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A polearm used by those seeking to catch fish in the tundra. It lets none escape.

Ballad of the Fjords is a 4-Star polearm obtained from the Battle Pass. It is part of the Gnostic Hymn 2 Series.

Ascensions and Stats[]

Toggle Ascension Materials
Ascension Cost (0 → 1)
Broken Goblet of the Pristine Sea 3
A Flower Yet to Bloom 3
Whopperflower Nectar 2
Ascension Cost (1 → 2)
Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea 3
Whopperflower Nectar 8
Ascension Cost (2 → 3)
Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea 6
Treasured Flower 6
Shimmering Nectar 6
Ascension Cost (3 → 4)
Silver Goblet of the Pristine Sea 3
Shimmering Nectar 9
Ascension Cost (4 → 5)
Silver Goblet of the Pristine Sea 6
Wanderer's Blooming Flower 9
Energy Nectar 6
Ascension Cost (5 → 6)
Golden Goblet of the Pristine Sea 4
Total Cost (0✦ → 6✦)
Mora 150,000 Mora


Legends say the winter comes from Hyperborea, and the fjords and auroras there are curved and sharp as the fangs of wolves,
And the glaciers and snowfields are always fissuring forth new crevices, or filling them in, creating an ever-changing land.
Until at long last, the frozen earth cut itself from the umbilical cord of the continent, as though it had its own will or dreams,
Leaving behind only the legend of young Ajax, who discovered the country of gold and white stone in the depths of the frozen sea.
Amidst the frozen air slowly drifting from the thick layers of ice, the story of the young hero brings forth a sliver of warmth and light.
The stories about him are many. Sailed he a ship into the belly of a great whale, and fought he a dragon upon the frozen plains for seven days.
He and Snegurochka once fell in love, yet lost each other due to the wicked tricks of the changelings — a truly tragic tale.

The last story worth telling goes something like this.
The boy born to hunt fish beneath the ice with harpoons fell into a hitherto-undiscovered kingdom.
This ancient capital had sunk into the depths of the earth due to some ancient disaster, but despite being buried underground, it was still as bright as the dawn.
The solemn and silent king yet sat upon his massive chiseled white throne, the scepter in his hands not yet eaten away by insects,
And the silver-white trees in the courtyard were like the arms of a mother or a lover, holding the virtuous and wise priest in their embrace.
Beautiful yet treacherous life, twisted and violent monsters, one by one awakened from their thousand-year slumber...

A voice, seemingly from a faraway place...
"...Father! Father! Hey! We got a bite!"

"...Oh. Sorry."

"So what happened? What happened next?"

"Oh, right... Finally, the boy defeated the dragon that slept deep within the kingdom."
"The dragon's treasure was an infinite hoard of gold. But the boy was kind and brave, and knew that gold was the true cause of calamity and chaos, and so only took a small amount, enough for his own needs, and to cure his sick friends."

"Huh? Is that the end of the story?"

"The end."

"Really...? Then tell me another story!"

"Another story... Next time, alright? Let's stop here today, or even the fish will be scared away."




  • The name Snegurochka may derive from a Russian folkloric figure of the same name.[1]

Other Languages[]

Ballad of the Fjords

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBallad of the Fjords
Xiáwān Chánggē
Long Song of the Fjords
Xiáwān Chánggē
Fiyorudo no Uta
Song of the Fjords
Korean협만의 노래
Hyeomman-ui Norae
Song of the Fjords
SpanishBalada de los FiordosBallad of the Fjords
FrenchBallade des fjordsBallad of the Fjords
RussianБаллада фьордов
Ballada f'ordov
Ballad of the Fjords
ThaiBallad of the Fjords
VietnameseKhúc Ca Vịnh Hẹp
GermanBallade der FjordeBallad of the Fjords
IndonesianBallad of the Fjords
PortugueseCanção do Fiorde
TurkishFiyortların TürküsüThe Fjords' Folksong
ItalianBallata dei fiordiBallad of the Fjords

Tales of the Tundra

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishTales of the Tundra
Hyougen ni Aru Kazukazu no Monogatari
Korean얼음 벌판의 이야기들
Eoreum Beolpan-ui Iyagideul
Stories of the Ice Field
SpanishHistorias de la tundraStories of the Tundra
FrenchContes de la toundraTales of the Tundra
RussianИстории тундры
Istorii tundry
Stories of the Tundra
ThaiTales of the Tundra
VietnameseCâu Chuyện Lãnh Nguyên
GermanDie vielen Geschichten der EiswüsteThe Many Stories of the Arctic Desert
IndonesianTales of the Tundra
PortugueseContos das Tundras
TurkishTundra HikayeleriTundra Stories
ItalianRacconti della tundraTales of the Tundra

Change History[]

