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Candace can be invited as a Companion into the player's Serenitea Pot after obtaining her and completing the World Quest Idle Teapot Talk.

Favorite Furnishing Sets[]

If a character's favorite furnishing set is placed in the same realm as the character for the first time, the character will automatically teleport to the furnishing set. Interacting with the character will initiate a special dialogue, after which the character will teleport back to their original position.

Candace has 2 Favorite Furnishing Sets:

Furnishing SetRewards
Furnishing Set Dwelling Amidst the Sands Display
Dwelling Amidst the Sands
Primogem 20
Varunada Lazurite Fragment 1
Mora 20,000
Furnishing Set Setekh Demurs Display
Setekh Demurs
Primogem 20
Guide to Admonition 2
Mora 20,000

Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle Aaru village...
Icon Dialogue Idle Life...
Icon Dialogue Idle Practicing...
Icon Dialogue Idle Stories...
Icon Dialogue Idle To protect...
(When the player is nearby)
Icon Dialogue Idle All good?
Icon Dialogue Idle Call me anytime...


Media:vo candace mimitomo hello 01.ogg Candace: Oh, it's you, (TravelerTraveler). How have your recent travels been?
Media:vo candace mimitomo hello 02.ogg Candace: If there's anything you need, just tell me anytime.
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you like it here?
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship1 01.ogg Candace: It's quite different from Aaru Village, but I feel at ease here nonetheless.
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship1 02.ogg Candace: I was so surprised the first time I came in. Such a small teapot, and yet so vast on the inside...
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship1 03.ogg Candace: If I could store Aaru Village in a teapot...
Icon Dialogue Talk Wanna give it a shot?
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship1 04a 1.ogg Candace: I was simply musing. Even if that were possible, what I seek to protect is not an object named Aaru Village...
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship1 04a 2.ogg Candace: ...It is my homeland and the lives of everyone in it.
Icon Dialogue Talk That would definitely make things more convenient...
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship1 04b 1.ogg Candace: Hmm... If I could easily take everyone someplace else...
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship1 04b 2.ogg Candace: No, I suppose they wouldn't agree to leaving the desert in the first place.
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship1 05.ogg Candace: I apologize for making you listen to all this...
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship1 06.ogg Candace: And, thank you for having me.
(Unlocks at Friendship Level 4)
Icon Dialogue Talk Up for a chat, by any chance?
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship2 01.ogg Candace: Sure, but what should we talk about...?
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship2 02.ogg Candace: If you don't mind, could you tell me about the places you've been to? Any of them will do.
Icon Dialogue Talk About the scenery and culture of Mondstadt...
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship2 03a.ogg Candace: Verdant grass, a city of song and freedom...
Icon Dialogue Talk About the scenery and culture of Liyue...
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship2 03b.ogg Candace: A nation of trade and contracts... I've heard about it before, but your description paints a whole new picture.
Icon Dialogue Talk About the scenery and culture of Inazuma...
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship2 03c.ogg Candace: A land surrounded by the ocean, a castle built atop an island...
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship2 04.ogg Candace: I'd love to see it for myself.
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship2 05.ogg Candace: The desert has been my home my entire life. I hardly even journey to the other side of the Wall of Samiel.
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship2 06.ogg Candace: But after hearing you speak of all these faraway lands, I can't help but find the thought of traveling quite... enchanting.
Icon Dialogue Talk You should come with us!
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship2 07.ogg Candace: Ah, it truly is a tempting offer... But I cannot forsake my duty to protect Aaru Village...
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship2 08.ogg Candace: Perhaps your words will take root within my heart, and one day, my desire to see the world beyond will sprout and grow.
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship2 09.ogg Candace: When that day comes, I shall follow your footsteps.
(Unlocks at Friendship Level 7)
Icon Dialogue Talk Anything you want to do?
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 01.ogg Candace: If you have time, would you like to hear me tell a story?
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 02.ogg Candace: You can sit by my side, or... something more casual, whatever makes you feel comfortable and relaxed.
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 03.ogg Candace: Although I may be a village guardian with her spear and shield ever at the ready... Deep down in my heart, I've always loved cozy and calm atmospheres like this.
Icon Dialogue Talk Got it.
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 04.ogg Candace: Great. So, just be yourself when you're around me.
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 05.ogg Candace: Well then... weary wanderer of lands beyond, do you wish to hear about the ancient legend of King Deshret, or the history of Aaru Village?
Icon Dialogue Talk About the legend of King Deshret...
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 06a 1.ogg Candace: King Deshret was an ancient god of the desert, known as "Ahmar" to the desert folk.
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 06a 2.ogg Candace: He was the king of warriors, gardeners, and intellectuals alike. He controlled the howling winds in the desert, the sand dunes silvered by moonlight...
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 06a 3.ogg Candace: And the thousand-and-one fairy folk who hide within the dreams of the night and the cries of the owl...
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 06a 4.ogg Candace: His arrogant acts of folly led to his ruinous fate. The sands entombed his city, leaving only the sorrowful elegies of the Eremite songsters...
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 06a 5.ogg Candace: Even now, most desert folk remain devout believers in King Deshret. The rumor that he will one day be resurrected has become their only hope for the future.
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 06a 6.ogg Candace: People may find it hard to admit, but lies often soothe the heart more than the truth ever could.
Icon Dialogue Talk About the history of Aaru Village...
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 06b 1.ogg Candace: In the past, the mountain and lake where Aaru Village is situated was a part of King Deshret's territory.
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 06b 2.ogg Candace: As the god of the desert, King Deshret built a city from the golden sand and crimson rock, and called it "Akhtamun."
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 06b 3.ogg Candace: After King Deshret passed, the surviving residents of the city became the earliest inhabitants of Aaru Village, bringing their traditions and faith with them.
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 06b 4.ogg Candace: Some time later, Aaru Village became a place of exile for scholars...
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 06b 5.ogg Candace: We are all born free, yet we are also inevitably bound by shackles.
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 06b 6.ogg Candace: My apologies... Things got dark pretty quickly.
Icon Dialogue Talk You might feel better if you let everything out.
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 07.ogg Candace: Heh, you're right.
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 08.ogg Candace: We had a difficult past, and our lives at the moment aren't exactly easy, but it's our peaceful lifestyles that I wish to defend.
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 09.ogg Candace: Thank you for patiently listening to all that I had to say. It feels like a burden has been lifted from my heart.
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 10.ogg Candace: Thank you, (TravelerTraveler).
Media:vo candace mimitomo friendship3 11.ogg Candace: When you have time, I'll tell you more stories of the interesting things that happen in our village.
(Between 6:00 and 19:00)
Icon Dialogue Talk Good morning, Candace.
Media:vo candace mimitomo morning 01.ogg Candace: Good morning. Did you rest well last night?
Media:vo candace mimitomo morning 02.ogg Candace: The goddess of the night will be worried if you don't sleep well.
(Between 19:00 and 6:00)
Icon Dialogue Talk Good night, Candace.
Media:vo candace mimitomo night 01.ogg Candace: It's getting late. Now, off to bed you go.
Media:vo candace mimitomo night 02.ogg Candace: I hope the fathomless dark of the night will watch over your dreams and grant you a good night's sleep.

