people who already hated Fonta were completely convinced it was true... Well, either that, or they saw it as a good opportunity to vent their grievances.
- Charlotte: Either way, after that article was published, the Maison Gestion was inundated with complaint letters accusing Fonta of harming children.
- Charlotte: They claimed that Fonta doesn't just damage childrens' teeth, but also stunts their growth, discourages them from drinking plain water, and ruins their appetites...
- Charlotte: It all got so out of hand that Mr. Heinry got pressured into doing a public interview with The Steambird, in which he stated that he would personally prove that Fonta was harmless...
How did he plan to do that?
- Charlotte: He declared that he would start drinking three cups of Fonta every day until he turned 60.
- Charlotte: He also promised to publish the results of his monthly physical check-ups in The Steambird to make them available for public scrutiny.
I shouldn't laugh, but... This is a hilarious story.
- Charlotte: Hahaha, it really is. We've been joking about it in the office ever since. He's never gonna live this one down.
- Charlotte: To his credit though, Mr. Heinry managed to turn the whole fiasco into a huge publicity stunt for Fonta. Their sales really rocketed for a while off the back of this.
- Charlotte: And for all his big promises about publishing his monthly medical reports and drinking Fonta till he turned 60... Well, a few months later, everyone had moved on and forgotten all about it.
- (Unlocks at Friendship Level 7)
Anything you'd like to do?
- Charlotte: Well... I'd like to take some photos for work, if it's alright with you?
- Charlotte: I'd love to do a story about that big plump talking finch, for example. Now that would be an interesting read!
You'd have to ask Tubby for her permission on that...
- Charlotte: Ahh, so Tubby's its name... Don't worry, I'm a professional! I always make sure to get people's consent before publishing anything that's specifically about them.
- Charlotte: Speaking of consent, would you have any objections to the general public learning about this wondrous teapot of yours?
Please keep my poor teapot out of the talons of The Steambird, Charlotte...
- Charlotte: Sure thing. If you're not comfortable with me reporting on it, I'll keep it out of the news.
- Charlotte: But... Could you at least tell me... who made this teapot for you?
It was an adeptus from Liyue.
- Charlotte: An adeptus? Wow! Uh... Maybe you could introduce me? I'm so fascinated by the adepti — I'd love to learn more about them.
- Charlotte: I hear there's all sorts of rules and taboos you have to observe when you're seeking an adeptus... Are you able to go over all of that with me?
It's not that complicated. I can just take you there.
- Charlotte: Really!? Amazing. Well that settles it — I'll put it in my schedule and come find you when I'm ready. No backing out, okay?
- Charlotte: ...I knew you were well-connected, but wow, fraternizing with the adepti? That's really incredible.
- Charlotte: Now that I've got a friend like you, I'll never need to worry about networking again! Hahaha...
- Charlotte: An exclusive interview with an adeptus... What would a good title be? ..."Investigating an Adeptus"?
- Charlotte: No, no, no, it needs to sound more reverent — they'd probably have me thrown down the mountain for suggesting that...
- Charlotte: Journey to Jueyun... Ooh, that's it! I think I'll go with: "Journey to Jueyun: Liyue's Pilgrim Trail."
- (Between 6:00 and 19:00)
Good morning, Charlotte.
- Charlotte: Morning! Oh, snap, look at the time — I'd better go grab today's paper.
- Charlotte: I'll bring a copy back for you as well.
- (Between 19:00 and 6:00)
Good night, Charlotte.
- Charlotte: Good night! Ahh... At this hour, I'd usually be proofreading a manuscript or drafting my next one...
- Charlotte: I'm not used to having so much free time. Hahaha...
- Charlotte: *gasp* Wait... Did I submit my latest article? I think I did...? Yeah, pretty sure I did...
Special Dialogue[]
When a character is invited to or invites themselves to their favorite set for the first time, the character will provide a reward. They will provide a reward for each of their favorite sets.
Inviting them to the furnishing set again will replay the dialogue, but no further reward will be given.
Court of Justice's Placid Days[]
- Charlotte: Whoa, this is giving me deja vu... Takes me right back to when I was a rookie journalist, scouring the streets for potential news stories.
- Charlotte: Where you get a lot of people gathered in one place, information starts to circulate. It's out of that environment that news is born. So we're not likely to stumble across any big stories today, with only you and me here.
- Charlotte: But that aside — if you're looking to stock up that newsstand, I recommend The Steambird.
Key to a Stable Work-Rest Cycle[]
- Charlotte: Hey, my place in the Court of Fontaine has the same furniture! But somehow, the sight of it has a weird way of making me sleepy...
- Charlotte: Oh, I know what it is... There've been times in the past when I've worked pretty much around the clock trying to make a deadline, and I'd be constantly going back and forth between a bed and a chair that are the spitting image of these.
- Charlotte: If it's okay with you, could I use this place as my secret writing chamber once in a while?
Change History[]
- The following Furnishing Sets were assigned as favorite for this character:
- Charlotte/Companion was released.