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A weapon made of blackstone and aerosiderite. There is a dark crimson glow on its cold black sheen.

Blackcliff Pole is a 4-Star polearm from the Blackcliff Series.

Ascensions and Stats[]

Toggle Ascension Materials
Ascension Cost (0 → 1)
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir 3
Mist Grass Pollen 3
Recruit's Insignia 2
Ascension Cost (1 → 2)
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir 3
Recruit's Insignia 8
Ascension Cost (2 → 3)
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir 6
Mist Grass 6
Sergeant's Insignia 6
Ascension Cost (3 → 4)
Mist Veiled Gold Elixir 3
Sergeant's Insignia 9
Ascension Cost (4 → 5)
Mist Veiled Gold Elixir 6
Mist Grass Wick 9
Lieutenant's Insignia 6
Ascension Cost (5 → 6)
Mist Veiled Primo Elixir 4
Total Cost (0✦ → 6✦)
Mora 150,000 Mora

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Press the Advantage requires the character equipped with the weapon to be on the field and also to be the one that deals the fatal blow.


A sharp-tipped polearm wrought from rare blackcliff. It zaps through the air like lightning, unimpeded by the wind.
Made in Blackcliff crystal from head to tip, the body is inlaid with red jade stones for decoration.
Viewed in the moonlight, the swirling of blood-red light can be discerned within.

Liyue master craftsman Han Wu had a son with his first wife. The son's name was "Han Ce, the Cold and Calculating." Cold, because his father wished him to be cool-headed and rational. Calculating, because his father wished him to be precise in his craft, that he might inherit the family business.
But Han Ce had other ambitions. During his days as a student, Han Ce idled away his study time on martial arts fiction, while spending his free time practicing the art of the polearm up in the mountains. He was consumed by the desire to become a martial nomad, roaming the world with his pole for protection.
When he scoured the lands in search of Aerosiderite, he sought not the rare ore itself but the thrill of adventure. And when he ascended the highest peaks to commune with the adepti, he desired not the wisdom of the sages but the tale of his travels.
Han Ce cared not for the flames of the furnace and the working of weaponry. His father scolded him, but it was to no avail. Eventually, Han Ce left home one day without bidding his father farewell.

In his later years, Han Wu was involved in a mining accident that profoundly changed his temperament. Han Ce caught wind of the ordeal and hurried home to see his father, traveling through the night.
Previously hot-tempered and never short of something to say, Han Wu was now calm and quiet. He no longer held any animosity towards his son for his reluctance to take over the forge.
Finally, the father and son grew close for the first time in their lives. Han Ce was ashamed of his past actions, but knew not how to redeem himself.
Several years later, Han Wu breathed his last. Thus ended the life of a master craftsman of a generation. Per his father's will, Han Ce retrieved an archive of weapon designs from the study - they were the fabled prototypes.
The archive was sealed inside a wooden chest along with a letter addressed to Han Ce.
"To my dear son, Han Ce. The world is vast and filled with many marvels. May you always see the wonder in the world, wherever your journey takes you."

The designs were covered in comments penned by his father.
Han Ce was overjoyed at the sight and proceeded to peruse them all night long.
As Han Ce stepped outside the door of the study at the first light of dawn, he watched in wonder as a meteorite fell from the sky. It crashed down right before him in front of the Han residence, landing perfectly vertical.
A host of emotions flooded Han Ce's heart. Tears both of joy and sorrow streamed down his face as he cried, "The heavens have spoken! The heavens have spoken!"
Han Ce took the pitch-black aerosiderite and added it to the blackcliff that remained in the forge. Following his late father's designs to the letter, he crafted a pointed pole with a sharp tip that shimmered like ice and a body hard as bedrock.
Han Ce could have traveled the world with this trusty weapon in hand, but he chose not to. For Han Ce vowed that starting that day, never again would the flames of the furnace die out, and never again would the working of weaponry cease.



Paimon's Bargain[]

Blackcliff Pole was available in 28 Paimon's Bargains Starglitter Exchange:


  • The form of Blackcliff Pole is based on the ji, a type of Chinese polearm.

Other Languages[]

Blackcliff Pole

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBlackcliff Pole
Hēiyán Cìqiāng
BlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffTooltip for BlackcliffBlackcliff Spear
Hēiyán Cìqiāng
Kokugan no Tossou[1]
BlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffTooltip for BlackcliffBlackcliff Spear
BlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffTooltip for BlackcliffBlackcliff Spear
SpanishLanza del Peñasco OscuroBlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffTooltip for BlackcliffBlackcliff Spear
FrenchLance de RochenoireBlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffTooltip for BlackcliffBlackcliff Spear
RussianЧерногорская пика
Chernogorskaya pika
BlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffTooltip for BlackcliffBlackcliff Pike
ThaiBlackcliff Pole
VietnameseThương Hắc NhamBlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffTooltip for BlackcliffBlackcliff Spear
GermanSchwarzsteinlanzeBlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffTooltip for BlackcliffBlackcliff Lance
IndonesianBlackcliff Pole
PortugueseLança do Penhasco ObscuroBlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffTooltip for BlackcliffBlackcliff Lance
TurkishKara Kaya KargısıBlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffTooltip for BlackcliffBlackcliff Pike
ItalianLancia di RupeneraBlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffBlackcliffTooltip for BlackcliffBlackcliff Spear

Press the Advantage

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishPress the Advantage
Chéngshèng Zhuījī
Chéngshèng Zhuījí
Kachi ni Joujiru
Follow the Victory
Victory After Victory
SpanishVictoria tras victoriaVictory After Victory
FrenchDe victoire en victoireFrom Victory to Victory
RussianПреследование побеждённых
Presledovaniye pobezhdyonnykh
Persecution of the Defeated
ThaiPress the Advantage
VietnameseThừa Thắng Xông Lên
GermanTriumphaler ÜbermutTriumphant High Spirits
IndonesianPress the Advantage
PortugueseDe vitória em vitória
TurkishZaferden ZafereFrom Victory to Victory
ItalianVittoria a oltranzaVictory to the End

Change History[]


  1. HoYoverse Japanese Customer Support Response: Japanese Pronunciation of Various Weapons