Special Dialogue[]

When a character is invited to or invites themselves to their favorite set for the first time, the character will provide a reward. They will provide a reward for each of their favorite sets.

Inviting them to the furnishing set again will replay the dialogue, but no further reward will be given.

Dwelling Amidst the Sands[]

Media:vo mimitomo xm candace aaruvillageint 01.ogg Candace: Making a house feel like a home isn't about the physical objects. It's about creating a certain atmosphere...
Media:vo mimitomo xm candace aaruvillageint 02.ogg Candace: Warm, intimate, safe, secure, peaceful...
Media:vo mimitomo xm candace aaruvillageint 03.ogg Candace: Everything I seek to protect... it's all here.

Setekh Demurs[]

Media:vo mimitomo xm candace aaruvillageext 01.ogg Candace: I love Aaru Village's architectural style. Heh, I know I'm biased, but that's not the reason why.
Media:vo mimitomo xm candace aaruvillageext 02.ogg Candace: Just look at these intricate patterns and beautiful facades. The ancient style really adds a lot of character, and it's all the more majestic in such a tranquil environment.
Media:vo mimitomo xm candace aaruvillageext 03.ogg Candace: ...Can I stay here and admire it for a little longer?

Change History[]

Version 3.2

Version 3.1

  • Candace was released as Companion.

